drinking of tea in communion with and in Him.)
I heard, "My child, it is good that you keep coming to Me to ask of your heart's desires in you--so, please do keep on coming to Me to answer particular questions you still have within you...please let Me explain...
You see, in the worlde that you see, it is filled with a certain brokenness from within that existed from the moment of birthe that did create of Itself in the beginning that It began to see and know of its particular 'life' on the Plane that you know.
So then, the reason that you should come to sit, and to partake in this here 'Tea' in 'My Love' is so we can see and sit here together with and in My Love that is present in thee. And the more you truly learn to come and just sit in My Heart, is the beginning for your heart to then-change; fore True Love CANNOT exist in a heart UNLESS it seeks to then-know of My Name...My Name is LOVE.
So then, please do go ahead and continue on with and in your learning more and a great much more about Me, as you truly learn what I Am really about, and of course the antithesis/of what I am not; fore when you learn to sit and to begin to know of just My Truthe in your heart, here's where you learn to discover My Pure Truthe in your soul, as you begin to learn more and more.

I Love you, time now to go. Amen."
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