Wednesday, December 23, 2020

How to hear our Lord speak and to commune with God

(Picture is taken on 12/21/2020’s Christmas/Bethlehem star in a zoo in Alabama)


This is the video I did for our Lord where He spoke through me at The Victory of Light in the Fall of 2019. 

The topic He spoke on was ‘How to hear The Lord speak and commune with God.” What’s cool about this is He speaks a lot about the upcoming events in our world to prepare us for the turmoil, and how we should respond, in addition to giving us great info on how to hear and commence with Him in our souls.

It’s strange how even though it was over a year ago, as I’m watching it now, it’s still very relevant today, enjoy :-

Click on the below Google drive link to listen and if I don’t get a chance to post again before tomorrow, please have a very Merry Christmas! 🎄

Sunday, December 13, 2020

The Lord speaks...”It’s about The Unification of The United States

The Lord speaks....”It’s all about The Unification of The United Stars of The America—that’s what I wishe for each of you to learn in this day, okay?”

Please click on the link below to hear the Lord speak.

Your friend in Christ,

Wendy of The Way :-)

Saturday, November 14, 2020

The Lord speaks on today’s happenings—live

11/14/2020 7:40pm

(This is my first attempt at putting up an audio message for The Lord on this blog. I’m sure there’s an easier way but this works. I think you’ll really enjoy hearing our Lord speak through me, live.

*please note that this file is in Dropbox, so you probably have to have the ‘Dropbox’ app loaded on your phone or laptop to open the link. Just click on this Dropbox link twice and it should open for you to hear. Enjoy! ;-)


Monday, November 9, 2020

“Let’s start a Love Revolution in Me—see?


11/5/2020 8:40pm

Our Father who is in Heaven hallowed be Thy Name; Your Kingdom come, Your Will be done on earth as it is in your Heavens. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who have trespassed against us And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from any and all evil; fore Yours is the Kingdom, the Glory, and the Honour now and forever. Amen. Matthew 6: 9-13

(I am coming to our Lord with both despair, and faith in what He has said in the past re the elections, the economy, etc, and just asking Him what insights He could give me to help ease my fears and anxieties.)

I heard, “My sweet child of Love, please know that all is still well in your heart and that nothing, I repeat, nothing can ever keep us apart, okay?

And so you have asked, “Lord, what can I do to ease my heart, so that we’ll come out of all of this mess we are in in our world?”

“You see, prayers work when All come together in Love. And so what would I like for each of you to do now that many of you feel that the ‘election’ is now over in your world?

You see, ‘your election’ is not over to Me, but rather it is just the beginning of ‘the rocking of all hearts in your land’...where those with eyes to see will then-see what I see, in their hearts, in My World, in your land. 

And so many of you feel just as David felt just after the Illusion of just what he (Absalom) had done came to Be. 

(He’s referring to where in the Bible, King David’s son Absalom committed treason against him by attempting to take King David’s throne. 2 Samuel 14:25 to 19:26,)

And yet others of you feel like, “I tried my best, I gave it the good fight, and now it’s just time to lay as dead,” in your land that you see...but I would caution any of you to see that the fight is not over in Me, see? 

You see, two thousand years ago things seemed bleak for a band of My misfit, rugged pioneers/those who chose to be the first ‘remanent’ of sorts in your world. 

And so on the first day following the last (the day after Jesus died) many felt like each of you now feel in your hearts as you ask each other, “what happened, I thought I was following God’s Pathe?”...(our Lord paused for a moment and then said...) “My, My, My, many of you give up too easily in Me—time now for a sweet Resurrection of Love! 

You see, ‘life’ is a very funny, a very interesting thing in your world, as many think they are knowing and seeing, and sensing what could actually Become My Truthe in your world, only to Not see the bigger picture that lay ahead of what they cannot see within Me . And so instead of sticking your own heads in the sand, please do think to yourselves, “what would Jesus want me to do now that He is gone from this world, and how should I promote His Message instead?”

You see, The Final Resurrection is not here as of yet, but rather it is coming to your earthe in your world. And so again, this is not a time for any of you to be denying the Power of The Cross, no, it a time to share the Hope of The Resurrection of yourLord in this time and this space in your world...are you beginning to see what I mean?

You see, please do think a bit more about what has happened in your world. An election was swayed to get one to think that something happened when it did not occur in your world. And so rather than any of you un-sticking and un-aligning yourselves to this reality as it unfolds, I would rather you align yourselves to The Truthe of My World; fore nothing can ever harm you in Love, and not the other way around in your land, okay?

And so tomorrow is a new day for many of you each in your world. So please do exercise good sound judgment when you speak—be sure to speak out only My Pure Certain Love in your souls, and let My Justice Reign down as Love in your world, okay?

Please remember how My Disciples/My band of misfit remanants of My Heart felt on the day Jesus first left your world to become the dark ravenous ‘food’ of their hearts (to become a proposition for their sins) And what appeared as a great loss to those Disciples, became the most encouraging words in your and their hearts when I came to them on the third day to announce My Great Resurrection of Love.

And so please remember that what binds One to My Heart is not only rational thinking in the face of danger, no—what truly binds My Love in a heart is when One begins to see that something can and will exist outside of their souls, when each binds of their Love in their souls.

And so let’s talk about the ‘next steps,’ shall we?

If you thought that the Covid-19 was bad in what and how it placed restrictions in your land, please know that the upcoming administration (Biden/Harris)would do nothing but pull you further apart, as it fully enraged and engaged in your souls. And so this Is Not a time for insurrection, no—but rather it is a time to come together in your world.

Each one of you is so very precious to Me—I formed and fashioned you All as Love in your hearts. And so while many of you would like to just hit ‘the eject’ button and hope you could just be here with Me, please know that I formed and fashioned each of you to Become Warriors for The Case of Love/The Case foe Christ  in your souls, okay?

And so again, tomorrow is a New Day for each one of you, and so how will you be spending it in Love? Will you each attack someone for how they either voted, or did not vote in the race, or will you walk forward in Love...forgiving each other for the trespasses that each of you owns in your souls?

Again, going back to that Upper Room/the day after that ‘fateful’ day in your see, it looked very bleak to the Disciples, as they looked up at their newly deceased Leader of Love in their land, and they thought to themselves, “I thought I was following God’s Pathe...I saw many Miracles, and many impossible things happen, as hearts changed back into Love, and now it’s gone as ‘poof’ in a day....” My, My, My (our Lord sighed and then continued...) if they had only known at the beginning of their disappointment how it would turn up and out in their souls, they would not have been dismayed, and felt as ‘stolen’ in the hearts in their day.

Amd so what is the lesson in this story, and why did I wake My Wendy up at 2:22am to receive a message for you? You see, if you build it I come, I come into your heart, in your minds and your souls. And so My America has not quite fully relented in their hearts, and while that is not a good thing, please know that My Remanant has spoke up there for Me. And rather than let you be the food/the fodder for The Revolutionary hearts, I am going to trust you again, so that My Freedom may remain in your land...My America is My Beacon of Light in the world, and know that nothing can ever harm you in Love, okay?

And so let’s talk about My sweet Israel for just a moment shall we? You see, both My Israel and My America are going through a very touchy transition in your land, in My World. And so while they are getting their act together, I wishe for My America to be One/as ‘joined to their hip’ in My Love/that is the side of Jacob’s hip of love in their souls.

Amd so again, tomorrow is a New Day for each one of you in your world, but how will you each be fully accepting and sharing your sweet love with another in your and their souls? You see, if I told you the ending to this story, it would ruin the surprise ending of Love in your souls, but let Me give you a hint—God wins, the devil loses, and all captives are truly set free in your world.

11/8/2020 9:25pm 

(Sorry guys, He tried to walk me at 3:15am this morning to finish this, but I wasn’t able to get up, my dog suddenly needed attending to. So I am just now getting a chance to finish this unless something else gets ahold of my schedule ...)

“You see, no one can truly become ‘free’ in your world if they are not really free to seek out their own pathes in their souls. 

And so why is this important to Me? 

You see, each of you is just a part of My Heart, yet you each walk out a different set of unique patterns of circumstances in your souls. 

And if you are not free to make your own decisions as you go, then how can you become My Pure Truthe in your souls...unless you truly learn to then-make it your own?

And so please, do let Freedom Ring in your land, AND DO NOT BECOME SWAYED AT EACH SET OF CROSSROADS THAT YOU ENCOUNTER IN YOUR WORLD, because the eye can be beholden to its source, and if it knows Not The Father in their souls, then how will it grow to discover My Known Truthe in their souls...are you beginning to see what I mean, and just why True Freedom is sooo important to Me? Because until all wayward cows can see who they are in their hearts, they will never grow to Become My Sweet, Sacred Truthe in their souls, I need all cows to come Homeward to Me—see?

(Sorry, interrupted again, will finish it later...)

11/9/2020 6:02am

And so our time is nearly up, but please do stay True in your souls. You know Me, you’ve cultivated My Sweet, Sacred Love in your souls, and so why would I leave you now at this critical juncture in your heart, when My True Justice needs to Reign in your world?

You see, Light to darkness is how I do win in the end, and not the other way around. I would never offer-up My Great Gift to you, only to make you feel silly in the end...I need all wayward cows to come Homeward to Me—see?

And so today, please be kind to All whom you meet, because when the Truthe is told, there will be many, a great many sheep who need to be told of My Love, and how My Sweet Jesus came to the earthe of your land.

Jesus is God in His Essence, His Spirit, and His ‘Soul,’ and not the other way around...contrary to what some people think, He was not some type of a guru/shaman who grew into The Christ, 

He was and IS Always God-In the flesh in His ‘Soul.’ And so when the scales are lifted off the eyes of their hearts, they will see a Truthe like no other...aaaaand when President Trump is declared the True winner of the states/stakes, please continue to be kind and do not gloat as many who have ‘gloated’ in your face, okay?

It will then be time for you to explain The True Message of The Cross to those who will be willing to hear it for the first time. And while I do not encourage you to become their teacher and their mentor, please know that by default, some of you will Become their Truthe for the first time.

Please know that I do not beseech you because you are not ready, I beseech you because you KNOW Jesus in your heart, and I beseech your to just tell your story of why Jesus is The Greatest Love in your heart, okay?

So until that day Reigns in your world, please keep the faith and hold the line as if it were Super Bowl Day in your world, because the past will dictate the future, and what I mean by that is this...2000 years ago it seemed to many that the enemy had won and that the Jewish people were the laughing stock of the world as people would taunt and tease, “when’s your Saviour going to come?’...and then I came in a Most Magnificent Way!

And so still today, many say, “when’s my Saviour going to come?” And so while they’re waiting for Me to come, many have built mansions, and invested in things that were worthless, as they built their wealth higher and higher to the sky, in their attempts at controlling the world. 

And so what I would say to you all, “I came over 2000 years ago to not put you in your place, but to tell you a story of Love.”

I came to tell you a story about True Forgiveness and Compassion in your world. And if you think you can control a heart, please do think about what happened at Auschwitz/ in Germany,

and all the places ‘you attempt to control My Love in a heart.’ one knows how I do work in your land, fore I am Free/there is no ‘cost’ to Me, I am Free to whomever chooses to be Free here in Me—see?

And so as the next few weeks progress, please be thinking about how your country will grow as it sets the captives free, because this ‘Love Revolution’ will be like none any of you have experienced in your know Me, I always like to be creative in Love.

And so again, please pray for President Trump and his family, his counterparts, and all My Peoples who will let Freedom Ring! And most importantly, please be kind to all whom you meet—please be the Face of Christ to the many whom you see in your day, and always, always, always Keep The Faith! 

Please Trust The Plan, it has been put in place for things to unfold in your day, and know without a shadow of a doubt in your hearts that All is so well in your souls, and that nothing, I repeat, nothing can ever keep you from Me.

I Love you, time now to go in your world, and please know that at the end of the day all you really have is your faith, and do ask yourselves at the end of each day, “How did I choose this day to Love, and how did I display myself as my Father would like me to be?”

You see, no one knows the hour nor the moment of their last breath, and so please do be thinking each and every minute of your day, “How can I be My sweet Jesus of Love in My Day?”

This is not your battle to fight, it is Mine, and you will see My Great Victory’s won in your day—your job is to battle in the Spiritual Realm of War AND NOT ON THE PHYSICAL PLANE. So please ONLY fight with Love, prayers, and a sense of an unshakeabke faith in the things you can’t see. 

And so when someone who works for the other side comes up to you and says, “ha, ha my candidate won and yours did not, why don’t you stick your Trump sign down the drain, and all your stupid parades, and stunts didn’t work....(the people are going on and on in their rants and tirades and taunts as Our Lord has me hear them trail off with their narcissism...)

You see. When the victory is won I wishe for each of you to remember exactly how you felt when they came up to you in their needs and their taunts, and please, please utilize this opportunity to truly Be The Face of Christ in your world, okay?

You see, it’s not so much about your being right in the end that helps bring yourself or another to Christ. But it’s about how you give of the Free Gift that you received in your heart, as you give of My Love in your chest, okay?

And so the moral to this story is this...if I give someone time and circumstances to change, they will either grow into My Love, or they grow into something that has still yet to they wither away from My Love.

And so no worries, okay? All is so well in your heart, please trust your Father’s Heart who would not tell you He’s prepping your country for a Great Revolution of Love, and then suddenly leave you when it’s time to close The Art of The Deal in your souls.

Remember, I allow time and circumstances to change All in their souls, and I need each of you to Be the Truthe they should see...I need all cows to come Homeward to Me—see?

I Love you, I Love each and every soul I have created in Me. And please know without a shadow of doubt in your hearts that All is still well in your souls. 

I Love you with an undying expression of Love, that can’t be measured in your heart that you see. Each of you is just an off-shoot expression of Love, and I Love you each down deep in your souls.

I Love you, time now to go. Amen.”

Sunday, November 1, 2020

“Message heard, and message received...”

11/1/2020 3:55pm

(I am coming to our Lord to ask questions re the crazy Blue/Hunters moon that had a ring around it—what’s the significance of it, is He communicating something to us? And to also ask about what will happen after President Trump gets re-elected, etc...will there be a ground type of a civil war and unrest in our country?)

I heard, “My, My, My...we are getting a bit ahead of ourselves when you aske, ‘What will happen after President Trump is re-elected in our land? Will there be more chaos and destruction in your land, or something else?’

And to this I say again, My, My, My...You see, All is well that always ends up in Love, right? (Yes)

And so let’s say that I extend to My America another 4 more years of My what would I be thinking in your soul? (I should just be extremely happy that peace and prosperity would return, and that Love for You would become honored and respected once more in our land)

You see please remember that Love IS and will become certain once again in your world, and it must start with all hearts returning back to Me in your land.

And so let’s say again, that I extend to he another 4 more years to finish what should have been accomplished in the first 3 (years)?

You see, Love, life, and the pursuit of justice, should become the 3 most important things for he to do within Me, and so I will extend to he the timeframe to do in Love.

And so what exactly does this mean for those who are still sitting on the fence of their Love?

You see, time and circumstance most definitely WILL become apparent to All as the winds of time change for All in their souls—it’s time for all dark hearts to return back to Love, or they will receive the unwelcome platter of unlove in their souls

And so what do I mean by the ‘unwelcome platter of unlove’ in their souls? You see, once the bell has been rung and the final curtain calls the names of those who have chosen their own way in their hearts, then it will become apparent to All whom they are in their souls, as they move and they flow in their ways...which is separate and apart from My Heart.

And so whom will hear the final curtain, call their names out loud?(I’m hearing Him rattle off a long laundry list of names, as He trailed off. I had a knowing of many names on His list but the ‘Podesta’s’ are the only actual name that I heard aloud.)

And so who else will be the ones for whom the bell tolls? ( I keep hearing Him say aloud ‘Antifa, Socialists. Communists, and anyone who is oppressing and suppressing His children in their hearts.)

You see, the Antifa movement is complete Insurrection to Me, and so it must be stopped in its tracks before it can continue to gain the momentum and the speed in its soul...the heartbeat of America bleeds red, white, and blue, and should not suffer the course of its fools.

And so let’s talk a bit more about those who are planning their see, the Blueprint has been discovered by those who hold the keys to My sweet American Dream. And while their Father of My country is for the Great American Dream, all attempts to overthrow him will be useless/ as if in a dream, as they move and they flow in their ways.

And so should every card carrying American who stands for the Red, White, and The Blue be armed from head to toe to stop them in their tracks—Or should you each be diligent enough to watch your own tracks to see where they’ll lead; fore all hearts should return unto Me—see?

And so going back to this Tuesday’s ‘election results’ see, it’s not over till the sweet lady’s a whistlin’ My Dixie in your souls, and so let’s not just give up and say “we won this battle without a fight in your souls,” okay? You see, I wishe for all cows to come Homeward to Me—see? 

And so while I would like to tell you that the enemy cannot win unless you give in, but that’s not always the case—sometimes it appears that ‘the enemy’ has won, when he becomes his unlove in your space...are you beginning you see what I mean? (not really Lord, could you explain a bit more please?)

Why yes, I most certainly see , ‘the enemy’ can only ‘win’ if you let him come to enter your space. And so if you learn to resist ‘the devil’ in his tracks, then he goes off to find another in your land...which is Not what I want to happen in your world.

You see, dark to Light and not the other way around, okay?

And so here is an example of what I am meaning to say, let’s say that each one of you decides to rub into the noses the fact that your candidate won and the others did not win this time around...instead of your stating that yours was right and that theirs was wrong, what I would rather you do is to take your signs down from out of your yard and instead just share a flag of strength, unity and Love in your hearts, as you very proudly display the Star Spangled Banner in your yard.

And rather than your wearing your Make America Great Again garb, I would rather you just wear shirts and memorabilia that state that you are a Christian in your heart, and that you are a safe place to go to hear about My Sweet, Sacred Jesus is Love...please remember that Love conquests all death and dis-wade in Ones soul, okay?

And so the Real/True question comes November 4th that everyone should be asking is, ‘what and how did this happen in your land?’ ‘and how can we put parameters in to make sure gag this never/ever happens again...please always think about how future generations will be the judge of you; fore that matter how we will win in the end, okay?

I’d like you think for just a moment about how the American Indians were treated when the ‘Americans’ decided to forge their pathe of unlove in their heads...the West was not won as just ‘one battle’ where the Pilgrims won and the Indians lost, by one, one step at a time, a dark heart was then-tainted instead. 

You see, healing, so much healing needs to occur in your land in your world, and if starts with each of you deciding to Not take the Pathe of the Pilgrims who wanted to go forth ahead, but rather they each knew just who they were there instead...please remember that in order to truly transform all dark hearts in your world, it’s one step at a time, changing darkness to My Light with each and every step of the road in your soul, and not the other way around, okay?

And so will there be a need for Resurrection in your world? why of course! And when All will just begin to see and to know Me as Love, then I cannot prosper in you, I need all My Children to respond to the Great Love of My Heart, and it starts with My Life Force in you...I need all hearts to come Homeward to Me—see?

And so your tomorrow can and will Become so very special to you IF you will become certain in your souls as yo which direction you should choose to hominy our souls. And whether ‘the enemy’ attempts to come and ‘snatch’ you in your souls, please know that I cover each of My Children with the Great Blood of My Son, and that nothing can ever harm you in Love, okay? (Yes, and thank you Lord! Could you tell me what that moon meant last night, I felt such peace in it.)

“Oh yes, the Great Blue Hunters see, life and Love are a beautiful thing are they not? (Yes! :-) but sometimes the enemy needs to be reminded that I am in charge, and that I only allow him to do his bidding to test the hearts of those whom I Love in your land. And so you’ve seen a ‘bullseye’ before in your land, right? (Yes) 

A bullseye is in the middle of the target of the heart. And so while your one was attempting to change My Clock, and time celebrate its satanic rituals of the heart, what I wanted to do was to send a message to he, that I am large and in charge of My World, and that nothing can happen that I have not conceived in My Heart, for I am just Love in this this Great Heart in your world, okay? 

And so the term, “message heard, and message received,” was what the enemy stated in their camps; and by My Shining My Light on the place of their ‘hearts’ they were reminded of who I am in their souls...let’s just hope and then pray that many see that their plans have been thwarted and that they change of their life-forms to Me, see?

And so our time in nearly up. Please continue to pray for all dark hearts to change back to Love, so that My Great Harvest of souls will occur in your land and your world; fore when a soul changes from dark unto Light, it’s very remarkable to see in your world...I need all hearts to return back to Love, okay?

And so let’s look at these next few days as an opportunity to be the voice of reason, shall we? How ‘bout when someone says to you very snottily, “so are you happy that your candidate won and not mine?” How ‘bout instead of you continuing on with a mirroring of their heart, how ‘bout you say this from your heart, “I can see that you are distraught, may we talk?”

Or how ‘bout when your sibling calls you to congratulate you and she on your win, how ‘bout you do this and say, “thank God that America won and that we can get our country back together again.”

You see Fractionated Thinking will ALWAYS produce negative thoughts, and until each can begin to see ‘the other’ as just an extension of God, then you will promote your own type of thinking of ways...that produces more and more of the same type of unlove in its ways.

So will there be riots, chaos and unrest in your streets come the eve of November 3rd, as they begin to see whom I’ve chosen again? Each and every one of you ha stage opportunity to Love; fore you are God in your souls from within...are you beginning to see what I mean?

If you chose to see and know My Love I am there. Those who are chosen have the Blueprint of the enemy in their hearts and their heads—pray for your country, stand up for what is right, BUT DO NOT LET THE ENEMY GET IN YOUR HEART AND YOUR HEAD, okay?

So from now until it is time to take you from this earthe that you know, please do pray for My Son in your souls, okay? And while I know that each of you is facing a battle of epic proportions, please know that where you are going, I have already been, and that I Love you just the way that you are, okay? and that nothing, I repeat, Nothing can ever keep you from Love, okay?

I Love you, ‘time’ now to go. Amen.”

Thursday, October 22, 2020

The United States election...

10/20/2020 9:32pm

(I am coming to our Lord to ask Him about what He thinks about this upcoming election, and all the craziness that is going on leading up to it in two weeks...?)

I heard, “My sweet child of a Great amount of Heart, Compassion, and Truthe, please know that All is still well in your soul, and that nothing can ever harm you in Love, okay?” (Yes Lord and thank you! :-)           “You are so very welcome indeed! 

And so you have asked about ‘the election’ and all the craziness leading up to it...who and what will still yet happen in a soul, and how many more October and November ‘Surprises’ will there still be, as you each wonder “what is going to happen to ‘me’ ”, my, my.

You see, many, a great many more things will most definitely still happen to All in your world, and so this is not a time to be sitting idle, as you sip on another cup of hot tea, no—it is time to truly make a difference in your world, and it begins with your New Life/Light Force in Me!”                                                     (Our Lord is just beaming at us with Great Love and Supreme Joy in His Heart :-)

“And so yes, there will still be plenty more October, November and December surprises in store for each one of you in your neighborhood, your country, and your world; however, please know that I cover you with The Great Blood of My Son, in your mind, and your heart, in My Love...and that nothing can ever harm you in Love, okay?” (Yes and thank you Lord :-)               “You are so very welcome indeed.

And so let’s talk about your ‘two party’ system, shall we? which is truly no two-party-system at all, but rather it has conjoined in its way, as it/they move and they flow, with their own type of ‘love’ in their/it’s, my, my (Our Lord is expressing His dismay at what the dark has grown into in its ways. He paused with Great Sadness and then He continued, softly at first, as He asked...)

“And so who will each of you choose this day to serve and the next, and who will you each be voting for in the days up ahead?” (I answered that I choose to serve Him, and that I am voting for President Donald Trump again :-)

“Good choices My Friend, but may I aske why?” (I went on with a multitude of reasons why I choose Him, and why am voting for DJT.)

“Thank you for your kindness, your generosity, and your Truthe. And I would agree with you on the two most important topics you stated in favour of your President —one, that he is pro-Israel, and two, that he is pro-Life; however, you missed one key detail in your great observation of My Truthe...the Real/True Reason that I have chosen he for this time and this place in My Land, is for one reason and one reason only—it’s because he has My Great Plan written on the top of his Heart, in his mind, and his soul, in My Love.

10/22/2020 2:17pm (Finishing this message :-)

And so many a modern day prophets have prophecied that there will be a Great Revival that will usher in the New Millennium in your world, and while I am not saying that that will not happen in time, but what I am more concerned with is My getting the right person/persons in, who have one particular goal in their Heart, which is to overturn all the apostates of unlove in your land, and to get your country back on the Right Pathe in The Great Heart of My Love...are you beginning to see what I mean, and just why each of you are sooo very precious to Me? Fore until All will begin to just see and know Me as Love, My Job is not done in your land...I want all cows to come Homeward to Me—see?

And so I aske this of each one of you—who will YOU be voting for on November 3rd, 2020, this year?

Will it be for the one who defends the Rights of those who are not yet Bourne and have no voice yet to speak—Or will you be voting for the One’s who wish to control you in your hearts, as they drain of your Light/Life Force in Me?...please do think more of what I am asking of you; fore if you decide to vote in a way that expresses something other than Me in your soul, then it will lead to your abandoning of My Love in your soul,  and as your Great country that once stood for The True Heart of My Love, it will then fall into the abyss of its ‘soul’...are you beginning to see what I mean, and just why you are sooo very special to Me, because until All will just see and know Me as Love, I will remain as a distant type of rage in their souls.”

(Our Lord paused for a moment and then perked up with Great Joy in His Spirit as He said...)                 “You see, life is a very beautiful thing, in fact, it is so very beautiful that when a new life (a newborn) is Bourne in your land, the angels get together and sing, as they rejoice with the True Heart of their King.

And so if I were to tell you that this November’s election was about anything other than banishing all darkness in your land, I would be right but yet wrong. You see, it is about the Great Restructuring in One’s heart, that will learn to receive The Pure Grace of My Love.

And so let Me tell you why My sweet President Donald John Trump is the best Known candidate to Me...

You see, first of all he prays to Me and talks to Me and seeks My Great Direction and My Guidance multiple times in his day. Let’s just say that he doesn’t make a move until he has consulted with Me, in what’s best for the country and the world there in Me—he considers what is best for life, humanity, and Love in One’s soul as he moves and he flows in our/together Ways. 

And do you know what he does best? He fights for Love, he fights for what is Right, and he truly wishes for all darkness to be banished back to hell in your world.

And so is he perfect? why of course you know the answer, right? The correct answer is “no,” but then again neither are you, nor anyone who has walked in our/together shoes in your world; however, please know that I cover he and you with the Pure Grace of My Love, as I offer-up The True Heart of the King.

And so the next few weeks will not be a time to stick your head in the sand as you ‘hope for the best,’ no! I wishe for the next few weeks up ahead to be a time for learning who and what and just how ‘things’ did occur, so as to bring about the healing of all hearts in your land.

And so please know that My sweet Donald John Trump WILL become your President again IF, and only IF each of you goes to the polls to cast what you and I wishe to then-see; however, if you decide that you will let someone other than he ‘win’ in the end, then you will receive what you wishe to then-see...I can only offer-up what you wishe to then-see.

Remember, I am a God of Righteousness, Compassion, and Truthe, and if you will decide to remain in My Presence, then My Life/Light Force WILL be within you.                                                                           Please remember, if and when you build it I come, and I come not because you have demanded and coerced Me to stay, no...if you tend forth and you build up your heart in a Way that chooses to See and to Know of My Love, then it will vibrate and move in a/the way that it chooses to see, as it moves and it flows in My/our together Ways.

And so please everyone be sure to watch the Great last debate tonight to see how your choice for President fares or does not fare well in your soul. Please be sure to watch their body language, but most importantly please aske yourself—which candidate strikes you as someone who could lead the country back to Pure health and restoration in your land, and which one has the True Heart of The King...are you now beginning to see what I mean? 

You see, whether it goes off tonight with or without a giddy in their hitch, please know that once the cannon goes off, All will then-know what was it becomes plain to see who is the correct candidate of choice, as they speak-out their heart in their head.

And so let’s see how this all plays itself out over the next few weeks up ahead. It will become evident in time who will win and why they are the best choice for your country in My Heart.

Please do pray for your past President’s heart to change/to repent; fore his future is soon to be disclosed in a very disparingy way...please remember, I want all cows, I repeat ALL COWS TO COME HOMEWARD TO ME—see?

And so please do not ever let the sun go down before you pray for all the enemies of the cross to come Homeward to Me, okay?

We will talk more and more over the next few weeks about how and why it is important for not just yourself and the Ones that you care about to make it to Heaven, no, please remember The Parable about the lost sheep.“ 

(Him addressing me...) “Wendy, please put this Scripture passage at the end of this message today so that All will then-see what I see when I say, “I want all cows to come Homeward to Me—see?”

And so yes, I wishe to go after your ex-President’s heart, but it must change so much more than any of you could possibly see; fore the Way to My Heart is in sharing your Love as a Light/Life Force there with and in Me...I wishe for all cows to come Homeward to Me—see?

I Love you, ‘time’ now to go. Amen.”

The Parable of the Lost Sheep

15 Now the tax collectors and sinners were all gathering around to hear Jesus. But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law muttered, “This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.”

Then Jesus told them this parable: “Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? 

And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.’ I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in Heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

The Lord speaks on the state of the heart, which is messy at times


10/13/2020 9:08pm

Our Lord speaks...“Hello, and welcome to The Lord speaks cd, where you will find all the answers you seek in your heart, when you discover My Pure Truthe in your soul.”

(Our Lord is opening this blog post with the beginning of how He begins speaking on the blue cd...interesting, I’m wondering where He’s going with this? So this part is His opening on the cd, and from here down is the message for today, enjoy :-)

“And so for those of you who contacted My sweet Wendy of Love and asked her how to get a copy of My Bluest cd, aaaaand actually listened to Track 13 over and over again, you feel a Great sense of Peace in this moment, do you not? (Yes :-)

And for those of you who did not, I aske each one of you, ‘why’?

You see, peace and attaining peace is quite easy in your land, when you do it with My Perfect Love in your soul, but and I repeat, a Great But—IF you choose to not allow My Perfect Peace to fully invade of your heart, then I cannot become fully Present in your land and your soul...are you beginning to see what I mean?

You see life and Love are easy when you do your everything with My Great Love in your soul; however, if you don’t wish to know My Great Peace in your heart, then you will not feel My Perfect Love in your soul.

And so let’s go back to My Great Christopher Columbus and in how this relates back to your present-day President Donald Jonathon Trump of My Heart.

You see, to know Me is to Love Me, is it not? And so let’s see how well you know Me today...I wishe to start this off with a Game I like to call ‘Hide and Seek‘...I’ll do the hiding, and you do the seeking, okay? 

So if I were to place a Golden Crowne on the top of your head, where would it be? Would it be on the earthe, in a place where it could be easily found, or would it be somewhere else, you could only see within Me? 

Please do think about this last statement a bit more, because the True Beauty of this life is inside of your heart, in and as a New Gift of life and love in your soul, and until all cows come Homeward to Me, then My Job is not done in your land, I need all cows to come Homeward to Me, see?

And so let’s play another game I like to call, ‘Pin the tail on the Donkeys ass, and (then) see what (then) happens to you’; fore the Great Truthe of this Journey will be seen in One’s heart, that discovers My Purest Truthe in their soul, okay? and not the other way around.

You see, ‘the donkey’ is the one who is continually running around and around in a circle, as he tries to touch of his head with his ass...but you see, when One can then-touch of the tip of their head with their tail, they never discover their ass.

And so what do I mean by this, and how does this apply to your present-day election issues you are each facing today...and how does this all tie back into ‘My Games’ we’ve been playing today? It has nothing to do with what I mean when I say—nothing matters, it’s all Good in the end...God wins, the evil goes to hell, and all else fades into oblivion instead.

You see, My Great Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue to find out a thing or two about his land that he knew, because he wished to conquer so much more than himself on his own.

And you see, your Great President Trump  has conquered so much on his own, in his own might, and his own strength in Love.

And so if it were up to Me, I would get rid of your two-party system and just go with one governmental branch that knows how to get things done, without all the loopholes and the stalemates instead.

And so after My Great Donald Jon Trump is re-elected, you will see so much more than just a two-party collapse, but what you’ll see is what can be transformed and reformed from all the leaders in the past, who truly cared, who were on the side of The Lord.

And so let’s talk about ‘the Games,’ shall we? 

You see, the One who is crowned Victor in the end, is the One who calls Me their friend, in a way One chooses to know of My Love in their souls, and if you will choose to decide, to do what is right, you’ll be on the winning team/on the True Side of My Love.

And so let’s talk about ‘the donkey’ for a moment, shall we? You see, donkeys are know for being incredibly stupid, and so very stubborn in your land, but they are anything but, as they are a very intelligent animal indeed; fore they know exactly where they wishe to then-go, and you cannot change their mind on a whim.

And so here’s where I show up in know Me is to Love Me, is it not? And so I now aske you, how well do you each know Me today? Do you know Me as a Kind, Gentle Master of Love, or do you see Me as a Master of Rage...who never tires in his great displeasure of you?

You see, how One chooses to know of another, is a precursor to what and how the relationship will grow-into over time. And so let’s take Julie for an instance shall we? She thinks that she hooked her wagon to the wrong tail in life, and while I know that that is how an outsider looks upon she, but if you were to aske her, “would you change anything you see, did, or have done in your life, or would you still have played it out the same way in you?”

I think both she and I know that her life feels like a mess at times, but yet she is accomplishing all that she can, to help raise her son in the midst of a war, and she does it with the Pure Grace of My Heart...all bundled and branched-out there in you.

And so why does this message seem jumbled and not fluent to many of you? I am addressing many things that have either happened or will happen in the near future, and my ‘talking in code’ helps to connect ‘the ass’ with ‘the top of its head in its soul.’

And so again, yes, this message does appear to be jumbled and a bit messy in detail, but please know deep in your hearts that over the course of the next year or so, you will be learning about how those I placed in charge of My Great White House, chose it for their own personal gain in their means, along with many others in their day.

And so this is a time for Great Repentance in your land and your world. And so please print this off and utilize it for later reference as you will see this all unfold, till it makes sense in your world that you see; fore the Great Truthe of My Presence will be seen in a heart, that worships My Great Life within thee.

I Love you, time now to go. Amen.”

Sunday, October 11, 2020

From olde life to New Lyfe in Christ

(A recent photo of the White House—look at all of God’s Angels protecting our Great Nation’s leader, and family inside :-)

10/11/2020 6:17am

You see, this ‘game’s more about your ‘finding The Way’ than about all the things that have or have not happened to you in your day; fore My Purest Truthe will be discovered when One can speak-out My Love, from My Heart that is fully centered in you... this Great Journey begins and ends here in you. 

And so before I go into more detail of exactly what I am trying to say, I’d first like to make mention that if you will choose to give of your heart rather than your coming apart at the seams, then you’ll reconnect back to The Great Heart of My Love, and when you learn to do this throughout the life that you lead, you’ll stay fully centered in-to that of My Love. 

Fore until all hearts become only My Great Love in their souls, then My Heavens cannot reconnect back in-to the earthe of your land, and when you give and receive of My Great Love in your heart, that’s how Heaven reconnects back to Love in your land...again, this Great Journey begins and ends here with and in you.

And so today we will be exploring and going more into detail on how One can attain their New Lyfe in Christ, but before we continue, I just wishe to ask you just one question of the heart—if today were your last day on the earthe, how would you be spending it with ‘Me’ in your land?”
Would ‘I‘ be someone you would care to spend time with in your day, or would I become a hurried waste of time in your land?

Please do think about this a bit more, because no one knows the hour nor the moment when I will come to you and say, “My child, it is time now to go, please do pick up your bed and then walk...please walk into My Great Heart of Love”...that easy My child, it is simply that easy to begin in your New Lyfe in Me. 

(Our Lord is just beaming at us as He says this with Supreme Joy and Love in His Heart ❤️)

“And so now the big question of the day is this— “how do you find Peace in your day, in the middle of life’s chaos, struggles, and duties in your land, without missing the opportunities to show My Great Love in your day?”

...and again, we will go into this in more depth in this morning’s and tomorrow morning’s time together in your world because, after all, this IS the most challenging thing still yet to do in your world, is it not?

And so please know that when One is truly centered in My Love, they still do find it challenging to not react to each and every thing that comes upon them in their day, but they still do it with My Love in their souls, okay? ‘Life’ is hard, but Love is easy when you let it flow from out of your souls, okay?

And so, if I were to try to convince you that the earth was flat and not round, what would you do? Would you still believe in your dear Father’s Truthe, or would there now be a new struggle in you?

You see, the world actually IS round and not flat, but only when you see it from My Perspective in your land; fore when you gaze outward as you move throughout your day, it appears as ‘flat’ to you in your land, right?

And so how do you know it is round, when it appears as so very ‘flat’ in your day? 

You see, My Magnificent Christopher Columbus first proved that the world was round in his day, because he believe in intelligence, and in things he could not see; fore he was ahead of the other ‘thinkers’ in his he rounded up a bunch of no good sailers and headed off to discover My Purest Truthe in his day.

And so since intelligence improved, and improved, and improved— it proved time and time again that the world was in fact round and that it appears to have a life of its own, as it creates and re-creates My Great Way of Love in its day.

And so why do I tell this to you? You see, please know that there is an intelligence that exists beyond what you can see with your eyes, but when you are centered and reconnect back to Me multiple times in your day, it gets easier and so very easier to fully live-out My Perfect Love in your way...which is why My Great Christopher Columbus had the courage to sail off, full steam ahead, to discover My Purest Truthe in his day.

And so let’s talk about the no good sailors that sailed with he on that see, most but not all were just a band of misfit, grungy ole’ sailors that went with he for multiple reasons...some were just along for the ride. Some were there to earn fame and fortune through being a part of his team, but few, very few, actually believed in his plan in his day.

And so why am I now going to make this comparison between My Great Christopher Columbus aaaaand your Sweet President, My Great Donald J. Trump of The Way.

You see, in the beginning most but not all thought he was crazy and that there was no way he could discover and unravel the Truthe...however, My Great Truthe lay in the Great Belly of Truthe in his heart—he always saw My Great Vision of My Perfect Truthe in his soul.

And so yes, he was created for a time such as this, to restore law and order IN YOUR WORLD. 

And so back then, by My Great Christopher Columbus actually restored Peace, Hope and Love to his land in the world... you see, by actually proving that Love, Hope, and Peace were possible to exist outside just the select area that could be seen in his day, in the world, what he actually did was this—he truly changed the reality of all hearts in the land, by forging ahead and proving of My Perfect Love in his Truthe.

So again, how does this apply to your current situation at heart? You see, to know Me is to Love Me, right?And so I aske, “how well do you know Me today? Do you see Me as a Kind, Gentle Master of Love, or as a Tyrannical Master of Rage...who only wishes to ‘punish’ you for the things you have or have not done in your day?” my, my,my...

(our Lord sighed a heavy sigh and I could feel His Great Heart break for how much he loves us and we reject Him...)

“And so I have annointed My Great Donald J Trump to be the Master of My America’s Destiny/ to bring about My Peace, My Hope, My Light, and My Change to all My Great People’s in your land, and in your world—it is time now for My Great Revolution of Love and you/he/all will do this with My Perfected Love in your hands, as you share it with all whom you see.

And so from now until he is re-inaugurated on January 20th, 2017, please know that I will appear more and more to My Wendy, and to All who choose to see and to know Me as Love.  

And so here is the Magic Recipe per se’ on how One should go about My sweet Love in the day of their Way...please begin each day in My Great Presence, fore how can you say you ‘know’ someone if you have never had a conversation with them? It’s about spending your time with The Great Father whom you Love, as you pour out My Love in your chest.

And so if you will please begin your day by first touching base with and in My Great Presence of Love, then you will be off to a great start in your day. 

And so here’s now where things can get a bit sticky and tricky if you’re not connected to Me in your day...that is when you think you are centered in Love and then you begin to clash with all the others in your day—that is, you clash with someone who is not engaged and entwined in My Love...(He’s showing me multiple visions of messy and even violent interactions where people are thinking they’re going to have a great day because they’ve just spent a wonderful time with our Lord, and then they suddenly clash with someone and become undone...)

You see, when things become tricky and sticky, here’s where I show up best with and in you...there is an awakening/calming meditation I gave to My Wendy that is on the last track of My Bluest cd—please contact her today so you can get a copy of it... it is titled, ‘The Holy Spirit’s Awakening in your heart’ and it is My meditation/centering prayer for these hard times and trials in your land. It can be found on Track 13 on this cd.

(Below is the front and back cover of the CDs our Lord had me make for Him. They are original songs, prayers, Discourses,and the meditation He gave us to entrain our hearts back to Him.)

You see, life is hard, True Love is hard IF you are not fully centered with and in My Heart in your Love; fore it’s when you walk-out your and My Heart from out of the Great Belly of My Love, then you’ll be walking-out the Great Gift of My Love... rather than your coming apart at the seams of unlove.

Fore please remember that the Great Truthe of this Journey WILL be seen in One’s soul when they grow to discover My Pure Truthe in their souls; fore the Way to truly moving and flowing in Love, is when you walk it out with My Purest Heart in your soul, okay?

And so our time is nearly up in this day. Please focus on Love, connecting and reconnecting back to My Heart in your day, and if you will purchase a copy of My Bluest CD, it will help you walk out My Purest Love in your day.

I Love you, time now to go. Amen.”

(Here is the cd that our Lord is talking about and if you would like to receive a copy of it, please go to the contact page of the blog to contact me. 

Wendy of The Way😇)

10/12/2020 (An afternote...something sort of interesting occurred the day after I received this message...Columbus day was the next day. What’s interesting is how our Lord was drawing comparison between President Trump and Christopher Columbus, and then President Trump posted these two tweets on the 12th and t he 13th, which are in line with this message...see below)