12/3/15 5:55am (I recently hosted a booth at a local conference and was asked this particular question a few times from some folks who came to this show regarding the term 'reincarnation' and what the Lord thought about it. Since I have never personally asked this question of Him in the past and didn't have an answer for those who asked me what the Lord thought about it, I decided to ask this particular question of the Lord this morning--so, this message is the answer He gave to me...)
I heard, "Hmmm...very good questions you come to Me with that bothe captivates and capitulates the tiny corners of your mind as it creates much tension and confusion in your soul, but if you would look upon your worlde in the way that I see, then you would see what I see and know...please let Me explain...
You see, the worlde that you presently see and live in is very broken indeed, but when you look upon the worlde with My Eyes, then what you'll see is My Vision of Love in your eyes as it comes to fruition in your you then-Become what I see, and I know in your soul.
So what do I mean you now aske?...Hold on, and I will go into more detail into EXACTLY what it is that I mean, and I will answer what you have asked here in Me, but before we continue I must warn you that this particular message will be very confusing to you, fore this question is not for the light-hearted person such as Sherri and your-'self,' but rather, it is for those who feel they still need to earn their spot in My Land...please let Me explain...
You see, in the beginning I created you whole and so very complete in a way that none of you could even begin to think or imagine My Rationale for My doing such a thing such as this; fore you cannot even begin to imagine that I Love you in your heart--right? (I told Him, "whatttt?.. I don't get what He's saying, as I know He loves me in my heart...)
Again My dearest Wendy, I am not speaking to you in this message, but rather I am speaking to those who have asked you this particular question of Me.
So, from here forward, until you complete this particular message of My 'answer' for those who have asked you this question of Me, you will not resonate with most of what you will hear in this particular message for them, fore again, this particular message IS NOT for you--okay? (I answered, "yes")
So then, let's continue on shall we...and after you are done, I wishe for you to apply this to the blog you've created for Me, so that in the future when you are asked of this particular type-question regarding 'past-lives' and 'reincarnation' per se, you may refer them to this site so they'll have an explanation of an answer to and from Me in their ways--okay? (I answered, "yes")
So now shall we begin?
You see, again, in the beginning I created for each and every one of you to grow in your heart to Be and Become just the Truest form of My Expression of Love, so that each of you could grow into My Perfection of Love in your ways as you moved and you flowed in your day.
So then, please keep this and everything I've mentioned to you in the form of a 'tick,' a 'hash mark,' or on a type of 'post-it note' in your mind, so you will engage your-'self' more with what I am saying to you in this message today; fore what and where I am about to enter, and to go in your mind, may be a place that you have not been in before...and, IF you do not keep track of EXACTLY where I am going in this, your mind may explode within it-self if you are not compartmentalizing all that I'm offering to you in this message today--okay?
So then, here it goes...
You see, again, in the beginning, I made you whole, and so very complete to the point that you could never imagine just what I am in your heart--fore I am just a Pure Knowing of a way in the life of One's heart that should recognize it-self for just what it is in My Way.
So, now that you have grown into a very accomplished person whom you like to look at and to see in your particular 'Mirror of ways' as you look upon your-'self' in your eyes--please do take just one moment to stop and to truly see of your-'self' in who you are and have become in your considering of just who it is that you think you are-- fore you are soooo much more than you presently think that you see as you gaze upon My Great Mirror of Love...
Fore until you can truly begin to see of your-'self' as just 'you' in the flesh, then you will continue to cycle around the drain of this 'life' as you look upon the worlde of unlove...and the more that you continue to Become more of your-'self,' you'll continue to take your-'self' into the form of another in and as your known-'self' in this 'life'...are you beginning to see what I mean, of how this 'reincarnation' in 'life' is NOT Good and NOT Proper for you?
You see, many of you today presently enjoy looking in-to this type of mirror of 'life,' and they see a once famous King, or a Queen, or a Great Warrior of change who once fought a valiant brigade in his love...and as you continue to cycle on into this pathe you choose to see, to pick another known-course in your 'you' begin to confuse your-'self' into your trying to grab holde of your way in this 'life' that you see as you look upon your Great Mirror of love.
And so rather than your discovering the Truthe Pathe of My Journey in 'you,' you Become enthralled with your continued cycle of your pain... as you continue to unravel all pathes of dis-'ease' you have known as you continue on your cycle of pain...(The Lord pauses for a second and then says quietly but inquisitively...)... are you beginning to see what I mean?
So then, here is what I'd like to see more of in you... that is, if you'd like to help release your-'self' from this particular bondage of a cycle, of a type of known-pathe in its thinking of 'you'; fore If you will just learn now to change your trajectory of this course you are on, you will learn to cycle back to a new way of 'life' there in 'you'...and If you would like to change this scene you're now in, in your 'life,' you will cycle forth to this New Way of 'life', to a land of no more tears, no more pain, and no more strife in this life, so you're truly seeing the Pure Truthe of My Deeds...fore until All can truly learn to just Love as I do, then you'll continue to cycle on this known-pathe of your ways.
Fore please know that I am ONLY Pure Love in One's heart as it comes full circle into the 'life' that you know, and until you can fully see of just My Love in your heart, you'll keep 're-incarnating' into the 'life' that you choose to then-see...are you beginning to see that this type of thinking in your life is not serving any type of known-purpose to the Proper Growth of your heart, fore until All can just learn to Love like I do, then your heart will not grow into it choose to just wither on the vine that it knows...which IS NOT a pathe that is felt here in Me--I do believe you are now beginning to see what I mean--right?
So then, I do have just one question for you---what do you hope to accomplish by your continued going over, and over again in your mind of all the wrongs you have done in this 'life'? Do you hope to finally change this 'course' you have chosen in you, or do you think it's time you should grasp holde of its that this cycle finally stops of its presence in you?
Please do think about this over and over again in your mind till it comes and makes its way full-circle in you, fore the Truthe of your beginning of the change for your Good, will begin when you can fully see your needed-change for True Love--okay?
So then, please do also consider the entirety of this next particular question in you... Why would One/you actually choose to live out an imaginary past in and of your 'life,' rather than to spend their days focusing on the future ahead? Fore you see, this type of continued 'past life' thinking of your regression of ways will ONLY lead to a further abandonment of its struggles in you...
You see, again, in the beginning/the True and so Very Great Beginning of 'life,' I created for each and every one of you to grow in-to My True Perfection of Love and Pure Joy in your heart, as you moved and you flowed in your ways, and if you will just learn to sing My sweet songs in your heart, then you'll move and you'll flow in My Ways.
You see, may I say it the Beginning/the True and so Very Great Beginning, I made each and every One of you complete and so very special in the Great Heart of My Eyes as I touched you all in-to My Heart... (The Lord pauses for a brief moment and then looks directly and intensely at us as He says...) So, now that I have spoken these words straight to your heart, please tell Me what you think of Me now?
Do you see Me as just an Ogre who takes delight in your pain, or do you just Love Me with all of your heart? Fore, IF you will let My Love enter-in/ to encircle your heart, then you will see and feel the Great Kingdom of God.
So now, many of you may be saying to yourselves and asking Me:
"What does all this mean to me?" and, "You still have not answered my question about whether or not 'reincarnation' and 'past lives' is a real thing that exists or does not, and how does all this relate back to me?"
You see My Dear child, nothing that I can say will ever be able to change what your mind thinks that it sees and it knows as its 'Truthe', fore when it comes to your seeing your reality as your 'Truthe,' then it is very hard to change and refocus your new perspective of Me...but If you will begin now to take off the post-it notes from the corners of your mind, and then read them aloud--you will begin to unravel and see EXACTLY what I am attempting to saying unto you...
You see, you presently think and see many, a great many things that are not real in your life, but yet you think of them as soooo very real in your heart. So, until you can begin to grasp more of what I am truly saying to you, you'll not gain your new perspective of God...that is, in a way you can see, and can feel My Love and My Truthe in your are you beginning to see what I mean regarding how you presently see Me and know Me in your heart, and just why it is that you need to begin to change your vision of the ways you see Me and know 'God' in your 'life'?
You see, to know Me is to Love Me, so now I aske, How well do you know Me today? Do you know Me as just a kind, gentle Master of Love, or do you know Me as the heart of your rage?
Please do think about this for just a few more minutes before you move along in your day...fore until you begin to fully change in your heart, in the way that you see and know the Creative Force that breathed you into the existence of 'life,' then My Words and My Love will remain as 'abandoned' in you, as you continue to cycle along the Karmic Wheel of your 'life' you fall headlong into the disaster of your woes you've created to try to circumvent the Great Love of My Heart.
So then, here is My Challenge to see, this continued cycling back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, truly does you no good in this 'life.' So I now aske--do you think it's time to truly drop all 'past lives' you have known, so you can walk into My Pathe of Pure Life?
You see, I created for each and every one of you to grow to Become just the True Perfection of Love as you moved and you flowed in My Ways, so If you will begin to drop of your chains and walk forward in Love, then you'll begin your walk Homeward in Me--okay?
(I then asked the Lord if He could explain the word 'reincarnation'?)
You see, this terminology and thought process of a continued living in the past, and why you/One would need to heal all the hurts from the past, is truly not of My doing when it comes to your Perfection of a clean heart in Me.
So, If you could just give-up the notion in your thinking that this 'past life regression' must be healed and then sealed before One can move forward in 'life,' then you'll walk forward in Love here in Me--okay?
Fore again, the way of My Truthe and My Light in your heart ALWAYS begins and ends with you recognition of your-'self' here with and in Me.
So then, here is the REAL reason that you are here on this Plane--to grow to Become your True Perfection of Me as you move and you flow in your ways...and If you will concentrate on this particular pathe of your dreams, then you'll grow in-to the Pure Heart of 'My Change.'
So then, this particular notion of a 'reincarnation' of birthe is truly just a folly in its perspective of One's attaining their new 'life' with Me; fore remember, the way of My Truthe and My Light in One's heart ALWAYS begins and ends with your recognition of your-'self' here in Me--okay?
So then, please be thinking about this, each and every day, fore how and why each of you continues on in My Pathe of True Love will determine if One will move forward in 'life,' as they STOP the Karmic cycle of a life yet undone and walk forward in-to the pathe of Pure Life...
And please know that the way you presently see and know 'time' in your life is just your particular way that you relate to your-'self' here in Me-- so there truly is NO NEED for a continued cycle of rebirthe there in 'time' that exists in a parallel universe outside the boundaries of Me...fore remember, all points begin and end here with and in Me--see?
So then, the more that you can begin to see just who and in whom you truly are in My Land, then you'll have no need for a regression of life, fore One's past should remain as just a 'past' with/in you, as it forms and cycles you into My Pathe of Pure Life...are you beginning to see what I mean, and why this continued re-hashing and re-cycling of your past in your life will not propel you into your future with and in Me?
You see, if you will STOP in your continued 'walks of the past' and instead learn more to just 'walk into My Future of Love,' then you will learn to see and to know EXACTLY how I work in your land, as you see how EVERYTHING works together in the Great Heart of My Flow...fore remember, all points begin and end here with and in Me.
So now, My dear Wendy, this particular message and answer is done, please post this today so that all may begin to read, and discover what it is that speaks to them between the lines of these words, and if any of these readers or viewers wishes to aske further questions of you in this idea of 'reincarnation' in the 'past-lives regression of self,' please direct them to come to Me and to aske their personal question directly to Me so that I may answer what they still need to hear--okay?
I Love you all with a trememdous amount of Joy that cannot be expressed to you beneath the walls of these words, but please do know in your heart and your soul, that I just stand here in Love, as I wait patiently for you to open your door.
So I have one fianl question for you--will you open the Great Door to your heart, so you can welcome Me back into your soul?
Wendy, please let them know how they may attain the beautiful prayer I have given to you, to welcome Me back into your heart--okay?
I Love you, 'time' now to go. Amen."
(The prayere that the Lord is referring to is called 'The Welcoming in of The Divine Light,' and can be found in the bookstore on this blog or any of the cds'--send me a message and I can tell you how to attain one :-)
I came to the Lord for His help regarding an issue that came up recently when a friend who helps me in this ministry for the Lord was confronted by someone regarding the content of these messages.
This particular person felt compeled to come to my friend and tell her that she did not think that these messages were coming from The Lord because she did not think that they sounded like The Lord would talk.
She went on to say that the Lord would not speak in 'New Age' rhetoric like He does in these messages, and that what we were doing was wrong, and heretical because it was against the church's teachings because it was 'New Age.' (Please read the other tabs on this blog for further information regarding these messages.)
The Lord speaks..."My dear sweet child of Love, please do not be concerned about what others say, or what they think regarding these messages you hear from your Lord, fore each (person) is quite different and very unique in their approach when it comes to their hearing and understanding of My-self in their heart...and, If you were to ever go and change My Words that you hear, in an attempt to please another person, or a particular religion per se, then you would be misrepresenting My Words in the way that you hear, as you misrepresented Myself in your ways.
So then, do please continue to write the words EXACTLY as you hear Me speak them to you, as I speak into the ears of your heart, and If each (person) will interpret them in the manner they see, then each will see Me as I come alive in their hearts...okay? (I told the Lord thank you so very much for explaining this to me as well as to others about how they should read and interpret these messages.)
You see, the ONLY reason you have received this particular gift, I label and I call, 'The Perfection of The Channel in you,' is to convert the pure hearts of My faithful to that of My Love, so they will walk right and talk right in Me.
So then, as a gentle reminder to you and to all those who are encouraging you in this gift you've received, please remember that the ONLY reason I have extended this gift unto you is to convert My children’s hearts to receive that of My Love, so they'll receive My Great Kingdom of Love in their hearts--okay?
So, there should be no concerns from another that I would ever ask you to form, or convert others to a new type of formal religion per se, fore you are ONLY teaching My Children about the Great Love in My Heart as I come upon each in My Ways.
So, and a tremendously huge, important SO, If you are ever confronted and told that what you are doing is wrong, or dishonorable in Me, you are to answer this particular person in this type of manner in ways…you are to say, “Thank you my dear sister/my dear brother for telling Me what is of concern in your heart, fore it is your duty and your right to explain the fears and the concerns you have in someone who feels differently from you when it comes to the following of the Lord's wishes in their hearts--But please let me ask this of you: is it wrong to follow Love when it comes to our Lord, when it comes to Properly giving and receiving the Great Love in His Heart--Or, are you concerned that I am presenting our Lord’s gifts improperlyin and from the way you have learned in the past of how His Great Presence resides within you? Fore you see, there will come a day and a time when each of us will be presenting ourselves to our Lord, as we reciting to Him of How we have Loved in our hearts--But let me aske this of you, do you not like what you hear in these messages per se--Or, are you insulted insulted in the Words of their Truthe, as they speak of their Truthe unto you?
(This is the end of my question the Lord wants me to ask of the person who confronts me regarding these messages...)
(He continued to answer my initial question as He then speaks to this person directly and says...)
"Fore you see, again...there WILL be a day and a time when each of you will stand before The Essence of the King, and each will be asked in their hearts to give an account for what they have done or for what they have failed to do with the Great Gifts they received in My Heart.
And, If I gave you the time, the talent, or a particular treasure in ‘life’ and you used it to oppress or to hurt One who was attempting to come unto Me, then you will be held accountable for the damage you have done in your life...fore you won't walk right or talk right in Me.
You see, I gave each of you a specific time, talent or treasure in your life so it would bloom in your hearts into Love...So then, If you have squandered and used this gift to play My Role as 'The God,' then you will not walk right nor talk right in The Ways of My Son, fore you will not know My Love in your heart?
So now, what will you do with this new information you have received here today? Will you take and use it to continue to suppress My Words and My Love that is being expressed here to you in this message today--Or, will you take what you've just learned and instead show more Love in your heart, as you help to heal all the broken hearts in your you'll learn to walk right and talk right in Me?
Fore when I come upon you on your last day in this ‘life,’ I will not aske you for a list of what you've earned or not earned here in Me--But rather, I will aske you for a list of what you did in each day, to express My special Gifts in your ways, to bring more of My Children back to the Pure Life with Me...are you beginning to see what I mean?
So then to My Wendy and to All who have chosen to live with My Courage of Love in your hearts... you see, I commend you My Child for having the courage and the strength to become a fool for Christ as you share of My Gifts in your hearts, and If you'll continue to Love all in My Great Manner of Ways, then you'll bring more children back to the Great Love of My Heart... as all learn to walk right and talk right in Me.
And please remember, I come to each of you in a very distinct and unusual way, and If you will take the time to discover the talents I have given to you, then you'll learn to reach Me in your own unique set of ways.
You see, If each will listen very closely with the Pure Ears of their heart, they'll hear Me in their own unique and very personal way, and if you'll choose to receive My Great Gift in your heart, then each will discover their own particularJourney of The Way...please remember all points begin and end here with and in Me, and as long as each of you speak with My Pure Gift in your hearts, then you'll be sharing My Pure Love in your way--okay?
I heard, "To my dear, sweet child of Love...
'Today' Will be a good day for you IF you will just let it Be 'what,' and 'in how' I have planned for it to then-Be; fore when you just sit and relish in the Joy of the Present, you receive My Gift then of Love.
So, Do Not be dreading in the wrong type of thinking that you have soooo much to do, that you do not think there are enough hours in the day to get it all done...but rather, I would have you just sit and then revel in each and every moment in the luxury of the knowing that IF I planned for you to Be there, then there IS a reason you should Be where you're at in this particular moment in time...and IF you will focus more upon that type of right-thinking in you, then you WILL receive that particular moment of 'the/My Gift' as I extend it outwards to you...The Lord speaks, and My dear, sweet child Bourne of a Great amount of Heart, Compassion and Truthe, how are you 'speaking' to Me?
I Love you, 'time' now to go. Amen."
Matthew 6:25-34
Do Not Worry
25 “Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing?26 Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?27 Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?
28 “So why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin;29 and yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.30 Now if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will He not much moreclothe you, O you of little faith?
31 “Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’32 For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things.33 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.
I decided to include part of Gail's Decision Oracle/message on the blog since the content of its meaning may have insights for yourself or someone you know; I, of course, have her permission to share this with you...
Here is her question for God: Dear God, Thanks for using Wendy as a conduit to me. Clearly, I am not listening with the ears of my heart (or am hoping for a different answer). I come to you looking for clarity. I've enjoyed the last few days of mental spaciousness and know it took the last two years of unpleasantness to get here. My dad died at 62, only 13 years from now for me. I'd like to live as long, and as vitally as possible, like him. Am I on the right path to find this? Is there something I am missing? Is there something I should let go of? What about this 90-day course of prescription medicine and physical therapy that the doctor prescribed to heal me of the constant pain in my body? Do I continue with it, even though I think she is wrong, and is my disbelief in her remedy hurting my progress? Should I keep seeking advice from another source, or doctor for my physical pains, or go back to just accepting the way things are? $3.40 (my co-pay amount) is not too much to pay for learning something new... I don't need a quick fix (though it would be nice), just a map and a lamp. I feel lost, but strangely content most of the time, and I don't want to sacrifice my future on the altar of respectability or my beliefs. Thanks, Gail p.s. Wendy, thanks in advance. Enjoy your weekend! :)
Here is the Lord's reply:
"To My dearest Gail whom I Love with all of My Heart in My Chest,
First of all, I would like to thank you and to congratulate you for never/ever giving up on Me, yourself, nor anyone else who disagrees with you in how and in why you choose to live of your life, in the ways that you know to be Truthe--even though at times you wished they'd just go away, and to live peacefully in Love...which is not what they wishe to then do—right?
-- Fore their Only wishe is to change-you-up in their ways/ for their good, rather than to Perfect you in your Perfect Vision of Me. So again, I thank you for being the One who is gentle and kind in all you say and you do, that makes you a Perfect Rendition of Me! (He’s smiling at you with Great Love!)
So then, you have asked a great amount of questions in both your decisiveness and indecisiveness in the way you approach ‘life,’ in how you choose to then see. And, please know that I WILL answer each and every one of your questions in time, but before we begin in My ‘answers’ for you, please let Me ask you this one specific question of a change in your heart, that is meant to shoot directly into the place that I’ve marked, so you'll begin to look at your life with New Eyes. (He pauses for a brief moment to get your attention and then says...)
Here is My Question for you: are you ‘happy’ with your life?
Before you quickly answer this question with a non-thinking,“yes,” please do think about your response for at least ten minutes in time, so you truly understand where I am going with this; fore how One presently sees and envisions them self in/as their ‘life,’ is very important in the way that One feels—fore how and why One chooses to see of themselves in/as a Perfect Rendition of Me, WILL determine their perceived, inner-value of Love and core-strength as they determine the worth of their deeds...and IF you are not fully centered in the Great Love of My Heart, then your heart will not beat just like Mine...are you beginning to see what I mean?
And yes, at the moment you have expressed that you feel a bit foggy at times, in how you view of your life through your lens, but in time you will see EXACTLY what I say and I mean when you begin to see Me show-up more in/as your friends...(The Lord pauses for a moment as He inhales and exhales very slowly and says...) And now may I say, just how I feel, as I gaze so very deep in your eyes--do you know I Love you with every breath that I take, fore you were bourne of My Great Beauty and Strength, and you are so very wise,..and I truly Love you, in the way that I feel." (He is smiling at you with Great Love and adoration!)
You see, I created you to ONLY move and to breathe in My Flow, in a space known as your kindness and your gentleness of Love. And, IF you could pray more, and be more like My Ways in your heart, then My Heaven's will shine through you (more) as My Love.
So with this being said, I have one more question for you before we move along on this Plane: what if I came to you today and told you I was ‘happy’ or ‘unhappy’ with you--would you accept this as something reasonable or unreasonable from Me?
You see, the reason that I ask this question of you, is (that) many do come to you, quite a bit/of a lot, and they say they are "happy," or "unhappy" with you...(He pauses for a brief moment...) and, what brings tears to My Eyes is that you actually listen and adapt yourself into that in which they you either change yourself on the fly, or you cut yourself deep inside with paings of guilt, fore you just know down deep, inside the walls of your heart, (that) you cannot change into their version of you …which then damages your heart from with/in…please let Me explain…
You see, when One attempts to ‘play God’ in the judging of what is wrong or then-right, what they are in essence trying to do, is to assert their authority upon you in/as the way you see and know 'life,' in an attempt to play the role of your God—and that, My Friend, is when ‘all hell breaks loose’ in the world that you know and you see--right? (He pauses for a minute and then continues) …and here is where and when you begin to doubt yourself in/as the way that you see and know 'life.' And when you very wrongly assume that they're right and you’re wrong, you give-up on all the progress you’ve made... (He pauses for a moment as He shakes His head downward in sadness of how other’s try to make you doubt yourself in how you see and experience God through your eyes, as they try to make you Become just like them…)
You see, to know Me is to Love Me, is it not? So then I ask this of you: How well do you know Me today?
Do you know Me as just a vision you see on the wall of a church--Or, do you truly feel Me in the Great Heart of your chest?
And likewise, and similarly speaking, am I just the statue that you see within the walls of a church--Or am I the Presence of the statue, as it shoots straight to your heart... as I answer your questions from birthe?
You see, ever since you were a small child you knew the Sweet Sound of My Voice--right? And, you just KNEW you were special and Loved...even though the others found you quite ‘different’ from birthe.
So now I ask this of you: how is this ‘different’ now that you've grown into a beautiful woman of change?…and can you/do you think its now possible for you to finally stand-up for what you see and believe?
And, please do think to yourself--did I somehow make a mistake when I created the 'crummy mold' that you wear (your words in thought about yourself (?), not His)—Or, please think for a moment--did I make you PERFECT in Love, as I made you from scratch with My Life-Giving Blood in your shell? (This brought tears to my eyes as I felt His sadness about how you feel about yourself…He loves you so much and wants you to truly know that He made you Perfect in His simple and complex version you know as ‘you,’ and He wants you to see this and to be truly happy in how He made you as Perfect with/in His Being…)
Fore you see, a man/a woman is so much more than just the simple clothes that they wear, fore I created each of you to Become the True Perfection of Me.
And, this free will 'gift of the heart' I extend outward to you, is ONLY meant to be given and received... and in the days up ahead it will become apparent to All whom has chosen the True Pathe of My Son, as we gather together with your friends from the road and we enter My Great Kingdom of Love.
So then I ask you once more, are you ‘happy’ with the life that see, or are you just 'unhappy' with the clothes that you wear?—Fore how One determines this choice, of My Love in their heart, brings them closer or further from Me.
Please stop now for a minimum of 30 minutes and truly contemplate this question in your answer to Me; fore how you choose to see Me and how you choose to know Me in the Great Space of your heartdetermines how you'll move forward in you move from great sadness over who and in whom you have become in your life, into that of truly seeing and truly believing your new role here in Me--see?
You see, you were created by and for Me to become the True Perfection of Love in a worlde full of brokenness and fear, and IF you'll accept this new role I hold-here as open to you, you'll Become your own answers from you move from your love into Mine.
So, from here forward to the end of your days here on the earth which, by the way, will be much longer than you presumptuously fear, I wishe for you to both GIVE and RECEIVE more (of) My Love in your heart, so more cows will come Homeward to Me--okay?
So now that we've both covered and uncovered the Pure Truthe of your ways, let’s move on to how I may serve you today...
You see, you’ve asked a good many questions regarding which direction you should go as you live out the days of your life, and might I say that you already know of your answers to and for you, but I'll spell it out for you in the black and the you can begin to see more (of) My Perfect Vision of and for you--okay?
So, before we move along in My answers to and for you, first let Me ask this of you: Do you feel that the pharmaceutical agent that was prescribed for your health is ‘working’ to heal and to seal what you feel is broken in you?-- Or, would you like to try something else that will help you walk right and talk right in we/together bring more souls back to Love?
You see, nothing is ‘random’ in the world that you know, and there are no second chances when it comes to getting it ‘right;’ fore when One chooses to go in one direction and it doesn’t quite work out as they'd planned, there are ALWAYS a certain set of ‘consequences’ that set off a chain of reactions in the flesh as they bow down to the 'dis-ease' in their hand.
So now, I repeat NOTHING, not a single thing is random in your worlde in the physicalness that you know and you see, as there are ALWAYS a certain set of circumstances that will set things in motion for a chain reaction to occur, once you've made your decision for a change-up to begin here in you...that then-forces one set of actions to occur for and against oneanother, as/in a type-opponent with its own set of rules...which then-begins to either impart or depart itself onto another, which results in a chain reaction known as 'dis-ease,' or 'dysfunction in you.' (I told Him I am totally confused and will need to read and reread this last part a few times, but asked if He could explain more...?)
Please hold on with your questions for Me, and you will see EXACTLY what I say and I mean as I finish this little dissertation on, 'The Consubstantial Flow of My Love and/in how it wars with the two sets of factions on earth, to cause 'dis-ease' and dysfunction in you'... so then, may we continue? (I told Him, "yes.")
So, let's say for example that One of you decides to go and pollute a Great Well of My Water that I created for My All to then-drink... and then, let's say that another of you chooses to drink from that well that was poisoned with the 'dis-ease' of their heart--what happens to each?
The One who drinks from the poisonous well has now let the toxins in to destroy their body, their mind, and the soul that I Love, which then-wreaks havoc upon the worlde that they see...
And then, let's not forget about the One who decided to poison the well--does 'he' or 'she' just walk away with no guilt and no shame--Or, have they now placed bars on the walls of their hearts, to become a type-prisoner of war in this game? You see, both factions will need healing in this game, as both parties are poisoned by this act of abrasion in Flow, fore each receives pain, as they become victims of un-love, as each holds themselves captive in this game.
And as they place their own bars on the walls of their heart, they each walk away from My each disengages from the Great Well of My Truthe, to walk the pathe of 'dis-ease' and un-love..are you beginning to see what I mean?
You see, when One intentionally chooses to 'hurt' One another, they not only break the heart of the One that they 'touch,' fore they in turn place more bars on the walls of their heart, holding themselves captive in the Gift ofMy they make a choice to leave from the True Pathe of My Love into a barren wasteland of death and 'dis-ease,' and they trade what was meant for ONLY My Good, to become of 'their death' in 'their ease'...and this, My friend, is the true definition of 'dis-ease': 'the death' of 'the ease'...
So then I ask this of you--who needs the healing? Is it just the person who has been poisoned by the toxin of the drink--Or, does the One who decided to poison the well need the healing as well?
I think you know the answer by now--right?...all parties need to be healed from this abrasion of Flow, so they can re-learn how to give and receive of My Love--right?
You see, the reason that I bring this up in the little dissertation that I've just now provided to you, is because the victim in this game is/are both 'warring' factions in this case, fore when an abrasion is done to the Great Flow of My Love, then all hell breaks loose on your Plane...and so All do need to be healed with My Love to be reconciled back into the faith...are you beginning to see what I mean?
So then, why do I tell this to you, and just what is it that I am trying to convey to your heart?
You see, 'dis-ease' is spread not only by just the perpetrator of the act of the abrasion of Flow, fore when you give un-love in any type of manner of ways, then this is what you will receive in your flow.
So then, someone who has caused pain in their life, will need the healing just as well as the One who is the vicitim in need.
Remember, what was freely given to you, must be freely given to All, no matter how it is received in their way--My Love is to be given to all hearts in need, no matter how it is received in their way...and My sweet, child of the flesh, this is then how we/together will heal the worlde of 'dis-ease,' as together/we provide the healing's that are necessary for True Change in each heart as we see One in pain/there in need.
So then, let’s say that My Gail, or any of you feels a certain pain in your flesh that wasn't present from the day of your birthe--should you just accept (that) this will be the new course of your life?--Or, should you come to Me, to heal what feels broken in you? —and, just for the sake of this argument's case, let’s say that it showed-up and presented itself as a mark of great pain in your heart, that then-caused you to choose not to Love—then, please tell this to Me, what should you do to ‘fix’ this particular set of circumstances known as 'dis-ease' in the mind, the body, and the heart?
Should you choose to put/to place a pharmaceutical agent into the body that you see, in an attempt to try to ‘fix’ what appears to be ‘broken’ in you?--Or, should you come to Me/to let Me enter your heart, so I can then-‘fix’ what IS ‘broken’ in you?
Please do think about this a bit more, fore how and why you feel pain in your heart, determines if you've put pluggs in your ears, as you begin to pour out more hurts upon the worlde...
Please remember My Great Jeshua of Presence/your Jesus of Christhood, in how He moved and did Flow in My Ways. And do you recall how He healed of the sick/of their 'hurts' in this life, with just a wave of His Hand in My Name?
No ‘pharmaceutical agent’ did He use to then-heal of the hearts, as He ‘healed’ of their pain with My Love... and as He healed of the sick, of the dark in their hearts, their heart's reignited with the Flame of My Love.
And as He healed all their infirmities with the Power of My Words, He moved the mountains of chains known as 'dis-ease' in the heart... and all the 'pains' went away with a few, simple Words from His Mouth, as they re-claimed what was planted at birthe.
And as the Great Love of My Heart passed forth onto them, they then-saw themselves in and as the Great Love of My Heart, and they dropped of their swords from the battle of the road, and walked foward with the Gift My Love...reclaiming what was given from birthe. (He pauses for a minute and then exclaims...)
And, the lame did then-walk, the leper was healed, and the blind man was cured on the He opened their eyes to the Great Love of My Heart, He then-healed them right on the spot!
(He's now speaking to Gail, and maybe you too?) So then, can you and do you believe that I will anoint you with the Special Grace of My Healing Powers/the Great Powers I gave to those who chose to do the Work of My Hands?
Fore If you believe, if you truly believe that I will anoint you with this Grace of My Love, then please pray the ‘Apostle’s Healing prayer’ I have given to My Wendy, to receive of the Love from My Heart...and IF you will pray and Truly Believe that you can heal of the sick in My Name, then My Words will pour forth from your heart as we/together heal the sick in My Name.
And, as My Love Flows through the words of your mouth, and it will enter the One who chooses to be healed...and then all that is seen in the Great Name Love of My Heart, will be established through the work of your hands--that is, IF you will accept of this challenge in and to you? (The prayer that The Lord is referring to is on the purple cd and also in our book, titled 'The Lord Speaks...' .)
Yes, If you will do as I’ve asked you to do, then I will ‘fix’ what appears 'broken' in you. And as you learn how to ‘fix’ what is broken in this world that I Love, I will offer My Pure Strength in your Truthe.
Please remember, NOTHING IS RANDOM in Me—I have purpose, direction, and meaning in and behind EVERYTHING I say and I do…
Gail, remember when I had yourself and Wendy make that pillow for Me? You searched for certain colors, shapes, sizes, certain fragrances, herbs, and specialties that went into the makings of this article of Healing for Me—right? (The Lord is referring to a previous message He gave me for Gail and myself to make a pillow for which He wanted me to sit upon when I am writing messages for people. In it He gave us the exact details of the shape, colors, fabric types, certain herbs and oils that He wanted to be in it...and we/she followed His directions and it's really neat!)
And as you followed My Directions to a tee, you heard Me breathe in your ear further instructions saying, "go here," "go there," "do it this way, not that..." as you created it Perfect in Me--right? This would be an example of how and why I prompt you to move in My Flow as I helped you pick-out the perfect colours, fabrics, shapes, and quantities of items that I had asked you to find and receive…so again, since NOTHING IS RANDOM in ME and, this then was a test that you passed with flying colours for the beginnings of your new course in direction/ in the following of directions for the healing's with/in Me--see?
And If you choose to accept this new role in/as your new way of 'life,' you will find it to be quite rewarding indeed; fore you will be healing in the manner I wishe you to heal, as you heal of the sick in My Name.
So, when you are ready to accept this new role in your life, I will give you a special set of specific instructions of how to pay special attention to the colored lights, oils, and certain fragrances to capture the mood; fore when My Presence is set in a spot of your worlde, then My Angels will come enter the room...and as you create My Atmospheric Presence that is needed for healing's to occur, you then-Become of Myself in the room, and all healing is done in My Name ...are you beginning to see what I mean?
And If you choose to accept of this challenge for a new course of a direction in and as your new way of 'life,' you will find healing and meaning in the world that you see, as you change the way ‘dis-ease’ is seen in a life, and you do it all with/in Me--see?
Yes, If you will accept this new challenge in and for you in your ways, you will be happy with all you have done, fore at the end of your days, you'll reflect back upon your life, and feel proud of all the work that you've you bring forth more souls unto Me--see? (He's smiling at you with tremendous adoration and Love!)
So now I ask this of you: do you see what I mean? (He would like to stop and mediate on His question to you so you can receive His Perfect Vision of and for you...)
Please do not be afraid, as I have prepared you for this new course in direction, for all of your life, and you have just now perfected how and why a body does what it does when it chooses to break down on its own...and IF you accept of this challenge 'to' and 'for' you, it will be your ‘new job’ to show them the way back to Pure Life and Pure Health, as they let Me enter their Heart to 'fix' what is 'broken' in them…
And if you choose not to take-up this new post with/in Me, then that’s okay, I’ll move along to another who will choose to take-up and shake-up the worlde that they know so more cows will come Homeward to Me.
So no worries, no strife, the choice is totally up to you, fore I am happy with all you've Become. (He is smiling at you with Perfect Love and truly wants you to know that the ball is totally 100% in your court as to if you would like to accept this new challenge or not--with way He is happy with you :-)
So then, here is the new vision I will lay upon you, that is IF you have chosen to walk in this New Journey with/in Me…
(Here is where the Lord gave Gail directions of what He wanted her to do each day...)
The reason that you are where you are now in this life is not random at all, fore I wanted you to see how desperate One can become to relieve the paings/ the sheer 'pain' in their heart, when they see themselves as a life yet undone; fore you see, physical pain is ONLY allowed to sit in a body, when that person feels they are not Loved; fore when One fully allows Me to enter the heart that they know, then they see and they feel ONLY the Great Strength of My Love...which is quite different from how they now feel...
So then, what you will be doing is completely revolutionary, and you will be making an incredible life as you heal all the 'hurts' and the 'pains' of their bodies with the Great Strength of the Grace in My Love.
So then, are you ready for Me to begin giving you all the recipes/the concoctions you will need to fill of the bottles Love? If so, you will be the new 'doctor of Hope,' and of change in this worlde as you pour forth My Great Mercy and Love--filling their bottles with the Pure Truthe that they need with a special, certain prescription from Me--see? :-)
Are you ready for Me? If so, then let’s begin tomorrow morning and you will see as I begin with and as My first patient in ‘you’—as we write down EXACTLY the protocol you should see, and you should feel, and you should know as we begin to heal 'you' of your heart here in Me—okay?
(I asked Him what and how is He going to heal you?)
You see, My Wendy, this is all up to Gail, and this is where you will now stop in your healings of, with, and for Gail; fore if she truly wishes to help heal of the worlde that she sees and she knows, then she will begin to meet with Me more in her Love…as I give her all the ‘recipes’ that I gave to My Apostle’s--all the combinations of prayers, herbs, oils, colored lights, and the movements of the body to help heal each and every person in the manner that is best for My All…as we/together unravel all the pain of this worlde with the Magic of My Great Mercy and Love...and all the pain that is present in each body she sees, we will heal together in the Name of My Son.
So now, are you ready for Me? Ms. Gail, I ask are you ready for Me to begin with ‘you’ as the first patient we heal? Fore the true healing of ‘self’ begins ONLY with Love, as I heal you with My Well of your thirst? (Please think about this and answer Him…)
Yes, I knew that would be your answer (I asked Him what was your answer?) My Wendy, this answer will be held privately with/in Ms Gail and Myself, fore there are just a few things I cannot share with you, as that would be in violation of her free will of choice--but you will see and will know the answer of her call when and IF she accepts of her new course of direction in we/together heal the sick of all the infirmities that the worlde knows, as she bakes, and she makes, and she creates new health regimes into life that actually work right to heal the worlde that she sees and she knows…and remember EVERYTHING is ALWAYS done according to My Word and in My Name as I heal All with the Pure Strength of My Love.
So My dear darlings, it is time now to go, but I hope you are beginning to see, that nothing, I repeat NOTHING IS RANDOM IN ME; fore all that is seen will be all that is known IF you will render it as something with and in Me…
So then Ms Gail, is this the lamp and the map that you requested to see? Fore IF you choose to do as I’ve asked, you will feel rewarded in your spirit, and in your monetary gains as you bring about the world's Perfect Health in/as My Love…as you bring forth more souls unto Me.☺
I Love you with an adoring passionate kiss that can’t wait to hold you in My Arms; I Love you now, and forever, and always in Me, and I so Love to see My Pure Truthe in your heart!
7/16/15 10:24pm
I heard, "Today is and was a good day for you, as you let it unfold in My Ways; fore all that was seen and discovered by you as Pure Truthe and Pure Love in My Worlde, unfolded for you as the Great Magic of Me as I made Myself known unto you... (I told Him, "yes, I did have a wonderful day today as the sun did shine, and I saw His Inner Beauty and Truthe.")
So then, just one bit of advice to you, before it's time to drift off to sleep in My Land... please do pray more and say of your "thank you's" to Me, so you look and then-see such as I--okay?
So then, as you drift off to sleep, would you like to see the Great Glorious Diamonds of My Land, Or did you want to get a taste of what One sees as they drift off to sleep towards My Lands? Please do think about this a bit more, fore how One views and attempts to discover One's Truthe determines a life with or without Me--okay?
So now it is time to lay your head upon the pillow you can see, and please do remember that I liked how you sought as you went in this day, much as My Disciples went about their day in My Way.
I Love you, time now to amen.
(I then heard a sound, that sounded like a mighty rushing wind as His Heart began to meet the sheer essence of Mine, and I felt His Great Beauty and Love in my heart as I drifted off to sleep...)
I Love you, 'time' now to go. Amen."
Acts 2:2
Suddenly there was from Heaven a sound like a mighty wind and the whole place in which they were sitting was filled with it.
Sunday, July 12, 2015
7/12/2015 7:58am
The Lord speaks... "Verily I say unto you, this cup that I drink shall not pass from the lips of your mouth IF it is seen with the eyes of your heart, and 'IF' you think you will gain of this next stage in life ONLY by your worth and your deeds, then you are sorely mistaken My Friend; fore all that is seen, is then-known as it's felt, as I attempt to lay My self bare on your cross...and if you see what I see and I know in this life, then you will enter the Great Kingdom of God!
So then, what did I mean, and what do I wishe for you to get from this passage in the tiny self-worth of its deeds?
You see, to know Me is to Love Me, is it not? So then, IF I came to you today and said, "Please do take up your bed and then-walk"-- to what would you do?
Would you stand there and stammer as you tried to explain all the ways you were 'unworthy' of Me?
--Or would you pick up your bed, and as you looked Me straight in the eye, would you say, "Yes Father, I am coming to you, to seek the Great Love in your Heart/the Great Love of the Heart of your Worth..."
Please do consider the Source as you answer My Question in time; fore 'how' and 'why' One deems where they're at in this existence/this thing they call 'life,' determines 'If' they'll choose to enter My Heart.
Fore you see, when One becomes a True Follower of Mine, with/in the Magical Wonder of Me, then all that is seen is then-known in and as 'My Life,' and you will enter the Great Kingdom of God...are you beginning to see what I mean?
Fore when One says their sweet "yes" to the Great Sound of My Call, it means so much more than just a whisper to Me, fore all that is seen and then-known in/as this 'worlde' they call 'life' Becomes an actual Representation of Me--see?
So then, If you will grasp tight to the Great Love of My Heart, that is presented as My Hand unto you, then you will take-up 'your bed,' as you walk forward in Love, and begin to walk right and talk right in Me...(The Lord pauses for a moment and then with Great Joy in His Heart He says...) as you become more gentle, more kind, and more of Love/ just like Me, as you present yourself as now 'worthy' to Me; fore when One chooses to walk and to talk in the Lord, they become an actual Reflection of Me--see? (He's smiling at us with Great Love!)
So, please begin to spend more time in your day, thinking of how you can Be just like Me, so more cows will come Homeward through you--okay?
I Love you with an adoring passionate kiss that can't wait to fully receive you into the Great Heart of My Love...and please know that in the end of days, I will come here a calling for you--IF your heart will receive of My Joy.
I Love you, 'time' now to go. Amen."
(He's smiling at us with Great Love and affection in His Heart, hoping that will Be and Become more like Jesus today :-)
_____________________ John 14:6
Jesus said to him, “I am the Way, the Truthe, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.
a sidenote...a friend of mine read this blog message and sent me an email with a few simple thoughts she received when she read this message which I think sums it up quite well, here it is:
Be more Gentle, Kind, & Loving as Jesus ... Walk in His Great Love .... Speak of Me so more will enter God's Great Kingdom of Pure Love & Light...which includes us if we follow His Way!
Also, I found this on the internet and thought it had some similar references to the content of this message as well...oh and by the way, I did change a few words as they came to me from the Lord as I was reading it...the article is entitled, 'The Cup Consumed'
Matthew shows us an odd exchange between Jesus and his disciples.
In Matthew 20:20–28, the mother of James and John, in typical motherly fashion, asks Jesus whether her nice, upstanding sons can sit beside Jesus in his kingdom. James and John, through their mother, are seeking prominence. They want to be great.
Jesus answers, in atypical fashion, with a question: “Are you able to drink the cup that I am to drink?” (Matthew 20:22). This is not a rebuke as we might expect. It’s a simple question to which the brothers reply, “Yes, we are able to drink the cup.”
They don’t understand what Jesus is saying. He then turns to his other disciples, who are angered by James’s and John’s request because they themselves desired the same prime placement at Jesus’s right hand. But Jesus sets them straight, and us. Greatness in the Kingdom of God is obtained along the path of Love — the path of sacrifice, service, suffering.
This is God’s economy, after all. Having more isn’t winning. Being served isn’t best. Being honored isn’t greatness. The people of Jesus are to follow in the footsteps of Jesus — who “came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Matthew 20:28).
Can You Drink That Cup?
What do we make of Jesus’s unusual statement about a cup?
Key passages in the Bible connect God’s ways with the imagery of 'a cup.' Jeremiah 25:15 tells us, “Thus the LORD, the God of Israel, said to me: ‘Take from my hand this cup of the wine of the wrath, and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it.’”
Then Isaiah 51:17 says, “O Jerusalem, you who have drunk from the hand of the Lord the cup of his wrath, who have drunk to the dregs the bowl, the cup of staggering wealth.”
In Revelation 14, an angel speaks, “If anyone worships the beast and its image and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand, he also will drink the wine of God’s wrath, poured full strength into the cup of his anger” (verses 9–10).
Jesus confirms this connection in Gethsemane when he prayed, the cross looming just ahead, “My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will” (Matthew 26:39).
The disciples will drink a cup, too — a cup of suffering (Matthew 20:23). But Jesus’s cup of suffering is different from theirs because Jesus’s suffering is under God’s Mercy and Love. Jesus drinks the cup of the wrath of all of society's ills-- heinous crimes against humanity as 'self,' committed as well as fornicated adultery, careless words said in anger or angst, dishonoring thoughts bourne out of anger, and lies that were meant to deceive— all of it meant to destroy of the Good that God has created in us...this is the cup Jesus drinks on the cross.
Come and Drink This Cup
There, at Golgotha, our Savior drained God’s cup of burning anger down to its dregs. God let His Son receive all of the rage of his 'enemies' to Only show of His Great Love poured out to them from His Son. Paul summarizes the meaning of this great event, “For our sake He made Him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in Him we might become the True Righteousness of God” (2 Corinthians 5:21).
Jesus drank the cup of their 'rage' for us so that He could extend the cup of God’s fellowship and Great Love to us. We get the sweet, satisfying reality of His eternal fellowship in Jesus Christ as we allow the Holy Spirit to enter our hearts and to become a Perfect Union in Him.
This is the cup we drink now and forever. This is the cup that we offer to those who don’t know of Him yet, imploring them into God’s Great Mercy and Love-- come, drink this cup with us because Jesus drank that cup for us.