9/11/17 5:30am
The Lord speaks..."My child first and foremost may I say unto you I like the way you talk, and I especially like the ways that you move in My Love in your flow. And so may I say unto you in this time and this particular space in this land, please no more fears in this land you are on, fore I am always for you, and I am never against you in Love.
And so what is it exactly that I am saying to you when I say that sometimes I allow for catastrophies to happen for a greater purpose of Love?
You see, I am Always for you, and I am never against you--and so if I were to allow 'global warming' to increase the amount of water on your Plane to the point that it allowed for great and catastrophic 'damage' to occur...(our Lord paused for a brief moment and then He very intently said...) if I were to allow it to 'occur' to help bring back more souls to My Love--please tell Me, would you still think I was 'for you' in Love?
You see, you have heard it said that the Lord your God is Always more concerned about your comfort than your character, and I am here to tell you that this type of 'prosperity teaching' has never come out of the mouths of those who truly know Me in their hearts as their True friend who adores them more than they could ever imagine in Love...please remember that I am Always for you, and I am never against you in Love.
And so keeping this in mind...what if I were to allow for My Moon to cover your earth for a time, so that it appeared to All to be a catastrophic occurrence to most...(He paused again, and then very intently said...) Please tell Me, would someone who was truly 'sane' in your land still be able to find it in their hearts to say that the Lord/their True God was still 'for them' and never against them in Love?...please think about this a bit more; fore how and why you deem that I am 'for you' or 'against you' will determine just who I am in a heart.
And so let's say that I allow for tremendous plagues to shake the earth, and that I allow for great bombs to create havoc, destruction, and pain in your land to the point where nothing made sense there in you...(our Lord paused again, took a deep breath in and out and very calmly and intently said...) please tell Me, how could a 'loving God' allow for chaos and destruction to occur in a heart, to bring about My Great and Perfected Love in your land?
Remember, when I began in our time together I said that in a short time many will feel so very 'lost' in their hearts as they look out upon their 'world' at all the chaos and the destruction in your land. And many will come to the simply wrong conclusion that if I was Real, and I were to be totally 'present' in this world, then a 'loving God' would have figured out a way to make this not happen at all so they could always have plenty of money in the bank, a strong foundation with a strong roof over their heads, so that they can truly feel at peace in their hearts in this land...(He pause again and then said...) please tell Me, if One were to truly know 'the Love of their God' how would they respond in a 'tragedy' per se--would their Love become stronger, or so much colder in Love?
Would they turn and run for higher ground?
Would they just go ahead and drink themselves into a frenzie with wild spirits that reflect an unsound mind in their hearts?--Or would they do this My child...would they fall to their knees, and thank their God for giving them peace in the midst of chaos, destruction, and death, especially since they realize that they have little or no power within themselves to 'fix' what appears to be broken in you?
Would they just go ahead and drink themselves into a frenzie with wild spirits that reflect an unsound mind in their hearts?--Or would they do this My child...would they fall to their knees, and thank their God for giving them peace in the midst of chaos, destruction, and death, especially since they realize that they have little or no power within themselves to 'fix' what appears to be broken in you?
And so, please know this, that when the '___' hits the fan in your land, the best thing you can do is to seek higher ground/the type of ground that seeks only its known-Love in your heart...as I whisper My sweet sacred nothings to you, that says, "Calm down My sweet child, I will take care of you, and place you in My Great Land of the living, where All is truly well in your heart, your mind, and your soul, if you will trust Me with all that you know."
Please know this My sweet child, All is truly well in your heart despite what you choose to see in your land...earthquakes come and go, bombs/many bombs go off in the night, and storms will continue to ravage your land until it's time to fully take you up to My Heart.
And so please know this...if you are fighting the rebels in your land, or swimming, or drowning in the sea of your fears--please know that when I sent My sweet Jesus some 2000 years ago, I did it with one purpose and goal in My Heart--for each of you to learn how to order your heart, so as to receive the Great Love of your God.
And so please know that THIS IS NOT the end of days, as your world will continue on till long after your gone--but please know this, and focus on this: these are 'the end of days' in your life if you will seek the Great Love of your God, as you become rightly ordered in your heart with My Love.
You see, in My Peter's day he spoke about 'the end of days' as if it were to have happened in his lifetime or soon after he'd gone, and Paul did as well...but yet you do see that the earth has survived for many centuries after they've gone, right?
And so why do I tell you that these are 'the end of days' in your life?
You see, if each of you will begin to live today as if it were your last day on earth as you were to know it, then all would just work right in Me; fore you would care not that today you stubbed your toe, and that the gentleman in the line ahead of you had snubbed and disrespected you in your heart...fore you would care not to settle the score as you calmly wished him well in your heart...fore 'tomorrow' you'd be fully gone/in My Heart, right?
And so please care more about each and every interaction/exchange that you have with someone on the street corner, your hairdresser, the patron whom you cannot stand because they talk too much, or something extremely important such as remembering to pray to your Lord on High to create in you a clean heart, so that All could just see you as He.
And so please know this:'global warming,' threats from North Korea, and all your neighboring countries, cities, and states, have helped to make, and to shape, and to form you in Love, in this time, and this space in your ways.
Please know this, I am proud of each and every one of My sweet children who learn to turn the other cheek/to offer-up My Great and Perfected Love in your heart rather than passing along your own sense of frustration in their need.
Fore please know this, there are those who are reading this (message) right this very minute who will not exist on this earth in the next five minutes, and yet there are those who will be reading this/these messages for the next 20-30 more years. So then does this mean that I somehow failed to achieve My Goals when I let One pass and the other One stay--or, do I possibly have a Greater Purpose in My Mind?
You see, again, please know this, the Real/True reason that each of you is here on this Plane is to learn to Love like it was shown there to you in the Gift of the offering of My Son...all else is just stuff and then-fluff in your land that helps each of you achieve this Great Feat.
So then many of you have lost homes, lives, children, parents, beloved pets and so much else that you thought you have loved and lost in this land. But please know this--your parents, your loved Ones, your beloved pets, and all else was just stuff and then-fluff I have used in this land to help bring back your heart to My Love...as each did tug, and then-shrug as it molded itself into Love in your heart, in this land.
And so please remember your mission in this land--for each of you to know the Great and sacred Love of My Son, as I offer Him up to you in your heart...all else is just stuff and then-fluff that will help you know of His/My/our together Love in your heart as you move and you flow in this land, okay?
And so it is time now to go in this day.
Please remember to Always seek to be the Sacred Heart of Jesus in each and every single interaction you come across in this land; fore you never know who IS, or who is not the face of My Son, as you move and you flow in this land.
Please remember to Always seek to be the Sacred Heart of Jesus in each and every single interaction you come across in this land; fore you never know who IS, or who is not the face of My Son, as you move and you flow in this land.
I Love you, time now to go, amen."