12/25/2015 12:04am
(I came to the Lord this morning to ask Him what He would like for us to know at this special time of the year?)
I heard, "My, my, my...(
The Lord sighs for a moment and then He begins very soft and very slow as He says...)
"You see, in the Great and the so very Good Beginning of Love, I did make each and every one of you whole, and so very complete in My Love, in My Worlde that WAS once just the Pure Heart of your soul...so, in 'The Beginning' there was no need for a
new-bourne 'Saviour' of the Worlde, that you would need to help bring you
back Home to Me, fore you were already '
Home' here in Me--see?
So then, "what happened?" you ask--"what happened to the True Beauty of the world we once knew and did see in our hearts that was once ONLY the Existence of Love?"
You see, again, back when you were living in My Great Garden of Love, you did wake each and every morning with My special Love in your heart; fore you just knew you were special and Loved in the True Beauty that you saw in your soul...(The Lord pauses for a brief moment and then says...) Yes, you once did know of just My Love in your heart, but now things are quite distinctly different in 'you;' fore today you have no need for My Great Love in your heart, as you live out your heart within 'you'... as you choose to seek what you see and you know as '
your truth' in '
your heart'' of your-'self' as your out your life within you'...are you beginning to see what I mean, about 'how' and 'why' One chooses to know of My Great Love in their heart will determine a life lived out in the ways of My Heart or a life lived within the confines of the 'selfish'-side within 'you'?
So then you ask, "what happened to me, and what did I do in
the Garden that day--did I eat of the fruit of the tree of un-love when I chose to know of His love as my love in my way?"
You see My dear sweet child of Love, while this '
Garden' is just a fictional prose of what a 'Garden' would look like and sound like to you, but what really happened was you chose to leave of My Heart for the 'life' that you saw, as you partook and then-'ate' of the fruit of the Tree that made you
un-wise in your heart.
So now you aske, "Dear Father, how do I return back to your heart, back to the life I should have never left on my own? Should I continue on this pathe that I already know, or should I change of my heart in my soul... fore I just want to see and know you once more?"
You see My dear Child of Love, you see, 2000 years ago I did offer you a sweet 'Saviour' of birthe where I re-invented 'Myself' in My Form, fore I fashioned Myself into the Love I Became, as I Became of a man on your earthe...which is 'why' I did supplant of My-'sef' into the womb of My Heart, in My dear Mary, My sweet daughter of Love.
And so, IF you will follow the life that I made so ever present in you, then you will follow My Pathe of Pure Love, and as you take-up and live- out the Pure Life that I know, I will fill Myself with the Pure Heart of your soul...are you beginning to see what I mean?
So then, the reason 'why' each and every one of you should be
following My sweet Jesus's life as He moved and He flowed in His day, is because He will help you return to the Great Love you should know when I created each of you in your own special way--okay?
You see My dear sweet children of Love, while yes, My dear sweet Jesus was Bourne in-to a Pure Cradle of Love, but yet He was not quite like the very '
ordinary' 'you;' fore He was and Is bourne of the Pure Flesh, as My Son.
So, while yes, He did walk in the flesh in the ways that you know, but yet His heart was sooo very different than yours; fore My dear sweet Jesus NEVER turned His back on My Heart, in the way He Became of Myself there as One.

So then, why should you
follow Him and what else should you know about His Great Love in My Ways?
You see, while yes, He Is so very special and unique in His heart, but yet He is Exactly like you in your ways; fore while He did wake each and every morning with My Great Love in His Heart, He responds to everything much different than you; fore all He knew in His heart was just Love...much unlike you.
So now, what else should you know about My dear sweet Jesus of Love in your heart?
You see, If you will go to My Special Bible of Love and then open the pages of My Book, you will begin to see and hear Me speak to you in a way that you should hear in your heart, as My Love resounds in your soul... as you begin to
see and
recall the Life you once led...that easy My Friend, it is truly that easy to begin to walk back upon the road you once led--does this sound like something that might be of interest to you?

Fore If you would like to re-gain this old/new relationship
with and
in Me, it is truly this 'easy' indeed; fore I stand here as always with this Pure Gift of My Heart, as I holde it here open for you--so will you now accept of this special gift that I offer to you?
If so, please do say this prayer I have included below to welcome Me back into the heart that you know, to receive of this Gift of My Heart...the kind of life that My beautiful Jeshua (Jesus) did speak of
in and
to you--so, would you like to receive Me on this beautiful Christmas morning on the dawn of the new eve there in you?
So now here is the special prayer then in you...
Dear Lord,
I know I have failed you in the past in a way that still disappoints me and my-'self' in your heart, but I am willing to change back into the Great Love in your heart, if you will tell me what to say and to do.
Please Lord, please do tell me what I should say and I should do fore now I am now truly listening to you...

This is now the Lord answering you...)
You see My dearest child bourne of just nothing but Truthe in your great heart and your soul,
please know that I NEVER condemn of your heart, so what your are still feeling is just a disconnection in 'you'--so, would you like to return here in Me?
(Please answer the Lord's question to you)
You see, again, in
The Beginning I did make you so very whole and complete in a way you could Never/ever begin to know of this kind of Love in your heart.
If and
when you can begin to live life
in and
as this type of an olde/new life in you RIGHT NOW then here's where you'll begin to know My True Love in your new heart--so are you ready to begin/to truly begin to live out this
New Christmas dream in your heart?
Please answer)
If so, here we go...
Today is a new day, a new life, and a new way of knowing Me, your-'self,' and all the others in your heart, okay? Fore when you begin to discover that I AM ONLY Pure Love in your heart, then here's where you discover My Truthe/My Truthe that you are nothing but a beautiful child Bourne from on High and I Am so very proud about you--okay?
So again, please start living this
New Christmas dream in your heart, in your knowing that when I sent this beautiful
new-Bourne 'Saviour' into the Worlde, I did it with one thing in Mind--I created a Pathe for you to look upon in your life, so you would and could return to the Pure Pathe of My Heart...and please know that as He lived, as He walked, and as He died there for you, He did it all so as to pave a way for you to make your way back here to Me.
And so this is 'why' My dear sweet Jesus of Love should Become of your True Beauty in thee...are you beginning to see what I mean and why this God-man, 'Jesus' was not just a
'good guy in the flesh' fore He was and Is still My Pure Expression of Love as He makes His way towards you again, not only as
just a good guy who said nice things about life, but yet He lived, walked, and talked in His life to reveal of My Secrets to you/the Secrets that you once knew in your heart as you return to My Kingdom again.
So again, please do live-out this New Way of living your 'life' to the point that it truly Becomes a New Way of your living-out your dreams on the Plane.
And please know that when it is time for you to leave from the Plane of this 'life,' I'll come to greet you with arms open wide, and as We pave the Special Way of your return back to Me, you'll see My New Crystal Vision of My
Garden of Love as
a gift that is received in your heart as you welcome Me back into your soul?
when and
If you'll begin to see this
New Crystal Vision of
My Christmas Dream in your heart, you'll Become what you see and you know in your heart,
of and
as a new Christ-child of Jesus in your heart and your soul, where you just know you are special and Loved.
Fore when you begin to follow the Great Pathe of the Heart of My Son, here's where you'll receive the Pure Gift of My New Christmas Heart within you, as you receive what you now wishe in your soul
...now how's that for a sweet gift
from Me?
So then, please do have a very Merry Christmas today and
everyday in your heart, as I offer you My New Heart in your soul, and when you truly begin to receive of its worth, you'll Become of its special gift of Love in your soul...as you then-turn around and you then-offer it to the worlde that you see and you know.
Fore when My Love turns around and just Becomes Pure Truthe in your heart, then this gift of a New Christmas Dream in your heart Becomes the New Reality of just 'you' in your life, as you become what you now see in your heart :-)
(The Lord is smiling at you with Great Love and Supreme Adoration in His Heart...and He wishes for all of us to have a very Merry Christmas everyday with and in He...)
I Love you, 'time' now to go. Amen."
"All is well..."