5/2/15 5:32am
I was going through some old messages I had received from the past and for some reason this particular one caught my eye.
As I began to read it, I heard the Lord speaking more into it, and so I added this to this message below.
This particular message is in regards to a challenging experience I had, where I let someone influence me and allowed them to get me to doubt myself and this special gift of my hearing of these messages from The Lord...
This particular message is in regards to a challenging experience I had, where I let someone influence me and allowed them to get me to doubt myself and this special gift of my hearing of these messages from The Lord...
The reason I thought I would share this with you, is to bring up the point that not everyone will see the Lord in the way that each of us sees and experiences the Lord's presence, and so please be cautious to never let another person get between yourself and your relationship with our beautiful God...each of us has a unique and very personal relationship with the Divine--and guess what, that's okay, ast this is the way it's supposed to be :-)
John 14:12-13 "Very truly I say unto you, whoever believes in Me will do the same works I have been doing, and they will do even greater works than these, because I am going to be with the Father. You can ask for anything in My name, and I will do it, so that the Son may be glorified in the Father."
8/7/14 1:20pm
After I gave my witness and shared my experiences of how these messages came about, with a Christian prayer group I belong to, this one person named, Sarah (I have changed her name for this blog post) later attacked me with her disbelief, as to IF this was truly The Lord I was hearing since she did not feel like the messages 'sounded' like Jesus 'spoke' in the Bible, nor how she thinks The Lord would 'talk' if someone was truly able to hear Him speak today.
She further said that if I couldn't directly correlate what I heard in these messages with a passage from the Bible, then I shouldn't be saying it's from The Lord, and that I was blaspheming Him by saying these messages were from Him.
She further told me that I wasn't allowed to go straight to the Father, but only to Jesus who was the intercessor for the Father...and she felt strongly that I should go see the priest in our area who does the exorcisms, and deals with demonic spirits--that somehow I must have let in 'the evil spirits,' when I followed Eastern and New Age religions in the past...
While I do understand where she's coming from, I can't help but feel in my heart that it's The Father of the Trinity that I'm hearing, as I also receive messages from Jesus/Jeshua and they do 'sound' more similar to how Jesus spoke in the Bible.
Also, I believe that Jesus was who took me to the Father initially which was the first sentence I heard when I first began receiving these messages when He said, "I am the bride."
Sarah further told me that I am mistaken, and this could not have been Jesus, since He was/is a man, and a 'bride' would mean He was a woman--I tried to explain to her how The Lord speaks to me many times in symbols and allegories to describe a deeper meaning to which I later understood this to mean He is betrothed to The Father/His beloved within the Trinity as One--and then 'we,' as the church, are betrothed to Jesus within it too...("A friend recently sent this to me regarding the meaning of the word 'bride'--A commitment robed in elegance. 'I'll be with you forever" Tomorrow bringing hope today. Promised purity faithfully delivered.")
Anyways, I felt that Sarah was so mean in the way she went after me, as she mocked me, and got others to do the same, that it did present some doubt and fear in my heart, and it made me take a step back, and think about what all this was all about...and whether or not I should be sharing of this great gift with others in the future...and what's even worse is I stopped for a time in my sitting and my listening to The Lord...
After a couple of weeks I finally realized my fear and doubt, and decided I should never again let someone try to get me to doubt my relationship with The Lord...so in this message, this is the first time I am sitting with The Lord and I am telling Him I am so sorry for being fearful and doubting and questioning of Him, expressing my true forgiveness that I even doubted or questioned our relationship/of why He would come to me in His Ways...
I heard,"So now, are we clear in what I've been trying to say unto you? (He's kidding me a bit/trying to cheer me up, to which I smiled and laughed...)
You see, all this really and truly is, is a 'numbers game' in that the more in whom you tell of and about Me, the more you learn of how different I do show-up to and through you in My Ways. Please let Me explain...
You see, once upon a time, there was a tiny baby girl in 'the woods'...and as she 'did stood' and 'did sat,' what happened was 'this,' she continued to stop and to go in her ways. What do I mean by this you ask? Hold on, and I will tell you a good deal more of My sweet intentions for you, so you will then finally get what I mean and I say.
You see, One can never/ever tell what lies beneath the crater of the shell known as 'you,' until One is 'pounced upon' in their likeness of ways...and so now I do think you do know what I mean--do you not, as you found yourself come apart at the seams--right? (I acknowledged, "yes")
You see, the True Beauty lies in the Great Eye of the Beholder--what is beautiful to One, is quite simply put, just not of the Benevolence One should see when they do then gaze into the Pure Heart of 'the choice.'
So, let's say for instance that 'you'/the tiny baby girl decided one day as she stood up so very straight, and so very tall that when she looked upon My Great Ocean of Love, that she could truly 'see' Me in My Wants and My Needs...so tell Me, would this be a good thing or shan't not?
You see, there on your earth--the thing you do presently call your 'home,' One strains hard to then see Me with the naked eyes of the flesh...and guess what--I cannot be seen in that way...
So don't even try and attempt to catch the sweet tiger by the tail, fore' I will run away time after time.
But, and however, if you/if One were to then grasp hold of My Hand and to never let go, then guess what--I'd be right by your side, there in Love...but, only on another Plane you couldn't see or then touch with your eyes, in a way that would make sense there in 'you'--see?
So then, 'what' is the simple moral to My sweet, simple story of Love, and what is it I wish for you to be thinking about and truly seeing in Me?
You see, IF I were to come to you in ragged pants, worn-out knees, and hands that tried to reach and grab tight to your tail--would this be a good thing, or shan't not?...OR, would I somehow have 'pissed you off' that I was and could only be about your reflection of My Glow in your space there in time? (I'm laughing that He used the words 'pissed you off' because this phrase in the other messages so upset Sarah, and she told me that it was not possible for God to use these words, and that it was not in His character to say these despicable words....I tried to tell her, although I am not perfect by any means, these words are unfortunately, presently in my character/and my language which is why He put the single quotation marks around the phrase, as He is using my words to describe what He's meaning to say, so I will receive His meaning in my understanding and language...and the funny thing is He is purposely using these words/phrase here in this message, to let me know He heard mine and Sarah's conversation, and to validate His humor in His approach...which made me chuckle. :-)
Fore' IF 'I' (He's meaning 'I' as/in 'Sarah' since we are all expressions of Him, as His offspring in our freewill actions of choice...) then came to you in another form of a presence that ONLY sought what was meant for their own personal glory and ways, would this be a good thing or shan't not?
Remember, like-kind always moves, breathes and flows into that of which it feels most comfortable (with)--so, whether or not someone agrees with you about 'how,' and why, and to whom you should go to in the very Proper Guidance of Me, is completely immaterial in the way One should 'see,' and believe, and then know...as you are all unique Creations of Me, represented as Pure Light in your space there in time--see?...are you beginning to see what I mean? (I told Him, "I think I'm sort of getting it, but could He continue to explain further...")
Please let Me explain...
You see, I am your Great, simple, yet tremendously complex Father that has produced and directed your flow...so you'd learn more to prepare your heart towards My like-Kinded Expression in Ways...and once One starts to move more as 'Me,' then everything you see, everything you touch, and everything you Are truly Becomes of My Light in your Space--see?
Fore' I am here, and I am near, and I am truly there whether One chooses to believe (in) Me or not, fore' I am the Creator of Choice--the freewill's choice in expression of ways in whether or not to make the choice to be of Love or of hate, when it comes to being in contact with another who does not move as they'd wishe for them (that person) to go--are you now beginning to 'see' what I mean? (I told Him yes, but please continue...)
You see, this 'freewill choice' gives One the True ability to Be and Become what they wish for to Be...so, they may choose to 'see' and 'to Be' of My Love--OR they may choose to draw away from My Great Presence of Light and Pure Love in My Ways...as they fall headlong into a type-disaster of ways that moves and repeats itself as something other than the Way I would go...(He pauses for a bit as He sighs...)
You see, I give each of you the gift of behaving in your own certain manner of choice, despite My wishes for you. (He pauses for a moment and I feel His Great Sadness suddenly well-up, to the point that it brings tears to my eyes as He says)...One may choose to represent and to be about war, hatred, and dis-ease--Or they may choose to be of My Spirited-Flesh/ of the True Fruit of My Spirit, so they may flourish amongst their Great Walk in My Love...as All receive of My Love and My Joy! (He's now smiling with Great Love and Great Joy as He envisions His Folk/His Fold walking together in Love...)
So then, you do now then see what I mean--do you not? (I told Him yes, but could He just explain a bit more...)
You see, remember, the True Beauty lies in the Great Eye of The Beholder--what is beautiful to One, is just not of the Great Benevolence of what another should see. So, please do not be concerned that just because you see and then know Me 'in' and 'as' a certain way of your soul, that 'the others' should see Me like you--okay?
Fore I come to you in a very unique set of fashion of ways--with no 'rules' except that you have an open heart, an open mind, and that you choose to be in relationship with Me, so as to further My relationship with you! That easy My friend--it's (a relationship) truly that easy with and in Me! (He's smiling with Great Love and adoration!)
So then, let Me then ask this of you, would you like to continue to see and to feel Me as you then wake each and every morning in Love--OR would you rather I become something (that) you see and I'm not?
Fore' how the individual refers to 'the cup' as either half empty or full determines how One chooses to 'see.'
Fore IF One did then know of the Great Jeshua of My Flesh, then they would study and learn all that He said, and all that He did as He captured the Pure Heart of My Love...and, in all that He did, and all that He sought, He did come to know Me in the Pure Truth of His Ways, that were Mine from the Beginning of His Days--see?...are you now beginning to see what I mean? (I answered yes)
Fore, I am so much, so very much more than just a breakfast of your desires of flesh--why, I am the True Manna of your flesh and your soul, that then beats to the rhythms of My Drums, as a Pure Rhythm of My Soul in your chest.
Fore I am the Heart of the Sea, I'm the Grain of Wheat in the Bread, and I know every hair atop your glorious heads that do sing of their sweet Hallelujahs to Me! (He's smiling at us with Great Love and adoration!)
So then, back to your original question as to why One (Sarah) would say that these messages you're receiving don't 'sound' like My Great Manual of Ways (the Bible)...but yet you feel conflicted, because in your heart you see, and you know, and you feel My Great Words come alive in your flesh...
You see, when One begins to open the pages of this God-breathed Story of Lyfe (Bible) what does happen is 'this'--I come Alive in your flesh!...and this is a good thing is it not, that while I still 'sit' in My Heavens above, I am then 'sitting' right there with/in you...and IF you truly Love Me and adore Me from the Great Depths of your heart, (then) I am standing right there with/in you.
But, and I dare say 'but,' IF you/IF One does then-choose to disinherit this Lyfe I do wishe for you to 'own,' then you'll be standing apart from the Great Love of My Heart...and I'll be a knocking, and a knocking for you...and as I sound on the Great Door of your heart, you'll then close of your deaf ears to Me--the One's that can't see, can't sense Me, nor feel Me as a type-blindness of the heart (that) they no longer wishe to then 'own' and then see? (He's sighing with great sadness...as this truly breaks His heart when someone purposely turns away from His Love and disinherits themselves in this Pure Kingdom of Love.)
So, have I made Myself 'clear' or should I just move along to what it is I wished to then tell you 'today'?
(I told Him to go ahead and move along, I think I'm finally getting it...)
You see, the True Beauty lies deep beneath the crevice of the walls known there in and as 'you.' So, IF I were to come unto you, to then 'knock' in My Ways, and you were to then open the Great Door of your heart, then this would be a good thing to then-welcome Me into your heart--right? (I answered yes)
But, IF when you were heading towards the door and someone suddenly jumped in front of you to try and attempt to get you to disinherit your 'wealth'--to what would you do? Would you forget you heard Me as I came a knocking for you, or would you push away 'their love' of 'your birth,' as you moved outwards My Great Heart from with/in? (I told Him no, I would step around them and answer His knock.)
Yes, My sweet child of Love 'this' is the correct answer for you...
You see, back in the day of My Great Jeshua of flesh the Pharisees and the Sadducee's/the elders of His day, did then cause many to stumble and fall as they tried to enter through the Pure Gates of My Walls--and guess what? That made Me extremely angry to the point where I did then turn over the Pure Tables on 'their wealth' and decided to open the Gates to let those come to enter, whomever did wishe to come in--Jew, Gentile, none such the matter as I changed the rules of the flesh, so All who could 'see,' could then come.
So then, what's the simple moral to this story, and how does this tie back to My sweet, simple story in 'you'?
You see, once there was a tiny, baby girl in the woods, and at times she did not feel quite so 'right,' as the others did then tell her where and how she should go, as she stopped to then-worship The King.
Fore while they 'thought' they were well-meaning in their verse and their prose, what did happen is they tried to change her Pure Vision of Me. Fore they told her what she should wear, what she should say, and how she should posture herself as they tried to knit themselves in her womb... fore you see, IF they could enable themselves to move with and in the Gates of her walls, then they could capture the Pure Sounds of My Heart...My child this IS NOT of how I wished for it to be, no, My only Wish is for you to ONLY move and to breathe in My Flow and you do it perfectly, there on your own...as you follow Me back into your Home.
So please, no more worries of what you should or should not do in My Name, fore as long as I am at the center of your focus in Love, then all things just work right in Me! (He's smiling at me with much love and adoration and I smiled back!)
So please, no more worries of what you should or should not do in My Name, fore as long as I am at the center of your focus in Love, then all things just work right in Me! (He's smiling at me with much love and adoration and I smiled back!)
So then back to My Story of Love...you see, while yes, she did then-listen for a time to the elders whom she thought did care for, and have her best interest at heart--but what she couldn't help to notice was, as she tried to move about in her day, is they had tried their best to grab ahold of her tail...(He pauses for a moment and then begins sadly and slowly as He says...) my, my, my, and all the while, she saw Me through the Pure Gates of Her Heart as they tried to tell her of what she should see and should know in a way (that) they felt was the best for all souls...as they attempted to move in her flow...my, my, my...(He's expressing sadness and disgust as to how others try to get in between our relationship with The Lord)
...and all the while she did stop, and did go, as more (people) grabbed ahold of her tail.... So, all this grabbing and holding finally ended one day, when The Gentleman came a calling for her. (He's acknowledging/referring to when The Lord/He first came to me and I started receiving these messages...)
...and all the while she did stop, and did go, as more (people) grabbed ahold of her tail.... So, all this grabbing and holding finally ended one day, when The Gentleman came a calling for her. (He's acknowledging/referring to when The Lord/He first came to me and I started receiving these messages...)
So then let Me ask this of you, to 'what' did she do?
Did she then open the door, and let this Pure Gentleman in, the One whom they call The Lord and The King? Or, did she check first with 'the elders' to be sure her hair was just right, her laces were tied tight, and her clothes match perfectly for the Spring? (Lots of symbols in this last section...)
(He sort of chuckled aloud, as He said very proud as to how I accepted His Hand as I opened the door to welcome Him in...) Why yes--! She stepped over, and around, and crawled under to get beyond the knots of the ropes in their hands...and guess what? It worked, yes it worked, as she then veered past their snares in their ways, as she then-opened the Great Door of her heart, that was Mine from the first day of her birthe. (He's smiling very Grandely!)
So yes, the other moral of My simple story is this--do not be so concerned of how you dress, lace-up your shoes, or press your gown so very tight, in and as the way you do 'present yourself' to The King--fore the True Beauty rests in the Great Eye of The Beholder/The True Knower of how One 'acts right' in Me.
Fore yes, I see the heart, I see the mind of the Great Soul of the flesh, and I am so much more than just the words that you read as My Lyfe connects itself with and in your flesh that you see!
Fore' when One does fully read all that's contained in My Great Pages of Love, I come alive for My All to then see, fore words are just words in a literal sense, unless the words travel beyond the pages to Me--see?...and may I say, I am quite a Remarkable sight to behold, as you then capture My Great Love in your heart! (He's smiling very grandely at us.)
Fore I am here, and I am there, and I am so much more than just the simple verse on the page; fore when One truly connects here with and in Me in My Ways, I then become the True All that you see--see?
You see, I am the Grace held in the whisper of Love, and I am all that you need in a world that's grown so empty, so bankrupt, and dis-eased that it can't tell its right from its left.
And please know (that) I will be there on the last day of your earth/when you make your 'return' from your flesh here in Me... and I will see you in the Naked Lyfe of My Love...when My Son comes to gather His Fold.
So, do not be disheartened, by what others think and they say, fore in the end you will see what all this is about. Please do stay present in My Words and My Sounds in your flesh, till all cows make their way homewards to Me.
So, this about wraps things up for you in this moment of Love, as it is time for you to begin in this day, but please do know that at each moment you go, there will ALWAYS be those who will try, but will just not understand of the True Beauty I do share in your heart. So please do not ever get discouraged of how 'the others' will talk, as you just cannot control what they say.
You see, I have a very unique relationship with you, fore as I gathered you into the womb that you know, I created you to see, and to hear of My Voice in a way that was very present from your birthe...so please do not ever disinherit your worth--okay? (I answered "yes!")
Remember, the True Beauty lies beneath the Great Cover of the One who chooses to serve the Great Heart of The King, and if you'll continue to go in the Way you know best, then your heart will ALWAYS lead you to Me.
I Love you with an adoring passionate kiss, that ONLY seeks of its Pure Treasure in 'you.'
You are Good, you are Kind, you are a loving expression of hope, that ONLY seeks of its pleasures, as it reflects itself back upon Me.
Remember, only Good can come out of a Pure Relationship with Me, that seeks ONLY the highest and best for My All who are either 'in' or 'out' of My Flow--so please do be cautious as you go, and watch for ONLY True Love as you move and you breathe in My Flow.
You see, I did not send My Great Jeshua forth to create more division and strife in a 'religion' that ONLY followed its rules, as they lock, stock, and barrelled My Great Children of Heart, in a 'turn-key approach' that was theirs.
Fore My Religion has no rules, no special time to sit or to kneel, and it would never say you were unworthy of Me--My 'Religion' only requires the individual's heart to be open, to its receivance of its Love with/in Me--see?
So yes , please do read and reread this 14 times till you truly understand its significance for you-- fore the Way to the Father is by sharing your Love, with All My Children in your heart and your soul...with no string and no conditions attached.
So yes , please do read and reread this 14 times till you truly understand its significance for you-- fore the Way to the Father is by sharing your Love, with All My Children in your heart and your soul...with no string and no conditions attached.
So then, yes, My Great Jeshua did then die on the cross for your sins as He wept and He bled out His tears, but please do know that when you point a finger towards All in the way you think 'best', you then judge and condemn them to death...as your love grows cold and withers on the vine...
So I do caution you all, not to be so hypercritical to most, especially to those who do not see like you do--fore may I repeat Myself to All who can't hear what I say--the Way to The Father is Love...Love to and towards All in the Pure Heart and the Great Soul of the flesh---okay?
So I do caution you all, not to be so hypercritical to most, especially to those who do not see like you do--fore may I repeat Myself to All who can't hear what I say--the Way to The Father is Love...Love to and towards All in the Pure Heart and the Great Soul of the flesh---okay?
So then, I have just one more question for you-- how do you think My Great Jeshua feels when we see His humanity tearing each other apart at the seams...rather than coming together in The Way of Pure Love?
So, let Me ask this of you--do you think He wished to feel all the thorns and the blows from His captors, as they pierced the sharp nails in His skin?--OR do you think it's 'time' for All to come together into one Great Body of Love, as I hold you in My Love from with/in?
So will you do this for Me? The next time when Ms Sarah or any of 'the others' do come at you to tell you these are NOT the words of The Lord--please then say this to her, very softly, not boastful or proud, but please do then say this to her--"This beautiful Lord of whom you speak of, and know of, and Love, let me ask this of you, do you think He can see the beauty in your heart or the thorns of rage that do wish to tear and to rip apart the Great Love He has here for you, for me, for us all to be held here/ together in Love?"
And then wait for her reply, and repeat if necessary to further My Great Point of the argument...but wait till My words sink into the pure flesh of her Being to see how her truth is revealed--is her Great Heart expanded towards you in My Love, or will she hide of her snake from within?
I'll say it again, My Great Jeshua of My Flesh did NOT come to conquer and to divide--no!
He came ONLY to rejoin, to purify, and to cleanse the aching heart that so wished to be Loved by its Source.
So, if she or anyone ever tries to keep you from Me, please do then gently remind her of My Love in her heart, and how I wish to reunite the Pure Flock of My Sheep rather than to subdivide My Great Kingdom of Love--okay?
My Great Kingdom is for everyone--short, tall, big, and the small. Black, white, with no prejudice to the particular color of the shells, fore the wealthy, the poor, the damned, and the 'good,' the broken and abused are all welcomed into the Great Heart of My Love with no particular set of rules do I have--ONLY LOVE!
So now, this about covers all that I did wish to speak of here in this afternoon's juncture of day.
Please be more kinder, more gentler and speak more sweetly to those in whom you Love, regardless as to whether or not your Love is returned.
Remember the True Lesson of Love My Great Jeshua did show when He was faced with the Great Trials of Love. Fore He did not falter in His Great Stance of My Love, as He rather calmly centered in Me and could ONLY speak of the Great Love in His Heart that was Mine.
So please, please, please do not falter in your stance of Pure Love, but ONLY return of My Love with/in Me, so that you shine like the diamonds in the sky as you center yourself in the Pure White's Vision of the Cross that comes from the True Heart of the Sea.
Fore I am the True Beauty One sees whether or not they feel My Great Love, fore I am the One who stands behind and before--the WAS of the IS, is the True Now of the past. that reigns forever in My Great Kingdom of Love.
I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, and I am all One needs know (of) to Be Loved.
You, My sweet Sarah, and all who stand before Me on this pathe are all My Great children of the Sweet Love of My Heart. So, please treat each other more kindly, and more gently, and more sweetly in Love till all cows make their way homewards to Me.
I Love you, 'time' now to go. Amen."
"All is well..."
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