May 7, 2022 8:11am
Hear The Lord speak His message today…
To open and play this message you will need to have the Dropbox app on your listening device. After you’ve loaded it on your device, click on the link below a couple of times until it redirects you to this message.
You will notice as you first begin listening to the message, that the first few minutes will be myself saying prayers, I go on inward and connect with our Lord in my soul...then I pause, breathe inward and out, and then our Lord will begin speaking as I move on over in my soul. You may notice the tempo change when He begins speaking.
Please note that to get the most out of this message, I would suggest that you close your eyes and go inward as well so you fully hear Him speak to you in your soul. Also, please have a notebook and pen nearby to take notes of the things that are important to you.
Your friend,
Wendy of The Way 😇
*Below are some notes my friend took as she was listening to this message, thought I would include this for you…
TLS 5.8.22 Encourage others to connect with Christ.
Current battle for souls.
Let everyone know the ❤️of Christ.
Encourage others to believe.
Judge Thee by their fruits. What are you producing?
Walk into the ❤️of Christ.
Be your own advocate. Do your research.
Read My Bible.
This is a Love Revolution.
Believe that I can heal you.
Walk, Do & Encourage.
Pray for All... World...Strength...Christ as the Breastplate... I work through your hands and feet... the Way to Christ is through the Blood...
You offer Grace.
Offer forgiveness.
Building up relationships.
Dis-ease comes from evil. Castrate it out.
A true Christian loves! Walk out Christ.
Pray for others. Let God do the work.
No manipulation Move in Jesus’s Love.
Live in the Body of Christ.
Do you believe in God? Do you believe God Loves and redeems?
How will you react in ‘the eye of the storm’?
Pick up your bed and then walk in the Heart of Jesus.
Encourage All to walk in My Ways.
I cannot fix others, but God Can!
Go talk to God, (each can do this)
I’ve already won.
Be prepared. Shortages... prices out of reach...
Pray for everyone to know the heart of Christ.
Listen at least 3 times or more for understanding.
I’m right here with you, I’m holding your hand.
Keep ‘changing’ daily to move into the Heart of Christ.
I Love you My Children.
I Love you. I Love you.