9/6/14 5:23am
I am coming to The Lord regarding some problems I am having with one of my coffee machines I recently placed at a new account at an auto dealership.
I have been working so hard the last 3 months trying to get this account and now that I finally got it, all of a sudden I keep having problems with the machine and I feel perplexed as I keep thinking I've solved the problem and then something else pops up.
This is such a high volume account and I so desperately need their business, and I fear that I may loose it if I cant get it to work properly...ugh!
So I came to The Lord this morning upon my waking, telling Him that I would let this problem go, and then turn it over to Him, to have Him tell me what to do to fix it...
I heard, "My child, so very glad you choose now to Properly know what you should do when you get into difficult situations with Me, fore you see, I have become a tiger of a tale you'd like to commit to when things get too difficult for you in your ways, but let me then ask this of you--what IF I could help you all the time--now how would this then work for you? (I told Him I would so love to just sit back, come to Him and let Him make all my decisions for me, but I know that's not how this works, as He wants to aid me in my decision making process and come along side me, but yet He wants all of my freewill decisions to be made in Love and not coming out of fear, anger, rage, sadness, or depression in my reactions to the situation, as any of these responses would be an indication that I had seperated myself from union with Him on this Plane...
So I then asked Him--"did I answer your question Properly?")
You see, that is exactly My answer for you in how I do operate there on your Plane!
So yes, a rather grande Hallelujah of Praise goes forth unto you, that while you still remain present in the flesh, you remain tightly grasped to My Hand--which then allows you the Pure freedom to move along in your ways, but yet allows Me to then work alongside you in ways.
Please let Me explain...
You see, let's say for instance, you have this difficult situation going on at the auto dealer/your new account you recently acquired through all your hard work, your intellect, and your ways. And let's say that as you tried 'to fix the problem' that you became enraged, and then scared and afraid--then how would that then change you in ways...? (He paused as He'd like me to visualize the changes I'd then be making in my thoughts, my actions, and my deeds..)
IF One were to become scared and afraid, and then screamed at everyone they saw, and then 'honked their horn' in rage at everyone they met, then this would not be Proper for them--right?
But yet, just for the switch-side of the argument, let's say that this same said person 'acted' like 'this,'-- let's say for instance that this same said person did sit back and study the problem that was apparent before them, and with no tears in their eyes, and only Love in their heart, they then made calculated decisions that improved their situation to boot--now how would that change things, my dear, for this child? (I answered, "that would be the best way to handle difficult decisions and constructively handle problems...")
You see, as I stated many times in My Bible/My Great Manual, and My Book--YOU WILL have many difficult trials and many difficult situations to overcome in this life--just look at all My prophets, My saints, and My sweet, simple children of faith--each and everyone who believed did go through many, a many of trials and temptations of woes, but yet they never let go of My Hand--see?
And you My dear sweet child of Love, WILL go through many more difficult situations to boot--more machines will break down, more pipes will bust forth in the winter, and many a great many 'things' will go 'wrong,' but yet this is how I designed your earth to work--to never/ever work itself out with no bumps or detours in the road--fore this is how One does learn then to Love--see?
So until its time for all the cows to come home to Me, what I would rather have you do from now until My Great Eternity does come upon you in Ways, is to think more like Me--what would I do in this situation to boot/to Properly fix the broken machine, repair the broken watch, and reprimand the wayward child, until your decisions reflect more how I would make decisions in and through you--see?
So then, to answer your question of thought, and to explain how I 'work' in your land, please let's now explain just what it means to allow Me into your situation and to, in essence, 'offer it up' to Me?
You see, when One 'turns everything over to Me,' what I would rather have that individual do, is to Love more, speak more gently My Words and My Phrases till they bloom like My Roses in winter times, that've passed them by in their Love--what do I mean by this you ask?--hold on and I will explain a bit more...
You see, 'life' is a very random turn of events, where 'things' just happen and spring-up and upon One to the point that many times its hard to think and to conjure-up just what One should do...and many a times this has happened to you--right? (I answered yes, as I had a sudden a vision of lots of bumps and detours that had happened to me in the past...)
So then, the question is 'this'--what should you do then when things suddenly spring upon you and force you to go this way and that?
Should you run and hide, pull the blanket over your head, or just hide in a cave of the dark? (I answered "no")
Why no, the correct answer IS the one you just said...when 'things' suddenly spring upon you like a busted tailpipe, a broken fender, or a gas tank that suddenly emptied all on its own (He's using symbology to describe things happening to our persons...) 'this' is what I would have One do, I would like to see how you 'move'--do you move in and towards My Love, OR do you run and hide like the coward you've become as you then wish for someone else to then fix it/this problem for you? (He pauses as He wishes for myself and all whom are reading this to answer from their heart as to how they respond to these types of situations and problems that suddenly spring up and upon them...)
You see, IF when the tire became busted and you then yelled at and upon 'Me' as I tried to help you fix the wheel, then how could I change things for you, if every time I tried to help you, you thwarted My 'Good Deeds' as 'your woes'--how?
Remember, all of a Created Being can ONLY repeat itself IF it does then move and then flow such as I. So, with this being said, IF when your tire became busted and you were to help Me draw out the tire iron from your trunk, jack up the car on your knees, and then as together we did screw-off the nuts of the bolts, now how would that help you replace the tire all by yourself within Me?--see?
(Wow, He's using a ton of symbology but I think I'm getting it--I need to bring Him in with me to help me fix this machine rather than just expecting someone to do it for me, or worse, getting mad and yelling at and blaming the Lord as to why things just never seem to go as planned...)
You see, IF One were to try to fix it all alone/by themselves, then they'd be missing out on receiving the aid from the Greatest Mechanic who ever roamed your earth. But yet, IF you would bring Me then into your heart, then here is how I could then change things for you--your hands would be My Hands, your eyes would be My Eyes, and your brain and your mind would reflect more of how I would think and I'd see, as I then helped fix your problem with you--see?

So, this about wraps it up in this day. Please do think about how I would
fix this machine--ask for My simple help before you open its case.
Here is how I then enter your heart, that is, IF you'll allow Me in to then 'help.' Please say the following prayer now in you...
Please open and close this prayer with the beautiful words of Love, Honour and Truth that My Great Jeshua did offer to you--(the Lord's Prayer, Matthew 6:9-13)
Then say,
Father, to you I commit this day in my prayers, in all that I offer to you.
You are my great hopes and my desires in Love's expression of ways, but please I do need your help today.
If your goodness and graciousness see it fitting to help me in my struggles today, then here is where I see your needs known by me in your ways--please help me with (name the things you would like His help with...)
Today, I will think before I speak.
Today, I will make small, calculated decisions with you in the palm of my hand, holding tightly to your ways then of Love.
Today, I will be happy as I go about my ways then of peace, Joy, Love and Light in the formal expression of 'you.'
Today, I will speak more kinder and more gentler as I approach All my ways in my deeds. And I will remember that in all and in everything you do and is done in your name, that Good Graciousness comes only from you.
So I thank you for your love, I thank you for your tears that you offer up to me to let me know that you're here and you're there.
You are Good. You are Kind, and you are a kind-hearted Father that ONLY cares about His dear children of 'woes' to help bring them back to the Pure Heart of their Land.
(The prayer is done, so now finish this with The Lord's Prayer now...)
Our Father who art in Heaven...
(The Father now speaking again...)
I Love you, time now to go, but please do utilize My Great Presence in you, fore I am no longer a monkey on your back, nor the beggar who just wants another piece of you, or a child with a snotty nose that runs and runs and runs--you see, when you take the monkey down off your back and carry it gently in your arms of Love, then I am there.
And similarly speaking, when you stop, stoop and scoop 'the beggar' up with your arms--then I am there in your Love--see?...And when you take a tissue and gently wipe the nose of the child, kissing he or her on their head...yes, when you cradle that baby boy in your arms, (the Christ child) then here is when I do come alive in your heart! (He's beaming wildly with Love!)
Fore remember, when One is too busy thinking about all the problems and the situations they have to overcome to 'fix this' and 'fix that,' then what happens is this--you miss out on and lose all the precious moments of life to show My sweet Love to My All (this brought tears to my eyes...)
Remember My dear, you WILL have 'problems' always in this lifetime until the day that you 'die,' but take heart as many a great many before you have worn the pathe you should go.
Remember, it's not just to the weak I do come, no. I come to all who've discovered My 'Voice.' Fore those who listen to My Words of the flesh (Jesus) and then follow His ways and His deeds, will all come to know of and see the Pure Christ in the child/the adult/ in the King... as all do then bow their heads low as they worship the True King/Me in the Pure Flesh of 'the woes'--see?
So now it is time for you to make your start in this day. Please remember all I've said and discussed in this moment we've shared together in Love.
I Love you with an adoring passionate kiss that ONLY speaks its Pure Wisdom in its source.
Remember My dear sweet child of Love, you are good. You are patient and you are a like kinded vision of Me that should only see and only know of My Love.
I Love you, 'time' now to go. Amen."
"All is well..."