Friday, October 27, 2017

The 'nuclear option' of Love

10/26/17 5:16am

The Lord speaks... “My child, please do not be afraid of the scary things that go ‘bump’ in the night, as that IS NOT of My doing--but rather, when you let the fear come to enter your heart, that is and will result in a sharp pain in your heart, that will turn you into a heart that can’t see Me in their soul, as they begin to worship My unknown ways in their souls. 
And so EXACTLY what do I mean by this, and how do you apply this to All in their hearts?

You see, a long, long time ago, there was once a King who sat on His Great Throne to look down upon His Dear Creatures of Heart. And then once upon a time there was you, the type of you who did see and did come to experience all the Great Ways of His Heart, as it did capitulate the Great World it did know.

And so what happened you aske? And why did things all suddenly change in a heart, in the ways that it chooses to see and it knows?

You see My sweet child of Love, in time you WILL fully understand as to just why it seems and appears to you in this life that it is one step forward and three steps back as you plog along on the Plane--but let Me tell this to you, if you or anyone would like to suddenly choose My Great ‘nuclear option' of Love, and to suddenly decide to ‘blow yourself up’ on the Plane, then here’s where I’d like to come upon you, as you come to make My Ways known in the Great Heart of your soul."

(I asked Him if He could explain what He means by ‘nuclear option’ of Love, and ‘blow yourself up’ on the Plane?)

“Thank you My child for asking these particular type questions in you; fore the way that your generation perceives these two particular lines that I am saying to you, does have quite the negative connotations to it; fore you have seen people literary do these types of actions, haven’t you?(yes) And as well, this is also what many of you presently fear will and may happen to your world at any point, and at any moment in your land.

And so let Me explain what I see, a Heart was ONLY made to give and receive My Great Love in its space, as it begins to move and to flow in My Ways--but now that it has picked up the deceit of the Plane, it now moves and then-flows in ITS it grows to become of the deceit of its haze/gaze.

And so what do I mean by this, and how does it apply to you, and to All whom are seen both ‘sitting’ and ‘standing’ on the Plane?

You see, many of you feel that in order for Me to come and enter your heart that it must first be thoroughly cleansed in its present manner of ways; however please know this, please know that if and when I come to enter your heart, it has nothing to do with the Ways that you know; fore I am just True Perfection of Ways.

And so let Me first explain the ‘nuclear option’ of Love, as this is much more important than the physical beauty that you see/choose to see in your heart.

You see, the ‘nuclear option’ has to do with your fully seeing and sensing Me as THE ONLY WAY out of this pathe, in this life. 
And so when One fully chooses to ONLY see Me, and their acceptance of Me, as the ONLY way to live on this Plane, then they in essence push the/ My Known-Button in their heart, as I become all that they choose to see in their ways.

And so let Me explain this a bit see, in time all of what I have said and will say unto you will finally make Great and Perfect Sense there in Me. And so if I said you had a Beautiful Body in your heart, which I have said many times in the past, then why would I say something as nonsensical to you, that you must learn to ‘blow yourself up' in your heart, there in Me?

You see, you are not your own, you have been bought and paid for in the Great and Perfected Love of My Heart when, 2000 years ago, My Great and Perfected Jeshua came to die on the Cross.

And so let Me tell this to you, if you continue to be afraid of ‘the things that go bump in the night,’ then you will never know His Great and Perfected Love in your soul; fore you will not feel and sense My Great and Perfected Presence in you, as I come upon you in your heart.

And so again, what do I mean by, "I need you to ‘blow yourself up’ in your heart," in order to fully sense and feel Me in you?

You see, in time All will understand EXACTLY what I am saying to you when I come to each in their hearts and say, “Come My child, it is time now to go, please do pick up your bed and then-walk, walk into your Great Heart in Me.”

You see My sweet child of Love, it is truly that simple, and that easy for you to begin your walk Homeward to Me—see?

And so here is the simple moral to the Great Story of just why it seems and appears you are ‘stuck’ on the see, in time you WILL understand EXACTLY what I am saying to you, but for now please learn to be more kind-hearted in the Great and Perfected Love of My Ways.

You see, when and if One will fully choose the ‘Great Nuclear’ option of Love, and choose to ‘blow their self up’ on the Plane, what will happen is this, they will be choosing to fully live My Heart out as they move and they flow on the Plane—as they truly begin to fully see and sense Me as Love in their hearts, no matter what goes on in this life; fore when One fully chooses to see and to know Me as Love, then I/we together have full control of their ‘life’ they drop their shells and fully enter My New Lyfe in thee.

And so, before I leave in this day, I do wishe to do this--I do wishe to say that I do not want to be misrepresented or misquoted in any way; fore I AM NOT saying that One who steals a backpack and attempts to board a plane to blow himself and all the others to smithereens, is somehow a ‘great disciple’ of Mine, no!--someone who would choose to fully blow up, and to take another’s heart in this life is just a dirty, rotten scoundrel at best, and he or she will not experience a Great death as they attempt to move and to flow in My Love.

And so our time is nearly up in this day, please remember that 'to die to Oneself’ means to pick up your bed and then walk/to walk into your New Lyfe with Me’... which means EVERYTHING in its Pure Self there in step forward, with no steps back, as you begin to fully see, and to sense Me as Love.

I Love you, time now to go, amen.”

Sunday, October 8, 2017

All have come up short in the Glory of God, but yet All are found as worthy to Me :-)

10/7/17 11:21pm
(I asked our Lord to please speak with me about whatever He wished to speak with me about, and for All of us to know...)

I heard, "All's well that ended perfectly well in My Name...what do you think about this, and just what am I meaning to say?

You see, in time All will truly hear EXACTLY what I wished for them to hear when I say the words, "it is time, it is done, the game of life is now over for you, so time now to return back to Love."

So then when the time is right for each of you in this present day age, please know that I WILL come a calling for you--there is never/ever a time when I overlook someone, or forget to grab ahold of someone, or simply just leave someone standing behind; fore I know each and every creature I have created in My Heart, despite what you choose to see and to know...fore each is just a sweet child of Mine, formed and fashioned in Love of My Heart, as I call out to each of your hearts in My Name.

And so what I would to talk about today is a very tricky, speculative topic such as, 'when the time is finally up for you in this land, please tell your dearest Father of Love, please tell Me, will you be walking into My Arms when I come upon you, or will you be just a runnin' as fast as you can, in the opposite direction from Me?

And so please know this, Hitler, Mussolini, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, and many others are now with Me today, and so exactly what is it that I am trying to relay unto you? 

You see, again, in time All will see that it's not so much how you have chosen to live out your heart that makes you apart or within Me, but rather it's all about how someone chooses to rightly order their heart, that brings them into the fullness of My Light force fully flows from the inner to the outward flow of My Love.

And so I mentioned that My Hitter, My Mussolini and others who have raped, tortured, and murdered many an individual in their day, are now with Me today, along with many others that chose My Pathe in their day, and this perplexed you as you ask, "How can this be?"

What you cannot see is what and how each did drop of their hellish rage as they entered the Kingdom of God, as they walked into the Great Arms of My Love.

And so a great many of you are saying to yourselves, "they don't deserve to be in Heaven; why would our Lord have even considered trying to redeem such a horrible monster as these two, along with any other criminals who have exited this sweet Plane that we know?"...(the Lord paused for a moment and then said...) 
You see My sweet children, if any of you think for even one moment that I would wishe the hellish rage on anyone, then to them I say, "My child you know Me not; fore I am a God of Supreme Understanding in Love. I am also a God who offers up second, third, fourth and on and on in the number of chances I give unto you until All return back to the Pure Grace of My Love.

Fore I truly care not, how long it took for One to grow to Become LOVE, but rather when each of you let's the other know how much you care, or care not about them in this life, what happens is this-- rage, pestilence, and all diseases of the heart helps them to develop their known-hatred of rage.

You see, I do not work such as many of you do on your plane as you judge, and Re-judge of your murderous plots in your you each wishe to condemn another to hell in your rage...and quite frankly My dearest child of Love, if you or anyone ever finds yourself wishing for another to go to hell, or quite possibly something worse, then please know there is no difference between you and he or she in this life...'he' or 'she' is just acting out your own murderous plot, as you condemn of their known heart in your rage...are you beginning to see what I mean?

And so please do not ever let your sun go down on your anger; fore anger is like a sense of fear from within that will fester into the known-rage of your heart. And if you continue to perpetuate-out this particular part of your heart, then it will become infested with rage into the works of your soul.

You see, anger, hatred, bitterness, and rage are all associated with someone's not getting off of your Plane in this life; fore they will need to cycle and recycle through more lives in their heart till they grow to become My Great Love in their soul.
And so if you would not ever like to see and to know of this type of rage in your heart, then please never let the sun go down on your you learn to exchange the rage for My Known-Love in your soul, okay?

And so please do be learning of this here 'Great Lesson in the heart of your soul.' Repentance is the key to One's ability to truly see, and to know of My Love in your soul despite how it's been shown there in you. And if each of you will learn to see and to know My Perfected Love in your souls, then you will share it with All whom you know...I wishe for all wayward cows to walk forward in Me, see?

And so this about wraps up this here 'lesson' for you as to how One went to Heaven, and the other went/bent forward unto the depths of unlove, depending upon how they chose to see and to know My Love in their heart.

And so please forgive, forget and move on; fore in the end, the Crowned Victor is the One who gains from all the support in this life, as each of you learns to run the race well as you led.

And so again, the moral to this Great and Perfected Moment of the heart is to learn to Love All in the Manner that was shown and displayed and relayed to each One of you in the Truest Beauty and the Love of My Son; fore you see, in the end you will truly see that this/it was never about competing for the Grande prize that was already given to you from the start when I created you in Love/the type of Love that always starts with, "I know you meant to hurt me, and your intentions were clear as mudd; however, I choose to Love you despite any fatal flaws that should keep me from your heart, when I see and know my God's Love in your heart; fore NOTHING can or will ever keep me from the Great Love of My God! :-)

And so our time is now up in this Great Moment of Love. Please remember to be kind to All who still need to know what the essence of that word truly means; fore each has fallen short when it comes to knowing and showing the Great Love of their God, fore All are found as worthy in the Great Name of the King.

And so just one final thing to remember before you leave in this see, for many today this was an extremely hard lesson to hear/to even imagine that someone as terrible, and as rotten as Adolph Hitler, Benito Mussolini, or any else such the like could ever achieve such a feat, but let Me remind you, you serve a Great God who ate with sinners, as He washed of their feet...remember, All are found as 'worthy' to Me, as they fall together in the Great Love of the Feat.

You see, in the blink of an eye all of this will be over for you, and you will ask yourselves, "Wow, if I were given the opportunity for just one more day on the earth, how many more souls could I have saved?...just one more, just one more, just one more soul for The King," My child, this is how I wish each of you would think..."just one more soul/let Me grab just one more soul for the Great Heart of my King."

You see, many of you will be seeing Me very shortly in Love when I wake you and say, "My child, it is time now to go, please do pick up your bed and then walk " as you walk forward into the Great Heart of The King.

And so please remember to ALWAYS never let the sun go down on your anger; fore anger turns into resentment and rage, and when it festers to the point that it becomes rage in your heart, you will grow to become a Bourne-killer in the gaze of your you seek to destroy another in your known anger and rage.

And so I know that for many of you this was a particularly tough lesson today; fore All have fallen short in their souls, but if each of you will just learn to forgive and forget, then here's where a New Heart is you move out My Perfected Love from within.

And so please ALWAYS remember to give and to show Love just like My Great Jeshua showed it to you in your heart; fore the ending is truly the beginning of Love, if each will do it with My Great Love in their hearts...all wrapped up tightly in the Great Love of My Heart.

I Love you My Great Glorious children of beautiful Light, and a tremendous amount of Joy in your hearts. Please know that each of you has been Divinely planted from within with this Great Spark of Love from My Heart...and that All are found as 'worthy' to Me in the end, despite what you choose to know and to see in your souls.

I Love you, time now to go. Amen."
Genesis 8:21
The LORD smelled the soothing aroma; and the LORD said to Himself, "I will never again curse the ground on account of man, for the intent of man's heart is evil from his youth; and I will never again destroy every living thing, as I have done.
1 Kings 8:46
"When they sin against You (for there is no man who does not sin) and You are angry with them and deliver them to an enemy, so that they take them away captive to the land of the enemy, far off or near;
Ecclesiastes 7:20
Indeed, there is not a righteous man on earth who continually does good and who never sins.
Romans 3:9
What then? Are we any better? Not at all. For we have already made the charge that Jews and Greeks alike are all under sin

Saturday, October 7, 2017

The process of life...

10/7/17 1:20am
(I woke up suddenly from a terrifying dream --it was absolutely horrifying and so scary to the point where my heart was racing, and I had sheer terror in my heart. I said a couple of Hail Mary's, and Our Father prayers to calm down and restore peace in my heart, but I still couldn't get back to sleep, so I got up and came to The Lord to hear what He would say to me...I decided to post this on the blog because as you will soon see when He speaks to me, He speaks to each of us in our hearts if we will listen to His Great Love in our souls.)
I heard, "Some things are just not meant to be in this life, in your particular way of the heart in your soul of My Ways--what do I mean by this you aske?-- hold on, and I will tell you a sweet story of Me, one that will 'knock the socks off' in the way that you know and you see.

You see, once upon a time there was a tiny baby girl in My Heart, and as much as this tiny baby girl tried to live in this land, she ALWAYS felt disjointed and out of sorts, when it came to truly knowing and feeling she was 'safe' in this land, according to My Known Heart in her soul. 

And so what did I do when she came upon Me in her heart? Did I back away and say unto her, "you are not fit for My Heart"--or did I say this unto her, did I say, "My child, please ALWAYS feel so very 'safe' in this land, according to the Words of My Love that ALWAYS says unto you, "you are patient, you are kind, and you, My child, are a Special Love in My Heart, that ALWAYS whispers My Great and Perfected Love in your name?"

And so the reason that I did come to wake you in the night, with a particular 'scary concept of fear' in the way you choose to know love in your heart, is to tell you that All is so very well in your heart, no matter how you feel in your soul.

Please do think about this a bit more in your heart; fore the way that you go about in your 'day' in your heart, WILL be an actual representation of how you choose to live in this life, and, if you will do it with both t's crossed as a bow in your heart, then you'll be doing it with My Known Love in your I whisper My Sweet, Sacred Nothings to you.

And so I opened this message in our time together to tell you, and to say, "All is well in your soul, no matter what you choose to know in your day..."
And so what do I mean by this, and wat should you choose to see in your day?

You see, in time all of this will make sense unto you as to why you had the children that you did, why you chose the particular husband that you did, and just why it seems that you can never get a chance to wrap your hands around money, or time in this life, according to the works in your heart in this life.

And so I also started this, our time out, by saying, "some things are just not meant to be in your heart, when it comes to your making your way known there in Me"--what do you think I am saying to you, as I offer up My Pure Knowledge to you?

You see, again, in time all of this will make perfect sense unto you as to just why you chose the pathe that you did in this life, but for now, please know this, please know that whatever you chose to do in this life, whether it to be perceived by you as a 'good decision' or a 'not so good decision', please know this, please know that whatever 'happens' to you in this life, that if you will choose to put all of your heart, and your mind, and your soul into it to achieve My Type of Glory in this life, if you will do this, then just watch how I am able to pave  The Way for Perfect Peace, Perfected Love, Perfected Joy, and Perfected Hope, no matter what 'happens' to you in this life, okay?

So honestly, and truthfully, no one should ever regret what may be perceived by you as a 'mishap,' or a 'misstep' in life; fore if each and everyone of you will ALWAYS take the High Road in life no matter how it makes sense to each of you in this life, then as the tiny seeds of Love blossom into My Love in your heart, then you will speak My Love with each and every word that you've I speak out My Purest Love in your name.

And so that about wraps things up for the Knowledge I would wishe for each of you to be living and to be breathing here today--please remember to ALWAYS choose to Love One another in each and every happenstance you come upon in your day; fore One never knows who or how they can affect another for My Good in your heart, when they learn to come across Me in each of their days.

I Love you, time now to go. Amen."

2 Timothy 1:7

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.