Our Lord speaks...”And so what else can I tell you about My sweet, Sacred/My Adam and Eve, sin, and the origin of how sin did come in to My World...
You see, Love is a beautiful thing especially when it is cultivated and cared for by Me; however, If and when any of you begins and they continue to see that Love is just an expression of Me, then All will truly see who they are in My Love, so that all comes together in Me—see?
And so what are the origins of sin, and why would a Good and Gracious God such as I actually let a thing such as sin enter in to this Equation of Love in a heart?
You see pride, prejudice/pre-judging, ownership/entitlement/abandonment are all things that keep One from Loving one another in their souls...my, my, my...” (Our Lord, paused for a brief moment, as this last statement made Him very sad, and then He continued very sad but intense as He said...)
“You see, everything, every single thing that you do is a choice. And so when you make a decision in everything you say and you do, it has the potential to either make My Love rise or then-fall on the earth.
And so let’s discuss the riots and the many displays of unrest in your world; fore it has the potential to continue further chaos, destruction, and dis-ease—-Or, it could lead to tremendous healing in your land that you see...are you beginning to see what I mean? Fore until all hatred, rage, disgust, anger, abandonment, and die-ease return back to Love, it will need to bring about a True Heart Change in thee, which will bring about a New Type of Love All should see...now I believe you are beginning to see what I mean, are you not? (Yes Lord, I think I’m getting what you mean, thank you) “you are so very welcome indeed.”
And so just for comparison’s sake, let’s compare these ‘rioting’ acts to that of a young child who is expressing-outward their needs in their
souls when they have a complete meltdown in their actions towards you.
You see, when someone chooses to strike-out at one another in rage rather than sitting down to a discussion to decipher their true-answers in need, then tempers will flare, wars will erupt, and All will not like what they see.
And so let’s talk about the instigators and the agitators that are presently stirring the pot in your land...and while I do not like to name names, I will in this circumstance so that All will then-see what I see.
And so please know that I Love each and every one of you—I created each of you from the bosom of My Womb, but Satan has grabbed ahold of many in your world, and they are not following the True Pathe of The King!
You see Bernie Sanders is presently Not a friend of The King; for he is actively choosing the path of destruction of family values, and the removal of the rights to keep and bear arms. He is also for the destruction of the child in the womb, and many other things that would destroy this sovereign nation of Love. And so if he were to become President of The Free world, it would lead to the destruction of My Love in your land.
And so while I know that I have just pissed off—your words not Mine—many in your world, please continue reading this message so you will see what I see and I mean; fore until All can just see and know Me as Love in their hearts, they will never know My Great Love in their souls.
And so why do I pick ‘Bernie Sanders’ to discuss rather than Joe Biden who is their Presidential option in this particular moment in time?
You will soon see what I mean when I say that Bernie Sanders team is presently behind what you are seeing in the unrest that you see. And if he were to become ‘President’ per se’, you would see this all played-out in your land.
And so why do I say this to you, is it to scare you into some form and fashion of unlove, scaredness, hatred, anger, or rage...or is it something more...is it to get you to see that until My Light fully comes to enter a soul, All will feel unwelcome in their souls.
Wendy, (He’s now speaking to me, giving me direction..) will you please put the Welcoming in prayer that I gave you right here at the end of this message, so that All who chose to see and to know Me as Love will come together in the Great Womb of My Soul.”
(Continuing on with the message...)
“And so let’s contrast this with another man, another choice that you have to make at this presidential election.
Donald J. Trump is a man who is after My Heart. He has spent a lifetime of following different paths that have led him to Me.
And so let’s say that he were to continue on for a second presidential term, what would that look like in Me?
Would the world become safer, will the world become more of a God-like Christian nation, will the babies be safe in the womb, would your country be secure with walls around your border so that there is law and order in the streets in your world?
You see, President Donald John Trump IS My Chosen Vessel who was Bourne for such a time as this, and you will truly see just how he takes My America upwards to Become The Land of the Brave and the Free.
And so why do I site these two examples of Love and unlove, and what I am meaning to say?
You see, it’s all about the heart, it is Always about One’s heart there in Me that either propels One forward or backwards in thee/with or without My Love they should see...and so how does this factor into what I am meaning to say?
It’s all about the rights of those who are not yet Bourne, yes, that is what is at the heart of the chaos and the destruction that you see.
You see, Love is a beautiful thing, especially when it is given and shared and expressed in a way that brings about Hope, brings about Love, brings about Unity, and truly brings about a Heart-Change in All whom you see.
You see, to know Me is to Love Me, right? (Yes) and so I aske each one of you, how well do you each know Me today? Am I just a genie in a bottle, that you pray to and from, to help swing the Pendulum of the Equation towards you...Or am I something much more Special and More Significant in you?
You see, if I create a tiny baby in the womb, I am doing it for such a time as this. And so if the mother or father choose to not let this tiny baby come to fruition, then that is a very terrible thing; fore you see, I created that child for such a time as this/to accompany you and all the elders of The Heart in this Great Journey of Love in My/.our together Way.
You see, that’s where pride, prejudice, hatred, rage, insolence, or anything that is not of Me will come in to destroy the moment of conception in a heart.
And so again, why is the choice for conception at the time of its inception THE most significant topic in your land? The truth lies in your constitution: “All People’s will have the rights and the freedom to Love.”
And if you are choosing to snuff out the life of a young child before or after it has had a chance to take its first breath, then you are denying this basic right of Liberty to the One I have created in you… as you sentence them from your hand to their death.
Do not be afraid of any virus, riots, or chaos in the streets—DO NOT let anything keep you from sharing and expressing your voice/your vote in My Streets! Because if the citizenry of The United States of America chooses to elect the candidate who is against My Life, then I will let you Become what you choose, and you wish, you will see.
However, what I will not let happen is an unbalancing of the scales of Justice. I will thwart the enemies plans to silence those who wish to express their rights and their duties as citizens of My Great United States—yes, I will silence their rage and their hatred for you, as you go to vote for My Life and My Love.
And so if you seek Me, you WILL FIND ME as you uncover My True Love in your souls.
And so how does all of this factor into what I am trying to say? You see, the word ‘sin’ is a very ugly word; however, it could be a beautiful expression for change; fore out of the ashes a New Life will form if it is given the opportunity to change...the True Reversal of what happened in My Great Garden of Love when Eve took the first bite of the sin of her deed.
And so what does Adam and Eve, sin, pride, prejudice, hatred towards the One that you should Love—what does all of this have to do with your present day rioting, looting, and unrest in your land? It has nothing to do with anything that you see, fore all works together in Love; however, here’s where this becomes a necessary force you should see...
You see just like the tiny child who needed to blow off the steam to express their deep needs of fear, hatred, injustice, or whatever it was that caused them to feel a deep sense of sadness in their soul, then after it is expressed, it gives all the opportunity to put back into place, the Right Heart Attitude of Love, that ALL SHOULD then-SEE as they seek out My Pure Love in its place.
In fact that will be the new slogan of both the Right AND The Left—‘STRONGER TOGETHER’ you will see, you will see, you WILL see.
And so after this election you will see cities rebuilt, lives restored, jobs flourishing, and an economy growing AND you will see life respected once again in the womb as Roe v. Wade is reversed with joy and gladness on both sides of the fence, as All comes together as My Love in a Womb.
And so from this moment on please only let Love, Peace, Joy, and My Goodness flow from your heart. Remember, I am a Loving God of Rules, Law, and Order, and I will never cower to their (the darks) needs—I let Law and Order establish One’s True Ability for their needs.
And so please know this, Adam and Eve are Good. Sin is not bad if it is used properly to decipher any inadequacies that are present in One’s soul/to allow One time to ‘fix’ what is broken in thee.
Love heals, Love fixes and corrects all wrongs, and it provides a way back for All to reconnect back to Me in their heart...so that all comes (back) together in Love.
And so the next time we speak, it will be about the circumcision of the heart, and just why it is such a challenging thing yet to do, but if you choose to Love the way that Jesus Loves, then it will become a truly wonderful thing yet to do.
I Love you, ‘time’ now to go. Amen.”
(Here is the prayer that our Lord asked me to insert into this message. It is a prayer that He gave me for when someone wishes to Welcome Him into their Heart. I hope you will choose to say it today and feel free to pass this along to whomever you choose. If you’d like to hear the audio version of it please feel free to contact me on our contact page to see how you can get a copy of it.
Your friend in Christ, Wendy :-)
Prayer for the Welcoming in of
The Light
Begin and end this prayer by saying this out loud in your heart Our Lords Prayer:
Our Father who is in Heaven, hallowed be your name, thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this say our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who have trespassed against us, and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For yours is the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory now and forever. Amen.
All Light Beings spring forth from His Great Name of Love. May all that is Good, and of our Lord/our God be present in this Sacred moment in time. May the Light spring forth from our essence, our heart, our being.
May the Light we were created with be returned to the dark, and may it be welcomed in with Glorious Delight—the cadence rings of Pure Joy and Love in the heart/the soul of the believer of Love.
May any bits of dark be lifted up/out of this vessel, and brought up to the Light, and yes may be welcomed in with Joy/with Love/with delight.
May any forms of dark be fashioned with the Love of Christ. May any doubts of Love be sealed with the rays of Light from the Heart of Christ. May the Joy of Love be truly seen by All in their heart, their mind, and their body.
May the vessels of dark be rewarmed by the Light of Christ, and yes may be welcomed in with joy and delight—with the Love of Christ.
May the sad, the lonely feel the Joy of the Springtime rain as it washes, as it cleanses, as it purifies the ashes of the fire of doom, and yes may it be welcomed in with the Love of Christ.
May the gifts from the Giver of Lyfe be seen and enjoyed by All, may we hear with the ears of the heart, and yes may it be welcomed in by the Heart of Christ.
So it is with Joy, with gladness of heart, with Love, with Light that we seal this blessing of Love, of Light, of Joy, and may the Love of Christ be Always in us, through us, as we are now fully aligned/in communion with our Father and go how we shine!
Now fully restored Beings of Light, we welcome in our Father of Light, of Love, of Hope, of Joy—back together again as we pray
Our Father who is in Heaven, hallowed be your name, thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this say our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who have trespassed against us, and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For yours is the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory now and forever. Amen.
Prayer for the Welcoming in of
Begin and end this prayer by saying this out loud in your heart Our Lords Prayer:
Our Father who is in Heaven, hallowed be your name, thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this say our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who have trespassed against us, and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For yours is the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory now and forever. Amen.
All Light Beings spring forth from His Great Name of Love. May all that is Good, and of our Lord/our God be present in this Sacred moment in time. May the Light spring forth from our essence, our heart, our being.
May the Light we were created with be returned to the dark, and may it be welcomed in with Glorious Delight—the cadence rings of Pure Joy and Love in the heart/the soul of the believer of Love.
May any bits of dark be lifted up/out of this vessel, and brought up to the Light, and yes may be welcomed in with Joy/with Love/with delight.
May any forms of dark be fashioned with the Love of Christ. May any doubts of Love be sealed with the rays of Light from the Heart of Christ. May the Joy of Love be truly seen by All in their heart, their mind, and their body.
May the vessels of dark be rewarmed by the Light of Christ, and yes may be welcomed in with joy and delight—with the Love of Christ.
May the sad, the lonely feel the Joy of the Springtime rain as it washes, as it cleanses, as it purifies the ashes of the fire of doom, and yes may it be welcomed in with the Love of Christ.
May the gifts from the Giver of Lyfe be seen and enjoyed by All, may we hear with the ears of the heart, and yes may it be welcomed in by the Heart of Christ.
So it is with Joy, with gladness of heart, with Love, with Light that we seal this blessing of Love, of Light, of Joy, and may the Love of Christ be Always in us, through us, as we are now fully aligned/in communion with our Father and go how we shine!
Now fully restored Beings of Light, we welcome in our Father of Light, of Love, of Hope, of Joy—back together again as we pray
Our Father who is in Heaven, hallowed be your name, thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this say our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who have trespassed against us, and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For yours is the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory now and forever. Amen.
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