Introduction to these messages

I received ‘The gift’ of ‘the perfection of the channel,’ so that I could clearly ‘hear’ the words of the Lord. 
I would like to clarify that this gift started in my recognition of it on October 4, 2011 at 1:30am, when the Lord came to me, waking me in the middle of the night with the declarative/introductory statement when He said, “I am The Bride.!”  I immediately knew that these words were not mine, and that they were coming from somewhere deep inside me, that I recognized somehow in my inner knowing.

What I hear is not an audible, physical hearing of a man’s voice, but rather it is like my receiving of an inner knowing of words of which I now recognize as coming from our Creator/our Lord/our God…needless to say, that night, I did not wake up.

When I awoke in the morning, I had a deep sense of regret that I had missed out on and ignored something very important. Also, throughout the day, I kept hearing Him say, “I am The Bride,” over and over again from somewhere deep within my mind.

In my prayers later that night, I told the Lord that if this voice I was hearing was in fact Him, then I was sorry for being lazy and not getting up, but I promised that if He came back again, I would get up and write down whatever He wanted me to write.
So, before I went to bed, I placed a journal, and a pen by the nightstand in the living room, and then I drifted off to sleep…He came back again as I awoke at 1:39am to hear the same sentence  I’d heard the night before.

So, this is the journey I’ve been on over the past few years of writing down the words that I hear word by word, one at a time, as if I’m taking dictation from our Lord, while at the same time having a conversation with Him.

As you will see in the numerous messages, Discourses, songs, prayers, and the artwork I’ve received since this Journey began, He continually reveals Himself as He answers myself and other’s questions, as we gain more insight into the loving relationship He wants for all of us to have with Himself and with each other.

It is my hopes that everyone who reads and listens to  these messages/these conversations with our Lord, that they will find meaning and healing into the vast realm of relationship with our Creator in the manner in which you connect with the Divine and beyond into the realm of our Lord which is one that is so Great, and beyond our scope of reality that we simply cannot grasp the entirety nor the concept of His Supreme Unconditional Love and Joy in the realm of His Divine Glory!

One special note that I would like to make, is that the Lord communicates with each and every one of us in our own individual way. When He speaks to me, it is in my own language of understanding, and many times He uses my words to relay His meaning to my personal level of awareness so I truly get what He’s meaning to say.

My relationship with our Creator, is one of a loving ‘Father/daughter', so as you’ll see in these messages, these types of nouns and pronouns describe my relationship of connection and union with our Lord.

I am a Christian, and I believe that Christ is The Way, The Truth and The Light. I feel strongly that each person needs to find and develop their own relationship with God, I am just sharing this Gift with you. 

As I’ve learned in these channeled messages, each person is a unique creation of the Divine, and He communicates with each of us in the manner and language that is unique and personal to each individual.

I would ask that as you read these messages that you ‘substitute’ your words and your level of understanding of the Divine with mine… and as with everything you learn along your life Journey of Ways,  please always prayerfully discern as to what brings you closer to our Lord and to the ultimate connection in Him, as you move towards the full vibration of Love which is the Highest and the Best Love for All.

I’ve learned that if you ask Him from your heart, and say, “Lord, is this right for me?” He always answers in a way that you will recognize as your highest best, whether you want to believe it or not.

So then, to wrap things up so you can get on with your day, I first of all want to thank you for allowing me to share this gift with you. It is my hope that by my sharing these messages with you, it will help bring you more insight and understanding into the realm that The Lord has revealed unto me, and that together we grow in Love towards Truth…but, most importantly, I hope that it convinces you that you’re having conversations with our Lord too.

Please go in peace and Love, spreading all the seeds of Joy that you can, and may you feel His Great Love in this day…and may you know down deep in your heart that ‘All is Well’ yes, all is well, now and forever and Always.

Your friend,
Wendy of The Way                                                                                                                                

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