11/12/2015 6:23 AM
(I am coming to the
Lord this morning to ask a specific question that many have come to me with
over the past few months with regards to all the terror, evil, and war that is
presently seen in the world, and what should our response be to it – – do we
fight back/defending ourselves, or do we just stand there and show love in
return like Jesus did?)
I heard, “My Child, it is good that you come to Me in the
way that you do, to help answer these specific questions in you, as well as to
help all the others see what I wishe for them to see when it comes to these
specific questions of Me—but, before we move along in My Specific answers to and for you in your ways, please let Me remind you to feel down deep in your
soul, the sweet, simple, Sheer Presence of Me; fore when One begins more to move in the gentle ease of My
Flow, they truly Become the Pure Heart of My Change…please tell Me, do you
think you can do this for Me?
Okay then, I will now answer your specific questions of Me,
but please know that if any of you ever comes to a point in your heart where
you find your-'self' resounding in the sheer terror of ‘fear,’ please do know that you can ALWAYS come to your Dear Father of Love
to help heal and to hear all the words you should know, as I weave My Truthe and My Love back in your soul – – okay?
So now, here are My Answers for you…
First of all, please know that in the beginning, the so
good, and the so very Great Beginning of Love, I did create each and every one
of you with just a special touch of Love in your heart, and My Intentions were for you to grow into the Great Love of My Heart in and as the unique self's expression known there in and as just the simple, sweet version of ‘you.’
So then, I aske--what happened?--what happened in My Sweet,
Simple version of ‘you’?
This question of just ‘what happened to ‘you’, still stands
there as present today-- which is why I give each and everyone of you this ‘gift’
of My Free-Wills Expression of Ways in your heart, so you can learn to love in the Way that I see and I do, as you move and you flow in your ways.
And so I now aske you again, 'what happened'--what do you think happened to you in the way that
you chose to express your Free-will’s
Expression of Ways?
Did you use it to fashion and to form your-‘self’ into just My Pure Love in your heart, or have you possibly used it and utilized it to oppress and suppress another in the ways of their flow, in an attempt to try to capture My Pure Love in their heart?...please do be thinking and re-thinking to your-‘selves’ as to how each of you presently gives and receives My Great Love in your heart, fore until each and every one of you learns to Love as I do, then you’ll remain on the Plane of unlove in your soul as you move and you flow in your ways…are you beginning to see what I mean?
Did you use it to fashion and to form your-‘self’ into just My Pure Love in your heart, or have you possibly used it and utilized it to oppress and suppress another in the ways of their flow, in an attempt to try to capture My Pure Love in their heart?...please do be thinking and re-thinking to your-‘selves’ as to how each of you presently gives and receives My Great Love in your heart, fore until each and every one of you learns to Love as I do, then you’ll remain on the Plane of unlove in your soul as you move and you flow in your ways…are you beginning to see what I mean?
Remember, Like Kind
ALWAYS moves, breathes, and flows in a way as it sees and knows love in its
heart. So, when each of you finally learns to just give and receive My Great Love in the way that I extend and I offer it to you, then you'll know how good and how right
Love feels in its heart, as it shows and expresses its known-way unto you…
please let Me explain…
You see, in the world that you presently see and know as your 'life,' it is filled with an emptiness and a brokenness that wishes to fill Itself
of the void and emptiness it has grown to Become.
So, if you continue to mirror back its reflection in the way that the world chooses to show and express of Itself unto you, then you will be reflecting back all the brokenness and the corruption it sees in and of its way in its 'heart' as it presents Itself unto you in its love.
So then, the big question is this—How do you change the worlde back to Love/My Pure Love in your Highest
degree...and what is your role in helping to 'clean-up' all of this mess?So, if you continue to mirror back its reflection in the way that the world chooses to show and express of Itself unto you, then you will be reflecting back all the brokenness and the corruption it sees in and of its way in its 'heart' as it presents Itself unto you in its love.
This My Child, is still the million dollar question that still plagues you today, fore many, a great many of you still enjoy circling the
drain of this 'life' when it comes to fully feeling and sensing My Great Love in your heart in
a way, and a Pure Knowing in you.
So then, again, I aske this Pure Question of you—How do you change the worlde back to
Love/My Pure Love in your Heart, and just what it is that I need you to do?...
The answer is truly quite simple indeed-- you must Become of the Pure Change that you seek…
The answer is truly quite simple indeed-- you must Become of the Pure Change that you seek…
So then, when you find your-'self' in a particular situation where someone decides to place and express their hatred, bitterness, and rage upon you—what should
you do?
Should you stand there, with fists all balled-up in you-- OR, should you let your Love shine brightly with and in you?…please do think and then read more about just how My Dear Jeshua of Ways (Jesus) walked
and talked in His day, and when you learn more to respond in the Great Manner of He in His day, then you'll walk, talk, and respond more like My Son in your ways—okay?
And then, let’s speak more about a particular movement that
is heading your way—okay?
You see, there are many, a great many groups of terror and
of hate that are presently at the doorsteps of your U S of A, and while I
am not attempting to spread more fear and angst in your heart, I’m just protecting you in
My own special way that you'll see... fore soon, very soon All will be heading your
So now I aske this of you—what will you do and what will be your response
when the evil one comes to greet you in its ‘love’? (The Lord is
expressing sarcasm, as this is not real love but the way that a dark heart
would share and express its love…)

Will you run, will you hide, or will you just stand there with and in My Great Love in your heart, as you greet this person’s rage with My Great Love in your soul...in your attempt at your sharing My Great Glory with/in you?
You see, in time, in time All will come to know the Great
Love of My Heart in many distinctly different types of forms there in you—so then, I aske again-- How will you change the worlde back to Love/My Pure Love in its Highest/Holiest degree?... and
how can you even begin to change someone’s heart, that
is soooo darkened in the rage it has consumed?
You see, again, in time, in time All will come to know Me
and see Me again, either as an angel of Light who’s their friend, or they will
continue to seek of their dark heart till the end...and so here's now where and why I need of your hands and your feet known there in and as just plain ole' simple,'you'…(The Lord is smiling at us with Great Love :-)
You see, I sent each of you on a special mission of Love to learn to grow into My Great Form and My Fashion of Love--so, If and when each and every one of you finally learns what this Journey is truly about, then they'll discover My Pure Truthe in their soul…the Truthe that each and every one of you should ONLY be of and about My Great Love in your heart as you move and you flow in your ways...and to take no account of how it's received in another's heart when they move and they flow in their rage...are you now beginning to see why you are so very special to Me, and just why I need your hands and your feet?
So, when the presence of the evil One comes to knock at the door of your heart, please answer with My Kindness of Love in your ways, and as you open the door with My Gift of Love in your Heart, you'll be spreading My Great Kingdom of Love in your joy, okay?... do you think you can do this for Me?
You see, I sent each of you on a special mission of Love to learn to grow into My Great Form and My Fashion of Love--so, If and when each and every one of you finally learns what this Journey is truly about, then they'll discover My Pure Truthe in their soul…the Truthe that each and every one of you should ONLY be of and about My Great Love in your heart as you move and you flow in your ways...and to take no account of how it's received in another's heart when they move and they flow in their rage...are you now beginning to see why you are so very special to Me, and just why I need your hands and your feet?
So, when the presence of the evil One comes to knock at the door of your heart, please answer with My Kindness of Love in your ways, and as you open the door with My Gift of Love in your Heart, you'll be spreading My Great Kingdom of Love in your joy, okay?... do you think you can do this for Me?
So now, many of you reading this may be thinking to
your-selves that I am totally off base in My Response and My Answers to you—right?...fore you are thinking that this is NOT how a Great Warrior responds, but let Me aske
this of you--what do you hope to gain in this life, by your extending the repetitiveness of blows in your heart?
Fore how you presently 'fight' and how I have 'fought' in the past are quite different when it comes to My Truthe in One's heart; fore you see, this war has already been won by the Great Love of My Son when he bled and died on the cross there for you...are you beginning to see what I mean as to why the way that you presently see and know of My Love in your heart is quite different from how My Great Jeshua knows and sees it in and as 'you'?
Fore how you presently 'fight' and how I have 'fought' in the past are quite different when it comes to My Truthe in One's heart; fore you see, this war has already been won by the Great Love of My Son when he bled and died on the cross there for you...are you beginning to see what I mean as to why the way that you presently see and know of My Love in your heart is quite different from how My Great Jeshua knows and sees it in and as 'you'?
Fore you see, again, this Journey in ‘life’ is ONLY
about your learning to bothe give and
receive of My Love when it comes to your seeking My Truthe in your heart, and when and If
more will learn to Become My Great Love,
then My Great Kingdom will reside within you...as you help bring more cows Homeward to Me.
You see, while many may look at My Great Jeshua as some type
of fool, who chose to pander to the crowds of His day, but If you could see His Great Strength in the way that He 'fought,' as He restrained Himself on the cross there that day; fore when you can truly see, how He just Loves you like Me, then you will see My Sweet Jesus in thee.
So now, I am done in this particular message to you, and if
any of you reading this message today have any further questions for Me, please
do sit in a quiet space of Love in your heart, and please do aske Me all the
questions you seek, so we/together can grow into a beautiful expression of
Love, so you can see what I see and I know—okay?
I Love each and every child who is there on the Plane, and
please do think to your-'self' as to just how those whose hearts are darkened with rage
will come to know My Great Love in your heart if you respond back in your anger
and fear?
Please be truly thinking and seeing how you will act and react when and If this particular rage comes upon you in this day, fore until All learn to Love and to give of their heart in My Ways, then I cannot heal all the brokenness you see in your day—okay, do you think you can do this for Me/to help heal all the damage and the brokenness that you see with/in Me?
I Love you, and if each and every one of you will truly learn this Pure Lesson of Love here in time, then you'll see how I work in your land...as we/together bring back all My Children to Love in a heart, in a place, and a sweet, special space in My Land.
I Love you, ‘time’ now to go. Amen.”
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