Friday, April 3, 2020

The Lord speaks on the Coronavirus pandemic


4/2/2020 10:47pm
(I am coming to our Lord to ask Him about all the craziness that is going on in our land—Coronavirus pandemic, wars, tragedies,’s just crazy times and I just want to hear His Sweet Voice soothe and calm my soul...amen.)

The Lord speaks...“My sweet child of a great amount of Heart, Compassion, and Truthe, please know that All is still so well in your heart, no matter how you choose to feel in your soul, okay? (Yes :-)

And so your land and the rest of your world are on high alert, but yet you still feel uneasy in your souls when it comes to the ‘unpredictableness’ of your present day life in your land...and so I aske why? Why would any of you choose to care for another in your souls?

You see, now is not the time to be scared of what
another would do, no...each of you should learn to Love One another as I have Loved you, in your hearts, and your minds, and your souls.

And so your ‘tomorrow’ may not come as easy for many of you in your land, due to pestilence, fear, hatred, envy, and rage...but guess what, I have the whole world in My Hands, and nothing can ever harm you in Love, okay? (Yes, and thank you :-) You are so very welcome indeed.

And so what do you do? Do you pretend that nothing else matters as you curl up in your nite-cap and gown... as you pretend there’s nothing wrong in your soul?—Or do you do this My sweet child of Love, do you pray without ceasing for the Ones who need to Know of My sweet Love in their souls?
You see, all hearts and all souls fully moving in Love, should be the End-Game for All in this land.

You see, Love is a beautiful thing, is it not? You can have all of it/as much as you wishe, but yet, most simply push Me away... to go about their own life in their day. And not that that’s not a bad thing, no, but they are missing-out on their own Mission in their souls...which is to Love the Lord their God with all their hearts, and their minds, and their souls...‘tis the reason for this particular ‘season of life’ in your land.
And so, ‘decision time’ is upon All in their souls, yes, yes, yes...decision time is upon All in their souls—are you going to choose Love, fear, or rage in your heart, as you move and you flow in your ways?

You see, if ‘tomorrow’ each of you will remember to pray without ceasing, you’ll feel My Love come upon you in waves, and THAT My sweet child of Love, is the way to ensure a Great Day, despite what comes and goes about in your day.

Fore you see, I have all time, all circumstances, and all the actions of a heart completely at My Disposal in your land. And so, if I chose to have your sweet, sainted, and yes I said sainted, My sweet President Donald J. Trump in My Oval Office once more, then I will let My Love flow through you again.

You see, like kind always moves, breathes, and flows in a way, as either Love or unlove in a soul. And so the next time any of you decides to further ‘step on his toes,’ please be weary of just what you are doing to Me—fore I see all, and I know all in you, okay?

And so you All know or have heard of the song, “He’s got the whole world in His Hands.” I would like for the next few weeks for each of you to sing this song loud and so very proud in your you sing-out your sweet Love unto Me...yes, yes, yes, I do have the whole world in My Hands, and everything is quite right in Me! (Our Lord is smiling very Grandley at us in His Love, as He wishes for all of us to feel His Love, His
and His Great Peace in our souls...)

I Love you, ‘time’ now to go.

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