11/1/2020 3:55pm
(I am coming to our Lord to ask questions re the crazy Blue/Hunters moon that had a ring around it—what’s the significance of it, is He communicating something to us? And to also ask about what will happen after President Trump gets re-elected, etc...will there be a ground type of a civil war and unrest in our country?)
I heard, “My, My, My...we are getting a bit ahead of ourselves when you aske, ‘What will happen after President Trump is re-elected in our land? Will there be more chaos and destruction in your land, or something else?’
And to this I say again, My, My, My...You see, All is well that always ends up in Love, right? (Yes)
And so let’s say that I extend to My America another 4 more years of My Son...to what would I be thinking in your soul? (I should just be extremely happy that peace and prosperity would return, and that Love for You would become honored and respected once more in our land)
You see please remember that Love IS and will become certain once again in your world, and it must start with all hearts returning back to Me in your land.
And so let’s say again, that I extend to he another 4 more years to finish what should have been accomplished in the first 3 (years)?
You see, Love, life, and the pursuit of justice, should become the 3 most important things for he to do within Me, and so I will extend to he the timeframe to do in Love.
And so what exactly does this mean for those who are still sitting on the fence of their Love?
You see, time and circumstance most definitely WILL become apparent to All as the winds of time change for All in their souls—it’s time for all dark hearts to return back to Love, or they will receive the unwelcome platter of unlove in their souls
And so what do I mean by the ‘unwelcome platter of unlove’ in their souls? You see, once the bell has been rung and the final curtain calls the names of those who have chosen their own way in their hearts, then it will become apparent to All whom they are in their souls, as they move and they flow in their ways...which is separate and apart from My Heart.
And so whom will hear the final curtain, call their names out loud?(I’m hearing Him rattle off a long laundry list of names, as He trailed off. I had a knowing of many names on His list but the ‘Podesta’s’ are the only actual name that I heard aloud.)
And so who else will be the ones for whom the bell tolls? ( I keep hearing Him say aloud ‘Antifa, Socialists. Communists, and anyone who is oppressing and suppressing His children in their hearts.)
You see, the Antifa movement is complete Insurrection to Me, and so it must be stopped in its tracks before it can continue to gain the momentum and the speed in its soul...the heartbeat of America bleeds red, white, and blue, and should not suffer the course of its fools.
And so let’s talk a bit more about those who are planning their coup...you see, the Blueprint has been discovered by those who hold the keys to My sweet American Dream. And while their Father of My country is for the Great American Dream, all attempts to overthrow him will be useless/ as if in a dream, as they move and they flow in their ways.
And so should every card carrying American who stands for the Red, White, and The Blue be armed from head to toe to stop them in their tracks—Or should you each be diligent enough to watch your own tracks to see where they’ll lead; fore all hearts should return unto Me—see?
And so going back to this Tuesday’s ‘election results’...you see, it’s not over till the sweet lady’s a whistlin’ My Dixie in your souls, and so let’s not just give up and say “we won this battle without a fight in your souls,” okay? You see, I wishe for all cows to come Homeward to Me—see?
And so while I would like to tell you that the enemy cannot win unless you give in, but that’s not always the case—sometimes it appears that ‘the enemy’ has won, when he becomes his unlove in your space...are you beginning you see what I mean? (not really Lord, could you explain a bit more please?)
Why yes, I most certainly can...you see , ‘the enemy’ can only ‘win’ if you let him come to enter your space. And so if you learn to resist ‘the devil’ in his tracks, then he goes off to find another in your land...which is Not what I want to happen in your world.

You see, dark to Light and not the other way around, okay?
And so here is an example of what I am meaning to say, let’s say that each one of you decides to rub into the noses the fact that your candidate won and the others did not win this time around...instead of your stating that yours was right and that theirs was wrong, what I would rather you do is to take your signs down from out of your yard and instead just share a flag of strength, unity and Love in your hearts, as you very proudly display the Star Spangled Banner in your yard.
And rather than your wearing your Make America Great Again garb, I would rather you just wear shirts and memorabilia that state that you are a Christian in your heart, and that you are a safe place to go to hear about My Sweet, Sacred Jesus is Love...please remember that Love conquests all death and dis-wade in Ones soul, okay?
And so the Real/True question comes November 4th that everyone should be asking is, ‘what and how did this happen in your land?’ ‘and how can we put parameters in to make sure gag this never/ever happens again...please always think about how future generations will be the judge of you; fore that matter how we will win in the end, okay?
I’d like you think for just a moment about how the American Indians were treated when the ‘Americans’ decided to forge their pathe of unlove in their heads...the West was not won as just ‘one battle’ where the Pilgrims won and the Indians lost, no...one by one, one step at a time, a dark heart was then-tainted instead.
You see, healing, so much healing needs to occur in your land in your world, and if starts with each of you deciding to Not take the Pathe of the Pilgrims who wanted to go forth ahead, but rather they each knew just who they were there instead...please remember that in order to truly transform all dark hearts in your world, it’s one step at a time, changing darkness to My Light with each and every step of the road in your soul, and not the other way around, okay?
And so your tomorrow can and will Become so very special to you IF you will become certain in your souls as yo which direction you should choose to hominy our souls. And whether ‘the enemy’ attempts to come and ‘snatch’ you in your souls, please know that I cover each of My Children with the Great Blood of My Son, and that nothing can ever harm you in Love, okay? (Yes, and thank you Lord! Could you tell me what that moon meant last night, I felt such peace in it.)
“Oh yes, the Great Blue Hunters Moon...you see, life and Love are a beautiful thing are they not? (Yes! :-) but sometimes the enemy needs to be reminded that I am in charge, and that I only allow him to do his bidding to test the hearts of those whom I Love in your land. And so you’ve seen a ‘bullseye’ before in your land, right? (Yes)
A bullseye is in the middle of the target of the heart. And so while your one was attempting to change My Clock, and time celebrate its satanic rituals of the heart, what I wanted to do was to send a message to he, that I am large and in charge of My World, and that nothing can happen that I have not conceived in My Heart, for I am just Love in this this Great Heart in your world, okay?
And so the term, “message heard, and message received,” was what the enemy stated in their camps; and by My Shining My Light on the place of their ‘hearts’ they were reminded of who I am in their souls...let’s just hope and then pray that many see that their plans have been thwarted and that they change of their life-forms to Me, see?
And so our time in nearly up. Please continue to pray for all dark hearts to change back to Love, so that My Great Harvest of souls will occur in your land and your world; fore when a soul changes from dark unto Light, it’s very remarkable to see in your world...I need all hearts to return back to Love, okay?
And so let’s look at these next few days as an opportunity to be the voice of reason, shall we? How ‘bout when someone says to you very snottily, “so are you happy that your candidate won and not mine?” How ‘bout instead of you continuing on with a mirroring of their heart, how ‘bout you say this from your heart, “I can see that you are distraught, may we talk?”
Or how ‘bout when your sibling calls you to congratulate you and she on your win, how ‘bout you do this and say, “thank God that America won and that we can get our country back together again.”
You see Fractionated Thinking will ALWAYS produce negative thoughts, and until each can begin to see ‘the other’ as just an extension of God, then you will promote your own type of thinking of ways...that produces more and more of the same type of unlove in its ways.
So will there be riots, chaos and unrest in your streets come the eve of November 3rd, as they begin to see whom I’ve chosen again? Each and every one of you ha stage opportunity to Love; fore you are God in your souls from within...are you beginning to see what I mean?
If you chose to see and know My Love I am there. Those who are chosen have the Blueprint of the enemy in their hearts and their heads—pray for your country, stand up for what is right, BUT DO NOT LET THE ENEMY GET IN YOUR HEART AND YOUR HEAD, okay?
So from now until it is time to take you from this earthe that you know, please do pray for My Son in your souls, okay? And while I know that each of you is facing a battle of epic proportions, please know that where you are going, I have already been, and that I Love you just the way that you are, okay? and that nothing, I repeat, Nothing can ever keep you from Love, okay?
I Love you, ‘time’ now to go. Amen.”
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