(This message came from part of my conversation with the Lord this morning that i would like to share with you, enjoy! :-)
The Lord speaks..."So then If you will just do your part and do whatever you can each and every day to promote ONLY My Great and Perfect Love in your heart, then All will come to see and know you as Mine in your heart and your space in My Land, okay?...and please remember that nothing, I repeat nothing, can ever harm you in Love, okay?
You see 'life' is a very precious thing, fore it creates and can grow into the very certainty of Love in One’s heart if it is given a chance to grow as it forms in its Be.
And as it grows into the sweet sacred space of Love in its/their heart, they learn to capture the Pure Sacred Essence of Me... as they whisper their sweet, sacred nothings to Me—see?
So then I have just one pertinent question for you—do you like what you presently see when it comes to your knowing My Great and Perfected Love in your heart—Or, would you like to see a change-up in you?
Fore the Way One chooses to see and know My Great and Perfected Love in their heart, will determine who they are in My Love…as you whisper your sweet, sacred nothings to Me—see?
So now you aske, “what are the sweet, sacred nothings to you; fore I am presently not whispering anything to you at all—right?”
You see, that is a great question for Me, fore it truly determines just who you are in My Love as you whisper your sweet nothings to Me—see?
You see, please let Me explain it like this…the sweet, sacred nothings have nothing to do with an actual expression of words per se' that spring forth from your mouth as you go into your dissertations to Me as to why the world is bad, why it is just plain wrong, and then you aske, “so what are you going to do about it Lord?”
(The Lord pauses for a brief moment as He would like for us to examine our hearts to see if we do presently do this, and then He said…)
“Please tell Me, you do, do this right? Fore if your answer to My Question is your “yes” then please move along to the rest of this passage, and if not please do think about this a bit more; fore each of you sees the world as ‘not right’ in the eyes of your Love in My Soul…and I am trying to get each of you to see ONLY My Special Sweet, Sacred Love in your soul, okay?
So then, moving right along to what I would like to discuss with each of you in this day so you will grow in your hearts in My Way, okay?
You see, what if I came to you today and told you that the world as you know it would not exist for much longer in you…would you be frightened, afraid, or scared for even a fraction of a second, or would you say, “that’s okay, what’s next?”
You see, this is how I would like for each and every one of you to answer with a ‘what’s next approach’; fore when your time is up and you return to the True Spirit of your soul, each of you should know what I know—which is that your True Identity is you are a child from the Lord from on High and that I truly Love you despite what you’ve come to know and to see; fore the Truthe of this Great Journey will be seen in One’s heart when they discover My True and Certain Love within thee…and they truly know that NOTHING can ever harm them in Love, okay?
So now, let Me explain EXACTLY what I mean about the sweet, sacred nothings to Me…
You see, if I came to you today and told you that the world was flat, and that even though you knew it to be round from all the advances in the sciences you have known--please tell Me, would you believe in these things that I’d say?
The True/Real reason that I explain these things to you is for this reason and this purpose only—to get you to see that there is a True/Real reason that you think the things that you do despite what you know and you see—the True/Real reason that I come to you now is for you to believe in the Real Presence of Me…despite what you’ve come to see with and in your heart...and to know/to truly know you are Loved by your God despite what you’ve come to know in your heart.
Fore My Love cannot and will not ever be grasped by and as your Truthe unless and until you grow to discover this New Truthe within you... as I grow to whisper My Sweet, Sacred nothings to you…as you learn to grow to become of your and My Ways in your soul--are you beginning to see what I mean?
So now, here is an actual definition of what I am trying to say so you can recognize and remember this known fact in your soul, okay?
What I am trying to relay to you in this passage of verse is to say this…Sweet, Sacred nothing’s is nothing more than a non-verbal expression that is passed from One person to another that express a non-verbal communication of either “I love you” or “ I do not” that is then felt deep in the heart of One’s soul...
and when you pass this from One to the other, what happens is this, since it is felt as a sword with its non-verbal cues it surpasses One’s mind in their soul.
And as it speaks straight to One's heart as their New Self in their Truthe, it can, and does ,and will transfer either ugliness or My Pure Love as your and their Truthe within you...so please tread lightly on this land that you roam, okay?
So now, here is how it does apply there to you…
You see, when you come upon someone in your/their/our daily interactions of and for ‘change’ in your worlde, if you will make every attempt to spread ONLY My Great Love in your heart, then you will be whispering ONLY Love/My Perfect Love straight to their soul, and when this happens chains fall away from all the strains of their hurt in your heart…does this sound like something that would be of interest to you? If so, then please do make it happen today in your way, okay?
So then, at the beginning of My little dissertation to you, I asked you a question of what you would think if I in fact told you that the worlde was not round, but rather was quite flat in My Eyes, and that they way that you think has been marred by the facts that have been brought this type of 'change' in your life?
You see, while I am not trying to prove the scientists wrong, what I am attempting to do, is to get you to see the way that the way that you act, determines your heart as I come to make Myself known there in and as you.
And so in this worlde, the scientists have told you that the worlde has been proven to be very round indeed, right? And so let Me aske this of you--what does that mean, and how does this apply to your in your daily actions for change and in how One should prioritze of their life in My Day?
Has this knowledge caused you to act kinder and more gentler in Love, or has it caused you to challenge My Existence of Love in your day?
Please do think about where I am going in this in My particualr questiong and in My Reasoning of you; fore it's in the quiet moments of Love in your heart, that My Pure Essence comes alive within you.
So then, ‘science’ would tell you that the world is in fact round, right? And that you should act and behave in a manner that feeds only your existence on this earthe of the Plane, but let Me aske this of you, has 'science' told you how and why you should Love when you act to bring about My Pure Life in your ways?
Fore you see, ‘science’ would also tell you that I am not Real in this world fore I cannot be formed and fashioned in a quantitative manner per se, and that you should be frightened of a 'god' you can't see with your eyes, fore He's just a made-up childhood fantasy of Love that attempts to perpetuate its own self in your ways.
(The Lord pauses for a moment and then asks very inquisitively…) Please let Me aske you, what do you think is truly Real in this life? Is it all the physical attributes that you choose to see in the daily interactions of Love as you go—Or, is it ONLY what you can touch, see, and feel in this worlde, in a worlde shaped with fear and un-love?
You see, this is what truly separates the Real Believers from those who just kinda want to get to know Me, just in case they discover that I am Real in the end…but let Me aske this of you, what harm is there in believing in the Real possibility of Love, and your ability to change the worlde that you see back into Me?
Please do think about this again, and again, and again today; fore how and why each of you goes about your particular day in your way determines who you are in My Love, and until All learn to give and receive My Great Love in their hearts, then My Job is not done in your land…I need all cows to come Homeward to Me—see?
So now today, will you make an attempt to be fully conscious in each and every movement you make; fore when you learn to walk, and to talk with and in the Great and Perfected Love of My Heart, then you will be moving in the Pure Grace of My Ways…as you whisper your sweet, sacred nothing’s to Me.
I Love you, and I thank you in advance for your continued sharing of all Graces you’ve received despite what you know and you see in your worlde; fore when more learn to walk in the Certain flow of My Grace, they will do it with an unfailing Love...they type of Love that flows out of My Heart on their Plane, which brings more cows on Homeward to Me.
I Love you, 'time' now to go. Amen."