9/18/2016 7:40am
(This was part of a message I received this morning and He asked me to include it as a blog post for All to read...)
The Lord speaks...
"You see My dear sweet child of Love, please know down deep in your heart just this one particular thing about Me…I am Good/I am Good to the pointe that Good is never enough when it compares to the Great and Perfect God that you see--so then please know with absolute certainty in your soul that even though I care about you and that you care about Me, you could never ever understand the True concept of Love in your heart; fore you have the original sin carried forth in your
Be/your existence in life that marrs the True concept of Me.
(I told Him I was a bit confused and could He explain a bit more…?)
"You see, on the first day of your New Beginning of ‘life,’ I placed you inside your mother’s womb on that day, and as I sent you to a place yet unknown in your heart, you grew into your particular presence of Me within thee, known as the Sheer Presence of
life known as your
And as I watched you from afar, you grew into the new 'life' that formed, and as you captured the Pure Grace of My Heart in your soul, you grew into the type of love that you'd know.
(I thanked Him for His explanation, and then asked Him a bit more questions surrounding what He means by the presence of Be, as I am still confused as to what it is?)
"You see, one poet explained it like this, “To Be or not to Be, that is the question is it not?”--what pointe do you think he was trying to get across in that statement of fact/the particular comment of his prose in his ways?"
(I answered, “I don’t know, I’ve never really ever understood Shakespeare, so I’ve never read his works…”)
"Oh, please do read this and all of his works, as he was extremely profound in his writings of Me as he tried to explain his take on this existence of '
life' in the very relevant concept of what he saw
in and
as the '
Be' within he…and even though he was never quite satisfied with the answers he received, he still went about as My
Good in his ways; fore he truly saw the spirit of My Life in his heart as he moved and he flowed in My/his Ways.
So now, I’d like to
sit a bit more on this concept of the word
‘Good,’ and in how I'd like for each of you to see how this word relates back to you as you move and you flow in your ways.

And when we are done, please post this on the blog, so All will see how their meaning of 'good' plays out in their lives, as they live out My Heart in their ways.
So now let's delve into this concept a bit further, shall we?
First of all, please go to your dictionaries and look up the word ‘
Good’; fore I would like for each of you to first see how the worlde explains of this concept in
life, so you can then relate it back to Me in My Ways, okay?"
(His directions to me) "Wendy, please look up and insert this definition into this space, and if the other’s wishe to seek out more of an explanation then they will, and should do so at this time, thank you."
(Here is the definition of 'good' that I got off the Internet)
adjective: good; comparative adjective: better; superlative adjective: best
to be desired or approved of."we live at peace with each other, which is good"
synonyms: healthy, fine, sound, tip-top, hale and hearty, fit, robust, sturdy, strong, vigorous More"the dogs are in good condition"
fine, very well, all right, right, all right then, yes, agreed; informal okay, OK, okey-dokey
"good, that's settled"
antonyms: poor, ill
pleasing and welcome."she was pleased to hear good news about him"
expressing approval."the play had good reviews"
having the qualities required for a particular role."the schools here are good"
fine, superior, quality; More excellent, superb, outstanding, magnificent, exceptional, marvelous, wonderful, first-rate, first-class, sterling;
satisfactory, acceptable, not bad, all right;
informalgreat, OK, A1, jake, hunky-dory, ace, terrific, fantastic, fabulous, fab, top-notch, blue-chip, blue-ribbon, bang-up, killer, class, awesome, wicked;
smashing, brilliant
"a good product"
capable, able, proficient, adept, adroit, accomplished, skillful, skilled, talented, masterly, virtuoso, expert; informal great, mean, wicked, nifty, ace, crackerjack
"a good driver"
delicious, tasty, mouthwatering, appetizing, flavorful, delectable, toothsome, palatable; succulent, luscious;
informalscrumptious, delish, yummy, lip-smacking, finger-licking, nummy, melt-in-your-mouth
"good food"
valid, genuine, authentic, legitimate, sound, bona fide; convincing, persuasive, telling, potent, cogent, compelling
"a good reason"
antonyms: bad, inept, unconvincing
appropriate to a particular purpose."this is a good month for planting seeds"
synonyms: convenient, suitable, appropriate, fitting, fit; More opportune, timely, favorable, advantageous, expedient, felicitous, happy, providential
"a good time to call"
antonyms: inconvenient
(of language) with correct grammar and pronunciation."she speaks good English"
strictly adhering to or fulfilling all the principles of a particular cause, religion, or party."a good Catholic girl"
synonyms: close, intimate, dear, bosom, special, best, firm, valued, treasured; More loving, devoted, loyal, faithful, constant, reliable, dependable, trustworthy, trusty, true, unfailing, staunch
"a good friend"
(of a ticket) valid."the ticket is good for travel from May to September"
possessing or displaying moral virtue."I've met many good people who made me feel ashamed of my own shortcomings"
synonyms: virtuous, righteous, upright, upstanding, moral, ethical, high-minded, principled; More exemplary, law-abiding, irreproachable, blameless, guiltless, unimpeachable, honorable, scrupulous, reputable, decent, respectable, noble, trustworthy;
meritorious, praiseworthy, admirable;
whiter than white, saintly, saintlike, angelic;
informalsqueaky clean
"a good person"
antonyms: wicked
showing kindness."you are good—thank you"
synonyms: kind, kindhearted, good-hearted, thoughtful, generous, charitable, magnanimous, gracious; More altruistic, unselfish, selfless
"it was good of you to come"
antonyms: unkind, thoughtless
obedient to rules or conventions."accustom the child to being rewarded for good behavior"
synonyms: well behaved, obedient, dutiful, polite, courteous, respectful, deferential, compliant More"the children are good at school"
right, correct, proper, decorous, seemly; appropriate, fitting, apt, suitable;
convenient, expedient, favorable, opportune, felicitous, timely;
"a good thing to do"
antonyms: naughty
used to address or refer to people, especially in a patronizing or humorous way."the good people of the city were disconcerted"
commanding respect."he was concerned with establishing and maintaining his good name"
belonging or relating to a high social class."he comes from a good family"
giving pleasure; enjoyable or satisfying."the streets fill up with people looking for a good time"
synonyms: enjoyable, pleasant, agreeable, pleasurable, delightful, great, nice, lovely; More amusing, diverting, jolly, merry, lively;
informalsuper, fantastic, fabulous, fab, terrific, grand, brilliant, killer, peachy, ducky
"a good time was had by all"
fine, fair, dry; bright, clear, sunny, cloudless;
calm, windless;
warm, mild, balmy, clement, pleasant, nice
"good weather"
antonyms: unpleasant, terrible, bad, inclement
pleasant to look at; attractive."you're looking pretty good"
(of clothes) smart and suitable for formal wear."he went upstairs to change out of his good suit"
synonyms: best, finest, nicest; More special, party, Sunday, formal, dressy, smart, smartest
"wear your good clothes"
antonyms: casual, everyday
5. the attic needs a 'good' cleaning.
used to emphasize that a number is at least as great as one claims."they're a good twenty years younger"
synonyms: whole, full, entire, complete, solid "we waited a good hour"
used to emphasize a following adjective."we had a good long hug"
fairly large."a good crowd"
synonyms: considerable, sizable, substantial, appreciable, significant; More goodly, fair, reasonable;
plentiful, abundant, great, large, generous;
"a good number of them"
antonyms: small
used in conjunction with the name of God or a related expression as an exclamation of extreme surprise or anger."good heavens!"
noun: good; plural noun: goods
1. that which is morally right; righteousness."a mysterious balance of good and evil"
synonyms: virtue, righteousness, goodness, morality, integrity, rectitude; More honesty, truth, honor, probity;
propriety, worthiness, merit;
blamelessness, purity
"issues of good and evil"
antonyms: wickedness
benefit or advantage to someone or something."he convinces his father to use his genius for the good of mankind"
synonyms: benefit, advantage, profit, gain, interest, welfare, well-being; More enjoyment, comfort, ease, convenience;
help, aid, assistance, service;
"it's all for your good"
antonyms: disadvantage
merchandise or possessions."imports of luxury goods"
synonyms: merchandise, wares, stock, commodities, produce, products, articles; More imports, exports
"he dispatched the goods"
property, possessions, worldly possessions, effects, chattels, valuables; informal things, stuff, junk, gear, bits and pieces
"the dead woman's goods"
things to be transported, as distinct from passengers."a means of transporting passengers as well as goods"
the genuine article.plural noun: the goods
adverb informal
adverb: good
well."my mother could never cook this good"
(The Lord resumes speaking...)
"So as you can see, on your earthe you use and utilize the word
‘Good’ to have a variety of different meanings and explanations depending upon the way in which it is used and utilized for you in your day—right?
So then, let Me aske this of you, when I say to you that I am Good, I am Just, and I am Fair beyond anything that you could imagine in Love—please tell Me,
what does this mean unto you?
Before you answer with just a canned, quaint expression of, "I don't know, why don't you tell me Lord what you'd like for me to know"--I'd first like for you to draw your own conclusions as to what I am truly asking in My question and My reasoning with and in you, so you will truly
get what I am meaning to say, okay?
So now, please pause for just a moment so you can truly think about what the/your meaning is behind the word '
good' and
in how you use it to judge and criticize the worlde in and as the way you choose to think and to label as to how it 'acts' in your day... and then when you relate it back to the way that you show and know Love in your heart, then you will see whom you truly are in My Ways.
Fore until All can truly learn the Real Meaning and the True Essence of
how and
what this word should actually mean as you move and you flow in your day, then you will continue to
circle the drain of this life as you move and you flow in your ways...are you beginning to see what I mean?
Fore until All learn to just see and to know Me as Love, then My Job is not done in your land, I need all cows to know what
'Good' truly means in their life with the Gift of My Love
in their hands.
You see, the reason that I aske this of you is because the way that you presently
see and
utilize this word (good)
in and
as My Presence of 'you' is remarkably different from the way in which
I see and
I know My Great Love in your heart and so let Me aske this of you—do you like the way
I think and
I create of Myself there in you, or do you prefer quite a different approach/the type of approach that instead leads them to you?
Please do think about this just a little while longer; fore
how and
why you choose to
'act' in the way that you do, reflects and refracts the True Condition of your heart, and until All cows learn to see and know Love like I do, then My Job is not done in your land...I need all cows to come Homeward to Me--see?
You see, the True/Real reason I aske this of you is to try to get you to see whom you are in My Love; fore until all can truly learn to see and to know Love like I do My Great Job is not done in your land...I need all cows to walk forward in Love in My Land.
So now, this last concept that I have just presented to you, contributes to the majority of the problems that each of you face in your day--so, if you will truly take to heart what I've just mentioned to you, then you'll learn to move and to flow in My Ways--right?...irregardless of how another chooses to behave around you, fore none of you is nor will ever be 'good enough' in your eyes when it truly comes to One grasping My Truthe, but if you will instead show My Love to All despite what you see, then everything will then work right in Me--see?
Fore when My Son came to die on the cross there that day, He did so much more than just open the Gates to your heart, what He did was to pave The Way back, to My Land for your Good, as He cleansed each One of you deep in your heart…now are you beginning to see what I mean about
who you are in this life depends upon how you choose to see and know Love in your heart; fore until All learn to see and to know Me as Love, then My Job is not done in your land-- I need all hearts to re-connect back to My Great Love you once knew prior to your going off on your own, and when each re-connects with My Great Love in their hearts, here is where and when a New Heart is formed...a New Heart that sees and knows of themselves as a Great and Perfect child of Mine, who is 'Good,' who is Patient, and Kindhearted like Me despite what they've done in their land.
So now please let Me tell you My definition of the word that you know as ‘Good’…
Good to Me is Beauty,
the True Inner Beauty of Love that bothe reflects and refracts the Pure Essence of My Light in their Joy,
that neither hinders nor raditates its own wealth in the land;
fore it seeks its True Light, in the space of One's Heart,
as it radiates My Pure Essence of Love.
Good to Me is Light,
the Pure Essence of Light, that radiates an inner peace of caring for the sake of One’s needs,
in the beauty of compassion, as an inner strength from within,
that supercedes and suspends its own needs in its space,
in the present moment of Love, that is shared from within.
Good to Me is Life,
a life lived abundantly in Joy, to the pointe that it cannot contain its own self in this worlde,
and as it connects in its space, with the Pure Life that it sees,
it reconnects in and as its own self, as its self-worth…
its self-worth that it/he/she truly knows of itself as a Pure Child of the Most High God,
as it seeks-out its Pure Space as its known Way.
And lastly, I will leave you this last thought before I go in this day…
You see, life is and should be lived in a way that not only pleases you for the sake of only your receiving of its Joy in your heart, but rather, when One starts to seek out more opportunites to Love for the sake of Loving only in that moment of Joy to lift-up another in need, then what happens is this, it starts a chain reaction of Love for the sake of your/One’s Joy which means EVERYTHING in the world here to Me.
So today, please embrace all that I have shared here with you in this day regarding how One is not
Good in a manner that can, or should ever be judged as ‘good’ from the world’s standards of hope, but rather, when One decides to do good for the sake of spreading Supreme Joy, Supreme Compassion, and Supreme Understanding in a way that might not make sense to the world, then what happens is this, it ignites a
chain reaction of Love that breaks down barriers and walls that have kept you in the chains of unlove...and if you will continue to make Love your first response, and your first thought as you move and you flow in your land, then what will happen is this, it will set off a chain reaction of Hope in this land, that cannot contain itself in this life.
You see, when and If you will do and be about ONLY Good in this life, then each of you will experience more of My Life and Love in your heart…please do chew on this today as you move and you flow in your ways; fore its not what you have gained in this life that will catapult you into the the wealth of the next, but rather, it's in the tiny encounters known as ‘
opportunites to and for love’ that your True Wealth is stored-up in this land; fore I need all, I repeat all wayward cows to feel the Great Love that you feel in My Heart, in this space, in your heart, in this land…I need all cows, I repeat, all cows to walk Homewawrd to Me--see?
I Love you , time now to go. Amen.”