2/20/17 5:17am
The Lord speaks...“So now, please let Me tell you a little bit more
about Me, so that each of you will then-see how I feel; fore, when One begins to learn more about Me in their heart, I can then-heal their Pure Heart in their soul.
You see, on the day that each of you were bourne, I placed a thorne inside each
of your hearts, and even though I did it as a sign of My Love, you have chosen
to see it as a most difficult way in your heart…as you
look upon your own heart in your soul.
And so now you aske, (your question to the Lord...)“Lord, what do you
mean? I cannot understand you when you speak to me in allegories and
hyperbole's that really and truly don’t mean anything to me, but if you will
explain exactly what you mean in plain, simple terms, then I will have a better understanding of You...”
(The Lord continues in His Great answer to you…)
“You see, first of all I would like to say a humongous ‘thank you’ to you
for your continued efforts in Me, to not only just read and try to understand all things as it relates to Me in your world, but yet you question each and every thing that comes into your heart, so you will then-know of My Ways.
And so let Me also speak to you exactly what I mean with regards to this here ‘thorne in your side’ that I
placed inside each of your hearts, so you that each of you would come to grow in-to My Pure Love in your hearts as you learn to speak out My Great Love in your soul.
You see, this here ‘thorne’ per se, is not truly not a real thorn in the way that each of you chooses to see and know My Love in your heart, but rather, if you will learn to embrace your 'pain' in a way that I know, then each of you will come to know My Special Joy in your heart as I gift and I afford it to you in your soul.
You see, 2000 years ago a beautiful, special child was bourne unto your earthe, unto
a simple, country man who tilled My Soil with his hands in a Way that he saw love in his heart. And even though I told him
to go this way or that, he still chose where he wished to then-go...which is why
I brought My sweet, sacred Mary to he in his heart, in his life, so he would grow to take and care for My dear child of Love in his ways.
And so let Me aske this of you—what if I came to you today while you
were still ‘plowing your fields’ and I asked, “My child, I wishe for you to come make your way here with Me, may I send My sweet child to you in your day?”…please tell Me, would you be ready to turn and to till your life over to Me, just as My dear Joseph, My Daniel, My Saint John of the Cross, and so many others chose to change of their live's in Ny Ways?
Please tell Me, if I came to any of you today and said, “Please My child, stop the ‘plowing of your fields’ and instead
reap the Great Harvest of My Love…please tell Me,
would any of you be willing to turn to Me in your day to then-reap My Great Love in your heart?
And so now I wishe to leave you with just one more thought in this
day…what if I came to you today and said, “My child, please do pluck out the
thorne that I have placed in your heart, and come back into My Fold in your ways”--please tell Me, would any of you be able to grasp of this here, ‘thorne’ that
has plagued each of you inside the walls ofyour hearts...when it comes to your truly knowing the Great Love of My Ways?
You see, the Great and Perfect difference between One’s truly knowing they
are a Part of My Plan, and their thinking they are just here ‘to plow and to fill of the
earth,’ begins and ends with their knowing of just who it is that I am in their
heart, according to their knowing My Great Love in their soul.
And so I will leave you with two definitions of exactly what the word
‘thorne’ means as it relates to the two type of Love that One chooses to know in their heart...as opposed to the type of thorne that I laid in your side, so I could thwart you when and where you
needed it most.
The thorne in your heart: this is the type of pain that each of you
feels when you let the dagger of un-love rule your heart; fore it will tear,
and then-shred each one of you, as each grows to become your own type
of love in your heart…which is quite different compared to how I've planned it in you.
The thorne in your side: this is an actual physical representation of ‘pain,’
in that when the tears in your heart become much and much more larger and more pronounced inside you,
it then-manifests itself in-to and as its own known-imprint of fear in One's soul, and as the rage
and pain then becomes what it sees, it then-becomes what it chooses to see in its own heart...as it plays and displays its kniwn-self to the world.
So then, many of you presently feel much pain in your lives due to this/your experiencing much, much un-love in your heart, so if you would like to finally feel free of what has held you as 'captive since birthe' then please learn to see and know My Great and Certain Love in your
heart, which starts with your fully giving and receiving of My Great Love in your soul, okay?
And so how do you learn exactly how and why each of you must learn to forgive?
And so how do you learn exactly how and why each of you must learn to forgive?
(Directions to me...)
“Wendy please, at the end of this blog, let
our audience know how to get the yellow cd from you entitled, ‘The Lord speaks
on Divine Healing and Forgiveness in your soul.’
(He’s now speaking to everyone again…)
“You see, if each of you will listen to this cd over and over again, what you will see and come to experience is a rule of freefomr that can only come within as each of you learns how to love and receive Perfected Joy in My Heart according to the Great Love of My Ways, okay?
And as you begin to feel a special lightness from within, you'll feel these daggers release their grasp on your heart...as these thrones turn into Great Blessings of Love, as you become My True Love in your heart.
And as you begin to feel a special lightness from within, you'll feel these daggers release their grasp on your heart...as these thrones turn into Great Blessings of Love, as you become My True Love in your heart.
So now, please take heed to My Warnings that I will come like a ‘thief
in the night,’ but not a ‘thief’ who comes to steal, and to kill; fore I come as
a True Thief of Love…who wishes to steal and to seal back your heart unto
Mine with the Pure Gift of your Love in My Ways, okay?
(The Lord is smiling at us with tremendous Joy and Supreme Adoration in
His Heart. :-)
I Love you, now go make something special happen today where you touch
all the hearts that still need to know of My Love, and when you learn to spread
My Special Kingdom of Joy in your heart, you'll be spreading the Great Seeds of
My Love.
And like the Great Monarch butterfly, you will seek out the heart that
feel lost, broken and ashamed; fore True Love in a heart seeks only to heal all
cracks, and all hurts in Christ’s name.
And please remember, at the end of the road you’ll see My Glorious Face
shining through you as Love…fore the Truthe of this Journey will be seen
in the heart, when each grows to discover My Pure Gift that they know.
I Love you, time now to go. Amen.”
(If you would like to receive a copy of the yellow cd, please contact
me on the contact page tab of this blog…Have an awesome God-inspired day! :-)
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