2/28/16 6:40 am
I came to the Lord and asked Him about 'fear'--is it right to feel threatened and afraid of ISIS and all the terror I see in the world, or is this just a part of the world that I should not let enter my soul?
I heard, "My child, it is good, so very good for you to come to eat at My Great Table of Love, and to sit at the feet of your Lord--but, before I enter into answering the exact 'answers' you seek, please let Me aske this of you--are you feeling 'happy' today as we sit together in My Great Arms of Love, as you feel My Great Heart come alive in your soul?... fore until you can truly 'feel' the Great Love of My Heart, you will continue to seek the answers to that which you already know, as I continually 'answer' My/your-'self' there in you...please let Me explain...
You see, in the sweet, simple beginning of Love, I did/use to caress and holde you in a way that you knew; fore as I wrapped My Great and Perfect Love around the walls of your heart, it did just Glow in the Supreme Fashion of Love, as I gave and afforded it to you.
what happened you aske,
what happened in these
answers you now seek in your soul?... fore if you truly understood that I make all things come about for just the Good of My Love in your heart, then you would fully understand the Great Wealth of your heart in your soul that brings about ONLY My Pure and simple Love in your ways.
So now, you asked about this word, 'fear' and whether or not you should be feeling it in your soul that you know?...and so I will answer your Pure Questions you choose to seek in your heart, so you will seek what you find in your haze.
You see, again, in the sweet and simple beginning of 'time' I did offer-up to you and all Beings of Light, the gifted and the granted opportunity to know of just My Love in the ways of your Light...so then you ask,
"what does all this mean, and how do I interpret all these things that I see and I know in my heart, when all I should be 'seeking' is just The Lords Love in my ways?"

You see, remember when I have told you in the past that ALL, I repeat ALL things work together
for and
in the Pure Love of My Ways, and all that I aske of you is to just Be and Become
My Great and Perfect Ambassador of Love as you move and you flow in My Ways--okay?
You see, only time will tell as to who and to whom wishes to choose My Great Love in their heart, and so If you will show and model the Ways of Perfected Love in your soul, then your outward expression will Be and Become Me/of My Perfected Love in your ways
NO MATTER WHAT COMES UPON YOU IN WAYS...so then, this 'fear' that you feel, although it may appear as very 'relevant' to you, is not truly of your concern in My Ways...are you beginning to see what I mean?
(I answered, "yes, but could He tell me more...?")
You see, please look up and review exactly what an 'Ambassador of Love' would look like, smell like, and feel like in you, as 'you' go about your Perfected Love in My Ways, and, after you have visualized and actualized My Great and Perfected Love in your heart, then you will give it to All whom you see...as you make your days in My Ways of your Love...as My Perfected Love moves, breathes, and flows in a way as I speak My Great Ways of Love in-to your heart and your soul...now are you beginning to see what I say and I mean?
You see, this thing you refer to as 'life' could be over for you in
a blink of an eye, or
a turn of a head, so what is the purpose of your living in 'fear,' and the dread of the unknown as it attempts to scare you in the Pure Ways of your heart?
Please be thinking of this more, and more, and more; fore until All learn to just see and know My Perfected Love in your ways, then My 'Job' is not done in your land...I need all cows to come Homeward in Me--okay?
So please today, do not be feeling, sensing, and knowing of any 'fear' in your heart as it attempts to Become what you choose to see and you know in your ways--but rather, If you will take-in ONLY of all the Good that you see, then you will Be and Become of My Great and Perfected Ambassador of Love within thee, as you help bring more cows here to Me.
So then, please go in peace and much Love sharing all the seeds of Joy in your heart, and may you truly believe in your heart and your soul AND the Great and Perfected mind that you know, that
All is just well in your soul.
I Love you, 'time' now to go. Amen."