The Lord speaks... “My child, please do not be afraid of the scary things that go ‘bump’ in the night, as that IS NOT of My doing--but rather, when you let the fear come to enter your heart, that is and will result in a sharp pain in your heart, that will turn you into a heart that can’t see Me in their soul, as they begin to worship My unknown ways in their souls.
And so EXACTLY what do I mean by this, and how do you apply this to All in their hearts?
You see, a long, long time ago, there was once a King who sat on His Great Throne to look down upon His Dear Creatures of Heart. And then once upon a time there was you, the type of you who did see and did come to experience all the Great Ways of His Heart, as it did capitulate the Great World it did know.
And so what happened you aske? And why did things all suddenly change in a heart, in the ways that it chooses to see and it knows?
You see My sweet child of Love, in time you WILL fully understand as to just why it seems and appears to you in this life that it is one step forward and three steps back as you plog along on the Plane--but let Me tell this to you, if you or anyone would like to suddenly choose My Great ‘nuclear option' of Love, and to suddenly decide to ‘blow yourself up’ on the Plane, then here’s where I’d like to come upon you, as you come to make My Ways known in the Great Heart of your soul."
(I asked Him if He could explain what He means by ‘nuclear option’ of Love, and ‘blow yourself up’ on the Plane?)
“Thank you My child for asking these particular type questions in you; fore the way that your generation perceives these two particular lines that I am saying to you, does have quite the negative connotations to it; fore you have seen people literary do these types of actions, haven’t you?(yes) And as well, this is also what many of you presently fear will and may happen to your world at any point, and at any moment in your land.
And so let Me explain what I see, a Heart was ONLY made to give and receive My Great Love in its space, as it begins to move and to flow in My Ways--but now that it has picked up the deceit of the Plane, it now moves and then-flows in ITS it grows to become of the deceit of its haze/gaze.
And so what do I mean by this, and how does it apply to you, and to All whom are seen both ‘sitting’ and ‘standing’ on the Plane?
You see, many of you feel that in order for Me to come and enter your heart that it must first be thoroughly cleansed in its present manner of ways; however please know this, please know that if and when I come to enter your heart, it has nothing to do with the Ways that you know; fore I am just True Perfection of Ways.
And so let Me first explain the ‘nuclear option’ of Love, as this is much more important than the physical beauty that you see/choose to see in your heart.
You see, the ‘nuclear option’ has to do with your fully seeing and sensing Me as THE ONLY WAY out of this pathe, in this life.
And so when One fully chooses to ONLY see Me, and their acceptance of Me, as the ONLY way to live on this Plane, then they in essence push the/ My Known-Button in their heart, as I become all that they choose to see in their ways.
And so when One fully chooses to ONLY see Me, and their acceptance of Me, as the ONLY way to live on this Plane, then they in essence push the/ My Known-Button in their heart, as I become all that they choose to see in their ways.
And so let Me explain this a bit see, in time all of what I have said and will say unto you will finally make Great and Perfect Sense there in Me. And so if I said you had a Beautiful Body in your heart, which I have said many times in the past, then why would I say something as nonsensical to you, that you must learn to ‘blow yourself up' in your heart, there in Me?
And so let Me tell this to you, if you continue to be afraid of ‘the things that go bump in the night,’ then you will never know His Great and Perfected Love in your soul; fore you will not feel and sense My Great and Perfected Presence in you, as I come upon you in your heart.
And so again, what do I mean by, "I need you to ‘blow yourself up’ in your heart," in order to fully sense and feel Me in you?
You see, in time All will understand EXACTLY what I am saying to you when I come to each in their hearts and say, “Come My child, it is time now to go, please do pick up your bed and then-walk, walk into your Great Heart in Me.”
You see My sweet child of Love, it is truly that simple, and that easy for you to begin your walk Homeward to Me—see?
And so here is the simple moral to the Great Story of just why it seems and appears you are ‘stuck’ on the see, in time you WILL understand EXACTLY what I am saying to you, but for now please learn to be more kind-hearted in the Great and Perfected Love of My Ways.
You see, when and if One will fully choose the ‘Great Nuclear’ option of Love, and choose to ‘blow their self up’ on the Plane, what will happen is this, they will be choosing to fully live My Heart out as they move and they flow on the Plane—as they truly begin to fully see and sense Me as Love in their hearts, no matter what goes on in this life; fore when One fully chooses to see and to know Me as Love, then I/we together have full control of their ‘life’ they drop their shells and fully enter My New Lyfe in thee.
And so, before I leave in this day, I do wishe to do this--I do wishe to say that I do not want to be misrepresented or misquoted in any way; fore I AM NOT saying that One who steals a backpack and attempts to board a plane to blow himself and all the others to smithereens, is somehow a ‘great disciple’ of Mine, no!--someone who would choose to fully blow up, and to take another’s heart in this life is just a dirty, rotten scoundrel at best, and he or she will not experience a Great death as they attempt to move and to flow in My Love.
And so our time is nearly up in this day, please remember that 'to die to Oneself’ means to pick up your bed and then walk/to walk into your New Lyfe with Me’... which means EVERYTHING in its Pure Self there in step forward, with no steps back, as you begin to fully see, and to sense Me as Love.
I Love you, time now to go, amen.”
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