Sunday, February 5, 2017

Pronouncement Oracle: Your 'trying to please Me' pleases Me, says the Lord... :-)

2/5/2017  6:32am
(I am receiving the Lord's Oracles for the upcoming cd and He wished for me to send this out as a Pronouncement Oracle for a prayer that He would like for us to say when we are having trouble 'loving' someone who continually hurts us, and then we start feeling bad about ourselves in our thinking that we are disappointing our Father in Heaven.

 'The Prayer of the Heart' 

Dear Lord,
Please help your child who has lost their way, and cannot find their Perfect Pathe back to your heart.

Please help them Lord find their way, and their pathe back to you that leads them to Perfect Peace and Perfect Love in your heart…please, I am counting on you, their True Father who knows just how to heal and to seal all pathes in the Way of the Lord, according to the True Works of Your Ways…please, I am counting on you/the One who knows just what to do, just what to say and how each child should grow to learn in their ways according to the True Works of the Great Love of your Ways…please I am counting on you/the One who knows the difference between what is Good and of what is not so good in this life according to the True Works of your heart that whispers its Great Domain of Love in your heart according to the True Works of your Love…please dear Lord I am counting on you/the One who knows the Perfect Pathe to Love in a heart according to the True Works of your Love…please I am counting on you/the One who stares death straight in the face according to the True Works of your Love that offers-up Perfect Peace and Perfected Joy in One's heart according to the True Works of your Love...please I am counting on you...

I Love you, time now to go. Amen.

(When I then asked the Lord how He wanted for this prayer to be used, He said...)

The Lord speaks..."Good question My child, a very good question for Me--here is how I would like for this particular 'Prayer of the Heart' to be used and utilized by My dear children when each of you is in need and doesn’t know the correct/certain pathe of how to help My/their child, of an individual who they are presented with to show your love according to the True Works of My Heart in their ways; fore you see, just because you cannot or will not ‘feel’ like finding a way or a pathe to ‘love’ someone, does not make you a ‘bad’ person to Me, at all--so, please do not think that just because you cannot or will not say, “I love you” when it hurts, does not mean that somehow you have disappointed your Great Father of Love according to the True Deeds of your heart, okay?

Please know that there will be many, a great many people that you will find ‘hard to Love' in this world especially when they continually do the ‘wrong’ things in life that brings about destruction, chaos, death, and dis-ease according to the works of their heart--and so, what do you do?

Do you change the way you choose to ‘feel’ about them and let their continued disruption/destruction come into you in your life, so you then become unglued at the seams--Or, do you stop, and drop to your knees/praying them into your heart, so very hard that it scares you to death that you could ever/even ‘pray’ for someone like this whom you find to be so ‘undeserving’ of your heart to then-love?

You see, in time All will grow to discover just who and exactly what I am in your heart no matter how it ‘scares you to death’ to truly know who I am in your love.

And so for now, please just know that each and everyone of you does please Me to no end that you choose to know My Great and Certain Love in your hearts no matter ‘how,’ or ‘why,’ of whatever happens to you when you choose to know My Love in whatever circumstance each of you face in your and My Land, okay?

You see, I am a Great Master of Love who is extremely difficult for you to understand; fore there is nothing, not a single thing that will ever make sense of Myself there in you.
I am the first, the last and I stretch far into the Great Beyond/the place where you will be going when it is time for you to leave in this land.

So, please do not ever forget that this Great Mission/your Great Mission in life is not to fully engage with Me ONLY when you are in dire circumstances that await you in the present day moment of ‘fear’/of something ‘terrible’ that is about to happen to you--but rather, if you will choose to know Me as just a Good, Good Father in and to you, who knows all and sees all in you--then what will happen is this, you will move and flow in a way that chooses to ‘carry themselves’ as if you were walking on the Great Waters in Me when you see…and that My Friend is the type of ‘courage’ in your faith that chooses to seek Me at all times, and in all ways in your Love, okay?

So again, please do not ever think for a moment that if you cannot say and feel the words, “I love you,” to someone who chooses to hurt you in immeasurable ways, that I will somehow become disappointed in you, no-- please do not choose to deny yourself the opportunity for continued growth in your heart; fore if you choose to stand there and say with gritted teethe and your fists all balled-up in un-love and say, “I love you” to them this will NOT be good for either of you okay?

So, what I would rather you do is this--please do pray this special prayer to Me in your heart ( 'The Prayer of the Heart') so that I may Love and ‘help’ My child/My sweet, precious child who is so bent in the knees, to straight up their antennae so they may grow to reach Me again, okay?

See My child, it is not for you to ever deny yourself the continued growth in your heart, nor for you to somehow think that you are disappointing Me when and if you cannot say the words, “I Love you,” to each and every person that you meet, no—what your job is, is this,--to just Love and serve My Heart out to the world even when it ‘scares you to death’, okay? and as a Perfect Way in your heart, okay?

So for now, please know that both your ‘trying to please Me,’ and your ‘trying to become Perfect in your heart’ are truly two very different things when it comes to your knowing My Great Space in your heart--so, if you will say this special prayer/the special prayer I have just given to you, then you will see just how that opens a special channel of Grace in their heart in a way that will bring My Great Heart of Light to their Love…and if you will do this multiple times a day there in you, you will see My Love come to strike and enter their heart…as I bring about My Pure Life in their ways, okay?

I Love you My child, and again, please know that the way that you attempt to please Me, does please Me so much more than you could ever know in your heart…

I Love you, time now to go. Amen.”

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

A 'Parable of the Heart'

12/6/2016 5:23am

(I am coming to the Lord to ask Him if He will give me the info that He would like to create the new cd)
 I heard, "My child I thank you for all you have done to promote Perfect Health and Perfected Wealth in My Great Kingdom of Love in your soul.

And so before we go into exactly what and how I would like for you to create of My New Patterned Thoughts (the cd),  I would like to begin with a certain message for you, so you will begin to see yourself as someone who is deserving of My Love even though, at times, it does scare you to death in your heart.
What do I mean by this you aske, hold on and I will tell you about a little story in Me, so you can begin to see yourself more in these now here Precious Moments of Love/ in and with the tiny fragments of Love in your heart.

So this here is a little story of Me...
Once upon a time there was a Great and Perfect King in His Great Castle of Love and even though He tried to find time to do all the certain things on His 'List,' He found that the more that He tried to get His 'list' accomplished, the more new things seemed to pop-up in His Heart.

So let Me then aske this of you--did He choose to feel as if He was overwhelmed in that there was just not enough time in His day to accomplish all that He was asked to then-do in His Ways?
--Or, did He put His stake down and grab aholde of His Heart and then-attempt to share His Great Heart in His Way?

You see, the reason that I do share this with you, is that you, My Child, represent the Great King in this here Parable of the Heart, and as much as you attempt to get things done in your day, it does frustrate you that you never quite get accomplished all the 'tasks on your list'...which then frustrates you in the Pure Heart of your soul.

And so this is what I would rather you do from here forward is this--to spend each and every waking moment living as a King who tries to spread ONLY Love rather than one who crosses off His 'tasks for that day' in His Heart.
And IF you will begin to live more like My Great Jeshua of Ways, you'll Become more like He in your heart--are you beginning to see what I mean, and how you are very much different from Me? Fore until All learn to see and to truly know the 'Real Purpose of the day,' your heart will not choose to grow in My Way and I need for more to see and to know you as Love in the True Perfection of My Great Heart in your soul...I need All wayward cows to walk Homeward to Me--see?

So if you and All of My Great Children will begin to see in this day that, what truly matters in your day of My Way, is not all the tasks in life that you've accomplished that will make you Great in the end, but rather how you did EVERYTHING/ EVERY SINGLE THING with My Great Heart in your hands, okay?

Please know, please truly know that Love can and does exist on its own even when you've chosen to not share it in you, in your day--so, if you will begin to change back into the Great Heart of My Day, then you will be moving with My Perfect Love in your hands...I need all, I repeat ALL/EVERY SINGLE COW TO COME HOMEWARD to Me--see?

I Love you, now go out and make this day count for something where you touched all hearts with the Great Gift of My Love, and when you choose to live/to move and to flow in My Love, you'll be spreading the Great Seeds of My Love.

And like the Great Honeybee you will choose to seek-out the heart that feel lost, so very sad, and ashamed; fore True Love in a heart seeks ONLY to heal all hurts and all hearts in Christ's name.

And in the end you will see and know you are Loved, as I come upon you in your day...and as I pick up your heart, you will walk with your God as you move and you flow in My Ways...please remember that it's not what you say and do in your day, that makes you a True Follower of Mine, but rather, it's how you GIVE and RECEIVE the Great Love of My Heart that helps bring back more of My Great/lost children to God, okay?...please remember this as you go about as you and Me in your day, okay?

I Love you, time now to go. Amen."

Sunday, October 2, 2016

The Lord speaks on 'the sweet, sacred nothings' that we whisper

10/2/16 7:43am

(This message came from part of my conversation with the Lord this morning that i would like to share with you, enjoy! :-)

The Lord speaks..."So then If you will just do your part and do whatever you can each and every day to promote ONLY My Great and Perfect Love in your heart, then All will come to see and know you as Mine in your heart and your space in My Land, okay?...and please remember that nothing, I repeat nothing, can ever harm you in Love, okay?

You see 'life' is a very precious thing, fore it creates and can grow into the very certainty of Love in One’s heart if it is given a chance to grow as it forms in its Be.
And as it grows into the sweet sacred space of Love in its/their heart, they learn to capture the Pure Sacred Essence of Me... as they whisper their sweet, sacred nothings to Me—see?

So then I have just one pertinent question for you—do you like what you presently see when it comes to your knowing My Great and Perfected Love in your heart—Or, would you like to see a change-up in you?
Fore the Way One chooses to see and know My Great and Perfected Love in their heart, will determine who they are in My Love…as you whisper your sweet, sacred nothings to Me—see?

So now you aske, “what are the sweet, sacred nothings to you; fore I am presently not whispering anything to you at all—right?”

You see, that is a great question for Me, fore it truly determines just who you are in My Love as you whisper your sweet nothings to Me—see?

You see, please let Me explain it like this…the sweet, sacred nothings have nothing to do with an actual  expression of words per se' that spring forth from your mouth as you go into your dissertations to Me as to why the world is bad, why it is just plain wrong, and then you aske, “so what are you going to do about it Lord?”

(The Lord pauses for a brief moment as He would like for us to examine our hearts to see if we do presently do this, and then He said…)
“Please tell Me, you do, do this right? Fore if your answer to My Question is your “yes” then please move along to the rest of this passage, and if not please do think about this a bit more; fore each of you sees the world as ‘not right’ in the eyes of your Love in My Soul…and I am trying to get each of you to see ONLY My Special Sweet, Sacred Love in your soul, okay?

So then, moving right along to what I would like to discuss with each of you in this day so you will grow in your hearts in My Way, okay?

You see, what if I came to you today and told you that the world as you know it would not exist for much longer in you…would you be frightened, afraid, or scared for even a fraction of a second, or would you say, “that’s okay, what’s next?”

You see, this is how I would like for each and every one of you to answer with a ‘what’s next approach’; fore when your time is up and you return to the True Spirit of your soul, each of you should know what I know—which is that your True Identity is you are a child from the Lord from on High and that I truly Love you despite what you’ve come to know and to see; fore the Truthe of this Great Journey will be seen in One’s heart when they discover My True and Certain Love within thee…and they truly know that NOTHING can ever harm them in Love, okay?

So now, let Me explain EXACTLY what I mean about the sweet, sacred nothings to Me…

You see, if I came to you today and told you that the world was flat, and that even though you knew it to be round from all the advances in the sciences you have known--please tell Me, would you believe in these things that I’d say?

The True/Real reason that I explain these things to you is for this reason and this purpose only—to get you to see that there is a True/Real reason that you think the things that you do despite what you know and you see—the True/Real reason that I come to you now is for you to believe in the Real Presence of Me…despite what you’ve come to see with and in your heart...and to know/to truly know you are Loved by your God despite what you’ve come to know in your heart.
Fore My Love cannot and will not ever be grasped by and as your Truthe unless and until you grow to discover this New Truthe within you... as I grow to whisper My Sweet, Sacred nothings to you…as you learn to grow to  become of your and My Ways in your soul--are you beginning to see what I mean?

So now, here is an actual definition of what I am trying to say so you can recognize and remember this known fact in your soul, okay?
What I am trying to relay to you in this passage of verse is to say this…Sweet, Sacred nothing’s is nothing more than a non-verbal expression that is passed from One person to another that express a non-verbal communication of either “I love you” or “ I do not” that is then felt deep in the heart of One’s soul...
and when you pass this from One to the other, what happens is this, since it is felt as a sword  with its non-verbal cues it surpasses One’s mind in their soul.
And as it speaks straight to One's heart as their New Self in their Truthe, it can, and does ,and will transfer either ugliness or My Pure Love as your and their Truthe within please tread lightly on this land that you roam, okay?

So now, here is how it does apply there to you…
You see, when you come upon someone in your/their/our daily interactions of and for ‘change’ in your worlde, if you will make every attempt to spread ONLY My Great Love in your heart, then you will be whispering ONLY Love/My Perfect Love straight to their soul, and when this happens chains fall away from all the strains of their hurt in your heart…does this sound like something that would be of interest to you? If so, then please do make it happen today in your way, okay?

So then, at the beginning of My little dissertation to you, I asked you a question of what you would think if I in fact told you that the worlde was not round, but rather was quite flat in My Eyes, and that they way that you think has been marred by the facts that have been brought this type of 'change' in your life?

You see, while I am not trying to prove the scientists wrong, what I am attempting  to do, is to get you to see the way that the way that you act, determines your heart as I come to make Myself known there in and as you.

And so in this worlde, the scientists have told you that the worlde has been proven to be very round indeed, right? And so let Me aske this of you--what does that mean, and how does this apply to your in your daily actions for change and in how One should prioritze of their life in My Day?

Has this knowledge caused you to act kinder and more gentler in Love, or has it caused you to challenge My Existence of Love in your day?
Please do think about where I am going in this in My particualr questiong and in My Reasoning of you; fore it's in the quiet moments of Love in your heart, that My Pure Essence comes alive within you.

So then, ‘science’ would tell you that the world is in fact round, right? And that you should act and behave in a manner that feeds only your existence on this earthe of the Plane, but let Me aske this of you, has 'science' told you how and why you should Love when you act to bring about My Pure Life in your ways?
Fore you see, ‘science’ would also tell you that I am not Real in this world fore I cannot be formed and fashioned in a quantitative manner per se, and that you should be frightened of a 'god' you can't see with your eyes, fore He's just a made-up childhood fantasy of Love that attempts to perpetuate its own self in your ways.

(The Lord pauses for a moment and then asks very inquisitively…) Please let Me aske you, what do you think is truly Real in this life? Is it all the physical attributes that you choose to see in the daily interactions of Love as you go—Or, is it ONLY what you can touch, see, and feel in this worlde, in a worlde shaped with fear and un-love?

You see, this is what truly separates the Real Believers from those who just kinda want to get to know Me, just in case they discover that I am Real in the end…but let Me aske this of you, what harm is there in believing in the Real possibility of Love, and your ability to change the worlde that you see back into Me?

Please do think about this again, and again, and again today; fore how and why each of you goes about your particular day in your way determines who you are in My Love, and until All learn to give and receive My Great Love in their hearts, then My Job is not done in your land…I need all cows to come Homeward to Me—see?

So now today, will you make an attempt to be fully conscious in each and every movement you make; fore when you learn to walk, and to talk with and in the Great and Perfected Love of My Heart, then you will be moving in the Pure Grace of My Ways…as you whisper your sweet, sacred nothing’s to Me.

I Love you, and I thank you in advance for your continued sharing of all Graces you’ve received despite what you know and you see in your worlde; fore when more learn to walk in the Certain flow of My Grace, they will do it with an unfailing Love...they type of Love that flows out of My Heart on their Plane, which brings more cows on Homeward to Me.

I Love you, 'time' now to go. Amen."

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

The True Goodness of The Lord is His Love

9/21/2016 5:25am
(This is part of a message I received where the Lord was explaining to Me about how He was sending a special blessing to Me...thought you would enjoy seeing how He works, as a reminder of what you may already know...)

…(cont) "and when it comes in the mail it will be on either a Wednesday  or a Thursday morn depending upon how I attempt to work in your flow, but please do know that however and whatever way I choose to ‘present’/display of Myself outward in 'you,' please know that Everything ALWAYS works right in Me, okay?" ( I was like yes, but what is it that will be coming my way?)

(He again laughed at me very lovingly, and said very inquisitively) “Please remember--I am God, you are not, and even though you have grown to Become much like Me in your ways, please know that when I say to you, “My child please arise and do pick up your bed, and please do walk in your Great Presence of your love in My Ways,” then, please know, that I will send each of you Me as you learn to move and to flow in My Ways…and that Everything, every single thing will ALWAYS work right in Me, okay?" (yes)
Please remember, I am a God of second chances and I ALWAYS have your back, no matter the condition of One’s heart--so, just because each of you says to yourselves, “Lord, I cant hear you,” “Lord, I can't taste your sweet and sacred goodness of Love,” does this mean that I do not exist?—Or, could it possibly mean that you are still a babe in the woods, and that your ‘ears’ have not quite grown in your heart…the ears you will need to hear My sweet sounds in your heart?

You see, this is still what still separates the True Believers from those who just kinda want to get to know Me, just in case they learn to discover that I am Real in the end--But let Me aske this of you, which do you find as your Truthe, in the small, sweet sacred presence of ‘you’?

You see, many today still do say to themselves that they would like to get to know Me once more--But let Me aske this of you, would you like to truly know of My
Great and Perfect Love in your heart, or is this life now sufficient for you?
Please do think about this long and oh so very hard, to see which side of the road you think you are on; fore the Truthe of this Great Journey will be seen in the heart, when each discovers My Pure Lyfe in their soul…and that nothing, not a single thing can ever keep us apart.

So today, please do speak of My Great Kindness in each and every opportunity you can, to see and know of your Love as My Truthe…and then when you discover My Pure Gift in your heart, you will ‘hear,’ and ‘see,’ and ‘taste' My Great Truthe within you…which means EVERYTHING to My Great Heart in your ways---please do think about My Great and Perfect Love here today, okay?

I Love you , time now to go. Amen.”
(The Lord is smiling very Grandely at us in the Great and Perfect Love of His Ways :-)

Sunday, September 18, 2016

The True Meaning of 'Good' according to God...

9/18/2016 7:40am
(This was part of a message I received this morning and He asked me to include it as a blog post for All to read...)

The Lord speaks...
"You see My dear sweet child of Love, please know down deep in your heart just this one particular thing about Me…I am Good/I am Good to the pointe that Good is never enough when it compares to the Great and Perfect God that you see--so then please know with absolute certainty in your soul that even though I care about you and that you care about Me, you could never ever understand the True concept of Love in your heart; fore you have the original sin carried forth in your Be/your existence in life that marrs the True concept of Me.
(I told Him I was a bit confused and could He explain a bit more…?)

"You see, on the first day of your New Beginning of ‘life,’ I placed you inside your mother’s womb on that day, and as I sent you to a place yet unknown in your heart, you grew into your particular presence of Me within thee, known as the Sheer Presence of life known as your Be.

And as I watched you from afar, you grew into the new 'life' that formed, and as you captured the Pure Grace of My Heart in your soul, you grew into the type of love that you'd know.
(I thanked Him for His explanation, and then asked Him a bit more questions surrounding what He means by the presence of Be, as I am still confused as to what it is?)

"You see, one poet explained it like this, “To Be or not to Be, that is the question is it not?”--what pointe do you think he was trying to get across in that statement of fact/the particular comment of his prose in his ways?"
(I answered, “I don’t know, I’ve never really ever understood Shakespeare, so I’ve never read his works…”)

"Oh, please do read this and all of his works, as he was extremely profound in his writings of Me as he tried to explain his take on this existence of 'life' in the very relevant concept of what he saw in and as the 'Be' within he…and even though he was never quite satisfied with the answers he received, he still went about as My Good in his ways; fore he truly saw the spirit of My Life in his heart as he moved and he flowed in My/his Ways.

So now, I’d like to sit a bit more on this concept of the word ‘Good,’ and in how I'd like for each of you to see how this word relates back to you as you move and you flow in your ways.
And when we are done, please post this on the blog, so All will see how their meaning of 'good' plays out in their lives, as they live out My Heart in their ways.

So now let's delve into this concept a bit further, shall we?
First of all, please go to your dictionaries and look up the word ‘Good’; fore I would like for each of you to first see how the worlde explains of this concept in life, so you can then relate it back to Me in My Ways, okay?"

(His directions to me) "Wendy, please look up and insert this definition into this space, and if the other’s wishe to seek out more of an explanation then they will, and should do so at this time, thank you."
(Here is the definition of 'good' that I got off the Internet)
adjective: good; comparative adjective: better; superlative adjective: best
to be desired or approved of."we live at peace with each other, which is good"
synonyms: healthy, fine, sound, tip-top, hale and hearty, fit, robust, sturdy, strong, vigorous More"the dogs are in good condition"
 fine, very well, all right, right, all right then, yes, agreed; informal okay, OK, okey-dokey 
"good, that's settled"

antonyms: poor, ill
pleasing and welcome."she was pleased to hear good news about him"

expressing approval."the play had good reviews"

having the qualities required for a particular role."the schools here are good" synonyms: fine, superior, quality; More excellent, superb, outstanding, magnificent, exceptional, marvelous, wonderful, first-rate, first-class, sterling; 
satisfactory, acceptable, not bad, all right; 
informalgreat, OK, A1, jake, hunky-dory, ace, terrific, fantastic, fabulous, fab, top-notch, blue-chip, blue-ribbon, bang-up, killer, class, awesome, wicked; 
smashing, brilliant 
"a good product"
 capable, able, proficient, adept, adroit, accomplished, skillful, skilled, talented, masterly, virtuoso, expert; informal great, mean, wicked, nifty, ace, crackerjack 
"a good driver"

delicious, tasty, mouthwatering, appetizing, flavorful, delectable, toothsome, palatable; succulent, luscious; 
informalscrumptious, delish, yummy, lip-smacking, finger-licking, nummy, melt-in-your-mouth 
"good food"

valid, genuine, authentic, legitimate, sound, bona fide; convincing, persuasive, telling, potent, cogent, compelling 
"a good reason"

antonyms: bad, inept, unconvincing
appropriate to a particular purpose."this is a good month for planting seeds"
synonyms: convenient, suitable, appropriate, fitting, fit; More opportune, timely, favorable, advantageous, expedient, felicitous, happy, providential 
"a good time to call"

antonyms: inconvenient
(of language) with correct grammar and pronunciation."she speaks good English"

strictly adhering to or fulfilling all the principles of a particular cause, religion, or party."a good Catholic girl"
synonyms: close, intimate, dear, bosom, special, best, firm, valued, treasured; More loving, devoted, loyal, faithful, constant, reliable, dependable, trustworthy, trusty, true, unfailing, staunch 
"a good friend"

(of a ticket) valid."the ticket is good for travel from May to September"

possessing or displaying moral virtue."I've met many good people who made me feel ashamed of my own shortcomings"
synonyms: virtuous, righteous, upright, upstanding, moral, ethical, high-minded, principled; More exemplary, law-abiding, irreproachable, blameless, guiltless, unimpeachable, honorable, scrupulous, reputable, decent, respectable, noble, trustworthy; 
meritorious, praiseworthy, admirable; 
whiter than white, saintly, saintlike, angelic; 
informalsqueaky clean 
"a good person"

antonyms: wicked
showing kindness."you are good—thank you"
synonyms: kind, kindhearted, good-hearted, thoughtful, generous, charitable, magnanimous, gracious; More altruistic, unselfish, selfless 
"it was good of you to come"

antonyms: unkind, thoughtless
obedient to rules or conventions."accustom the child to being rewarded for good behavior"
synonyms: well behaved, obedient, dutiful, polite, courteous, respectful, deferential, compliant More"the children are good at school"

right, correct, proper, decorous, seemly; appropriate, fitting, apt, suitable; 
convenient, expedient, favorable, opportune, felicitous, timely; 
"a good thing to do"

antonyms: naughty
used to address or refer to people, especially in a patronizing or humorous way."the good people of the city were disconcerted"

       commanding respect."he was concerned with establishing and maintaining his good name"
       belonging or relating to a high social class."he comes from a good family"

giving pleasure; enjoyable or satisfying."the streets fill up with people looking for a good time"
synonyms: enjoyable, pleasant, agreeable, pleasurable, delightful, great, nice, lovely; More amusing, diverting, jolly, merry, lively; 
informalsuper, fantastic, fabulous, fab, terrific, grand, brilliant, killer, peachy, ducky 
"a good time was had by all"

    fine, fair, dry; bright, clear, sunny, cloudless; 
calm, windless; 
warm, mild, balmy, clement, pleasant, nice 
"good weather"

        antonyms: unpleasant, terrible, bad, inclement
pleasant to look at; attractive."you're looking pretty good"

(of clothes) smart and suitable for formal wear."he went upstairs to change out of his good suit"
synonyms: best, finest, nicest; More special, party, Sunday, formal, dressy, smart, smartest 
"wear your good clothes"

antonyms: casual, everyday

        5. the attic needs a 'good' cleaning.
used to emphasize that a number is at least as great as one claims."they're a good twenty years younger"
synonyms: whole, full, entire, complete, solid "we waited a good hour"
used to emphasize a following adjective."we had a good long hug"

fairly large."a good crowd"
synonyms: considerable, sizable, substantial, appreciable, significant; More goodly, fair, reasonable; 
plentiful, abundant, great, large, generous; 
"a good number of them"

antonyms: small

used in conjunction with the name of God or a related expression as an exclamation of extreme surprise or anger."good heavens!"

noun: good; plural noun: goods

1. that which is morally right; righteousness."a mysterious balance of good and evil"
synonyms: virtue, righteousness, goodness, morality, integrity, rectitude; More honesty, truth, honor, probity; 
propriety, worthiness, merit; 
blamelessness, purity 
"issues of good and evil"

antonyms: wickedness

benefit or advantage to someone or something."he convinces his father to use his genius for the good of mankind"
        synonyms: benefit, advantage, profit, gain, interest, welfare, well-being; More enjoyment, comfort, ease, convenience; 
help, aid, assistance, service; 
"it's all for your good"

antonyms: disadvantage

merchandise or possessions."imports of luxury goods"
synonyms: merchandise, wares, stock, commodities, produce, products, articles; More imports, exports 
"he dispatched the goods"

property, possessions, worldly possessions, effects, chattels, valuables; informal things, stuff, junk, gear, bits and pieces 
"the dead woman's goods"

things to be transported, as distinct from passengers."a means of transporting passengers as well as goods"

the genuine article.plural noun: the goods

adverb informal
adverb: good
well."my mother could never cook this good"


(The Lord resumes speaking...)
"So as you can see, on your earthe you use and utilize the word ‘Good’ to have a variety of different meanings and explanations depending upon the way in which it is used and utilized for you in your day—right?

So then, let Me aske this of you, when I say to you that I am Good, I am Just, and I am Fair beyond anything that you could imagine in Love—please tell Me, what does this mean unto you?

Before you answer with just a canned, quaint expression of, "I don't know, why don't you tell me Lord what you'd like for me to know"--I'd first like for you to draw your own conclusions as to what I am truly asking in My question and My reasoning with and in you, so you will truly get what I am meaning to say, okay?

So now, please pause for just a moment so you can truly think about what the/your meaning is behind the word 'good' and in how you use it to judge and criticize the worlde in and as the way you choose to think and to label as to how it 'acts' in your day... and then when you relate it back to the way that you show and know Love in your heart, then you will see whom you truly are in My Ways.

Fore until All can truly learn the Real Meaning and the True Essence of how and what this word should actually mean as you move and you flow in your day, then you will continue to circle the drain of this life as you move and you flow in your ways...are you beginning to see what I mean?
Fore until All learn to just see and to know Me as Love, then My Job is not done in your land, I need all cows to know what 'Good' truly means in their life with the Gift of My Love in their hands.

You see, the reason that I aske this of you is because the way that you presently see and utilize this word (good) in and as My Presence of 'you' is remarkably different from the way in which I see and I know My Great Love in your heart and so let Me aske this of you—do you like the way I think and I create of Myself there in you, or do you prefer quite a different approach/the type of approach that instead leads them to you?
Please do think about this just a little while longer; fore how and why you choose to 'act' in the way that you do, reflects and refracts the True Condition of your heart, and until All cows learn to see and know Love like I do, then My Job is not done in your land...I need all cows to come Homeward to Me--see?

You see, the True/Real reason I aske this of you is to try to get you to see whom you are in My Love; fore until all can truly learn to see and to know Love like I do My Great Job is not done in your land...I need all cows to walk forward in Love in My Land.

So now, this last concept that I have just presented to you, contributes to the majority of the problems that each of you face in your day--so, if you will truly take to heart what I've just mentioned to you, then you'll learn to move and to flow in My Ways--right?...irregardless of how another chooses to behave around you, fore none of you is nor will ever be 'good enough' in your eyes when it truly comes to One grasping My Truthe, but if you will instead show My Love to All despite what you see, then everything will then work right in Me--see?

Fore when My Son came to die on the cross there that day, He did so much more than just open the Gates to your heart, what He did was to pave The Way back, to My Land for your Good, as He cleansed each One of you deep in your heart…now are you beginning to see what I mean about who you are in this life depends upon how you choose to see and know Love in your heart; fore until All learn to see and to know Me as Love, then My Job is not done in your land-- I need all hearts to re-connect back to My Great Love you once knew prior to your going off on your own, and when each  re-connects with My Great Love in their hearts, here is where and when a New Heart is formed...a New Heart that sees and knows of themselves as a Great and Perfect child of Mine, who is 'Good,' who is Patient, and Kindhearted like Me despite what they've done in their land.

So now please let Me tell you My definition of the word that you know as ‘Good’…

Good to Me is Beauty, 
the True Inner Beauty of Love that bothe reflects and refracts the Pure Essence of My Light in their Joy, 
that neither hinders nor raditates its own wealth in the land; 
fore it seeks its True Light, in the space of One's Heart, 
as it radiates My Pure Essence of Love.

Good to Me is Light, 
the Pure Essence of Light, that radiates an inner peace of caring for the sake of One’s needs, 
in the beauty of compassion, as an inner strength from within,
that supercedes and suspends its own needs in its space, 
in the present moment of Love, that is shared from within.

Good to Me is Life, 
a life lived abundantly in Joy, to the pointe that it cannot contain its own self in this worlde,
and as it connects in its space, with the Pure Life that it sees, 
it reconnects in and as its own self, as its self-worth
its self-worth that it/he/she truly knows of itself as a Pure Child of the Most High God,
as it seeks-out its Pure Space as its known Way.

And lastly, I will leave you this last thought before I go in this day…
You see, life is and should be lived in a way that not only pleases you for the sake of only your receiving of its Joy in your heart, but rather, when One starts to seek out more opportunites to Love for the sake of Loving only in that moment of Joy to lift-up another in need, then what happens is this, it starts a chain reaction of Love for the sake of your/One’s Joy which means EVERYTHING in the world here to Me.

So today, please embrace all that I have shared here with you in this day regarding how One is not Good in a manner that can, or should ever be judged as ‘good’ from the world’s standards of hope, but rather, when One decides to do good for the sake of spreading Supreme Joy, Supreme Compassion, and Supreme Understanding in a way that might not make sense to the world, then what happens is this, it ignites a chain reaction of Love that breaks down barriers and walls that have kept you in the chains of unlove...and if you will continue to make Love your first response, and your first thought as you move and you flow in your land, then what will happen is this, it will set off a chain reaction of Hope in this land, that cannot contain itself in this life.

You see, when and If you will do and be about ONLY Good in this life, then each of you will experience more of My Life and Love in your heart…please do chew on this today as you move and you flow in your ways; fore its not what you have gained in this life that will catapult you into the the wealth of the next, but rather, it's in the tiny encounters known as ‘opportunites to and for love’ that your True Wealth is stored-up in this land; fore I need all, I repeat all wayward cows to feel the Great Love that you feel in My Heart, in this space, in your heart, in this land…I need all cows, I repeat, all cows to walk Homewawrd to Me--see?

I Love you , time now to go. Amen.”

Friday, August 26, 2016

"Please ask everyone to think about just this one particular poignant message from Me..."

8/28/2016 9:43pm

The Lord speaks...
"You were Bourne to run and to have the time of your life, but not to become a type-prisoner in chains, so if you'll release all the lies that have been placed on your heart, then you'll see My New Life come about in your I whisper My sweet nothings to you.
And so now before we continue on, please let's get a few things straight for a moment, shall we?

You see, ever since the Great Beginning of Time you have been a Great Part of My Plan, and even though I prompted you to go this way, or that, you still went where you chose to then-go.

So then I have just one question for you, and please do think long and so very hard about who, and where, and why you choose to go to when you choose to go inwards of your-self there in Me; fore how and why you choose to go with Me in your ways helps to determine who you are in My Love.

So again, please do think about this very long, and so very hard in your heart until you've determined of this answer in you, and then please continue on with My particular question of heart, of a very poignant expression in is My Question for you:
What if I came to you today and asked if you were finally ready to leave all the filth, and the ugliness behind that you've picked up from the pathe you have known, and to instead walk with Me in-to the Great Paradise of Love as I gift it to you in your soul...please tell Me, would you be ready to join Me today as you go?

You see, this sweet, simple question of Love that I speak straight to your heart should not frighten any of you in your soul; fore when One truly understands My Great Nature of Love, they then-drop all the swords they have they walk in-to My Great Kingdom of Love.

And so today, if this sounds like something that may be of interest to you, then I now aske for you to do these sweet, simple things for Me in your soul...

#1 Please look for opportunities to share with and in this special Great Gift of your heart, so All can learn to see My Great Love in your soul, and as they watch as they learn to move in My/your/our ways, they'll flow in-to the Pure Grace of My Flow.
And as you show them how I truly work in this land, through your heart, and your peace in My Ways, they'll change back in-to the Pure Grace of My Love, as I gift it to them in their ways...are you beginning to see what I mean?
Fore until All learn to see and know Me as Love, My Job is not done in your land, I need all cows to walk forward in Love through the Great Gift of My Love in your hands...please tell Me, does this sound like something that would be of interest to you?

If so, please begin today on this New Journey of a course so you will see and know Me as just Pure Love in your ways, okay?
#2 Next, please learn to seek-out opportunities with which you will be able to share My Great Gift in your soul; fore as you begin to play and display My Great Love in your heart, you'll help the others Become what they now see and they know.

Fore the more that each of you truly learns to bothe give and receive My Great Love as the/their/your Great ANSWER to all that confronts and confounds each of you as you move in your day, then in each and every setting and opportunity for Grace you are in, your hearts will Become the Pure Love of My I gift and I afford it to you in your ways.

You see, when One/you/they/he/she chooses to seek-out ONLY Love as something where there is nothing expected back in return, then what happens is this--Love/True Love/ Real Love begins to grow on the Vine, and you  Become what you now choose to seek as your Truthe.

And as you begin to choose Love for only Love's sake, with nothing expected back as a gift in return, then My Great Love flourishes on the Great Vine of your heart, as you grow in-to the Great Love of My/your/our Truthe...I do believe now you beginning to see what I mean, right? 

So now, please begin today to seek-out the Ways in which I choose to work in your land, while you're still living on this Plane of the earthe, and when you begin to change back in-to that of My Love, here is where, and when, and why, and how another's Great Love is you help bring back more of My children to the True Knowing of The Christ child in you.

You see, it is truly this easy to Become a Real Follower of Mine even when it doesn't feel right in you; fore when you help another seek-out this Great Gift of My Love, here's where a New Heart is formed there in you gift and afford My Great Love to and through you in their soul.

So today, please go in Great Peace and much Love in your True Knowing of whom you are in the Pure Ways of My Love, and please remember that this Great Gift of My Love is now held here as open for you--that is, if you will receive of its Great Worth in your soul.

Fore please remember, the beginning of the end to each of you dropping your swords, first starts with the Pure Presence of Love, and in the end All will see the Pure Grace of My Heart as I gift it to you in the Great Space of My Love...please remember, all points begin and end here with and in Me.

So go in Peace and Love, with the True Knowing that each One of you has the potential to be of The Christ child in Me; fore when One chooses to fully know My Great Heart they learn to Become the Sheer Presence of Me...please remember, all points, I repeat, all points begin and end here with Me here in thee.

I Love you, time now to go. Amen."
Luke 10:27
27 He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’[c]; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[d]

Thursday, July 7, 2016

How the Lord works in this land :-)

7/7/16 5:42am
(I came to the Lord this morning and was asking Him specific questions of things that would be happening in the weeks up ahead. As He was answering my questions He asked me to post this part of the message on the blog for others to read as an answer of how He 'works' in this land.)

The Lord speaks..."So now here's what you can expect to be 'happening' over the next few weeks up ahead...first of all you can expect that soon/very soon Scott (my friend) will grow to find and discover the perfect business opportunity he wishes to own in this land. (I asked Him what the business would be?)

You see My dear sweet child of Love, this is not for Me to know, and to determine the exact business/the exact opportunity that One should desire in their heart of My Love; fore all choices and decisions are made, and come from each one of you, in your hearts, im your ways, in your land.

Please remember that I am God, you are not, even though you have grown to Become much like Me in your ways, but at the end of the day if I made all the decisions for you, then how would you come to know whom you are in My Ways?

You see, if I  told you all the 'correct' answers to this here thing you call 'life,' then please tell Me how your heart would choose to grow in its way; fore you see, the Way to the Father is in spreading His Wealth of His Heart that is present in you go about living YOUR 'life,' in YOUR thoughts, in YOUR deeds as you Become what you choose to see in and as 'you,' in your love, in your way.
(I told Him I was confused and asked if He could explain a bit more please...)

You see, this is how I 'work' in your land, and after I am done with this explanation of how I choose to move in your flow, please post this message on My Blogsite for My All to then-see; fore this is a common question for Me-- as to how and why I choose to move in your ways, okay?

So then, here it goes--the 'answer' of how and why I do 'work' in your land....
Let Me please start off with My description of just what 'Free Will' is and how and why it is sooo very important to Me for your growth, and your Pure Health inside the Great Heart of your soul.

You see, I created for 'free will' to not just be a Heavenly concept of Love, but rather, what I decided to be expressed in the description of this word was for One to create a New Concept in and of your particular version of Me, as you learn to move and to flow in your ways.

So then, 'what happened' you aske here in Me?
You see, whenst fore each of you did take a bite from the fruit of the Tree of 'unlove,' what you did was you saw and misread something that was just not meant to be seen and then-known in your heart...and as you quickly learned to mistrust of your God, each of you became of the particular 'devil' you sought as you moved and you flowed in your ways...and as you separted your-self from the Great Love of My Ways, you Became of what you now saw in your heart...which is why I had to separate you from the Great Love of My Ways until you could, would, and should care to then-know Me once more as just 'you' in your Love.

So then, why are you here on this Plane, and furthermore, what should you be doing to bring about more of My Love in your soul?
You see, each and everyone of you is a tiny portion of Me, as I gift and I afford Myself to you in your heart--so, with this being said, what if I came to you today and said, "Arise My child, it is time now to go, please do pick up your bed and then-walk"...please tell Me, would you continue to sit in the mess you are in/in the disease of the filth of your roam--Or, would you lay down your chains of the deceit in this 'life' and walk forward in your New Life with Me?

You see, this is what truly marks the difference between One who truly knows they are Mine, and those who just kinda want to get to know Me just in case they discover that I am REAL in the end-- but let Me tell this to you, if you cannot feel My Great Love as I gift and I afford it to you, then what's to stop you from following your own set of rules?... and as you seek and you follow a 'pathe' that knows nothing of Me, you will Become of the darkness you see/seek.

You see, when One first begins to separate from the Great Love of My Heart, here's where they Become of the darkness they 'know' in their heart...and as they see and become what they choose to know as their 'truthe,' their pathe meets with the discordance of its way within 'you.'

So now, what should you do with this 'new' information I have just given to you in your heart? Should you change everything you know and see as your truth in your life--Or, should you just change back into the Great Love of My Ways that exists in and as My Pure Love in your soul?

You see, only time will tell as to who, or to whom truly heard these words of My Love as you choose to move and flow in your ways; fore soon, very soon, the moon will grow dark, and as the winds do then howl-up a storm, if you choose to see Me standing in the Pure Clouds that do Reign, then you'll know that it's Me that you Love...the One who Loves you now and forever with no strings, and no conditions attached is the One who will be for you, with arms open wide, and a Great Smile in His Heart as He takes you up His Great Presence in 'you' are you beginning to see what I mean, who you are, and just why you should change back into My Great Love in your heart; fore until All learn to Love in My Great Manner of Ways, you'll remain as 'stuck' in your version of you remain as 'tossed' in the waves of unrest in your soul.

So now, what is it that I would have you do to 'un-learn' all of these 'bad habits' you have learned from your past/ of the mistakes you have made in your day?

You see, if you would choose to un-learn of these things you have taught to your heart, then you'd grow to become My Great Child of Love in your day...and in a world that's grown so cold in the way that it sees, you'll Become more like Me within thee, okay?

So then, tomorrow, what and how should you wake as you get-up to greet the New Dawn of the day?

Should you choose to continue on in the path of unlove as you continually counter all I have for you to receive in this day--Or, should you make a Decision to finally S-T-O-P in your ways and just Become My New Version of you receive all My Wishes for you?

You see, only time will tell as to who, or whom chose to hear of My Words when I come unto you and I say, "My child, please, it is time now to go, please do pick-up your bed and then walk...please walk forward in your New Love with Me."

(The Lord paused for a brief moment and then said...)

"So then back to your original question for Me, in why you feel that sometimes I answer your prayers/your questions and sometimes I do not...

You see, in time All will see and come to know Me as Love, even though at times you may feel distant and estranged from My Heart--but let Me tell this to you, if you or anyone ever decides to suddenly rock their own boat as they stand-up and fight for My Love, then they will feel My Love pour into their I gift and I afford it to you.

(He then speaks soft and intensely...) But, and I caution but--if any of you ever thinks they will move off of this Plane/into the Infinite Being, with themselves at the helm of My Ship, please know you will quickly discover you've been steering alone and have misguided your Plane on My you swim away to the sea of your doom.

Fore you are NOT a 'God' of the Infinite Being in the words and the things that you say; fore the crowned Victor is the One who knows to follow their heart, as they Become My True Child of The Way...The Way of Supreme Love, Supreme Tenderness, and True Compassion in the Heart is who I am in the Great Space of your heart.

So now, our time here is nearly done, and it is time for My Wendy to begin in her day, but before we go, please remember this little known fact...I am God, you are not, but yet your heart is very important to Me; fore when I gaze in your eyes, I see ONLY My Love, in a heart that is fully open to Me.

I Love you, 'time' now to go. Amen."

Friday, March 18, 2016

My Great Game of Love #16


(Today I finished 'My Great Game of Love' that the Lord has been giving to me over the past few months; it is a series of numeric messages that fall into a Game format that helps to aide in people's discovery of just who He is in their soul. so, I wanted to post some of the messages from the Game for you to see if you would be interested in learning more about this Game, and if you would like more information on how you can receive a copy of the Game in its entirety, please contact me on the 'Contact page' of this blog...btw, its really cool and I know you will Love it!)


“What if I came to you today and said, ‘My Child arise, please pick up your bed, and then-walk in The Way of your Love—please tell this to Me, would you choose to walk in My Love, or would you stand there and stammer in you?

You see, all your life you have chosen My Love as a True Knowing of My Great Love and My Understanding in and as ‘you’—so, today in your heart, please stand-up in Love and please pick-up the bed that you choose…

And as you walk forward in Love with My Pure Gift in your heart, you will have picked-up the bed that you choose…as you walk forward in your New Lyfe with Me—that easy My Child, it is truly that easy to begin in your walk Homeward in Me.

I Love you, time now to go. Amen  :-)