I heard, "Today is a special day then in you, in Me, in My All for the gathering together of words in a simple expression of Me--what do I mean by this?
Hold on, and I will tell you a truly remarkable story, so expressive in its detail that it will let the cat out of the bag on what this 'holiday' truly means in its expression to Me, for you, and My All.
So then, once upon a time there was a little, tiny boy who was borne in the woods and he had a very special name-- it was the Son of God.
And in the tiny vernacular of what he was and exactly what he did then mean to My Story is that on one special day, that little, tiny boy became King--King of a world yet unknown in a risen type spectacle to see.
So what did happen during the pure life of his deeds, was his pure action did then flow with his expression into the simple words and the phrases he used till his heart became such the likes of My Sea-- and everywhere he did go, people did know exactly who he was and exactly what he meant as he lay his heart open for change.
So, this is how and why he did go as he went on his way on the sands, until that fateful day when he did come to meet up with the likes of the 'you' that would not let him go, no matter how hard he did try to break the simple grasp of the flesh.
You see, the 'you' of the flesh did then 'kill' that tiny beautiful baby boy of Mine that only wanted to worship the King...and if you do not own-up to just how you did fess-up to your role in how you did come to crucify his pure innocence of ways, then please know in the pure heart of your mind that you will be held accountable for your actions in kind, that only wants to strip and to rip the pure heart straight out of his chest till he bleeds to death there on the cross.
So, if you'd like to stop circling round and round and round again in this type flourishing death on the cross, then please do STOP in your crucifixion of him.
You see, every time you show any type malice to another, you are then hanging My Son on the cross...and when you time and time again try to cover-up your mistakes of the past, what you do is you drive the nails into his skin...
You see, the way to the Resurrection is clear, it is fine and it is just in that once you come upon My Son on the cross, and truly see what you've done with your words, then you come to see and to look upon the rage you've expressed in what you thought was kindness, but in fact 'is' and 'was' the loss of your memory of Me.
You see, remember, Love begets Love, War begets more War, but hearts left open for change, now that's how One does come into the full-expression of Me.
You see, if you do harbor any type rage from the past and you then do bring it up into 'the now,' then you will nail My Son on his great white cross again and again and again--and is this how you wish to enjoy this day here on your land?
You see, I am Love, only Love in your heart, and if One does wish to be here with Me, then please do practice this today on My Great Day of the Resurrection on your land, and truly know the reason for this Great King who came to Love and to serve all of humanity in his wisdom and His Pure Nature of Me...and when you truly learn to forgive and to forget and to just Love All whom stand present before you, then this 'today' will be very special for you as you sit and discover a Love that's been fully present, yet lay so dormant in your Love's sweet expression of ways.
I Love you, and please do remember that the Love in the heart that you see is only the tiny bit of an expression of Me--so if you wish to be 'of' and 'about' in My Love, then only show the Love in your heart. But if you do wish to let everything eat at you and shred you apart, then guess what (?) you'll be crucifying My Son on the cross, again and again and again to the very nature of the woes there in you as it brings about a formalized expression of death, dis-ease, and the nature of the true suicidal tendencies of All as they do wish to leave the sheer presence of you.
So, if you choose to see fear and dis-ease, then you will see as you wish to then see--BUT, IF you do choose to see LOVE in all the special ways I showed them to you, then My beautiful child of Love you will see ONLY the special Joy I have waiting for you.
So, do you wish to take My Son up off the cross and show him the Love that you Know?
Remember, holding someone 'accountable' is not the same as withdrawing your Love from your heart. The kindness of correction should be shown ONLY with the heart of someone who cares and who Loves from with/in, despite how and what it means unto you.
So today, IF you wish to make the most of the day that you know, then please do smile upon All whom you Love with that special Joy from your Heart that ONLY seeks My Perfection in Ways... and please do know in your heart that 'All is well' My great child of Love. Yes, All is Well here in Me.
I Love you, 'time' now to go. Amen."
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