(I came to the Lord this morning and was asking Him specific questions of things that would be happening in the weeks up ahead. As He was answering my questions He asked me to post this part of the message on the blog for others to read as an answer of how He 'works' in this land.)
The Lord speaks..."So now here's what you can expect to be 'happening' over the next few weeks up ahead...first of all you can expect that soon/very soon Scott (my friend) will grow to find and discover the perfect business opportunity he wishes to own in this land. (I asked Him what the business would be?)
You see My dear sweet child of Love, this is not for Me to know, and to determine the exact business/the exact opportunity that One should desire in their heart of My Love; fore all choices and decisions are made, and come from each one of you, in your hearts, im your ways, in your land.
Please remember that I am God, you are not, even though you have grown to Become much like Me in your ways, but at the end of the day if I made all the decisions for you, then how would you come to know whom you are in My Ways?
You see, if I told you all the 'correct' answers to this here thing you call 'life,' then please tell Me how your heart would choose to grow in its way; fore you see, the Way to the Father is in spreading His Wealth of His Heart that is present in thee...as you go about living YOUR 'life,' in YOUR thoughts, in YOUR deeds as you Become what you choose to see in and as 'you,' in your love, in your way.
(I told Him I was confused and asked if He could explain a bit more please...)
You see, this is how I 'work' in your land, and after I am done with this explanation of how I choose to move in your flow, please post this message on My Blogsite for My All to then-see; fore this is a common question for Me-- as to how and why I choose to move in your ways, okay?
Let Me please start off with My description of just what 'Free Will' is and how and why it is sooo very important to Me for your growth, and your Pure Health inside the Great Heart of your soul.
You see, I created for 'free will' to not just be a Heavenly concept of Love, but rather, what I decided to be expressed in the description of this word was for One to create a New Concept in and of your particular version of Me, as you learn to move and to flow in your ways.
So then, 'what happened' you aske here in Me?
You see, whenst fore each of you did take a bite from the fruit of the Tree of 'unlove,' what you did was you saw and misread something that was just not meant to be seen and then-known in your heart...and as you quickly learned to mistrust of your God, each of you became of the particular 'devil' you sought as you moved and you flowed in your ways...and as you separted your-self from the Great Love of My Ways, you Became of what you now saw in your heart...which is why I had to separate you from the Great Love of My Ways until you could, would, and should care to then-know Me once more as just 'you' in your Love.
So then, why are you here on this Plane, and furthermore, what should you be doing to bring about more of My Love in your soul?
You see, each and everyone of you is a tiny portion of Me, as I gift and I afford Myself to you in your heart--so, with this being said, what if I came to you today and said, "Arise My child, it is time now to go, please do pick up your bed and then-walk"...please tell Me, would you continue to sit in the mess you are in/in the disease of the filth of your roam--Or, would you lay down your chains of the deceit in this 'life' and walk forward in your New Life with Me?
You see, this is what truly marks the difference between One who truly knows they are Mine, and those who just kinda want to get to know Me just in case they discover that I am REAL in the end-- but let Me tell this to you, if you cannot feel My Great Love as I gift and I afford it to you, then what's to stop you from following your own set of rules?... and as you seek and you follow a 'pathe' that knows nothing of Me, you will Become of the darkness you see/seek.
You see, when One first begins to separate from the Great Love of My Heart, here's where they Become of the darkness they 'know' in their heart...and as they see and become what they choose to know as their 'truthe,' their pathe meets with the discordance of its way within 'you.'
So now, what should you do with this 'new' information I have just given to you in your heart? Should you change everything you know and see as your truth in your life--Or, should you just change back into the Great Love of My Ways that exists in and as My Pure Love in your soul?
You see, only time will tell as to who, or to whom truly heard these words of My Love as you choose to move and flow in your ways; fore soon, very soon, the moon will grow dark, and as the winds do then howl-up a storm, if you choose to see Me standing in the Pure Clouds that do Reign, then you'll know that it's Me that you Love...the One who Loves you now and forever with no strings, and no conditions attached is the One who will be for you, with arms open wide, and a Great Smile in His Heart as He takes you up His Great Presence in 'you'...now are you beginning to see what I mean, who you are, and just why you should change back into My Great Love in your heart; fore until All learn to Love in My Great Manner of Ways, you'll remain as 'stuck' in your version of love...as you remain as 'tossed' in the waves of unrest in your soul.
So now, what is it that I would have you do to 'un-learn' all of these 'bad habits' you have learned from your past/ of the mistakes you have made in your day?
You see, if you would choose to un-learn of these things you have taught to your heart, then you'd grow to become My Great Child of Love in your day...and in a world that's grown so cold in the way that it sees, you'll Become more like Me within thee, okay?
So then, tomorrow, what and how should you wake as you get-up to greet the New Dawn of the day?
Should you choose to continue on in the path of unlove as you continually counter all I have for you to receive in this day--Or, should you make a Decision to finally S-T-O-P in your ways and just Become My New Version of you...as you receive all My Wishes for you?
You see, only time will tell as to who, or whom chose to hear of My Words when I come unto you and I say, "My child, please, it is time now to go, please do pick-up your bed and then walk...please walk forward in your New Love with Me."
(The Lord paused for a brief moment and then said...)
"So then back to your original question for Me, in why you feel that sometimes I answer your prayers/your questions and sometimes I do not...
You see, in time All will see and come to know Me as Love, even though at times you may feel distant and estranged from My Heart--but let Me tell this to you, if you or anyone ever decides to suddenly rock their own boat as they stand-up and fight for My Love, then they will feel My Love pour into their heart...as I gift and I afford it to you.
(He then speaks soft and intensely...) But, and I caution but--if any of you ever thinks they will move off of this Plane/into the Infinite Being, with themselves at the helm of My Ship, please know you will quickly discover you've been steering alone and have misguided your Plane on My Ship...as you swim away to the sea of your doom.
Fore you are NOT a 'God' of the Infinite Being in the words and the things that you say; fore the crowned Victor is the One who knows to follow their heart, as they Become My True Child of The Way...The Way of Supreme Love, Supreme Tenderness, and True Compassion in the Heart is who I am in the Great Space of your heart.
So now, our time here is nearly done, and it is time for My Wendy to begin in her day, but before we go, please remember this little known fact...I am God, you are not, but yet your heart is very important to Me; fore when I gaze in your eyes, I see ONLY My Love, in a heart that is fully open to Me.
I Love you, 'time' now to go. Amen."