Wednesday, August 14, 2024

The LORD speaks on The Keys to His Kingdom of Love


8/13/2024  3:55am

Hear The LORD speak His message on The Keys to His Kingdom of Love”

To open and play this message you will need to have the Dropbox app on your listening device. After you’ve loaded it on your device, click on the link below a couple of times until it redirects you to this message.

You will notice as you first begin listening to the message, that the first few minutes will be myself saying prayers, etc. as I go on inward and connect with our Lord in my soul...then I pause, breathe inward and out, and then our Lord will begin speaking as I move on over in my soul. You may notice the tempo change when He begins speaking.

Please note that to get the most out of this message, I would suggest that you close your eyes and go inward as well so you fully hear Him speak to you in your soul. Also, please have a notebook and pen nearby to take notes of the things that are important to you.

(Please note that a few people have told me that when they open the messages on their phones, that it cuts off at 30 mins. If you find this to be an issue as well, you can listen to it on your iPad, or computer.)

Your friend, 

Wendy of The Way 

Here is the link to His message:

Please see the notes that a friend of mine wrote as she listened to this message. I included them below, and feel free to create your own. 

TLS 8/13/24

The Keys to the Kingdom of Love. 

God’s Truth will set you free!

Choose to Love in this land. 

Love in the manner of God. 

Live as Jesus loved. 

Put this into action. 

Love in the Heart & The Way of Christ. 

You become My friend. 

If you don’t believe that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world, then you can’t be accepted of My Love because you disavow your faith in My Love.

Jesus can and will set you free. 

Only read the KJV  version of the Bible. Full version. 

Spend 10-30 minutes in The Word daily. 

I want a deep relationship with you. 


*Where 2 or more are gathered there I Am. 

There is only One True God…Pray to Jesus. 

Jesus instructs All, He has Dominion over all.

Pray to the Triune God. 

God is relationship. 

Jesus absolves you from sin, past present & future. 

Use the Socratic method. 

Jesus would answer questions with a question.  

Get them to think, “If I did this, what would be the rewards and the consequences?…” let them come to their own right conclusion. Think about it. 

Heart wisdom. Good. 

Head wisdom comes from a survival instinct and makes you react vs think of the/your own right decision. 

Become calm. 

Move in a self assurance of love. 

Gather necessities of life, NOW 

Food, water, money, etc…

You need to be able to survive in your homes id you are holed up for a time.

*Choose Team God for eternity! 

Let this message become you. 

A true Christian of God. 

Convert all to the true religion of God. 

I won, (Book of Revelation)

 I saved President Trumps life and I’ll do it again. 

Use the Holy Spirit’s presence. 

The Fruits of the Spirit. 

You lay down your soul. Connect with God. 

I’m giving you the Keys to The Kingdom of Love. 

Put it into practice. 

Don’t respond in fear. 

Do not be afraid. 

Come to The Father. 

Satan wants everyone to fight. A civil war where everyone is fighting everyone and they don’t quite even understand why.

Respond in faith, kindness, compassion, and truth. 

Spend time in My Word.  

It will grow. 

Do everything in Jesus,  His Is The Way of Truth. 

I Love you My child. 


Saturday, August 3, 2024

TLS…a msg of Hope turned into Belief


8/4/24 5:08pm

Hear The LORD speak His message on Hope turned into Belief…”

To open and play this message you will need to have the Dropbox app on your listening device. After you’ve loaded it on your device, click on the link below a couple of times until it redirects you to this message.

You will notice as you first begin listening to the message, that the first few minutes will be myself saying prayers, etc. as I go on inward and connect with our Lord in my soul...then I pause, breathe inward and out, and then our Lord will begin speaking as I move on over in my soul. You may notice the tempo change when He begins speaking.

Please note that to get the most out of this message, I would suggest that you close your eyes and go inward as well so you fully hear Him speak to you in your soul. Also, please have a notebook and pen nearby to take notes of the things that are important to you.

(Please note that a few people have told me that when they open the messages on their phones, that it cuts off at 30 mins. If you find this to be an issue as well, you can listen to it on your iPad, or computer.)

Your friend, 

Wendy of The Way 

Here is the link to His message:

This is the video The LORD was referring to in His message today regarding President Trump’s Priestly Coronation. He does a very good job explaining it.