5/25/15 6:23am
(I came to the Lord to ask Him of a special Memorial Day message for those who have lost loved ones in the great service to our country.)
I heard, "So now, you do come to Me with good questions, and I must say (that) I do like how you think, fore while you do have this special gift of 'bending My Ear,' you do use it for My All to then see--so I do thank you from the bottom of My Heart for your continued engagement with/in Me.
So then, here begins My special message for those who were left behind as their brave young men and women did travel to war...my, my, my (He pauses for a bit in sadness and reflection, and then He continues...)
You see, 'war' is terrible thing is it not, fore while the eye must press on to wage and to fight the battle of war, it does tear each one from side to side (He pauses for a moment and then softly says...) and this, quite frankly, this IS NOT how I wished for it to be, my, my, my...
You see, there on your earth, there is much determination and strife as to who should hold a collard-petition of Love; so then, let Me ask this of you--do you like to feel abandoned and afraid in the woods--Or, is it finally time for you to come Home here in Me? Please do chew on this last line a while longer, fore how One deems where they're at on this Plane determines if they have plugs in their ears.
You see, to know Me is to Love Me is it not? fore when I do gaze into your sweet eyes of My Love, I should see ONLY your Love in My Face...so now you ask, "what does He mean, and why is the Lord going off on a tangent again?"
You see, there is ALWAYS a rhyme to My Reason, and there is ALWAYS a point to My End--so then, let Me begin to tell you a story/a sweet, simple story of a Great Father who did wishe to reach all of His Dear Children of woes on each and every continent of your land.

You see you were bourne to run the race, and to have a good time, but NOT to be sitting on the fence in your Love; so, if you'll take to heart what you see and I Know, then all hell will break off you in and as chains--okay?
So then, here now is where I will begin the Memorial Day message, but first I had to lay the foundational-groundwork for All; fore today there will be some new folks who will be reading this blog, and I wished for them to know a few things of how I do work, and I flow in your day--so now here is the Memorial Day message for you...
You see, once upon a time there was a great soldier who did stand for so much more than just strength--why, they stood up with courage for My children who could not stand-up alone to receive the Givings of My Mercy and Love.
So then, what did they do when a devilish 'martyr' did come to engage them in this battle called 'war'? Did they turn to run and hide in the bush of the brush, Or did they stand-up for the rights of the child who could not defend themselves in the way of their flesh?
You see, 'war' is a terrible thing is it not, but it is very present in the hearts that you see; fore the war of the battle has then already played itself out, as the cross made its way towards the King. Fore you see, what was foretold long ago, finally came to the present that day as all did then weep in the deeds of their ways.
So then, let Me ask this of you--do you like to feel all alone, abandoned, and abused--Or, do you think it's time to come Homeward's to Me?
You see, the reason I do wish for this question to be answered by you, is because how One chooses to answer My Question posed to them in these snippets of 'time,' determines 'how' and 'why' One will move forward in life as they ask, "is this for Him or for me?"...and here now comes the crux of this message...
You see, these brave men and women gave up the ultimate 'gift' of their life for you to live in the absolute freedom of Love. And, I hope you feel proud of what they have done there for you, to let you worship either with/in or without of My Love.
You see, to know Me is to Love Me, is it not? Fore when I do gaze in your eyes of the sweet Love of My Bliss, I should see ONLY My Love in your face...so then, how does this type of Love differ from the Love that your fellow brothers and sisters did give for you in and as of their life--did they lay down their lives for you, so you could have the freedom to choose--Or did they just do it cuz' this was their 'job' in this life? (The way He said this was so intense and inquisitive, as He wants us to really think about these great men and women and how and why they died--it was much more than just their 'job,' they laid down their lives for us so that we may have His freedom to Love or not to love...this made me cry with such deep respect for those special brave men and women...)
You see, may I say it again, to know Me is to Love Me, is it not? So then, with this in mind, what if I came to you today and told you, "Take up your bed and then walk"--to what would you do?
Would you stand there and stammer as you tried to explain all the reasons you were 'unworthy' of Me--Or would you look Me straight in the eye and say, "Yes Father, I am coming to you, to seek of the Great Love in Your Heart!"
You see, and may I say it again, for the third, fourth and the final fifth time in Love--to know Me is to Love Me--so then, keeping this in mind, what if I came to you and told you that it was your day to die on the cross--to what would you do?...and before you do answer My Dear Question to you, please do feel how your fallen brothers and sisters did feel as they laid their hearts bare there for you... (Please think about this for a while and then respond when you are ready--this is a tough one for me too!)
You see, I lay in the small whispers of Love...I lay quietly in the dawn of the day...I lay so very still in the gentle flowing rivers of Love, and I exist in a way that many will never come to see if they continue to live in a life without Me...are you beginning to then-see what I mean?
Fore I am so much more present and alive than just of what a Sunday school preacher tells you of just who it is that I am; fore I am the Truthe in this worlde and I can NEVER be separated as a simple thing of the past that once was, but will never come to Be; fore I exist in and as the True Beauty of Love that you see!
So then, here is what I am offering to you in this here and now moment of Love, on this Memorial type-day in your world--you see, IF you will go back and think of the moment that you felt My Great Heart break for you in this world, and then compare it to 'how' and 'why' of how that Great Soldier did feel when I came and told him, "Take up your bed and then walk?"...fore you see, all the Great One's do hear of My Voice, and do answer the call in their heart...and If you'll listen more in the way as My Child, then you'll hear more My Great Mercy and Love.
So then, please do think in this day of just how you feel safe, and honour those who paid the dear price then for you--fore they took up their bed and walked forward in Me, and they had of your Love in their chest...so please do remember this day, in your own special way; fore it was their life that paid for your freedom to Love...and then please remember My Great Jeshua of Love, who was just as they on the cross, as He did shed of His Blood in and as (of) My Love, to pave the way for you to come Homeward to Me.
I Love you, 'time' now to go. Amen."
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