7/16/15 10:24pm
I heard, "Today is and was a good day for you, as you let it unfold in My Ways; fore all that was seen and discovered by you as Pure Truthe and Pure Love in My Worlde, unfolded for you as the Great Magic of Me as I made Myself known unto you... (I told Him, "yes, I did have a wonderful day today as the sun did shine, and I saw His Inner Beauty and Truthe.")
So then, just one bit of advice to you, before it's time to drift off to sleep in My Land... please do pray more and say of your "thank you's" to Me, so you look and then-see such as I--okay?
So then, as you drift off to sleep, would you like to see the Great Glorious Diamonds of My Land, Or did you want to get a taste of what One sees as they drift off to sleep towards My Lands? Please do think about this a bit more, fore how One views and attempts to discover One's Truthe determines a life with or without Me--okay?
So now it is time to lay your head upon the pillow you can see, and please do remember that I liked how you sought as you went in this day, much as My Disciples went about their day in My Way.
I Love you, time now to amen.
(I then heard a sound, that sounded like a mighty rushing wind as His Heart began to meet the sheer essence of Mine, and I felt His Great Beauty and Love in my heart as I drifted off to sleep...)
I Love you, 'time' now to go. Amen."
Acts 2:2
Suddenly there was from Heaven a sound like a mighty wind and the whole place in which they were sitting was filled with it.
Sunday, July 12, 2015
7/12/2015 7:58am
The Lord speaks... "Verily I say unto you, this cup that I drink shall not pass from the lips of your mouth IF it is seen with the eyes of your heart, and 'IF' you think you will gain of this next stage in life ONLY by your worth and your deeds, then you are sorely mistaken My Friend; fore all that is seen, is then-known as it's felt, as I attempt to lay My self bare on your cross...and if you see what I see and I know in this life, then you will enter the Great Kingdom of God!
So then, what did I mean, and what do I wishe for you to get from this passage in the tiny self-worth of its deeds?
You see, to know Me is to Love Me, is it not? So then, IF I came to you today and said, "Please do take up your bed and then-walk"-- to what would you do?
Would you stand there and stammer as you tried to explain all the ways you were 'unworthy' of Me?
--Or would you pick up your bed, and as you looked Me straight in the eye, would you say, "Yes Father, I am coming to you, to seek the Great Love in your Heart/the Great Love of the Heart of your Worth..."
Please do consider the Source as you answer My Question in time; fore 'how' and 'why' One deems where they're at in this existence/this thing they call 'life,' determines 'If' they'll choose to enter My Heart.
Fore you see, when One becomes a True Follower of Mine, with/in the Magical Wonder of Me, then all that is seen is then-known in and as 'My Life,' and you will enter the Great Kingdom of God...are you beginning to see what I mean?
Fore when One says their sweet "yes" to the Great Sound of My Call, it means so much more than just a whisper to Me, fore all that is seen and then-known in/as this 'worlde' they call 'life' Becomes an actual Representation of Me--see?
So then, If you will grasp tight to the Great Love of My Heart, that is presented as My Hand unto you, then you will take-up 'your bed,' as you walk forward in Love, and begin to walk right and talk right in Me...(The Lord pauses for a moment and then with Great Joy in His Heart He says...) as you become more gentle, more kind, and more of Love/ just like Me, as you present yourself as now 'worthy' to Me; fore when One chooses to walk and to talk in the Lord, they become an actual Reflection of Me--see? (He's smiling at us with Great Love!)
So, please begin to spend more time in your day, thinking of how you can Be just like Me, so more cows will come Homeward through you--okay?
I Love you with an adoring passionate kiss that can't wait to fully receive you into the Great Heart of My Love...and please know that in the end of days, I will come here a calling for you--IF your heart will receive of My Joy.
I Love you, 'time' now to go. Amen."
(He's smiling at us with Great Love and affection in His Heart, hoping that will Be and Become more like Jesus today :-)
_____________________ John 14:6
Jesus said to him, “I am the Way, the Truthe, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.
a sidenote...a friend of mine read this blog message and sent me an email with a few simple thoughts she received when she read this message which I think sums it up quite well, here it is:
Be more Gentle, Kind, & Loving as Jesus ... Walk in His Great Love .... Speak of Me so more will enter God's Great Kingdom of Pure Love & Light...which includes us if we follow His Way!
Also, I found this on the internet and thought it had some similar references to the content of this message as well...oh and by the way, I did change a few words as they came to me from the Lord as I was reading it...the article is entitled, 'The Cup Consumed'
Matthew shows us an odd exchange between Jesus and his disciples.
In Matthew 20:20–28, the mother of James and John, in typical motherly fashion, asks Jesus whether her nice, upstanding sons can sit beside Jesus in his kingdom. James and John, through their mother, are seeking prominence. They want to be great.
Jesus answers, in atypical fashion, with a question: “Are you able to drink the cup that I am to drink?” (Matthew 20:22). This is not a rebuke as we might expect. It’s a simple question to which the brothers reply, “Yes, we are able to drink the cup.”
They don’t understand what Jesus is saying. He then turns to his other disciples, who are angered by James’s and John’s request because they themselves desired the same prime placement at Jesus’s right hand. But Jesus sets them straight, and us. Greatness in the Kingdom of God is obtained along the path of Love — the path of sacrifice, service, suffering.
This is God’s economy, after all. Having more isn’t winning. Being served isn’t best. Being honored isn’t greatness. The people of Jesus are to follow in the footsteps of Jesus — who “came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Matthew 20:28).
Can You Drink That Cup?
What do we make of Jesus’s unusual statement about a cup?
Key passages in the Bible connect God’s ways with the imagery of 'a cup.' Jeremiah 25:15 tells us, “Thus the LORD, the God of Israel, said to me: ‘Take from my hand this cup of the wine of the wrath, and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it.’”
Then Isaiah 51:17 says, “O Jerusalem, you who have drunk from the hand of the Lord the cup of his wrath, who have drunk to the dregs the bowl, the cup of staggering wealth.”
In Revelation 14, an angel speaks, “If anyone worships the beast and its image and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand, he also will drink the wine of God’s wrath, poured full strength into the cup of his anger” (verses 9–10).
Jesus confirms this connection in Gethsemane when he prayed, the cross looming just ahead, “My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will” (Matthew 26:39).
The disciples will drink a cup, too — a cup of suffering (Matthew 20:23). But Jesus’s cup of suffering is different from theirs because Jesus’s suffering is under God’s Mercy and Love. Jesus drinks the cup of the wrath of all of society's ills-- heinous crimes against humanity as 'self,' committed as well as fornicated adultery, careless words said in anger or angst, dishonoring thoughts bourne out of anger, and lies that were meant to deceive— all of it meant to destroy of the Good that God has created in us...this is the cup Jesus drinks on the cross.
Come and Drink This Cup
There, at Golgotha, our Savior drained God’s cup of burning anger down to its dregs. God let His Son receive all of the rage of his 'enemies' to Only show of His Great Love poured out to them from His Son. Paul summarizes the meaning of this great event, “For our sake He made Him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in Him we might become the True Righteousness of God” (2 Corinthians 5:21).
Jesus drank the cup of their 'rage' for us so that He could extend the cup of God’s fellowship and Great Love to us. We get the sweet, satisfying reality of His eternal fellowship in Jesus Christ as we allow the Holy Spirit to enter our hearts and to become a Perfect Union in Him.
This is the cup we drink now and forever. This is the cup that we offer to those who don’t know of Him yet, imploring them into God’s Great Mercy and Love-- come, drink this cup with us because Jesus drank that cup for us.