4/14/2021 4:50pm
(I am coming to our Lord to ask Him about my hair...He asked me to let it go and grow as He has ordained for it to grow, saying that it would be a radiant light. I’ve had quite a few challenges w it over the last 3 or so years letting the color grow out. My husband is not happy with it because it is very gray and makes me look old, and I have to admit that I feel the same.
Before I go in tomorrow to my hairdresser to fix it, I want to ask Him what He wants me to do. I don’t want to be disobedient but I feel very unattractive and old and I kinda want to go back to my old brown color again...Lord, what should I do?)
I heard, “All Light Beings spring forth from The Great Heart of Love, may all that is Good and of our Lord/our God be present in this speck of moment in time. May all be seen in a way that brings about life and a Love in a heart, as we begin to move and to flow in our ways...(then I said our Lord’s Prayer in my heart...)
“My sweet child of a Great amount of Heart, Compassion and Truthe, please know that All is so well in your heart, your mind, and your soul as you begin to move in The Great Heart of My Love.
And so, while I know that you do come to Me with many questions of heart, please know that whatever you do in life only matters when you do it with My Great Love in your heart, no matter how it feels in your soul.”
(I’m like what?...please explain what you mean...)
“You see, 2000 years ago, I visited your great earth in My Love, and I did it with one goal and just one purpose in My ‘Soul’...I did it so that All could be reckoned in a heart, in their minds, and their souls in My Love.
And so what does that look like and sound like in you?” (I’m not sure...)
“You see, when you give Love, you receive back much love and much joy in your soul. And so, when I gave, and I grabbed your sweet earth with My Love (with Jesus) I have received back much love and joy from your earth...and I have done it with just one one purpose and one goal in My Heart—so that All would CHOOSE to follow My Ways, in their hearts, and their minds, in their souls.
And so let’s talk about your particular ‘situation’ at hand. And by the way, please feel free to post this on our blogsite, so that All can see how when I aske each one of you from time to time, to make sacrifices for Me, I do it with one thought and one particular goal in My Heart...I wishe to let your hear the sweet sound of My Voice, as I speak to you in each here snippet of time...so All can learn a bit more about Me.
And so, let’s say that I asked you to go to ‘The Great Victory of My Light’ (a conference in Cincinnati, OH) so that All could then learn more about Me.
And let’s say that you went and you followed each particular detail as I led...would that be a good, or a not so good ‘learning experience’ as you learned to follow the Great Sound of My Voice as I led?” (It was a very good learning experience and thank you Lord, we helped many people come closer to you!)
“And let’s say that I asked you to round up a few of the remaining Remnants from The Farm, so that each could then learn a bit more about Me.
And let’s say just for the record that you did, and you contacted many whom you thought might think you were crazy that Mary (sweet Mother Mary) would appear on March 18th...(our Lord paused a moment and then quietly said,) and let’s say that just for the record that she did come that day, and then she appeared again and again on 4/4, 5/5, 6/6, 7/7, 8/8, 9/9, 10/10, 11/11, and 12/12/2019...(He paused again and then said)
“And just for the record let’s say that I take you into the Spiritual Realm, so each can now see what I see...(I closed my eyes and went inward and He took me to a special realm. It was kind of strange but lucid, and I was not afraid, there was no fear, no fear, no fear...and then it’s like we just suddenly stopped and it’s like I was hanging in mid-air. I was not standing on anything solid, but yet something was holding me in place, as I started to see visions of many things...He then continued to speak from this spot I was in as He said)
“You see, things are not always as they appear to the natural eye on your Plane. The Truthe always lies in the True Beauty of the eye of the beholder of Love.
And so, let’s talk about your original question of heart/the True Color of your hair, and in what I did aske of you long ago...you see, your spirit has been alive for quite some time in your soul. And so, it matters not what the outside appearance of what you choose or not choose to look like in life—what matters is the True Beauty that does come from inside of your soul.
And so while yes, I did aske you to let your hair grow into it’s natural color—the color it will be when you transform into the True Beauty of you; however, each choice is made as ‘free’ to each one of you, as you choose to move and to flow in My Ways.
And so let Me aske this here ‘real question’ of you—do you like what you see with your eyes? (No, I feel old and unattractive...) then please feel free to change your outside so that it matches the True Beauty of you.
Remember that the Beauty/My Real Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, which looks and appears as ‘quite different’ from ‘you.’
(I told Him thank you, I just wanted to check with Him first before I made the switch back, because I didn’t what to disappoint or be disobedient to Him.)
“You see My sweet child of Love. The real true reason that I asked you to stop coloring your hair an unnatural color and to let ‘My Hair’ come out to and through you in your soul, was to get you to see that you are more than ‘your hair,’ and for those of you out there who are, how do you say on your earth, ‘aging’...please know that you should always choose to be as you see; however, if you are trying to be something you should not see, then I suggest you put some more caution upon what you should see.
And so our time is almost up, but before I go, please know that if it pleases Me, it should please you too; fore it’s in the dying to Oneself that each ‘earns’ The Eternal Lyfe of The Crown.
Please never worry about what you should eat or drink. Look at the birds, they never fret about what they will eat, or what they will wear, and aren’t you worth so much more than they? Worry about what does matter in life—loving your neighbor as thy self and loving The Lord your God with all your heart, all your mind, and all your soul—now that’s how you enter The Great Kingdom of God! (He’s beaming with Great Joy! 😇)
And so tomorrow is a New Day for each one of you, and so I aske, how will you be spending it with Me in your souls? Will you worry about each and every decision that you make, whether it will bring you closer and closer to The Lord, or will you choose to not move in My Love?
You see, I care not so much about ‘strict obedience’ because that makes a very rigid person who follows edicts and ‘understandings’ that sometimes just don’t work in My Ways.
And so the body is much more than anyone can imagine; fore it is the vehicle that helps live-out My True Love in your souls; however, please know that none of you has the power to make one hair on your head white or black; fore that power belongs to The Lord.
And so My Wendy, I thank you for first coming to Me to aske of what My Opinion might be; however, I leave that choice up to you. If you choose for it to be black or brown, then I grant you that there ‘power’ to change; however, if you choose to look like a calico cat, then I grant you the ‘power’ to change. (He made me crack up with His last statement because He was kind of lovingly teasing me, but I thanked Him profoundly)
And so lastly, what I really wanted to talk to each one of you about today was this My sweet children of Love, and I am so grateful that Wendy’s ‘hair color request’ came along...
You see, My Wendy is just like each one of you in that she thinks that by following My ‘Commands’ in the physical realm, will somehow make her closer to Me.
But you see, it’s not in the ‘physicalness’ of your realm that makes you closer or further away from Me that truly matters in this life, no—what truly matters in this life is each of you going inward and connecting to Me on a regular basis, so that All can feel the Perfect Glory of Me.
When I sent My Wendy to ‘The Great Victory of My Light’ conference, each time she went, she began to feel more confident and more comfortable walking lock stock and barrel in My Love.
And when I asked her to round-up ‘The Remnant’ and to go to The Farm to help stage more of My Great Presence in your world...she did, and I came to her over and over again.
You see, if you build it, I come...if you train your hearts, and your minds, and your souls, then I can come into your world in a way that reflects The True Light of your/our together Love in your souls.
And so many of you have ‘built’ a Great Fortress of Love in your souls, and it matters not what the world does to destroy your sweet Love; fore it truly emanates from out of your souls. Please remember that Like Kind always moves, breathes, and flows in a way as it sees and knows love in its heart.
And so, if I said unto you, please show more Love, and True Compassion in your world, no matter how it is shown unto you...(He paused and then quietly but intensely said,) Fore if you do hear The Great Sound of My Voice, please do harken it up to The Lord.
I Love you All, and please remember that it is your Love that I do request from each one of you, and it is My Great Hope that what pleases you, pleases Me; fore if it pleases you to show and receive My Love as I extend it to you, then please do open your heart up to Me...so I can fill you with My Great Love in your souls.
I Love you, time now to go. Amen :-)
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