Friday, June 12, 2020

Adam and Eve ‘The Real Story’ Part 3

6/11/2020 8:17pm
(I’m sitting at the airport waiting for my flight to board, so thought I’d finish our Lords message for today...Part 3 of a 4 part series on Love and the Garden of Eve...)

Our Lord speaks...”My sweet children of Love, today’s topic will be on the Great Garden of Eve, and exactly how this all plays itself out there as Love. 

And so in the day I created My sweet Adam in My Garden, I already had a good idea as to who, what, where and when he would leave...but that’s not to say I didn’t try to cultivate his sweet heart in his soul. 

And so I decided to double-down in My making of his Perfect companion for he, when I created My Eve in her soul...Eve, Eve,, my, my...(He let of a sad and disappointed sigh, paused and then continued...)

You see, all is still well that always ends there in Love, right? (Yes) and so on the day I created My Eve, it was Good, in fact, it was a very Good Day in My Land—the birds sang their sweet melodies of Love, and all seemed so very right in My Land, that was until the snake came to enter her, my, my.

And so, please know that when I ‘make My move,’ that I already have the end result in My Mind, but that’s not to say that I makeup and manipulate persons, places, and things, so that events all go My Way, in My Plan; fore I create, I live, I Love, and I Know All of that which helps another follow My Sweet Sacred Pathe in their souls.

You see, when I create, I leave no stone unturned, I leave no Proper Ending in and as a result-unfinished, no,  I foretell and I forthtell all with a Great Purpose and a True Passion in their souls.

And so what do I mean by that, and how does this fit into My sweet Equation of Love?
You see, IF I created you to ONLY follow on one particular Pathe, with no alternative options or plans, then I would just be manipulating Myself to go where I’d already went in your heart, and your minds, in your souls,  right?”
(I told Him I’m kind of confused of what He’s saying...) 

“Please read this last statement of fact a minimum of five times, so you fully understand exactly what I am trying to say unto you; fore if I created you in the Image of God, which I did, and I cared about you in the Pathe that each of you'd go, then how could I be blamed for the true deviation of your course as you each then-moved and then-flowed in My Love?
And so let’s talk about Original Sin and how it has gotten you In the mess you are in...“
(He paused for a moment and then said...)

“Original sin, while yes it is bad, but please know that I know that each of has your own ‘original sin’ in your souls, okay? None of you is Perfect, and while I know each of you says, “yes Lord, I know what you mean...” I am telling you that you haven’t a clue—I LOVE YOU!!! 

Do you hear this? Do you really hear this and believe?, because if you truly believed that I LOVE YOU, then you would each see your own personal ‘sin’ for the lie that it is in, as you each attempt to move and to flow in My Love.

And so here’s where the ‘original sin’ then comes in...again, each of you knows, and has know ‘original sin’ to be something that is uncommon in your souls; fore it is a repetitive cycle that begins and ends with your knowing and unknowing of My Love in your hearts.

And so tomorrow I wish to discuss this more in detail as to who, how, and just where ‘original sin’ begins and it ends in your souls; fore until All can learn to just see Me as Love, then they will. Ever see My Truest Love in their souls.

And so I look forward to seeing you all then, take care and please know that nothing, I repeat, nothing can ever keep you from Love, if you know My Love deep in your souls.

I Love you, ‘time’ now to go. Amen.”

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