Friday, March 18, 2016

My Great Game of Love #16


(Today I finished 'My Great Game of Love' that the Lord has been giving to me over the past few months; it is a series of numeric messages that fall into a Game format that helps to aide in people's discovery of just who He is in their soul. so, I wanted to post some of the messages from the Game for you to see if you would be interested in learning more about this Game, and if you would like more information on how you can receive a copy of the Game in its entirety, please contact me on the 'Contact page' of this blog...btw, its really cool and I know you will Love it!)


“What if I came to you today and said, ‘My Child arise, please pick up your bed, and then-walk in The Way of your Love—please tell this to Me, would you choose to walk in My Love, or would you stand there and stammer in you?

You see, all your life you have chosen My Love as a True Knowing of My Great Love and My Understanding in and as ‘you’—so, today in your heart, please stand-up in Love and please pick-up the bed that you choose…

And as you walk forward in Love with My Pure Gift in your heart, you will have picked-up the bed that you choose…as you walk forward in your New Lyfe with Me—that easy My Child, it is truly that easy to begin in your walk Homeward in Me.

I Love you, time now to go. Amen  :-)

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

The Way to The Father is clear...

3/9/15  5:05am
I heard, "Once upon a time, a very long time ago, you truly knew you were Loved in your soul--and even though you chose to move this way and that, you still moved in the Pure Grace of My Flow.

So then, “what happened,” you ask here today, and “what happened” to your truly knowing of My Great and Perfect Love in your heart as you move and you flowed in My Ways?

You see, ‘what happened’ was this, when you first learned to move and to flow in another’s silly stance of their rage, what you did is you learned to move and to flow in a mess of what should NOT be present in your heart, as you dis-inherited your Pure self from My Ways.

And so, when you first learned to move and to breathe in another’s silly stance and approach, you dis-inherited yourself from My Great Ways that you knew in your heart...and as you ventured off to a land you couldn't see in/with your eyes, you Became of its blindness in your thoughts ...are you beginning to see what I mean?

So if you would like to return once again, to My Great Place in your heart, then please pray My Special Prayer of Love back in-to your soul...and as you see Me show-up in and as your King and your friend, you'll take delight in and of My Great and Perfect self in your land—please tell Me, does this sound like something that would be of interest to you?
If so, then please play Track 1 on the green cd, entitiled, ‘the Introduction’ to My Pure Words in your heart...and as you hear Me show up in and as a profound New Way in you, you'll discover My Pure Love in your soul.

I Love you, time now to go. Amen."

(If you would like to obtain a copy of the green cd, please contact me on this blog site so i can direct you on how to receive a copy of it--thanks!
Peace, love and light :-)

Wendy of the Way

John 14:6

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.