11/01/2015 5:23am
I came to the Lord for His help regarding an issue that came up recently when a friend who helps me in this ministry for the Lord was confronted by someone regarding the content of these messages.
This particular person felt compeled to come to my friend and tell her that she did not think that these messages were coming from The Lord because she did not think that they sounded like The Lord would talk.
She went on to say that the Lord would not speak in 'New Age' rhetoric like He does in these messages, and that what we were doing was wrong, and heretical because it was against the church's teachings because it was 'New Age.' (Please read the other tabs on this blog for further information regarding these messages.)
The Lord speaks..."My dear sweet child of Love, please do not be concerned about what others say, or what they think regarding these messages you hear from your Lord, fore each (person) is quite different and very unique in their approach when it comes to their hearing and understanding of My-self in their heart...and, If you were to ever go and change My Words that you hear, in an attempt to please another person, or a particular religion per se, then you would be misrepresenting My Words in the way that you hear, as you misrepresented Myself in your ways.
So then, do please continue to write the words EXACTLY as you hear Me speak them to you, as I speak into the ears of your heart, and If each (person) will interpret them in the manner they see, then each will see Me as I come alive in their hearts...okay? (I told the Lord thank you so very much for explaining this to me as well as to others about how they should read and interpret these messages.)
You see, the ONLY reason you have received this particular gift, I label and I call, 'The Perfection of The Channel in you,' is to convert the pure hearts of My faithful to that of My Love, so they will walk right and talk right in Me.
So then, as a gentle reminder to you and to all those who are encouraging you in this gift you've received, please remember that the ONLY reason I have extended this gift unto you is to convert My children’s hearts to receive that of My Love, so they'll receive My Great Kingdom of Love in their hearts--okay?
So, there should be no concerns from another that I would ever ask you to form, or convert others to a new type of formal religion per se, fore you are ONLY teaching My Children about the Great Love in My Heart as I come upon each in My Ways.
So, and a tremendously huge, important SO, If you are ever confronted and told that what you are doing is wrong, or dishonorable in Me, you are to answer this particular person in this type of manner in ways…you are to say, “Thank you my dear sister/my dear brother for telling Me what is of concern in your heart, fore it is your duty and your right to explain the fears and the concerns you have in someone who feels differently from you when it comes to the following of the Lord's wishes in their hearts--But please let me ask this of you: is it wrong to follow Love when it comes to our Lord, when it comes to Properly giving and receiving the Great Love in His Heart--Or, are you concerned that I am presenting our Lord’s gifts improperly in and from the way you have learned in the past of how His Great Presence resides within you?
Fore you see, there will come a day and a time when each of us will be presenting ourselves to our Lord, as we reciting to Him of How we have Loved in our hearts--But let me aske this of you, do you not like what you hear in these messages per se--Or, are you insulted insulted in the Words of their Truthe, as they speak of their Truthe unto you?
(This is the end of my question the Lord wants me to ask of the person who confronts me regarding these messages...)
(He continued to answer my initial question as He then speaks to this person directly and says...)
"Fore you see, again...there WILL be a day and a time when each of you will stand before The Essence of the King, and each will be asked in their hearts to give an account for what they have done or for what they have failed to do with the Great Gifts they received in My Heart.

And, If I gave you the time, the talent, or a particular treasure in ‘life’ and you used it to oppress or to hurt One who was attempting to come unto Me, then you will be held accountable for the damage you have done in your life...fore you won't walk right or talk right in Me.
You see, I gave each of you a specific time, talent or treasure in your life so it would bloom in your hearts into Love...So then, If you have squandered and used this gift to play My Role as 'The God,' then you will not walk right nor talk right in The Ways of My Son, fore you will not know My Love in your heart?
So now, what will you do with this new information you have received here today? Will you take and use it to continue to suppress My Words and My Love that is being expressed here to you in this message today--Or, will you take what you've just learned and instead show more Love in your heart, as you help to heal all the broken hearts in your land...so you'll learn to walk right and talk right in Me?
Fore when I come upon you on your last day in this ‘life,’ I will not aske you for a list of what you've earned or not earned here in Me--But rather, I will aske you for a list of what you did in each day, to express My special Gifts in your ways, to bring more of My Children back to the Pure Life with Me...are you beginning to see what I mean?
So then to My Wendy and to All who have chosen to live with My Courage of Love in your hearts... you see, I commend you My Child for having the courage and the strength to become a fool for Christ as you share of My Gifts in your hearts, and If you'll continue to Love all in My Great Manner of Ways, then you'll bring more children back to the Great Love of My Heart... as all learn to walk right and talk right in Me.
And please remember, I come to each of you in a very distinct and unusual way, and If you will take the time to discover the talents I have given to you, then you'll learn to reach Me in your own unique set of ways.
You see, If each will listen very closely with the Pure Ears of their heart, they'll hear Me in their own unique and very personal way, and if you'll choose to receive My Great Gift in your heart, then each will discover their own particular Journey of The Way...please remember all points begin and end here with and in Me, and as long as each of you speak with My Pure Gift in your hearts, then you'll be sharing My Pure Love in your way--okay?
I Love you, time now to go. Amen.”
I came to the Lord for His help regarding an issue that came up recently when a friend who helps me in this ministry for the Lord was confronted by someone regarding the content of these messages.
This particular person felt compeled to come to my friend and tell her that she did not think that these messages were coming from The Lord because she did not think that they sounded like The Lord would talk.
She went on to say that the Lord would not speak in 'New Age' rhetoric like He does in these messages, and that what we were doing was wrong, and heretical because it was against the church's teachings because it was 'New Age.' (Please read the other tabs on this blog for further information regarding these messages.)
The Lord speaks..."My dear sweet child of Love, please do not be concerned about what others say, or what they think regarding these messages you hear from your Lord, fore each (person) is quite different and very unique in their approach when it comes to their hearing and understanding of My-self in their heart...and, If you were to ever go and change My Words that you hear, in an attempt to please another person, or a particular religion per se, then you would be misrepresenting My Words in the way that you hear, as you misrepresented Myself in your ways.
So then, do please continue to write the words EXACTLY as you hear Me speak them to you, as I speak into the ears of your heart, and If each (person) will interpret them in the manner they see, then each will see Me as I come alive in their hearts...okay? (I told the Lord thank you so very much for explaining this to me as well as to others about how they should read and interpret these messages.)
You see, the ONLY reason you have received this particular gift, I label and I call, 'The Perfection of The Channel in you,' is to convert the pure hearts of My faithful to that of My Love, so they will walk right and talk right in Me.
So then, as a gentle reminder to you and to all those who are encouraging you in this gift you've received, please remember that the ONLY reason I have extended this gift unto you is to convert My children’s hearts to receive that of My Love, so they'll receive My Great Kingdom of Love in their hearts--okay?
So, there should be no concerns from another that I would ever ask you to form, or convert others to a new type of formal religion per se, fore you are ONLY teaching My Children about the Great Love in My Heart as I come upon each in My Ways.
So, and a tremendously huge, important SO, If you are ever confronted and told that what you are doing is wrong, or dishonorable in Me, you are to answer this particular person in this type of manner in ways…you are to say, “Thank you my dear sister/my dear brother for telling Me what is of concern in your heart, fore it is your duty and your right to explain the fears and the concerns you have in someone who feels differently from you when it comes to the following of the Lord's wishes in their hearts--But please let me ask this of you: is it wrong to follow Love when it comes to our Lord, when it comes to Properly giving and receiving the Great Love in His Heart--Or, are you concerned that I am presenting our Lord’s gifts improperly in and from the way you have learned in the past of how His Great Presence resides within you?
Fore you see, there will come a day and a time when each of us will be presenting ourselves to our Lord, as we reciting to Him of How we have Loved in our hearts--But let me aske this of you, do you not like what you hear in these messages per se--Or, are you insulted insulted in the Words of their Truthe, as they speak of their Truthe unto you?
(This is the end of my question the Lord wants me to ask of the person who confronts me regarding these messages...)
(He continued to answer my initial question as He then speaks to this person directly and says...)
"Fore you see, again...there WILL be a day and a time when each of you will stand before The Essence of the King, and each will be asked in their hearts to give an account for what they have done or for what they have failed to do with the Great Gifts they received in My Heart.
And, If I gave you the time, the talent, or a particular treasure in ‘life’ and you used it to oppress or to hurt One who was attempting to come unto Me, then you will be held accountable for the damage you have done in your life...fore you won't walk right or talk right in Me.
You see, I gave each of you a specific time, talent or treasure in your life so it would bloom in your hearts into Love...So then, If you have squandered and used this gift to play My Role as 'The God,' then you will not walk right nor talk right in The Ways of My Son, fore you will not know My Love in your heart?
So now, what will you do with this new information you have received here today? Will you take and use it to continue to suppress My Words and My Love that is being expressed here to you in this message today--Or, will you take what you've just learned and instead show more Love in your heart, as you help to heal all the broken hearts in your land...so you'll learn to walk right and talk right in Me?
Fore when I come upon you on your last day in this ‘life,’ I will not aske you for a list of what you've earned or not earned here in Me--But rather, I will aske you for a list of what you did in each day, to express My special Gifts in your ways, to bring more of My Children back to the Pure Life with Me...are you beginning to see what I mean?
So then to My Wendy and to All who have chosen to live with My Courage of Love in your hearts... you see, I commend you My Child for having the courage and the strength to become a fool for Christ as you share of My Gifts in your hearts, and If you'll continue to Love all in My Great Manner of Ways, then you'll bring more children back to the Great Love of My Heart... as all learn to walk right and talk right in Me.
And please remember, I come to each of you in a very distinct and unusual way, and If you will take the time to discover the talents I have given to you, then you'll learn to reach Me in your own unique set of ways.
You see, If each will listen very closely with the Pure Ears of their heart, they'll hear Me in their own unique and very personal way, and if you'll choose to receive My Great Gift in your heart, then each will discover their own particular Journey of The Way...please remember all points begin and end here with and in Me, and as long as each of you speak with My Pure Gift in your hearts, then you'll be sharing My Pure Love in your way--okay?
I Love you, time now to go. Amen.”
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