10/20/2020 9:32pm
(I am coming to our Lord to ask Him about what He thinks about this upcoming election, and all the craziness that is going on leading up to it in two weeks...?)
I heard, “My sweet child of a Great amount of Heart, Compassion, and Truthe, please know that All is still well in your soul, and that nothing can ever harm you in Love, okay?” (Yes Lord and thank you! :-) “You are so very welcome indeed!
And so you have asked about ‘the election’ and all the craziness leading up to it...who and what will still yet happen in a soul, and how many more October and November ‘Surprises’ will there still be, as you each wonder “what is going to happen to ‘me’ ”...my, my, my.
You see, many, a great many more things will most definitely still happen to All in your world, and so this is not a time to be sitting idle, as you sip on another cup of hot tea, no—it is time to truly make a difference in your world, and it begins with your New Life/Light Force in Me!” (Our Lord is just beaming at us with Great Love and Supreme Joy in His Heart :-)
“And so yes, there will still be plenty more October, November and December surprises in store for each one of you in your neighborhood, your country, and your world; however, please know that I cover you with The Great Blood of My Son, in your mind, and your heart, in My Love...and that nothing can ever harm you in Love, okay?” (Yes and thank you Lord :-) “You are so very welcome indeed.
And so let’s talk about your ‘two party’ system, shall we? which is truly no two-party-system at all, but rather it has conjoined in its way, as it/they move and they flow, with their own type of ‘love’ in their/it’s soul...my, my, my (Our Lord is expressing His dismay at what the dark has grown into in its ways. He paused with Great Sadness and then He continued, softly at first, as He asked...)
“And so who will each of you choose this day to serve and the next, and who will you each be voting for in the days up ahead?” (I answered that I choose to serve Him, and that I am voting for President Donald Trump again :-)
“Good choices My Friend, but may I aske why?” (I went on with a multitude of reasons why I choose Him, and why am voting for DJT.)
“Thank you for your kindness, your generosity, and your Truthe. And I would agree with you on the two most important topics you stated in favour of your President —one, that he is pro-Israel, and two, that he is pro-Life; however, you missed one key detail in your great observation of My Truthe...the Real/True Reason that I have chosen he for this time and this place in My Land, is for one reason and one reason only—it’s because he has My Great Plan written on the top of his Heart, in his mind, and his soul, in My Love.
10/22/2020 2:17pm (Finishing this message :-)
And so many a modern day prophets have prophecied that there will be a Great Revival that will usher in the New Millennium in your world, and while I am not saying that that will not happen in time, but what I am more concerned with is My getting the right person/persons in, who have one particular goal in their Heart, which is to overturn all the apostates of unlove in your land, and to get your country back on the Right Pathe in The Great Heart of My Love...are you beginning to see what I mean, and just why each of you are sooo very precious to Me? Fore until All will begin to just see and know Me as Love, My Job is not done in your land...I want all cows to come Homeward to Me—see?
And so I aske this of each one of you—who will YOU be voting for on November 3rd, 2020, this year?
Will it be for the one who defends the Rights of those who are not yet Bourne and have no voice yet to speak—Or will you be voting for the One’s who wish to control you in your hearts, as they drain of your Light/Life Force in Me?...please do think more of what I am asking of you; fore if you decide to vote in a way that expresses something other than Me in your soul, then it will lead to your abandoning of My Love in your soul, and as your Great country that once stood for The True Heart of My Love, it will then fall into the abyss of its ‘soul’...are you beginning to see what I mean, and just why you are sooo very special to Me, because until All will just see and know Me as Love, I will remain as a distant type of rage in their souls.”
(Our Lord paused for a moment and then perked up with Great Joy in His Spirit as He said...) “You see, life is a very beautiful thing, in fact, it is so very beautiful that when a new life (a newborn) is Bourne in your land, the angels get together and sing, as they rejoice with the True Heart of their King.
And so if I were to tell you that this November’s election was about anything other than banishing all darkness in your land, I would be right but yet wrong. You see, it is about the Great Restructuring in One’s heart, that will learn to receive The Pure Grace of My Love.
And so let Me tell you why My sweet President Donald John Trump is the best Known candidate to Me...
You see, first of all he prays to Me and talks to Me and seeks My Great Direction and My Guidance multiple times in his day. Let’s just say that he doesn’t make a move until he has consulted with Me, in what’s best for the country and the world there in Me—he considers what is best for life, humanity, and Love in One’s soul as he moves and he flows in our/together Ways.
And do you know what he does best? He fights for Love, he fights for what is Right, and he truly wishes for all darkness to be banished back to hell in your world.
And so is he perfect? why of course you know the answer, right? The correct answer is “no,” but then again neither are you, nor anyone who has walked in our/together shoes in your world; however, please know that I cover he and you with the Pure Grace of My Love, as I offer-up The True Heart of the King.
And so the next few weeks will not be a time to stick your head in the sand as you ‘hope for the best,’ no! I wishe for the next few weeks up ahead to be a time for learning who and what and just how ‘things’ did occur, so as to bring about the healing of all hearts in your land.
And so please know that My sweet Donald John Trump WILL become your President again IF, and only IF each of you goes to the polls to cast what you and I wishe to then-see; however, if you decide that you will let someone other than he ‘win’ in the end, then you will receive what you wishe to then-see...I can only offer-up what you wishe to then-see.
Remember, I am a God of Righteousness, Compassion, and Truthe, and if you will decide to remain in My Presence, then My Life/Light Force WILL be within you. Please remember, if and when you build it I come, and I come not because you have demanded and coerced Me to stay, no...if you tend forth and you build up your heart in a Way that chooses to See and to Know of My Love, then it will vibrate and move in a/the way that it chooses to see, as it moves and it flows in My/our together Ways.
And so please everyone be sure to watch the Great last debate tonight to see how your choice for President fares or does not fare well in your soul. Please be sure to watch their body language, but most importantly please aske yourself—which candidate strikes you as someone who could lead the country back to Pure health and restoration in your land, and which one has the True Heart of The King...are you now beginning to see what I mean?
You see, whether it goes off tonight with or without a giddy in their hitch, please know that once the cannon goes off, All will then-know what was said...as it becomes plain to see who is the correct candidate of choice, as they speak-out their heart in their head.
And so let’s see how this all plays itself out over the next few weeks up ahead. It will become evident in time who will win and why they are the best choice for your country in My Heart.
Please do pray for your past President’s heart to change/to repent; fore his future is soon to be disclosed in a very disparingy way...please remember, I want all cows, I repeat ALL COWS TO COME HOMEWARD TO ME—see?
And so please do not ever let the sun go down before you pray for all the enemies of the cross to come Homeward to Me, okay?
We will talk more and more over the next few weeks about how and why it is important for not just yourself and the Ones that you care about to make it to Heaven, no, please remember The Parable about the lost sheep.“
(Him addressing me...) “Wendy, please put this Scripture passage at the end of this message today so that All will then-see what I see when I say, “I want all cows to come Homeward to Me—see?”
And so yes, I wishe to go after your ex-President’s heart, but it must change so much more than any of you could possibly see; fore the Way to My Heart is in sharing your Love as a Light/Life Force there with and in Me...I wishe for all cows to come Homeward to Me—see?
I Love you, ‘time’ now to go. Amen.”
Luke 15
The Parable of the Lost Sheep
15 Now the tax collectors and sinners were all gathering around to hear Jesus. But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law muttered, “This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.”
Then Jesus told them this parable: “Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it?
And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.’ I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in Heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.