(Here was yesterdays blog post...)
I heard, "Today WILL most definitely and assuredly be a 'good' day for you IF you will just do as I say and let it Be what I intended and allowed for it to Be without your judging and labeling of "this is good," and "that was bad"; fore when you make declarative statements such as these, you ruin the Pure Flow of My Love which I intended to hold out to you...
So please, today, do just Love of the Ones you are with to the point in which you become intoxicated with My Love in your heart. And please do also try and remember that All is well in your heart.
I Love you, time now to go. Amen."
(He's smiling at us with Much Love and Supreme Adoration in His Heart:-)
Yesterday a friend who had read this post, later sent me a message to say that it had meaning for her and that she felt this was something she struggled with in the labeling and constant judging of what she felt was good or not so good in her day.
She went on to say that it would be a relief to her if she could learn more to do what He said and not let this exist in her day and she felt strongly she should ask God to help her in this matter as well.
She then asked me what she was supposed to do to avoid this—was she just supposed to just ignore it and try to live blissfully as ignorant, or should she address it head on?
So this morning I asked the Lord for His response to my friend's question since this is a common question that I struggle with too as I'm sure many others do as well…
I heard, “My child, please do not be concerned of what the others do say and then-do in their day, as each is responsible for the actions each does do in their flesh—so, no worries, no strife should be allowed to enter your heart in the judging, and the labeling of what is good and not so good in each moment in time—okay? (I answered Him...)
You see, I have mentioned before many, a great many of times that I like EVERYTHING you do and you say; so, and a huge tremendously large SO—what if today you did snap at a person, and say a curse word in the rage of your haste?
Or, what if you killed, raped and did pillage an entire countryside in the terrifically horrid display of your rage?…(He pauses for a moment and then very softly continues…) Do you still think I would be happy with you?
Please do think for a moment of just how you would then answer this call, fore EXACTLY how and why you do determine your answer lets Me know IF you’ve put plugs in your ears…
You see, to know Me is to Love Me is it not? Fore when I do gaze into the special eyes of your Love, I should see ONLY My Great Reflection in My Time of your space.
So, with this being said, what if I came to you today and did tell you to take up your bed and then walk—to what would you do?
Would you stand there and stammer, relaying all of your thoughts of why you were just so very unworthy of Me; OR, would you very gently and softly make your way to and towards Me in your Love?
Please do think about this last bit of thought a brief moment longer; fore how and why you answer this here question in time, is further proof of whether or not you have placed plugs in your ears.
You see, may I saw it again, twice fold in Me—to know Me IS to Love Me, is it not? Fore when I do gaze into your eyes, I should see ONLY My Reflection of your time in My Space…so now, back to your originating question of heart—you see, you’ve asked a very simple yet tremendously complex question of, "how could I still Love you when you have raped and then-killed of My beautiful children of Love--how?”
And to further My case of the argument you ask, 'how could I still Love you when you have stripped your beautiful child I loaned you in this life/stripped them of their self-worth of My Love--how?'
'How could I still Love you as you knowingly cheated on your taxes, stole of what I set aside for the recompense of others, and then-betrayed of the One in whom you did pledge of your heart--how…?'…hmmm, very good questions you still have, do you not? (He pauses for a moment as He sort of lets this question hang in the air and then He continues...)
You see, may I say again now for the third and/or the fourth time in you---to know Me is to Love Me is it not? Fore when I do gaze into your eyes I should see ONLY My Love in the space and the continuance of your smile…so, with this being said, what if I again came to you and said, “My dear child, it is time for you to take up your bed of the past, the present, and the near future and will you NOW, in this very moment, please take up your bed as you begin to walk right and talk right in Me?...now are you beginning to then-see what I mean?
You see, many times what is viewed on your earth as ‘bad’ or ‘good’ is ONLY your impression of what your glorified heart wants to see before it can fully see itself with/in Me—so, instead of the constant labeling of ‘good,’ or of the ‘not so good,’ please do view it as it just is…it just is what it is and do not give it any credence of thought as to IF it is a good thing or not since EVERYTHING is Good with/in Me—see?
Would you be frightened, scared or afraid--Or, would you still know that somewhere deep with/in the confines of your walls that even though this was not the most pleasant point of the Journey of your life, that whatever did happen to you, everything would be 'okay' fore your hearts’ choice was here with/in Me--see?
…please do really think about My Great Jeshua of flesh and how He did sweat blood and tears to the point that His Great Heart did break as He bled on the cross there for you (wow, this so deeply saddened me to point that I suddenly felt a wave of emotions come over me, of what bothe He and Jesus felt during His time on and prior to the Cross... as I felt His Heart bleed as He wept for us…)
You see, even in the midst of His torment in the abuse of the rage that the others did place upon His skin…He felt Joy, He felt Love, and He was experiencing a ‘good day’ in My Time and My Space, fore He knew soon, very soon that My/Our Goal would be accomplished for All…see? (He pauses again as He would like for us to see what He sees, and then He continued…)
You see, herein lies the Truthe of behind what I say when I mean, “Take up your bed and then walk”—what I mean is this…IF and when you will begin to take up your bed and then walk, you will be living and then setting yourself apart from the others of what I do plan in this day here for you—it is and becomes a new way of living in that you now live in each day to worship your heart in My Presence, rather than the worship of the prince of this worlde/the prince of this worlde who will ONLY lead you into the despair of its darkness and rage…
So, with this being said, let Me leave you with this final word of My Thoughts—what If today you lived as My Great Jeshua lived as you walked the clay roads of your earth?
What IF today you stopped to smell the roses of Love—how great would your day be on earth?
And what if today you did kiss the cheek of the child and help heal the broken hearts in your land…and what if today you did walk and did talk as you encouraged My child with your hands?
But what if today you did lose of your job, and what if today your child did ‘pass’?
And what if today you did lose of your health and your wealth in the love of this land…would this mean that I loved you any less?
Would this mean that I did not care for you--Or, would this mean that I did have a different type-lesson for you in this particular moment in time? Please do really and truly think about this last bit of My statements for just a wee minute longer, fore many times you label and you judge of things/of happenings not of how I wishe for you to see and to know, but you then-view these 'happenings' as some type of insult to you...
You see, many view the glass as half-empty or full depending of their views of and upon Me. So, IF I did then tell you to give up on 'your holdings of nothing,' in this life and to just walk in My Peace and My Joy—no matter what did then-‘happen’ to you, would this be a good or a not so good way then to view of your life? Please do chew on this a bit more, for again, how you both give and receive of My Great Love in your heart determines if you’ve put plugs in your ears…
And so now I will leave you with this other last thought before My Wendy begins in her day…
You see, to know Me is to Love Me is it not? So, If you will view ‘the robber,’ ‘the murderer,’ ‘the stealer of love’ as 'Me,' then here is how I Can and Will change things in you...and please, before we move along on this Plane, please do stop and thank all the martyrs who have died in their Great Love for you…(He would like us to pause and to thank all martyrs who died for our rights to give and receive Love freely.)
You see, while I do not condone nor care for the actual acts of rage that they (the murders, robbers, etc) do upon All, what I do wishe for you to see is that All who are around you are 'Me,' either in or not in My Love...
So, If you will peer closely into the depths of their hearts, you will still see a tiny ember of love/the love that has been suppressed by the dark, but yet (it) still exists and is just waiting to be sparked there by you.
So, IF you will still see them as 'Me'/as My Great Creations of Love, then your kindness, your gentleness, and your warm expressions of Love may then help them reignite the Great Spark of their heart/which is ‘Me’ that’s been suppressed underneath—okay?
So then, when a not so good thing happens to or upon you today, please do ONLY respond with/in My Love, as you now do know of the Truthe of My Ways…as you learn more to walk right and to talk right in Me.
I Love you, ‘time’ now to go. Amen.”
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