Wednesday, May 13, 2015

'The Book of Revelation' & the concept of 'time'

5/13/15 11:24am
I came to The Lord with a question a friend had asked me to ask of The Lord, and although I suggested she should ask Him herself, she pleaded her case to me, and so I gave in...she knows how to work me, lol :-)
The question she asked is, "will The Book of Revelation be played out in our lifetime, and is 'the end of the world' soon to come?"

I heard, "Hmmm...good questions you do come to Me with, and might I say, so late tis' the night in the Sky, as you do look towards stars up above-- my, my, my... (I asked Him what He meant by the statement "so late tis the night in the sky...?")

So, before I do answer your sheer question of fact in the fictional type-world that you see, first, let Me explain a bit more of what you would, should, and could see IF you laid your heart bare on the cross (He pauses for a moment and then continues) so All would come to know you as 'king.' (I asked for Him to explain this last sentence as well, as I'm even more confused with regards to this last sentence too...)

Please do hold your thoughts, and please do cease in your asking of questions for Me, as I already know what's on your mind, and I'll answer all of your questions of hope, Love, and of sweet ponder in Truth when it's time to come back in My Fold. (I apologized and told Him "okay, I'll just listen and stop in My interrupting of Him in His message to me...")
(There is) No need to apologize, fore I (will) make all things seen and then-known, but I thank you for your consternation in your thoughts and your deeds as I reveal more Truth in your soul.
And I so thank you, My dear sweet child of the faith, for all you have seen and then-done...and when it's time for you to Journey off this Plane that you know, I wishe to lay a Crowne of Gold atop the sweet head that you own...

So now, this is what I wishe to then tell you today, in this particular here-moment in 'time'--you see, today was a very special day in the Great Eye of the Beholder; fore there was one of My children who did visit your booth at 'The Victory of Light' seminar where you did offer-up your/My Services for free---yes, Ms Angel is the one who did come to you as 'broken' and you helped make Me known in her heart...and today she did let Me in, so a hearty congratulatory praise goes out to yourself and Ms Pam for truly seeing and believing in Me...but mostly for your passing My Love forth onto All. (He's smiling with Great Love and I feel how proud He is, which made me tear-up in His Joy)

You see, while it may seem as though it is the dawn of your day in the particular moment that you see, it is ALWAYS of the night in My Sky--so please Do Not think that just because you see yourself in and as 'the flesh of the skin,' that you are ONLY made of the flesh that you see; fore when it's time for you to leave this particular 'earth' that you know, you will just drop this shell as you walk forward in Me. (He's smiling with Great Love in His Heart, and this warms my heart and makes me smile.)...and yes, please let Me explain of just what I mean when I say, nothing's over till its over, and 'the fat lady's not done singing her song,' fore what is done is what's done in this Great Moment of Love and I so Love what you're doing in 'Me'...please let Me explain...

You see, once upon a time there was a young tree that did reach for the Great Pinnacle of Truth in the Sky, as it reached for the Great Love in My Heart--so what do you think that I did as this particular child did then reach forth to Me?
Do you think I made that jump higher and higher, as I raised the bar higher in jest--Or, do you think I allowed them to come enter My Heart?
Please do think about this a bit more, fore while many do say they Love Me with the sheer lips of their mouth, I find that their heart is far from their ways, fore out of the heart their mouth speaks of My Love, or it speaks of its rage...

You see, to know Me is to Love Me, is it not? fore when I do gaze into your eyes of the Truth I should see Only the Great Love of My Heart, that then-captures the Pure Heart of your smile--are you beginning to see what I mean? (I told Him "yes, but could He continue...")

So now, back to your original question, and the Truth of the boy/the girl who did reach forth to Me in the Great Love of their see, to know Me is to Love Me--right? So, if I were to suddenly tell you that this 'world' as you see (it) and you know (it) were then 'over,' and 'the Book of Revelation' did then suddenly come to make its way near and upon you in/as 'chains'--to what would you do? Would you bury your head in the sand, OR would you gather your flock, and as you looked Me straight in the eye, would you say, "Yes Father, I am coming to you, to seek of the Great Love in your Heart!"

You see, may I say it again, to know Me is to Love Me--is it not? Fore when One does Truly know Me from the Great Depth of their Being, nothing, truly nothing 'scares' them again, fore they know I've 'got their back,' which is why when the dark one comes to and towards you in the Great Way of your heart, he cannot enter My Gates of your walls--fore there are no crevices left/no cracks to sneak-in and upon, as he attempts to scare away your presence of Me...and there is no way he can enter the world that you know, when you are fully-centered with and in Me--see?

So, guess what he (the evil one) says unto Me when he tries, but does fail in his deeds... as he attempts to outsmart Me again? Do you think he just goes away kindly, as a good soldier should do, or do you think he still tries to capture My Heart? Please do think about this a bit more, fore 'The Great Book of My Revelations' will ONLY come to pass and to playout for those who choose to be a part of its scheme...fore those who truly know and who Love Me to the Great Depths of their soul, will know which way they should go...please do really and truly think this thing out, fore IF it (the Book) were to come about and upon you 'today,' it would ONLY scare you if you were not fully-centered here with and in Me...

So then, what do you think will be My reply to this silly little satan, who attempts to get Me to fit in the way of his schemes? Do I cower and bow to the attempts at his love, or do I (still) Love him with all of My Means?

You see, from the time he was little, I've watched him grow into the spawn he's become, and it saddens Me to think that someone who could have been so Great in My Love, has both saddened and deepened My Heart...and may I say it again for the fourth or the fifth time in you--to know Me is quite simply put, to Love Me, and if One were to attempt to circumvent My Great offerings of Love, then how could they know Me in their Heart?...Please do chew on this a bit more, fore how One chooses to give of the Great Love in their Heart determines if they've put plugs in their ears.

And so I simply say to this here devilish-'man'--"How may I help you today?" "May I help you with this, or with that on your course, Or have I offended your ways?"...and, of course, I do have a hint of a smile in My gesture and stance as I disengage from the love of his ways, (his love is not God's Love) as he says, "My great lord from on high, who reigns in the glory, may I sit in your presence again?"...(he says this with a terrible mocking voice that's trying to disgusie itself as 'kind,' but it sounds like a snake's hissing...yuck, it made me feel sick in my stomach to hear it...the Lord listened to him with respect, and then sighed heavily as He sees the heavy sarcasm that lays so thick in his devilish grin as he attempts to trick the Lord again...)

To which I say, "Mr satan, My once Great Lucifer of Hope, do you wishe to let Me hold you again?" and to this the evil one scurries away, fore you see, I did challenge his rights with/in Me.
And as he tucks his tail in, yet holds it as proud, I say, "Why My Great Lucifer of Hope, did I offend you today, as you offered-up your love in your way? And when you came upon My Great Children of Love did they not fall for the schemes of your way?" Fore you see, when he preys upon a True Believer of Mine he cannot grasp hold of what's centered in Me.

So then I now ask of this jet-black, cold heart that I see, as I look him straight in the eyes, as I say, "How do I fit in the schemes of your days, and who's Love forms the beauty of your heart? Fore the Truth of One's heart is then seen in the day, as they live-out their truth in their ways... and may I also ask you to consider this fact of the Truth, of just how you think you created the world that you see, fore when One becomes a True Believer of My Heart in their Love, they live-out their life with/in Me--see?"

"You see, I did not create you to stand-apart on your own, on top of, or beside the One you should Love, and IF you truly had Love in your heart, you'd do more with your ways in My Love. And, do you think it possible that it was I who did create the world you are in, for you to change of the deceit of your ways, fore when One creates of a certainty with the Grace of One's Heart, it could NEVER destroy of its Ways--are you beginning to see what I mean?"
...and to this he just slinks away in the cloak of his dark, as he continues to separate My Heart from his, my, my (The Lord is very sad as He pauses and then continues...)

You see, to know Me is to Love Me, is it not? Fore how could, would, and should someone tell Me in their heart that they Love Me, yet they fear EVERYTHING that comes upon them in ways?...You see, this is what does separate My 'True Believer's' from those who just 'kinda wanna know Me'--as if I somehow need to be constantly tested to see if I stand-up for their truth--and to this I dare say, Hmmm...fore you see, I exist quite well all on My own, and I truly need nothing to balance the scales of My Worth...and if One were to desire a need to constantly test, and test, and test of My Love, then this here person is not with/in Me--see? Fore I will state here again, there is NO NEED to test of My Great Presence of Love, fore I exist quite well on My own!

You see, may I say it again, to know Me is to Love Me, is it not? Fore how could One say they Love Me from the lips of their mouth, but yet question EVERYTHING (that) I say and I do?--"Lord, why did you do that..." " Why did you do that, and that, and that..."and on and on you go in your silly, superfulous statement to Me...

You see, this is what I desire and I wishe--for My Children to really and truly KNOW that I have EVERYTHING under control/in the Palm of My Hand, and I exist quite well on My own.

So then, let Me give you an example of how I wishe for My Great Children to respond to what many would deem as a 'tragedy'--Wendy, may I tell them of your mother and her passing? (I told Him "yes, it's okay with Me if it's okay with my mom as well...")

Sharon (He's speaking to my mother) may we speak of your passing in light of the message I wishe to give to those with ears who wishe to hear? (Although I didn't hear anything I had a sense that she answered "yes")

You see, My Wendy knew well in advance that her sweet mother was going to pass away from the olde life into New Lyfe with Me, fore I had told her prior to this event happening to Be. So then, when it was time for her mother to have her bags packed in the life that you see, she was truly ready to go--so she went happily skipping towards Me in her Love, never looking back except to bid her sweet children farewell. And although, at times it did appear (that) she was suffering in the flesh, she was ALWAYS here with Me in her Love.

So, no worries that she was not 'Catholic,' and did not have a priest help her say her last vows, fore she came happily skipping towards Me in her Love when it was 'time' to begin her New Lyfe with Me--okay? (My sweet mother recently passed, and He's referring to her ending in this olde life, and the new Lyfe that she entered into in Him...)

So now, let's speak then about My sweet Mimi, and how she does come to you to try and attempt to bend My Ear in your words...fore while she can hear Me quite well in her heart, (yet) she chooses you to form of her words--and guess what, that's okay, fore when she is ready she will listen to Me with the ears of her heart in My Land...(Mimi is who asked me this question to ask of the Lord.)

You see, she is worried that the Book of Revelation will play out and she will not be harvested when My sweet Jesus comes down to the earth. So, before I then answer this here-question of fact, please let Me ask of this first?
Do you truly believe what I say, or do you still listen to 'the others' who talk and then-think that they know Me by heart?-- Fore you see, how One reads and interprets My Great Bible of Ways, prepares a course and a Journey for them--please let Me explain...but before I go any further, I first wishe to explain this concept of 'time' so you truly do then get what I mean when I say that 'it's not over till it's over, and the fat lady's not even begun to sing of her song, fore she'll be whistlin' the sweet sounds of My Dixie in the bossom of her breast, as it beats to the sounds of My Drum.' (He's smiling with Great Love.)

So now, for My dear Mimi and to everyone who wishes to hear of a lesson on 'time'...
'Time' is just a figment of One's imagination as it presents itself back upon the world, and while yes, the concept of 'time' may appear to you as 'real,' but yet it is anything but that which you see-- fore it is not measurable in its silly quadrants of 'presence' as it attempts to exist with and in Me--see?

So, please do stay with Me a moment longer and I will break this down a bit more so you can see EXACTLY what I mean when I say, "time does not exist in the realm that I see, fore I stand outside the walls of your flesh." So, if you were to say, "Father please come into my heart," then I would come enter the world that you see--are you beginning to see what I mean? (He wishes for you to think about this and then answer Him.)

So you ask, "Father, how does this relate back to 'me,' in this concept of 'time' in the flesh?"
Good questions you see, since I stand outside the boundaries of 'time' and of 'space' of your earth in this transversinal type-quadrant of 'you,' (then) what happens is when you create your life with/in Me in your space, then our worlds' bound-up together nicely in 'you.'

So please do be careful, so very careful in the fact when you say (that) you wishe to make your world here or there with/in Me, fore the concept of 'time' will then exist with/in its own boundary of space, as it now exists here with and in Me--see? ...and then this here concept of 'time,' no longer becomes a reality for you, for you now exist in My World with/in Me, and are no longer held by the chains of this earth--see? (wow, He's blowing my mind...but I think I'm getting this--are you? pretty cool huh?)

So then, here's how this will tie back into 'reality' for your friend, Mimi, and others who are afraid of 'the Book of Revelations' or any other scenario that might be played out by the evil one to mask itself as a charade of My Love--you see, 'the book' you are referring to was only created as a con-centennial proposition to the equation that was present at hand, fore if the version of that reality existed in your vision of scope that had no faith, then all Hell WOULD break loose in your land. 

And to further My consideration of the fact of 'this Book,' what will Be and what One will come to see will be ONLY played out by the version of the Trust (that) you have with/in Me--see? Fore remember, 'the devil' can and will only 'touch' you IF you let him into the cracks of your walls, fore this silly, little satan knows he cannot touch the heart of My Believer who let's Me defend them in the Great Battle of Love...are you beginning to see what I mean? (please answer Him, as He would like you to discuss with Him the vision that you would see if and when 'the Book' came into Being...)

So then, there is no reason to think that it may suddenly happen today, tomorrow, or next week in your eyes, fore IF it does come to happen in the world that you see, then All who chose to lay in the nape of My Breast will be singing their sweet Dixie's to Me... and they would no longer be bound by the chains of this life in that spectrumal type-quadrant of 'time'--see?

So then, here's My big question for you--IF 'the Book of My Revelations were to be played out EXACTLY as My Great Angel did speak to My John, then let Me ask this of you--rather than being terrified that you would be going through it all on your own, would you rather be like My Great Children of Love, who would stand-up as My Love in their flesh?

Yes, would you rather know down deep in your heart of your soul that whatever 'happens,' I, your Father who Loves you more than you could ever imagine, would have of your I have EVERYTHING under control? (Please answer Him...I answered that I know that He Loves me, and whatever happens, I know deep down in My Heart that He will take care of me and ONLY allow for me to go through what I need to, to refine and make of my heart golden...)

So you see, here now is the sweet ending to My Story, My Story of long ago that I wishe to be portrayed now in your heart...
...and in the last of the days of the ending of the earth, what did happen is All who chose to Love of The Father did come to sit and kneel by His side as they basked in the Glow of His Love. 
Fore All who had chosen to be of His Love, did now come to worship His Heart...all the toil now gone, all of the strife somehow melted away, and all that was left standing was the last Remanant of His Heart as each laid their hearts bare on the cross. 

Fore you see, what was foretold long before the Carpenter walked with sandals as clay, now had come to pass as the cornerstone was now-centered in the rock that lay bare.
And what IS became of what was left long ago, now called as 'present' in the Heart known as Love...

And as the Father lay a gentle leaf inside each heart that was there, He called each of His Children by name...and they came, one by one, in the tens of the thousands to receive of a Great Milenium of Love--the Great Love that was lost long ago that still lay as present in the tiny shells of the past. 

Fore now the 'happy ending' was no more just a thing that was unattainable for All, but yet it was now REAL as they came to sit with the Father at last...and as the Good Shepherd closed the Gate on His Flock, He did bring forthe the children of Love to gaze in the gentle passtures of the sweet flowing sands, in the land of milk and honey of what was left of the past...ahhh (The Lord is sighing in Great Joy as He envisons this happy ending to His Great Story of Love.)

So then, a pretty happy ending is this not? (He'd like for us to answer)
You see, please do not be afraid of what may or may never come to Be, fore all I wishe for you to be doing in this moment in 'time' is to Love One another as I have Loved you, so please be kind to All whom you meet, and please do treat All as you wishe to be treated in Love--okay?

You cannot control anyone's actions, but ONLY your response to how they make you feel, and IF you are here with and in Me, then this is a good place is it not?-- Fore IF One does choose to be here with and in Me, then My Great Love does then pour forth from their heart...and this is all that should be seen and then-known as your True Reality in Me-see? (He's smiling at us with Great Love :-)

I Love you, now go and make this Great Day count as one where you were no longer filled with dread and insurmountable worries and strife, but yet, you just Loved of the One's you are with--okay?

I Love you, 'time' now to go. Amen."

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