Tuesday, October 13, 2020

The Lord speaks on the state of the heart, which is messy at times


10/13/2020 9:08pm

Our Lord speaks...“Hello, and welcome to The Lord speaks cd, where you will find all the answers you seek in your heart, when you discover My Pure Truthe in your soul.”

(Our Lord is opening this blog post with the beginning of how He begins speaking on the blue cd...interesting, I’m wondering where He’s going with this? So this part is His opening on the cd, and from here down is the message for today, enjoy :-)

“And so for those of you who contacted My sweet Wendy of Love and asked her how to get a copy of My Bluest cd, aaaaand actually listened to Track 13 over and over again, you feel a Great sense of Peace in this moment, do you not? (Yes :-)

And for those of you who did not, I aske each one of you, ‘why’?

You see, peace and attaining peace is quite easy in your land, when you do it with My Perfect Love in your soul, but and I repeat, a Great But—IF you choose to not allow My Perfect Peace to fully invade of your heart, then I cannot become fully Present in your land and your soul...are you beginning to see what I mean?

You see life and Love are easy when you do your everything with My Great Love in your soul; however, if you don’t wish to know My Great Peace in your heart, then you will not feel My Perfect Love in your soul.

And so let’s go back to My Great Christopher Columbus and in how this relates back to your present-day President Donald Jonathon Trump of My Heart.

You see, to know Me is to Love Me, is it not? And so let’s see how well you know Me today...I wishe to start this off with a Game I like to call ‘Hide and Seek‘...I’ll do the hiding, and you do the seeking, okay? 

So if I were to place a Golden Crowne on the top of your head, where would it be? Would it be on the earthe, in a place where it could be easily found, or would it be somewhere else, you could only see within Me? 

Please do think about this last statement a bit more, because the True Beauty of this life is inside of your heart, in and as a New Gift of life and love in your soul, and until all cows come Homeward to Me, then My Job is not done in your land, I need all cows to come Homeward to Me, see?

And so let’s play another game I like to call, ‘Pin the tail on the Donkeys ass, and (then) see what (then) happens to you’; fore the Great Truthe of this Journey will be seen in One’s heart, that discovers My Purest Truthe in their soul, okay? and not the other way around.

You see, ‘the donkey’ is the one who is continually running around and around in a circle, as he tries to touch of his head with his ass...but you see, when One can then-touch of the tip of their head with their tail, they never discover their ass.

And so what do I mean by this, and how does this apply to your present-day election issues you are each facing today...and how does this all tie back into ‘My Games’ we’ve been playing today? It has nothing to do with what I mean when I say—nothing matters, it’s all Good in the end...God wins, the evil goes to hell, and all else fades into oblivion instead.

You see, My Great Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue to find out a thing or two about his land that he knew, because he wished to conquer so much more than himself on his own.

And you see, your Great President Trump  has conquered so much on his own, in his own might, and his own strength in Love.

And so if it were up to Me, I would get rid of your two-party system and just go with one governmental branch that knows how to get things done, without all the loopholes and the stalemates instead.

And so after My Great Donald Jon Trump is re-elected, you will see so much more than just a two-party collapse, but what you’ll see is what can be transformed and reformed from all the leaders in the past, who truly cared, who were on the side of The Lord.

And so let’s talk about ‘the Games,’ shall we? 

You see, the One who is crowned Victor in the end, is the One who calls Me their friend, in a way One chooses to know of My Love in their souls, and if you will choose to decide, to do what is right, you’ll be on the winning team/on the True Side of My Love.

And so let’s talk about ‘the donkey’ for a moment, shall we? You see, donkeys are know for being incredibly stupid, and so very stubborn in your land, but they are anything but, as they are a very intelligent animal indeed; fore they know exactly where they wishe to then-go, and you cannot change their mind on a whim.

And so here’s where I show up in you...to know Me is to Love Me, is it not? And so I now aske you, how well do you each know Me today? Do you know Me as a Kind, Gentle Master of Love, or do you see Me as a Master of Rage...who never tires in his great displeasure of you?

You see, how One chooses to know of another, is a precursor to what and how the relationship will grow-into over time. And so let’s take Julie for an instance shall we? She thinks that she hooked her wagon to the wrong tail in life, and while I know that that is how an outsider looks upon she, but if you were to aske her, “would you change anything you see, did, or have done in your life, or would you still have played it out the same way in you?”

I think both she and I know that her life feels like a mess at times, but yet she is accomplishing all that she can, to help raise her son in the midst of a war, and she does it with the Pure Grace of My Heart...all bundled and branched-out there in you.

And so why does this message seem jumbled and not fluent to many of you? I am addressing many things that have either happened or will happen in the near future, and my ‘talking in code’ helps to connect ‘the ass’ with ‘the top of its head in its soul.’

And so again, yes, this message does appear to be jumbled and a bit messy in detail, but please know deep in your hearts that over the course of the next year or so, you will be learning about how those I placed in charge of My Great White House, chose it for their own personal gain in their means, along with many others in their day.

And so this is a time for Great Repentance in your land and your world. And so please print this off and utilize it for later reference as you will see this all unfold, till it makes sense in your world that you see; fore the Great Truthe of My Presence will be seen in a heart, that worships My Great Life within thee.

I Love you, time now to go. Amen.”

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