9/26/14 8:03am
During my morning prayer time with The Lord I heard, "Thank you in your comings and goings in Me, fore' I do Love to sit and to challenge your thoughts and your desires as I do then sit in My time here with you.
So then, to you My dear Wendy and All, yes, I so very much thank you for taking the allotted time out of your 'busy' schedules to sit here in the Pure Presence with Me--fore' this is good, this is pleasant and this is right that you/that One should then wish to sit here in the Pure Presence of Me.
So then, now that I do have your full attention in ways, please let Me make mention to you that I like what you do and I like how you then say things to Me when you do then kneel in the My Great Presence of Love.
You see, supplication is so very much more then just showing gratitude in the Pure Heart that you see--so while saying "thank you" to Me, you in turn do say "thank you" to many as My Heart does then come alive in and as the sheer Presence of 'you.'
You see, 'today' is 'Memorial Day' in this here and now spot of your Plane...and it is a day to remember those who did give up their very lives so you could then live with your pure freedom of choice in your particular part of the world that you 'own.'
So today in your special certain prayers of the past, please do say your "thank you's" to all the brave men and women who stood before you to then take the blows of the woes...and when you say, "thank you" to them, My certain angels do then tip in their wings as they then pour forth in their Pure answers for you.
You see, for many this juncture of the militia was so much more then just a certain paycheck and a certain job to fulfill them in the pure life that they 'owned.' Fore' as they took their first step in the great battlefield of the war, their courage did then shake in their boots as their heart resounded the battle cry of the then options they had.
You see, courage is so much more then just saying, "yes" to the stepping-up to Ones faith of their true challenge in deed, fore' when One says "yes" to My call for the All, they in turn become part of My War.
You see, in this great battlefields war of the heart, when you say your "yes" to Me, what you do is this--you actually have changed your pure heart to that of One in My Heart in all its pure actions and deeds.
So then, yes 'today' in your moment of prayers, please say your "thank you's" to those who have gone before you to prepare the way and the pure path of redemption for redemption's sake...and please know in your heart of your soul that "All is well," yes all is well here in Me.
I Love you My sweet child of the faith. Please do continue to keep your prayers simple and sweet as in that of your heart, fore' I will be coming together in you.
You see, gratitude and supplication do take on a certain form of its presence in Me when the heart does then see all that has been done in and upon the One that it Loves and serves in its Pure kindness and gentleness that it 'owns,' known quite simply as a loving expression of 'them.'
The way of Love was paid and paved at a very dear price, in the pure cost of the lives of the soul, so when you say your "thank you's" to Me, you then say your "thank you's" to the many who have died and have served in your place--see?
So then, please do enjoy this particular day of your Love, remembering to tip the wings of all those who died before you in the North of the South, that stretches to the East of the West of My Love.
I Love you with an undying passion of Joy. Now please go and make fishers of men, touching all the particular hearts that you see, as you are Loved/Always in Me.
I Love you, 'time' now to go. amen."
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