The Lord speaks...
"You were Bourne to run and to have the time of your life, but not to become a type-prisoner in chains, so if you'll release all the lies that have been placed on your heart, then you'll see My New Life come about in your I whisper My sweet nothings to you.
And so now before we continue on, please let's get a few things straight for a moment, shall we?
You see, ever since the Great Beginning of Time you have been a Great Part of My Plan, and even though I prompted you to go this way, or that, you still went where you chose to then-go.
So again, please do think about this very long, and so very hard in your heart until you've determined of this answer in you, and then please continue on with My particular question of heart, of a very poignant expression in is My Question for you:
What if I came to you today and asked if you were finally ready to leave all the filth, and the ugliness behind that you've picked up from the pathe you have known, and to instead walk with Me in-to the Great Paradise of Love as I gift it to you in your soul...please tell Me, would you be ready to join Me today as you go?
You see, this sweet, simple question of Love that I speak straight to your heart should not frighten any of you in your soul; fore when One truly understands My Great Nature of Love, they then-drop all the swords they have they walk in-to My Great Kingdom of Love.
And so today, if this sounds like something that may be of interest to you, then I now aske for you to do these sweet, simple things for Me in your soul...
#1 Please look for opportunities to share with and in this special Great Gift of your heart, so All can learn to see My Great Love in your soul, and as they watch as they learn to move in My/your/our ways, they'll flow in-to the Pure Grace of My Flow.
And as you show them how I truly work in this land, through your heart, and your peace in My Ways, they'll change back in-to the Pure Grace of My Love, as I gift it to them in their ways...are you beginning to see what I mean?
Fore until All learn to see and know Me as Love, My Job is not done in your land, I need all cows to walk forward in Love through the Great Gift of My Love in your hands...please tell Me, does this sound like something that would be of interest to you?
If so, please begin today on this New Journey of a course so you will see and know Me as just Pure Love in your ways, okay?
Fore the more that each of you truly learns to bothe give and receive My Great Love as the/their/your Great ANSWER to all that confronts and confounds each of you as you move in your day, then in each and every setting and opportunity for Grace you are in, your hearts will Become the Pure Love of My I gift and I afford it to you in your ways.
You see, when One/you/they/he/she chooses to seek-out ONLY Love as something where there is nothing expected back in return, then what happens is this--Love/True Love/ Real Love begins to grow on the Vine, and you Become what you now choose to seek as your Truthe.
And as you begin to choose Love for only Love's sake, with nothing expected back as a gift in return, then My Great Love flourishes on the Great Vine of your heart, as you grow in-to the Great Love of My/your/our Truthe...I do believe now you beginning to see what I mean, right?
So now, please begin today to seek-out the Ways in which I choose to work in your land, while you're still living on this Plane of the earthe, and when you begin to change back in-to that of My Love, here is where, and when, and why, and how another's Great Love is you help bring back more of My children to the True Knowing of The Christ child in you.
You see, it is truly this easy to Become a Real Follower of Mine even when it doesn't feel right in you; fore when you help another seek-out this Great Gift of My Love, here's where a New Heart is formed there in you gift and afford My Great Love to and through you in their soul.
Fore please remember, the beginning of the end to each of you dropping your swords, first starts with the Pure Presence of Love, and in the end All will see the Pure Grace of My Heart as I gift it to you in the Great Space of My Love...please remember, all points begin and end here with and in Me.
So go in Peace and Love, with the True Knowing that each One of you has the potential to be of The Christ child in Me; fore when One chooses to fully know My Great Heart they learn to Become the Sheer Presence of Me...please remember, all points, I repeat, all points begin and end here with Me here in thee.
I Love you, time now to go. Amen."
Luke 10:27
27 He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’[c]; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[d]”
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