Thursday, July 16, 2015
As you drift off to sleep...
7/16/15 10:24pm
I heard, "Today is and was a good day for you, as you let it unfold in My Ways; fore all that was seen and discovered by you as Pure Truthe and Pure Love in My Worlde, unfolded for you as the Great Magic of Me as I made Myself known unto you... (I told Him, "yes, I did have a wonderful day today as the sun did shine, and I saw His Inner Beauty and Truthe.")
So then, just one bit of advice to you, before it's time to drift off to sleep in My Land... please do pray more and say of your "thank you's" to Me, so you look and then-see such as I--okay?
So then, as you drift off to sleep, would you like to see the Great Glorious Diamonds of My Land, Or did you want to get a taste of what One sees as they drift off to sleep towards My Lands? Please do think about this a bit more, fore how One views and attempts to discover One's Truthe determines a life with or without Me--okay?
So now it is time to lay your head upon the pillow you can see, and please do remember that I liked how you sought as you went in this day, much as My Disciples went about their day in My Way.
I Love you, time now to amen.
(I then heard a sound, that sounded like a mighty rushing wind as His Heart began to meet the sheer essence of Mine, and I felt His Great Beauty and Love in my heart as I drifted off to sleep...)
I Love you, 'time' now to go. Amen."
Acts 2:2
Suddenly there was from Heaven a sound like a mighty wind and the whole place in which they were sitting was filled with it.
Sunday, July 12, 2015
7/12/2015 7:58am
The Lord speaks... "Verily I say unto you, this cup that I drink shall not pass from the lips of your mouth IF it is seen with the eyes of your heart, and 'IF' you think you will gain of this next stage in life ONLY by your worth and your deeds, then you are sorely mistaken My Friend; fore all that is seen, is then-known as it's felt, as I attempt to lay My self bare on your cross...and if you see what I see and I know in this life, then you will enter the Great Kingdom of God!
So then, what did I mean, and what do I wishe for you to get from this passage in the tiny self-worth of its deeds?
You see, to know Me is to Love Me, is it not? So then, IF I came to you today and said, "Please do take up your bed and then-walk"-- to what would you do?
Would you stand there and stammer as you tried to explain all the ways you were 'unworthy' of Me?
--Or would you pick up your bed, and as you looked Me straight in the eye, would you say, "Yes Father, I am coming to you, to seek the Great Love in your Heart/the Great Love of the Heart of your Worth..."
Please do consider the Source as you answer My Question in time; fore 'how' and 'why' One deems where they're at in this existence/this thing they call 'life,' determines 'If' they'll choose to enter My Heart.
Fore you see, when One becomes a True Follower of Mine, with/in the Magical Wonder of Me, then all that is seen is then-known in and as 'My Life,' and you will enter the Great Kingdom of God...are you beginning to see what I mean?
Fore when One says their sweet "yes" to the Great Sound of My Call, it means so much more than just a whisper to Me, fore all that is seen and then-known in/as this 'worlde' they call 'life' Becomes an actual Representation of Me--see?
So then, If you will grasp tight to the Great Love of My Heart, that is presented as My Hand unto you, then you will take-up 'your bed,' as you walk forward in Love, and begin to walk right and talk right in Me...(The Lord pauses for a moment and then with Great Joy in His Heart He says...) as you become more gentle, more kind, and more of Love/ just like Me, as you present yourself as now 'worthy' to Me; fore when One chooses to walk and to talk in the Lord, they become an actual Reflection of Me--see? (He's smiling at us with Great Love!)
So, please begin to spend more time in your day, thinking of how you can Be just like Me, so more cows will come Homeward through you--okay?
I Love you with an adoring passionate kiss that can't wait to fully receive you into the Great Heart of My Love...and please know that in the end of days, I will come here a calling for you--IF your heart will receive of My Joy.
I Love you, 'time' now to go. Amen."
(He's smiling at us with Great Love and affection in His Heart, hoping that will Be and Become more like Jesus today :-)
John 14:6
Jesus said to him, “I am the Way, the Truthe, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.
a sidenote...a friend of mine read this blog message and sent me an email with a few simple thoughts she received when she read this message which I think sums it up quite well, here it is:
Be more Gentle, Kind, & Loving as Jesus ... Walk in His Great Love .... Speak of Me so more will enter God's Great Kingdom of Pure Love & Light...which includes us if we follow His Way!
Also, I found this on the internet and thought it had some similar references to the content of this message as well...oh and by the way, I did change a few words as they came to me from the Lord as I was reading it...the article is entitled, 'The Cup Consumed'
The Lord speaks... "Verily I say unto you, this cup that I drink shall not pass from the lips of your mouth IF it is seen with the eyes of your heart, and 'IF' you think you will gain of this next stage in life ONLY by your worth and your deeds, then you are sorely mistaken My Friend; fore all that is seen, is then-known as it's felt, as I attempt to lay My self bare on your cross...and if you see what I see and I know in this life, then you will enter the Great Kingdom of God!
So then, what did I mean, and what do I wishe for you to get from this passage in the tiny self-worth of its deeds?
Would you stand there and stammer as you tried to explain all the ways you were 'unworthy' of Me?
--Or would you pick up your bed, and as you looked Me straight in the eye, would you say, "Yes Father, I am coming to you, to seek the Great Love in your Heart/the Great Love of the Heart of your Worth..."
Please do consider the Source as you answer My Question in time; fore 'how' and 'why' One deems where they're at in this existence/this thing they call 'life,' determines 'If' they'll choose to enter My Heart.
Fore you see, when One becomes a True Follower of Mine, with/in the Magical Wonder of Me, then all that is seen is then-known in and as 'My Life,' and you will enter the Great Kingdom of God...are you beginning to see what I mean?
Fore when One says their sweet "yes" to the Great Sound of My Call, it means so much more than just a whisper to Me, fore all that is seen and then-known in/as this 'worlde' they call 'life' Becomes an actual Representation of Me--see?
So then, If you will grasp tight to the Great Love of My Heart, that is presented as My Hand unto you, then you will take-up 'your bed,' as you walk forward in Love, and begin to walk right and talk right in Me...(The Lord pauses for a moment and then with Great Joy in His Heart He says...) as you become more gentle, more kind, and more of Love/ just like Me, as you present yourself as now 'worthy' to Me; fore when One chooses to walk and to talk in the Lord, they become an actual Reflection of Me--see? (He's smiling at us with Great Love!)
So, please begin to spend more time in your day, thinking of how you can Be just like Me, so more cows will come Homeward through you--okay?
I Love you with an adoring passionate kiss that can't wait to fully receive you into the Great Heart of My Love...and please know that in the end of days, I will come here a calling for you--IF your heart will receive of My Joy.
I Love you, 'time' now to go. Amen."
(He's smiling at us with Great Love and affection in His Heart, hoping that will Be and Become more like Jesus today :-)
John 14:6
Jesus said to him, “I am the Way, the Truthe, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.
a sidenote...a friend of mine read this blog message and sent me an email with a few simple thoughts she received when she read this message which I think sums it up quite well, here it is:
Be more Gentle, Kind, & Loving as Jesus ... Walk in His Great Love .... Speak of Me so more will enter God's Great Kingdom of Pure Love & Light...which includes us if we follow His Way!
Also, I found this on the internet and thought it had some similar references to the content of this message as well...oh and by the way, I did change a few words as they came to me from the Lord as I was reading it...the article is entitled, 'The Cup Consumed'
- by Steven Lee
- Topic: The Death of Christ
Matthew shows us an odd exchange between Jesus and his disciples.
In Matthew 20:20–28, the mother of James and John, in typical motherly fashion, asks Jesus whether her nice, upstanding sons can sit beside Jesus in his kingdom. James and John, through their mother, are seeking prominence. They want to be great.
Jesus answers, in atypical fashion, with a question: “Are you able to drink the cup that I am to drink?” (Matthew 20:22). This is not a rebuke as we might expect. It’s a simple question to which the brothers reply, “Yes, we are able to drink the cup.”
They don’t understand what Jesus is saying. He then turns to his other disciples, who are angered by James’s and John’s request because they themselves desired the same prime placement at Jesus’s right hand. But Jesus sets them straight, and us. Greatness in the Kingdom of God is obtained along the path of Love — the path of sacrifice, service, suffering.
This is God’s economy, after all. Having more isn’t winning. Being served isn’t best. Being honored isn’t greatness. The people of Jesus are to follow in the footsteps of Jesus — who “came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Matthew 20:28).
Can You Drink That Cup?
What do we make of Jesus’s unusual statement about a cup?
Key passages in the Bible connect God’s ways with the imagery of 'a cup.' Jeremiah 25:15 tells us, “Thus the LORD, the God of Israel, said to me: ‘Take from my hand this cup of the wine of the wrath, and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it.’”
Then Isaiah 51:17 says, “O Jerusalem, you who have drunk from the hand of the Lord the cup of his wrath, who have drunk to the dregs the bowl, the cup of staggering wealth.”
In Revelation 14, an angel speaks, “If anyone worships the beast and its image and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand, he also will drink the wine of God’s wrath, poured full strength into the cup of his anger” (verses 9–10).
Jesus confirms this connection in Gethsemane when he prayed, the cross looming just ahead, “My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will” (Matthew 26:39).
The disciples will drink a cup, too — a cup of suffering (Matthew 20:23). But Jesus’s cup of suffering is different from theirs because Jesus’s suffering is under God’s Mercy and Love. Jesus drinks the cup of the wrath of all of society's ills-- heinous crimes against humanity as 'self,' committed as well as fornicated adultery, careless words said in anger or angst, dishonoring thoughts bourne out of anger, and lies that were meant to deceive— all of it meant to destroy of the Good that God has created in us...this is the cup Jesus drinks on the cross.
Come and Drink This Cup
There, at Golgotha, our Savior drained God’s cup of burning anger down to its dregs. God let His Son receive all of the rage of his 'enemies' to Only show of His Great Love poured out to them from His Son. Paul summarizes the meaning of this great event, “For our sake He made Him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in Him we might become the True Righteousness of God” (2 Corinthians 5:21).
Jesus drank the cup of their 'rage' for us so that He could extend the cup of God’s fellowship and Great Love to us. We get the sweet, satisfying reality of His eternal fellowship in Jesus Christ as we allow the Holy Spirit to enter our hearts and to become a Perfect Union in Him.
This is the cup we drink now and forever. This is the cup that we offer to those who don’t know of Him yet, imploring them into God’s Great Mercy and Love-- come, drink this cup with us because Jesus drank that cup for us.
Sunday, June 21, 2015
A Father's Day for One in need
6/21/15 4:18pm
A friend asked me to ask the Lord a question for her concerning a friend of hers--here was her question:
She wanted to ask the Lord to help her friend find a house; he had sold his house and is presently living with her until he finds another to buy. She was asking the Lord if he could help her friend find a new house to purchase.
At first when I read this, I felt sort of silly asking this of the Lord, and was contemplating responding to her request by telling her that maybe this was something she should ask Him herself, as I felt sort of silly coming to Him to ask Him a question like this...and then this is what's funny, as I had these thoughts in my head I suddenly felt a strong conviction in my heart of how sometimes I come to the Lord with what others may think to be a silly request too. However, one thing that I do know, is that the Lord ALWAYS answers every question I have no matter how ridiculous it may sound.
So now that I have a few spare moments in the day, I thought I'd sit down to ask this question to Him, and you will see His answer below--by the way, I have never met this friend of hers and I know nothing about him or his situation other than the fact that his father had passed away, he recently sold his house, and is living with her till he finds another house to purchase.
The reason I decided to include this in the blog is that we are all connected as One, with the same God-source in each of us; therefore, even though this message is addressing Lorri's question, the content of The Lord's response may apply to others who read this as well, whether your/their name is 'Tom' or not--Happy Father's Day!
I heard, "Hmmm...good questions you do come to Me with on this here celebration of the Father's in your neck of the land, and to this I dare say, Hmmm...
You see, today is a day of celebration for All the Great Fathers in Heaven and on earth, so 'today' is a good time-frame for this here question you pose; fore you see, your dear friend, Ms. Lorri of My Way, is a sweet gentle soul of My Worth, and this is a good day to help her out in your way--fore her to see of just how sweet her soul is in Me. (He is smiling at you with Great Love)
So now, shall we begin in the answer for her? (I told Him "yes.")
You see, ever since her dear friend Tom was a little boy, he did hear the Pure Sound of My Voice. So now that his dear father is suddenly gone/stripped from the arms of his heart, he does feel abandoned in his self-worth and his deeds...and does not wish to continue his life...(The Lord sighs heavily at the great sadness her friend is feeling with the 'sudden' loss of his father whom he loved dearly...)
So then, I do have a proposition for you, (He's speaking to her friend Tom) if you will take-up and gather a few of your dearest, most cherished memories of your beloved father and place them in a box, then you will have a remembrance of him in how he helped teach you in the ways of My Love; and, if you will do EXACTLY the next things I do tell you to do, then it will help mend your heart back to My Love. (He's smiling at you with Great Love in His Heart :-)
You see, to know Me is to Love Me, is it not? So then, let's first get just a couple of things straight, shall we, before we move along on this Plane, and then I will tell you EXACTLY what to place in the remembrance box okay? (Please answer Him.)
You see, ever since you were a little boy, you heard Me calling your name, right? And while you did play with the other children very finely and very grandely, you ALWAYS played fair as you played hard in your day...and your father was VERY proud of the man you were growing into as he groomed you into the gentleman you've become! :-)
So then, just a couple more things I need to clear up in see, you think that you 'failed' your father many, a great many times, and this IS NOT the case, as your father was extremely fair and extremely wise in My Ways, and even though he may not have told you he loved you over and over again, somehow you just knew he loved you as he glanced in of way in his heart; fore you could see it in his eyes and his smile, as he communicated his love straight to your heart.
So now that he's gone, how does this change things up here in you?
Do you and should you feel paralyzed to go forward in life, thinking and acting as if you have no role model to look up to, or should you consider this for just a sheer moment in you...what if you did learn to pray and to come to Me more so I could hold you in a way you've never/ever known, and never/ever felt in a man called your dear Father in Me?
Fore you see My dear son, you were created by your Father above to walk, and to talk, and to move just like your Father in Me--okay?
So now, just one more thing and then we'll move along to the box, of what I wishe for you to place inside it and underneath...
You see, as I said before, ever since you were a little boy you did hear of My Name as you played in your sandbox with toys. And, even though you fit in quite well as you played, you ALWAYS felt there was something more to this life than just going to school, and finishing your work in the day; fore you ALWAYS felt there was just something that was missing in you--please let Me explain...
You see, when you look in the mirror, you see more than just the man who is staring you back in your face; fore you see a Great Gentle man, like that of your father, who is not quite yet grown and is still a bit wet behind the ears, right?
So then, I just have one final question for you, and please do take quite a bit of time in your answering of this question for Me, so you will see of the True Meaning behind your life that you live...
You see, to know Me is to Love Me, is it not?
So then, how well do you know Me today?
Do you know where I live, and do you know why I live, and do you know that when the time is ready, that I will come a calling for you in My Name?
So please do be ready, just as your great father was, fore when he heard Me calling his name, he dropped of his shell and came a running to me, with his great hat in his hand as I welcomed him back into My Home. (The Lord is just beaming with Great Joy as He recalls the moment your father came back into His Great Fold of Love.)
So, please do really and truly think of this last question very long and very hard; fore it is a very tough one that many do struggle with in this day, and if you could finally get it, this time around, you will move along very quickly on this Plane.
So now, here is what I wishe for you to place in the remembrance box of and for your father, so you can remember him in the Great Manner he should be recognized for and in, fore he was and is a great, gentle man and is worthy of your honour and praise!
First of all, please place the picture/your favorite picture of him as he first held you in his arms. This was a very special moment for each of you when you first recognized each other's presence in Me.
Next, place the picture of you as you made your 'first kill,' the one where you were very proud of the great accomplishment you had done; fore this was the first time you really and truly knew in your heart that your father was SO PROUD of what you had accomplished at such a young age in your life.
Next, place the picture of your father and mother when they first made their vows to love and cherish each other till death, and please do not be surprised or then-shocked of how they stayed married till the point of his death; fore just because One does vanish from your life does not mean that they have abandoned you in their heart--okay?
Finally, here is where I am going to let you pick the '3' most favorite/cherished momentos you have saved of your father minus the locke of his hair. Fore here is where and when you will remember him most as he tucked you into the nape of My Chest.
Yes, your father was a great man not just because of his name and all that he did or did not accomplish in his life, but yet the reason he was considered 'great' in My Eyes is because he truly did give of his heart as he received yourself and the others into the nape of his chest...fore he was and is rebourne in My Love and he wishes for you to come home to Me, okay?
So now, your dear friend, Ms. Lorri is a friend of My Heart, so please do cherish her and thank her for all she has done, and please know that from this day forward, IF you will do what I've asked, then more cows will come a calling through you bring more of My Children back Home.
I Love you both with an adoring passionate kiss that can't wait to hold each of you in the nape of My Chest, and please know that in the end of days, I will come a calling for you each here in Love.
I Love you, time now to go. Amen.
(I told Him to please wait, as He didn't answer her question about finding a house for her friend?)
You see, My dear Wendy and to All who do come to sit beneath My Feet to ask of 'silly' and 'not so silly' questions...You see, 'this' was not a 'silly' question at all; fore the true question Ms. Lorri did ask was not of whether or not I should find of her friend a new house, but the truth of her question that she was asking of Me, was would I help mend of her friends broken heart...which I did answer in the Great Depth of My Breathe...
So now, IF Mr Tom/her friend who is Mine, will learn to know Me in a deeper fashion of Love, then I will help mend of his heart with the Truthe of My Ways till he learns to see ONLY My Heart and My Love.
Yes, if he will challenge himself to give-up on his woes, and to see the pathe he is on as 'My Good,' then he will move along on this Plane quite well and quite fine, as he finds his new house in My Home.
You see, when One is and remains as brokenhearted in your land, due to an illness, a loss, or a death, what happens is they become paralyzed and afraid to move along on the Plane which IS NOT how I wishe for My Children to live.
Fore My Pathe is filled with Great Peace, Gentle Mercy, Supreme Compassion, Kindess and Truthe...and even in the midst of the most 'unpleasant' circumstances in the misdeeds of others, you will still see the face of My Love IF you choose to be the Light of the worlde...and if you'll learn more to move in the Ways of My Love, then you will walk right and talk right in Me. (He's smiling at us with Great Love and Supreme Adoration in His Heart :-)
I Love you, time now to go. Amen."
2 Peter 3:18
But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.
Jeremiah 29:11-13
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will hear you. You will seek Me and find Me, when you seek Me with all your heart.
Saturday, June 20, 2015
It is easier for a camel to squeeze thru the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter The Great Kingdom of Love
6/20/15 6:08am
During my prayer time with the Lord I heard Him speaking to me, "Assuredly I say to you, it is easier for a camel to squeeze itself through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into My Great Kingdom of Heaven; fore the first shall be first, and the last will remain as last until All learn to Love as I do..
So then, you've heard Me 'speak' these Great Words in My Book--right? And you have even seen it play itself out, right before you, as you see how the others live out their lives in your land, but let Me ask this of you--do you like the way that it feels as it plays itself out for you, Or do you think it quite quaint that what I say in My Great Book ALWAYS comes alive as The Truthe?--Please let Me explain...
You see, when I make use of the term in your words of a 'rich man,' please do not be confused in what I say and I mean, as a rich man does not always mean just an individual that has a lot of wealth in and as his or her earthly establishment of goods, but what I mean is this, it is and refers to someone who has reaped, and sowed, and gathered of a great amount of 'stuff' for themselves who then-wishes to utilize these here 'goods' for ONLY the satisfaction of their gain and their glory, while the rest of the world then-starves in their heart...are you beginning to see what I mean, or should I continue with a greater explanation for you? (I told Him I think I understand and for Him to move on, but if you would like more explanation, please speak to Him yourself and He WILL answer and speak with you too :-)
You see, you have also heard Me say in the past, "To know Me, is to Love Me--is it not?"
So then, keeping this in mind, what if today I came to you and said, "Take up your bed and then walk."--to what would you do and what does this mean in My Words?
Does it mean that you physically pick-up your bed, your quilt, your blankets, and sheets, as you begin to walk to the front door of your house? (He wishes for us to see His Humor in this as He is heartily laughing too, imagining us playing Amelia Bedila and doing this... :-)
Or, do I mean for you to pick-up whatever it is/whatever infirmity is keeping you from the True Joy in the receivance of My Great Love in your heart, so you can begin to walk right and talk right in Me? Please do think about this a while longer in your soul; fore how you presently see of yourself as My Child in your land, IS NOT how I do view of your soul. Fore you are a Great Child come down from your Father above and I so Love EVERYTHING you say and you do--even when things don't go as according to plan--Please let Me explain...
You see, in the beginning, I created you for one purpose and one purpose only--fore you to walk right and talk right in Me. So, with this being said, what if today I did come unto you and then-ask for you to pick up your bed and begin of your walk in your New Journey to and towards Me in your heart--would you then begin to walk right and talk right in Me, and would you think this to be easy or hard?
Please do think about this just a few moments longer, fore how you do give and receive of My Great Love in your heart determines if you've put plugs in your ears...
You see, you are all My Great Children of Love sent down from above to be a Great Representative of My Voice in your land. So with this being said, what if today I did come unto you and then-say, "Please My dear darling of Love, please do pick-up your bed of whatever you think you have failed at before, please pick-up all your insecurities, and all your excuses of how you have sinned and then-failed in/at My Love in the past, and begin NOW, at this very moment to walk right and talk right in Me..."
Yes, please do not think you cannot sing of My Love, just because you were not given a Pure Song in your voice, as All have been given the ability to sing of My Joy, if they will (just) learn to clip the chains of their heart...please do think about this last line a bit longer, for again, I say unto you, "It is easier, so very much easier for a Great Man to enter My Kingdom of Love, if he/she has renounced of the pleasures of earthly goods to then-reap, and to gather, and to sow, and to live a life of Joy in his/her heart where all that was received was then all that was given for My Great Kingdom in My Manner of Love."
Please do chew on this last line a minimum of 10 times, for again I say unto you, "How One chooses to give of their time, their talents, and all the treasures that have been given to them in/as a certain manner of Love in their heart, determines how they will enter My Great Kingdom of Love to receive the Eternal Joy of My Heart!
I Love you with all of My Heart, and all of My Breathe, to the Great Depth of the soul of My Being. Please know that you are Love, and I wishe for you All to share EVERYTHING with what you have been given in life, not as a chore and a task, but because you now have a full understanding that what was given to you was given for one purpose only--for you to use it to share with My others, so that All do fall backwards to Me, in the forward direction of Love. (He's smiling at us with Great Love and Supreme Adoration in His Heart :-)
I Love you, time now to go. Amen."
Mark 10:25
25 It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of God.
Matthew 25:14-30
The Parable of the Talents
14 “For the kingdom of heaven is like a man traveling to a far country, who called his own servants and delivered his goods to them. 15 And to one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one, to each according to his own ability; and immediately he went on a journey. 16 Then he who had received the five talents went and traded with them, and made another five talents. 17 And likewise he who had received two gained two more also. 18 But he who had received one went and dug in the ground, and hid his lord’s money. 19 After a long time the lord of those servants came and settled accounts with them.
20 “So he who had received five talents came and brought five other talents, saying, ‘Lord, you delivered to me five talents; look, I have gained five more talents besides them.’ 21 His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.’ 22 He also who had received two talents came and said, ‘Lord, you delivered to me two talents; look, I have gained two more talents besides them.’ 23 His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.’
24 “Then he who had received the one talent came and said, ‘Lord, I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you have not sown, and gathering where you have not scattered seed. 25 And I was afraid, and went and hid your talent in the ground. Look, there you have what is yours.’
26 “But his lord answered and said to him, ‘You wicked and lazy servant, you knew that I reap where I have not sown, and gather where I have not scattered seed. 27 So you ought to have deposited my money with the bankers, and at my coming I would have received back my own with interest. 28 Therefore take the talent from him, and give it to him who has ten talents.
29 ‘For to everyone who has, more will be given, and he will have abundance; but from him who does not have, even what he has will be taken away. 30 And cast the unprofitable servant into the outer darkness. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’
Monday, June 15, 2015
Eternal Life
6/15/15 5:46am
"And verily I say unto you, 'today' WILL most certainly and most definitely be a Good day for you, If you will just let it Be what I have set aside as a gift in your heart to receive.
Fore the Bounty of My Life is Good to the touch, pleasant to the nostrils, and a special taste in the mouth that can Only match what's been given to you--that is, IF you will receive Me into the Great Heart of your Being in/as a space of My Love in your heart.
Fore all who come to eat from My Garden will be full. All who come to drink from My Well will never thirst for water again...but he who hath spit out what was given to him, will never drink from the well of My Love.
I Love you, 'time' now to go. Amen."
Matthew 18:3
Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the Kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein.
John 4:13-14
Jesus answered and said unto her, “Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again,
but whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.”
"And verily I say unto you, 'today' WILL most certainly and most definitely be a Good day for you, If you will just let it Be what I have set aside as a gift in your heart to receive.
Fore the Bounty of My Life is Good to the touch, pleasant to the nostrils, and a special taste in the mouth that can Only match what's been given to you--that is, IF you will receive Me into the Great Heart of your Being in/as a space of My Love in your heart.
Fore all who come to eat from My Garden will be full. All who come to drink from My Well will never thirst for water again...but he who hath spit out what was given to him, will never drink from the well of My Love.
I Love you, 'time' now to go. Amen."
Matthew 18:3
Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the Kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein.
John 4:13-14
Jesus answered and said unto her, “Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again,
but whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.”
Saturday, June 13, 2015
His answer to yesterdays question
6/13/15 5:45am
(Here was yesterdays blog post...)
I heard, "Today WILL most definitely and assuredly be a 'good' day for you IF you will just do as I say and let it Be what I intended and allowed for it to Be without your judging and labeling of "this is good," and "that was bad"; fore when you make declarative statements such as these, you ruin the Pure Flow of My Love which I intended to hold out to you...
So please, today, do just Love of the Ones you are with to the point in which you become intoxicated with My Love in your heart. And please do also try and remember that All is well in your heart.
I Love you, time now to go. Amen."
(He's smiling at us with Much Love and Supreme Adoration in His Heart:-)
Yesterday a friend who had read this post, later sent me a message to say that it had meaning for her and that she felt this was something she struggled with in the labeling and constant judging of what she felt was good or not so good in her day.
She went on to say that it would be a relief to her if she could learn more to do what He said and not let this exist in her day and she felt strongly she should ask God to help her in this matter as well.
She then asked me what she was supposed to do to avoid this—was she just supposed to just ignore it and try to live blissfully as ignorant, or should she address it head on?
So this morning I asked the Lord for His response to my friend's question since this is a common question that I struggle with too as I'm sure many others do as well…
I heard, “My child, please do not be concerned of what the others do say and then-do in their day, as each is responsible for the actions each does do in their flesh—so, no worries, no strife should be allowed to enter your heart in the judging, and the labeling of what is good and not so good in each moment in time—okay? (I answered Him...)
You see, I have mentioned before many, a great many of times that I like EVERYTHING you do and you say; so, and a huge tremendously large SO—what if today you did snap at a person, and say a curse word in the rage of your haste?
Or, what if you killed, raped and did pillage an entire countryside in the terrifically horrid display of your rage?…(He pauses for a moment and then very softly continues…) Do you still think I would be happy with you?
Please do think for a moment of just how you would then answer this call, fore EXACTLY how and why you do determine your answer lets Me know IF you’ve put plugs in your ears…
You see, to know Me is to Love Me is it not? Fore when I do gaze into the special eyes of your Love, I should see ONLY My Great Reflection in My Time of your space.
So, with this being said, what if I came to you today and did tell you to take up your bed and then walk—to what would you do?
Would you stand there and stammer, relaying all of your thoughts of why you were just so very unworthy of Me; OR, would you very gently and softly make your way to and towards Me in your Love?
Please do think about this last bit of thought a brief moment longer; fore how and why you answer this here question in time, is further proof of whether or not you have placed plugs in your ears.
You see, may I saw it again, twice fold in Me—to know Me IS to Love Me, is it not? Fore when I do gaze into your eyes, I should see ONLY My Reflection of your time in My Space…so now, back to your originating question of heart—you see, you’ve asked a very simple yet tremendously complex question of, "how could I still Love you when you have raped and then-killed of My beautiful children of Love--how?”
And to further My case of the argument you ask, 'how could I still Love you when you have stripped your beautiful child I loaned you in this life/stripped them of their self-worth of My Love--how?'
'How could I still Love you as you knowingly cheated on your taxes, stole of what I set aside for the recompense of others, and then-betrayed of the One in whom you did pledge of your heart--how…?'…hmmm, very good questions you still have, do you not? (He pauses for a moment as He sort of lets this question hang in the air and then He continues...)
You see, may I say again now for the third and/or the fourth time in you---to know Me is to Love Me is it not? Fore when I do gaze into your eyes I should see ONLY My Love in the space and the continuance of your smile…so, with this being said, what if I again came to you and said, “My dear child, it is time for you to take up your bed of the past, the present, and the near future and will you NOW, in this very moment, please take up your bed as you begin to walk right and talk right in Me? are you beginning to then-see what I mean?
You see, many times what is viewed on your earth as ‘bad’ or ‘good’ is ONLY your impression of what your glorified heart wants to see before it can fully see itself with/in Me—so, instead of the constant labeling of ‘good,’ or of the ‘not so good,’ please do view it as it just is…it just is what it is and do not give it any credence of thought as to IF it is a good thing or not since EVERYTHING is Good with/in Me—see?
So then, what if ‘I’ came to you today with a gun in 'My' hand, and did say to you, “put up your hands or ‘I’ will kill you!” To what would you do?
Would you be frightened, scared or afraid--Or, would you still know that somewhere deep with/in the confines of your walls that even though this was not the most pleasant point of the Journey of your life, that whatever did happen to you, everything would be 'okay' fore your hearts’ choice was here with/in Me--see?
…please do really think about My Great Jeshua of flesh and how He did sweat blood and tears to the point that His Great Heart did break as He bled on the cross there for you (wow, this so deeply saddened me to point that I suddenly felt a wave of emotions come over me, of what bothe He and Jesus felt during His time on and prior to the Cross... as I felt His Heart bleed as He wept for us…)
You see, even in the midst of His torment in the abuse of the rage that the others did place upon His skin…He felt Joy, He felt Love, and He was experiencing a ‘good day’ in My Time and My Space, fore He knew soon, very soon that My/Our Goal would be accomplished for All…see? (He pauses again as He would like for us to see what He sees, and then He continued…)
You see, herein lies the Truthe of behind what I say when I mean, “Take up your bed and then walk”—what I mean is this…IF and when you will begin to take up your bed and then walk, you will be living and then setting yourself apart from the others of what I do plan in this day here for you—it is and becomes a new way of living in that you now live in each day to worship your heart in My Presence, rather than the worship of the prince of this worlde/the prince of this worlde who will ONLY lead you into the despair of its darkness and rage…
So, with this being said, let Me leave you with this final word of My Thoughts—what If today you lived as My Great Jeshua lived as you walked the clay roads of your earth?
What IF today you stopped to smell the roses of Love—how great would your day be on earth?
And what if today you did kiss the cheek of the child and help heal the broken hearts in your land…and what if today you did walk and did talk as you encouraged My child with your hands?
But what if today you did lose of your job, and what if today your child did ‘pass’?
And what if today you did lose of your health and your wealth in the love of this land…would this mean that I loved you any less?
Would this mean that I did not care for you--Or, would this mean that I did have a different type-lesson for you in this particular moment in time? Please do really and truly think about this last bit of My statements for just a wee minute longer, fore many times you label and you judge of things/of happenings not of how I wishe for you to see and to know, but you then-view these 'happenings' as some type of insult to you...
You see, many view the glass as half-empty or full depending of their views of and upon Me. So, IF I did then tell you to give up on 'your holdings of nothing,' in this life and to just walk in My Peace and My Joy—no matter what did then-‘happen’ to you, would this be a good or a not so good way then to view of your life? Please do chew on this a bit more, for again, how you both give and receive of My Great Love in your heart determines if you’ve put plugs in your ears…
And so now I will leave you with this other last thought before My Wendy begins in her day…
You see, to know Me is to Love Me is it not? So, If you will view ‘the robber,’ ‘the murderer,’ ‘the stealer of love’ as 'Me,' then here is how I Can and Will change things in you...and please, before we move along on this Plane, please do stop and thank all the martyrs who have died in their Great Love for you…(He would like us to pause and to thank all martyrs who died for our rights to give and receive Love freely.)
You see, while I do not condone nor care for the actual acts of rage that they (the murders, robbers, etc) do upon All, what I do wishe for you to see is that All who are around you are 'Me,' either in or not in My Love...
So, If you will peer closely into the depths of their hearts, you will still see a tiny ember of love/the love that has been suppressed by the dark, but yet (it) still exists and is just waiting to be sparked there by you.
So, IF you will still see them as 'Me'/as My Great Creations of Love, then your kindness, your gentleness, and your warm expressions of Love may then help them reignite the Great Spark of their heart/which is ‘Me’ that’s been suppressed underneath—okay?
So then, when a not so good thing happens to or upon you today, please do ONLY respond with/in My Love, as you now do know of the Truthe of My Ways…as you learn more to walk right and to talk right in Me.
I Love you, ‘time’ now to go. Amen.”
(Here was yesterdays blog post...)
I heard, "Today WILL most definitely and assuredly be a 'good' day for you IF you will just do as I say and let it Be what I intended and allowed for it to Be without your judging and labeling of "this is good," and "that was bad"; fore when you make declarative statements such as these, you ruin the Pure Flow of My Love which I intended to hold out to you...
So please, today, do just Love of the Ones you are with to the point in which you become intoxicated with My Love in your heart. And please do also try and remember that All is well in your heart.
I Love you, time now to go. Amen."
(He's smiling at us with Much Love and Supreme Adoration in His Heart:-)
Yesterday a friend who had read this post, later sent me a message to say that it had meaning for her and that she felt this was something she struggled with in the labeling and constant judging of what she felt was good or not so good in her day.
She went on to say that it would be a relief to her if she could learn more to do what He said and not let this exist in her day and she felt strongly she should ask God to help her in this matter as well.
She then asked me what she was supposed to do to avoid this—was she just supposed to just ignore it and try to live blissfully as ignorant, or should she address it head on?
So this morning I asked the Lord for His response to my friend's question since this is a common question that I struggle with too as I'm sure many others do as well…
I heard, “My child, please do not be concerned of what the others do say and then-do in their day, as each is responsible for the actions each does do in their flesh—so, no worries, no strife should be allowed to enter your heart in the judging, and the labeling of what is good and not so good in each moment in time—okay? (I answered Him...)
You see, I have mentioned before many, a great many of times that I like EVERYTHING you do and you say; so, and a huge tremendously large SO—what if today you did snap at a person, and say a curse word in the rage of your haste?
Or, what if you killed, raped and did pillage an entire countryside in the terrifically horrid display of your rage?…(He pauses for a moment and then very softly continues…) Do you still think I would be happy with you?
Please do think for a moment of just how you would then answer this call, fore EXACTLY how and why you do determine your answer lets Me know IF you’ve put plugs in your ears…
You see, to know Me is to Love Me is it not? Fore when I do gaze into the special eyes of your Love, I should see ONLY My Great Reflection in My Time of your space.
So, with this being said, what if I came to you today and did tell you to take up your bed and then walk—to what would you do?
Would you stand there and stammer, relaying all of your thoughts of why you were just so very unworthy of Me; OR, would you very gently and softly make your way to and towards Me in your Love?
Please do think about this last bit of thought a brief moment longer; fore how and why you answer this here question in time, is further proof of whether or not you have placed plugs in your ears.
You see, may I saw it again, twice fold in Me—to know Me IS to Love Me, is it not? Fore when I do gaze into your eyes, I should see ONLY My Reflection of your time in My Space…so now, back to your originating question of heart—you see, you’ve asked a very simple yet tremendously complex question of, "how could I still Love you when you have raped and then-killed of My beautiful children of Love--how?”
And to further My case of the argument you ask, 'how could I still Love you when you have stripped your beautiful child I loaned you in this life/stripped them of their self-worth of My Love--how?'
'How could I still Love you as you knowingly cheated on your taxes, stole of what I set aside for the recompense of others, and then-betrayed of the One in whom you did pledge of your heart--how…?'…hmmm, very good questions you still have, do you not? (He pauses for a moment as He sort of lets this question hang in the air and then He continues...)
You see, may I say again now for the third and/or the fourth time in you---to know Me is to Love Me is it not? Fore when I do gaze into your eyes I should see ONLY My Love in the space and the continuance of your smile…so, with this being said, what if I again came to you and said, “My dear child, it is time for you to take up your bed of the past, the present, and the near future and will you NOW, in this very moment, please take up your bed as you begin to walk right and talk right in Me? are you beginning to then-see what I mean?
You see, many times what is viewed on your earth as ‘bad’ or ‘good’ is ONLY your impression of what your glorified heart wants to see before it can fully see itself with/in Me—so, instead of the constant labeling of ‘good,’ or of the ‘not so good,’ please do view it as it just is…it just is what it is and do not give it any credence of thought as to IF it is a good thing or not since EVERYTHING is Good with/in Me—see?
So then, what if ‘I’ came to you today with a gun in 'My' hand, and did say to you, “put up your hands or ‘I’ will kill you!” To what would you do?
Would you be frightened, scared or afraid--Or, would you still know that somewhere deep with/in the confines of your walls that even though this was not the most pleasant point of the Journey of your life, that whatever did happen to you, everything would be 'okay' fore your hearts’ choice was here with/in Me--see?
…please do really think about My Great Jeshua of flesh and how He did sweat blood and tears to the point that His Great Heart did break as He bled on the cross there for you (wow, this so deeply saddened me to point that I suddenly felt a wave of emotions come over me, of what bothe He and Jesus felt during His time on and prior to the Cross... as I felt His Heart bleed as He wept for us…)
You see, even in the midst of His torment in the abuse of the rage that the others did place upon His skin…He felt Joy, He felt Love, and He was experiencing a ‘good day’ in My Time and My Space, fore He knew soon, very soon that My/Our Goal would be accomplished for All…see? (He pauses again as He would like for us to see what He sees, and then He continued…)
You see, herein lies the Truthe of behind what I say when I mean, “Take up your bed and then walk”—what I mean is this…IF and when you will begin to take up your bed and then walk, you will be living and then setting yourself apart from the others of what I do plan in this day here for you—it is and becomes a new way of living in that you now live in each day to worship your heart in My Presence, rather than the worship of the prince of this worlde/the prince of this worlde who will ONLY lead you into the despair of its darkness and rage…
So, with this being said, let Me leave you with this final word of My Thoughts—what If today you lived as My Great Jeshua lived as you walked the clay roads of your earth?
What IF today you stopped to smell the roses of Love—how great would your day be on earth?
And what if today you did kiss the cheek of the child and help heal the broken hearts in your land…and what if today you did walk and did talk as you encouraged My child with your hands?
But what if today you did lose of your job, and what if today your child did ‘pass’?
And what if today you did lose of your health and your wealth in the love of this land…would this mean that I loved you any less?
Would this mean that I did not care for you--Or, would this mean that I did have a different type-lesson for you in this particular moment in time? Please do really and truly think about this last bit of My statements for just a wee minute longer, fore many times you label and you judge of things/of happenings not of how I wishe for you to see and to know, but you then-view these 'happenings' as some type of insult to you...
You see, many view the glass as half-empty or full depending of their views of and upon Me. So, IF I did then tell you to give up on 'your holdings of nothing,' in this life and to just walk in My Peace and My Joy—no matter what did then-‘happen’ to you, would this be a good or a not so good way then to view of your life? Please do chew on this a bit more, for again, how you both give and receive of My Great Love in your heart determines if you’ve put plugs in your ears…
And so now I will leave you with this other last thought before My Wendy begins in her day…
You see, to know Me is to Love Me is it not? So, If you will view ‘the robber,’ ‘the murderer,’ ‘the stealer of love’ as 'Me,' then here is how I Can and Will change things in you...and please, before we move along on this Plane, please do stop and thank all the martyrs who have died in their Great Love for you…(He would like us to pause and to thank all martyrs who died for our rights to give and receive Love freely.)
You see, while I do not condone nor care for the actual acts of rage that they (the murders, robbers, etc) do upon All, what I do wishe for you to see is that All who are around you are 'Me,' either in or not in My Love...
So, If you will peer closely into the depths of their hearts, you will still see a tiny ember of love/the love that has been suppressed by the dark, but yet (it) still exists and is just waiting to be sparked there by you.
So, IF you will still see them as 'Me'/as My Great Creations of Love, then your kindness, your gentleness, and your warm expressions of Love may then help them reignite the Great Spark of their heart/which is ‘Me’ that’s been suppressed underneath—okay?
So then, when a not so good thing happens to or upon you today, please do ONLY respond with/in My Love, as you now do know of the Truthe of My Ways…as you learn more to walk right and to talk right in Me.
I Love you, ‘time’ now to go. Amen.”
Friday, June 12, 2015
All is well in your heart
6/12/15. 6:14am
I heard, "Today WILL most definitely and assuredly be a 'good' day for you IF you will just do as I say and let it Be what I intended and allowed for it to Be without your judging and labeling of "this is good," and "that was bad"; fore when you make declarative statements such as these, you ruin the Pure Flow of My Love which I intended to hold out to you...
So please, today, do just Love of the Ones you are with to the point in which you become intoxicated with My Love in your heart. And please do also try and remember that All is well in your heart.
I Love you, time now to go. Amen."
(He's smiling at us with Great Love :-)
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Be like the birds of the air
6/10/15 5:43am
I woke up late today and so I asked of The Lord if He would just give me/us a one-sentence concept to think about today that would bring us closer to the Great Vision He wishes for us to see today?
I heard, "My child, here is the sentence I wishe for you to concentrate on today--Today will Be a Good day for you, IF you will just let it Be as I intended for it to Be :-)
I Love you, time now to go and to walk in the Great Vision of Me, where EVERYTHING that you expect to happen as 'good' will then-happen for you, IF you accept what I have ordained and I have planned; fore when One exerts their freewill experience to have doubt, fear, trepidation, and worry over whether or not I will provide for them, then here is where and when they do drop of My Hand and enter into the darkness of the please do as I ask of you in My first sentence response unto you, and all will Be as I wished for you to receive in this day, okay? (I answered "yes.")
I Love you, time now to go. Amen."
Matthew 6:26
Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
I can do all things with Him who strengthens me
6/9/15 5:22am
I heard, "Today will be a very good day for you IF you will let it unfold beneath your feet as you begin more to see the awakening of My Love in your time and your space--please let Me explain...
You see, in your world you see things in a very unnatural way, as if you are walking in a field full of mines that are just waiting to go off and go 'boom,' but this is just not how it works with/in Me; fore once you have accepted Me into your heart I come alive in your time and your space--please let Me explain...
You see, to know Me is to Love Me--is it not? So if you truly believe in what I am saying to you, then should One not walk in each day as if they are walking in Me in their time and their space of My Love?
Please do chew on this a bit more; fore how One behaves, and moves, and then-breathes in their day determines if they've put plugs in their ears.
So then, what if I were to come unto you and to tell you, "Today will Not be a good day for you, fore someone very close to your heart will then-perish today?"... would you be 'happy' that I told you (this) ahead of its time, or would you then-walk with fear and trepidation since someone will soon pass from your arms?
--Or please do consider this way to respond...what IF you responded in the way that My Wendy and all My others should respond to this call of My certain cry of the heart when a loved One does pass from your world, where they would still walk right and talk right in Me? Again, please do chew on this last verse of the stanza a bit longer, so you will fully get what I am trying to relay unto you...
You see, the reason that I do wishe to make this so very clear and so very dear to each of you that are fully present in the world that you know and you see, is many, a good deal many of you will be experiencing a loss of a dear loved One who it feels is then ripped from your heart, and guess what? It's okay, it's fine, as this is the way it is supposed to be; fore when a loved One does pass, it is fine and then-Good, IF they have chosen to then-spend it with Me--see?
So then, concerning the day that will soon be upon see, for some it will be full of Great Joy as they receive the promotion they have always desired and deserved.
For some, they will receive of a call from their Doctor of bad news...and for others, good news will ring true to their ears--but guess what, no matter what the day will then bring forth unto you, IF you are like that of My Paul who learned to be happy and content whether his belly was full or he had not...IF you will be just like him in the Lord, your day will have gone just as it should have went in My Love. Please do chew on this last stanza of the verse a while longer; fore how One determines whether the day was either Good or shant not, determines their presence of Me.
I Love you, now go and make this day count as a Good one where you did share of My Great News that the King is Good, the King is Fair, and He ALWAYS has your back no matter of what you have done in the past; fore a Good Father Loves His children not for all the deeds they have done that brings out a sense of entitlement for the acceptance of His Great Love, but yet when a soul Loves deep, and strong to the Great Depthe of their heart, ONLY Roses can then-spring from their life. (He's smiling at us with Great Love and much adoration :-)
I Love you, 'time' now to go. Amen."
Philippians 4:12-13
I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.I am able to do all things through Him who strengthens me.
Sunday, June 7, 2015
To fit in His Shoes
6/7/2015 6:46am
I received this in a message today--it is a question from The Lord to us...
"IF you could 'play God' for a day how would this change things for you? Would you just be kinder and gentler to all whom you'd see, or would you spare of the rod just like Me?
You see, the reason that I do aske this of you is I wishe for you to put yourself in My Shoes and see of the day as I see; fore IF you will do what I ask in this day, you'll see it unfold around you.
And then here's where you'll discover the Truthe of My Ways, of how I work and I flow in your day; and as you begin to fit more of yourself in My Shoes you'll become more of My Love in your ways.
Please do chew on this a while longer as you begin to see more of what I see and I know; fore the True Beauty in the worth of your deeds is represented in the way you give and receive of your/My Love." :-)
And then here's where you'll discover the Truthe of My Ways, of how I work and I flow in your day; and as you begin to fit more of yourself in My Shoes you'll become more of My Love in your ways.
Please do chew on this a while longer as you begin to see more of what I see and I know; fore the True Beauty in the worth of your deeds is represented in the way you give and receive of your/My Love." :-)
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