I woke up to an inner knowing/an inner dictation that I was hearing from deep within, that someone or something was saying to me: “I am the true vine and you are the branches, no one gets to the Father except through Me.” (I got up and then proceeded to get my journal, closed my eyes and went inward, I felt the Lord speak to me-I did not audibly hear Him with my ears, but rather from deep within the caverns of my soul)
The Lord began… “Look close and you will see I am everywhere and in everything. I AM, now and forever, evermore.
In the years goneby there was Noah who was a good and righteous man. He trusted the Lord and put his faith in things he could not see, for this is the reason he was spared--so that My life would spring forth through his loins.
Adam was a good man but who had a character flaw-- he didn’t speak up, but would rather someone else pay for the mistakes he made—‘twas quite a disappointment...
Daniel, he feared the lions but went anyway…
Why am I telling you this? Because I love you, and want you to know that if you put your faith in Me you will see even greater things. I have so much Joy, so much Love to give to you, but you must learn to accept and receive My Goodness.
Love, Love is such a beautiful thing. It was there in the Garden. It was there to be taken up, usurped by all: however, the serpent was there. He was there too, to destroy the Joy. He is present still today in My Garden, yet I will keep him there to test the hearts of those I Love/those I create to receive My Joy.
Once the rapture is fulfilled a new earth will be birthed and that, then, will be the fulfillment of My Joy and the serpent will be no more…
I have allowed trials to happen to you, some even that were most unpleasant, but you have proven yourself to be worthy of the Crown, the Crown of Lyfe I give to those who Love Me.
Do you know I look at you and My heart beams with Joy at the Love I have for you and to know that you receive it as such treasure. (When He said this, I cried tears of joy as this deeply touched my heart...)
You are a golden child indeed. What I have put forth, no one can alter, no one can destroy. It will reign forever as One.
The cherubim and the seraphim await with baited breath the sound of the trumpet that will signal the appropriate moment in time and space for the Rapture.
My children will be taken up in the clouds. The rest will need to choose—will they continue to deny My Goodness or will they choose to Love The God they cannot see/Yahweh/the One who Was at the beginning and IS Always...
My Son Loved Me. He Loved Me from the start with all of His heart. He knew My Voice when I called to Him, fore He truly was Me/actualized in the flesh of My Love for All to behold and to see.

That is why He is ‘the apple of my eye,’ My beautiful, treasured Son with golden curls, the brightest, bluest eyes, deeper than the ocean blue and a voice as gentle as a summers rain yet stronger than ‘3’ chords bound together.
That is why I chose Him—because He chose Me.
So, now why do I tell you this?
Why is it that I, the Lord your God, seeks you and wakes you? It is because I need you to turn their hearts. I need you to teach My ‘Goodness’ to those who feel nothing and are ‘unawake.’
Fore ‘the day’ is coming; it will come like a thief in the night and I want as many of My children to come to Me, who want to Be with Me. I need you to tell them how I rescued you when you were too weak to stand, and how I performed miracles for you--ones that you would see/ones that had meaning for you that revealed the True Essence of My Love.
I will continue to rescue you until that day comes when All will be taken up. (pause) Psalm 119 (He wanted me to read this passage which I did the following morning) Say,“The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not fear. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He prepares a table for me in the presence of my enemies for your namesake. I shall not fear, I shall not fear.” …
Luke, a fine young man after My heart- could do wonders with a pen, and was faithful, honest and true. That is why I chose him...
Can you see All? Nothing ever changes as history repeats itself over, and over again.
Man has been sinning from the beginning of time. Sin is darkness. Imagine, to choose darkness (???), not to see (???) over the brilliance of My Light??? I tell you, I just don’t ‘get it’why would One choose to see darkness rather than the Pure Light of My Love?
So, this is why I give My children ‘free will.’ It is so that All who want to be with Me—Will! Whatever is Pure, whatever is Just, whatever is Good that is Me. I am for All to see. My Goodness is about to overtake you--My abundance will be overflowing!--trust and you will see…
Blue is a beautiful color, the color of the ocean and sapphire blue, the sky, the sea, the rain—Yes, I said the rain. (I sort of stopped and looked up, as if I was questioning him that what I was hearing was right that the rain is blue (?)
And He answered me, saying “Yes, the rain IS the color blue…What will they do when there is no tomorrow; when they see that all they have toiled for was in vain?
Why did they put all their energy, their time, and their attention on their stomachs?—their God was their stomach…
Red is a beautiful color, yes, crimson red--the color of the life- giving blood. And lastly, yellow, yellow is my favorite for it represents the life of the Sun/the Son, and redemption to all who take this life-giving force into their dark, cold vessels.
My Temple is full of brilliant light warmed by the Sun. Brown, brown, doesn’t radiate Light but I love its denseness as it is good for growing.
Purple, orange, green, all my favorites too. But yellow brightens My heart and brings me much Joy, as it illuminates the Pure Essence of My Flow.
You may go now, we will talk again soon enough. Good night My blessed child, I thank you for putting your faith and your trust in Me. Well done my good and faithful servant, may the rest of your days be blameless.”
The Lord began… “Look close and you will see I am everywhere and in everything. I AM, now and forever, evermore.
In the years goneby there was Noah who was a good and righteous man. He trusted the Lord and put his faith in things he could not see, for this is the reason he was spared--so that My life would spring forth through his loins.
Adam was a good man but who had a character flaw-- he didn’t speak up, but would rather someone else pay for the mistakes he made—‘twas quite a disappointment...
Daniel, he feared the lions but went anyway…
Why am I telling you this? Because I love you, and want you to know that if you put your faith in Me you will see even greater things. I have so much Joy, so much Love to give to you, but you must learn to accept and receive My Goodness.
Love, Love is such a beautiful thing. It was there in the Garden. It was there to be taken up, usurped by all: however, the serpent was there. He was there too, to destroy the Joy. He is present still today in My Garden, yet I will keep him there to test the hearts of those I Love/those I create to receive My Joy.
Once the rapture is fulfilled a new earth will be birthed and that, then, will be the fulfillment of My Joy and the serpent will be no more…
I have allowed trials to happen to you, some even that were most unpleasant, but you have proven yourself to be worthy of the Crown, the Crown of Lyfe I give to those who Love Me.
Do you know I look at you and My heart beams with Joy at the Love I have for you and to know that you receive it as such treasure. (When He said this, I cried tears of joy as this deeply touched my heart...)
You are a golden child indeed. What I have put forth, no one can alter, no one can destroy. It will reign forever as One.
The cherubim and the seraphim await with baited breath the sound of the trumpet that will signal the appropriate moment in time and space for the Rapture.
My children will be taken up in the clouds. The rest will need to choose—will they continue to deny My Goodness or will they choose to Love The God they cannot see/Yahweh/the One who Was at the beginning and IS Always...
My Son Loved Me. He Loved Me from the start with all of His heart. He knew My Voice when I called to Him, fore He truly was Me/actualized in the flesh of My Love for All to behold and to see.
That is why He is ‘the apple of my eye,’ My beautiful, treasured Son with golden curls, the brightest, bluest eyes, deeper than the ocean blue and a voice as gentle as a summers rain yet stronger than ‘3’ chords bound together.
That is why I chose Him—because He chose Me.
So, now why do I tell you this?
Why is it that I, the Lord your God, seeks you and wakes you? It is because I need you to turn their hearts. I need you to teach My ‘Goodness’ to those who feel nothing and are ‘unawake.’
Fore ‘the day’ is coming; it will come like a thief in the night and I want as many of My children to come to Me, who want to Be with Me. I need you to tell them how I rescued you when you were too weak to stand, and how I performed miracles for you--ones that you would see/ones that had meaning for you that revealed the True Essence of My Love.
I will continue to rescue you until that day comes when All will be taken up. (pause) Psalm 119 (He wanted me to read this passage which I did the following morning) Say,“The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not fear. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He prepares a table for me in the presence of my enemies for your namesake. I shall not fear, I shall not fear.” …
Luke, a fine young man after My heart- could do wonders with a pen, and was faithful, honest and true. That is why I chose him...
Can you see All? Nothing ever changes as history repeats itself over, and over again.
Man has been sinning from the beginning of time. Sin is darkness. Imagine, to choose darkness (???), not to see (???) over the brilliance of My Light??? I tell you, I just don’t ‘get it’why would One choose to see darkness rather than the Pure Light of My Love?
So, this is why I give My children ‘free will.’ It is so that All who want to be with Me—Will! Whatever is Pure, whatever is Just, whatever is Good that is Me. I am for All to see. My Goodness is about to overtake you--My abundance will be overflowing!--trust and you will see…
Blue is a beautiful color, the color of the ocean and sapphire blue, the sky, the sea, the rain—Yes, I said the rain. (I sort of stopped and looked up, as if I was questioning him that what I was hearing was right that the rain is blue (?)
Why did they put all their energy, their time, and their attention on their stomachs?—their God was their stomach…
Red is a beautiful color, yes, crimson red--the color of the life- giving blood. And lastly, yellow, yellow is my favorite for it represents the life of the Sun/the Son, and redemption to all who take this life-giving force into their dark, cold vessels.
My Temple is full of brilliant light warmed by the Sun. Brown, brown, doesn’t radiate Light but I love its denseness as it is good for growing.
Purple, orange, green, all my favorites too. But yellow brightens My heart and brings me much Joy, as it illuminates the Pure Essence of My Flow.
You may go now, we will talk again soon enough. Good night My blessed child, I thank you for putting your faith and your trust in Me. Well done my good and faithful servant, may the rest of your days be blameless.”
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