Thursday, December 17, 2015

Just let them Be...a Proper relationship within thee

12/17/2015 5:13am
(I am coming to the Lord to ask Him this question, "how do we help someone who doesn't want our 'help'? and "how do we Love someone who does not show their Love in return?")

I heard, "My dear, sweet child Bourne of much love, and much grace,  please let Me say unto you, I like the way you walk, and you talk as you show your Great Gift in your heart.

So, before I go into an account of your questions per se', what I would first like to do is to explain more of how and just why I did create of the Worlde that you see, so you have a better idea of just how and just why I do speak to you in the way that I do which is quite different when it comes to your heart--please let Me explain...

You see, in the Worlde that you know and you see in this thing you refer to called 'life,' it is truly quite different from the way that I see and I know 'things' in the Spirited-'flesh' of My Ways--so, please do pardon My Intentions and My silly, little substitutional phrase, but sometimes My dear, you do neglect to see the Great Forest between the eyes of your love when it comes to truly seeing and then-knowing how My Great Love should feel as it comes to make its known-way upon you.

So then you aske, " how can I help him/help her especially when they do not want either my help or my love?" And to this I dare say, Hmmm. 

You see, all of a created Being can Only move in My Flow when they concentrate really hard on their being of a Christ made as King, in their walk, and their flow of My Love. 

So then, let's say that you attempt to help someone who you have designated as One who does need of your help and your love...and, just for the sake of the argument...let's say that not only does this designated person of your interest reject you, but they in turn scoff at the 'help' you extend--what should you do?

Should you immediately 'stop' everything that you are doing in and as a way of extending your love to their heart--Or, would you just stand there in mercy and Love much like My Great Jeshua (Jesus) did in His day as some did receive what He shared in that Great Moment of Love and some chose to just walk away...

You see, just because you extend love in your heart, does not mean that another is ready to receive of your graciousness and your kindness of heart--so, again, let's take another look at this again shall we, so you will gain another perspective of this in My Ways--okay?

You see, let's say that one fine day you are driving down the road and you do come across a 'homeless person' who is left standing on the side of the road--what should you do?

Should you roll down your window as you exit from the side of your car, or should you just smile and greet this stranger with the kindness of your heart, as you grace of his/her heart with your smile? 
Please do be thinking about how each of you should answer My Call, fore it is not ALWAYS the appropriate time to interject your feelings into a situation where you think you know what is right and what is wrong; fore each and every one of you will come to know what it feels like to become 'stranded' in One's heart, fore here is where and when a new approach is needed in time... as each comes to know the Pure Truthe of their heart in My Ways.

So now, just one more perspective in see, once upon a time there was a Great King in His Great Kingdom of Love, and once upon a time He came to Grace all His subjects of Love--what do you think that they did? 
Did each immediately come to sit at His Feet, Or did some meander away from His Heart as they chose to leave the Pure Grace of His Heart?...Please do be thinking a bit more on this particular subject, fore how and why each and every one of you is able to both give and receive the Great Heart of My Love will determine if you truly know of My Gift in your heart; fore when each and every one of you starts seeing and believing in Real Love in this 'life,' then here's where I show up in and as 'you.'

So then, please do not be so concerned about whether or not you passed over a stranger on the side of the road, as you exited from your car on the Plane, but rather please, whenever you can, please do tell all to, "Love in the Heart of the King in their land;" fore one fine day I WILL come upon All in their heart and it will be a test as to who can then hear Me that day...and If you can hear and then- feel of My Love, you will enter My Great Kingdom that day...are you beginning to see what I mean?

Please remember... 
-It is in the gentle acts of kindness that a heart does form into Love.
-It is in the tiniest moments of Love when you begin to grace your heart outward to another who wishes to change of their heart into love--so, please do not be so concerned that someone does not grab ahold of the hand you extend, but rather they may one day...yes, one day they may see you again as someone who is kind and their friend, but 'now' may not be this time in their eyes--okay?

So then, I have given you much to think about and to contemplate on--so please, as always, please do learn to come to Me more so I can heal all the broken hearts in your land; fore when you and All learn to Love like I do, we Become of My Love in your hands...and that's a very good thing in your land.

I Love you, 'time' now to go. Amen."

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