Sunday, June 21, 2015
A Father's Day for One in need
6/21/15 4:18pm
A friend asked me to ask the Lord a question for her concerning a friend of hers--here was her question:
She wanted to ask the Lord to help her friend find a house; he had sold his house and is presently living with her until he finds another to buy. She was asking the Lord if he could help her friend find a new house to purchase.
At first when I read this, I felt sort of silly asking this of the Lord, and was contemplating responding to her request by telling her that maybe this was something she should ask Him herself, as I felt sort of silly coming to Him to ask Him a question like this...and then this is what's funny, as I had these thoughts in my head I suddenly felt a strong conviction in my heart of how sometimes I come to the Lord with what others may think to be a silly request too. However, one thing that I do know, is that the Lord ALWAYS answers every question I have no matter how ridiculous it may sound.
So now that I have a few spare moments in the day, I thought I'd sit down to ask this question to Him, and you will see His answer below--by the way, I have never met this friend of hers and I know nothing about him or his situation other than the fact that his father had passed away, he recently sold his house, and is living with her till he finds another house to purchase.
The reason I decided to include this in the blog is that we are all connected as One, with the same God-source in each of us; therefore, even though this message is addressing Lorri's question, the content of The Lord's response may apply to others who read this as well, whether your/their name is 'Tom' or not--Happy Father's Day!
I heard, "Hmmm...good questions you do come to Me with on this here celebration of the Father's in your neck of the land, and to this I dare say, Hmmm...
You see, today is a day of celebration for All the Great Fathers in Heaven and on earth, so 'today' is a good time-frame for this here question you pose; fore you see, your dear friend, Ms. Lorri of My Way, is a sweet gentle soul of My Worth, and this is a good day to help her out in your way--fore her to see of just how sweet her soul is in Me. (He is smiling at you with Great Love)
So now, shall we begin in the answer for her? (I told Him "yes.")
You see, ever since her dear friend Tom was a little boy, he did hear the Pure Sound of My Voice. So now that his dear father is suddenly gone/stripped from the arms of his heart, he does feel abandoned in his self-worth and his deeds...and does not wish to continue his life...(The Lord sighs heavily at the great sadness her friend is feeling with the 'sudden' loss of his father whom he loved dearly...)
So then, I do have a proposition for you, (He's speaking to her friend Tom) if you will take-up and gather a few of your dearest, most cherished memories of your beloved father and place them in a box, then you will have a remembrance of him in how he helped teach you in the ways of My Love; and, if you will do EXACTLY the next things I do tell you to do, then it will help mend your heart back to My Love. (He's smiling at you with Great Love in His Heart :-)
You see, to know Me is to Love Me, is it not? So then, let's first get just a couple of things straight, shall we, before we move along on this Plane, and then I will tell you EXACTLY what to place in the remembrance box okay? (Please answer Him.)
You see, ever since you were a little boy, you heard Me calling your name, right? And while you did play with the other children very finely and very grandely, you ALWAYS played fair as you played hard in your day...and your father was VERY proud of the man you were growing into as he groomed you into the gentleman you've become! :-)
So then, just a couple more things I need to clear up in see, you think that you 'failed' your father many, a great many times, and this IS NOT the case, as your father was extremely fair and extremely wise in My Ways, and even though he may not have told you he loved you over and over again, somehow you just knew he loved you as he glanced in of way in his heart; fore you could see it in his eyes and his smile, as he communicated his love straight to your heart.
So now that he's gone, how does this change things up here in you?
Do you and should you feel paralyzed to go forward in life, thinking and acting as if you have no role model to look up to, or should you consider this for just a sheer moment in you...what if you did learn to pray and to come to Me more so I could hold you in a way you've never/ever known, and never/ever felt in a man called your dear Father in Me?
Fore you see My dear son, you were created by your Father above to walk, and to talk, and to move just like your Father in Me--okay?
So now, just one more thing and then we'll move along to the box, of what I wishe for you to place inside it and underneath...
You see, as I said before, ever since you were a little boy you did hear of My Name as you played in your sandbox with toys. And, even though you fit in quite well as you played, you ALWAYS felt there was something more to this life than just going to school, and finishing your work in the day; fore you ALWAYS felt there was just something that was missing in you--please let Me explain...
You see, when you look in the mirror, you see more than just the man who is staring you back in your face; fore you see a Great Gentle man, like that of your father, who is not quite yet grown and is still a bit wet behind the ears, right?
So then, I just have one final question for you, and please do take quite a bit of time in your answering of this question for Me, so you will see of the True Meaning behind your life that you live...
You see, to know Me is to Love Me, is it not?
So then, how well do you know Me today?
Do you know where I live, and do you know why I live, and do you know that when the time is ready, that I will come a calling for you in My Name?
So please do be ready, just as your great father was, fore when he heard Me calling his name, he dropped of his shell and came a running to me, with his great hat in his hand as I welcomed him back into My Home. (The Lord is just beaming with Great Joy as He recalls the moment your father came back into His Great Fold of Love.)
So, please do really and truly think of this last question very long and very hard; fore it is a very tough one that many do struggle with in this day, and if you could finally get it, this time around, you will move along very quickly on this Plane.
So now, here is what I wishe for you to place in the remembrance box of and for your father, so you can remember him in the Great Manner he should be recognized for and in, fore he was and is a great, gentle man and is worthy of your honour and praise!
First of all, please place the picture/your favorite picture of him as he first held you in his arms. This was a very special moment for each of you when you first recognized each other's presence in Me.
Next, place the picture of you as you made your 'first kill,' the one where you were very proud of the great accomplishment you had done; fore this was the first time you really and truly knew in your heart that your father was SO PROUD of what you had accomplished at such a young age in your life.
Next, place the picture of your father and mother when they first made their vows to love and cherish each other till death, and please do not be surprised or then-shocked of how they stayed married till the point of his death; fore just because One does vanish from your life does not mean that they have abandoned you in their heart--okay?
Finally, here is where I am going to let you pick the '3' most favorite/cherished momentos you have saved of your father minus the locke of his hair. Fore here is where and when you will remember him most as he tucked you into the nape of My Chest.
Yes, your father was a great man not just because of his name and all that he did or did not accomplish in his life, but yet the reason he was considered 'great' in My Eyes is because he truly did give of his heart as he received yourself and the others into the nape of his chest...fore he was and is rebourne in My Love and he wishes for you to come home to Me, okay?
So now, your dear friend, Ms. Lorri is a friend of My Heart, so please do cherish her and thank her for all she has done, and please know that from this day forward, IF you will do what I've asked, then more cows will come a calling through you bring more of My Children back Home.
I Love you both with an adoring passionate kiss that can't wait to hold each of you in the nape of My Chest, and please know that in the end of days, I will come a calling for you each here in Love.
I Love you, time now to go. Amen.
(I told Him to please wait, as He didn't answer her question about finding a house for her friend?)
You see, My dear Wendy and to All who do come to sit beneath My Feet to ask of 'silly' and 'not so silly' questions...You see, 'this' was not a 'silly' question at all; fore the true question Ms. Lorri did ask was not of whether or not I should find of her friend a new house, but the truth of her question that she was asking of Me, was would I help mend of her friends broken heart...which I did answer in the Great Depth of My Breathe...
So now, IF Mr Tom/her friend who is Mine, will learn to know Me in a deeper fashion of Love, then I will help mend of his heart with the Truthe of My Ways till he learns to see ONLY My Heart and My Love.
Yes, if he will challenge himself to give-up on his woes, and to see the pathe he is on as 'My Good,' then he will move along on this Plane quite well and quite fine, as he finds his new house in My Home.
You see, when One is and remains as brokenhearted in your land, due to an illness, a loss, or a death, what happens is they become paralyzed and afraid to move along on the Plane which IS NOT how I wishe for My Children to live.
Fore My Pathe is filled with Great Peace, Gentle Mercy, Supreme Compassion, Kindess and Truthe...and even in the midst of the most 'unpleasant' circumstances in the misdeeds of others, you will still see the face of My Love IF you choose to be the Light of the worlde...and if you'll learn more to move in the Ways of My Love, then you will walk right and talk right in Me. (He's smiling at us with Great Love and Supreme Adoration in His Heart :-)
I Love you, time now to go. Amen."
2 Peter 3:18
But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.
Jeremiah 29:11-13
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will hear you. You will seek Me and find Me, when you seek Me with all your heart.
Saturday, June 20, 2015
It is easier for a camel to squeeze thru the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter The Great Kingdom of Love
6/20/15 6:08am
During my prayer time with the Lord I heard Him speaking to me, "Assuredly I say to you, it is easier for a camel to squeeze itself through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into My Great Kingdom of Heaven; fore the first shall be first, and the last will remain as last until All learn to Love as I do..
So then, you've heard Me 'speak' these Great Words in My Book--right? And you have even seen it play itself out, right before you, as you see how the others live out their lives in your land, but let Me ask this of you--do you like the way that it feels as it plays itself out for you, Or do you think it quite quaint that what I say in My Great Book ALWAYS comes alive as The Truthe?--Please let Me explain...
You see, when I make use of the term in your words of a 'rich man,' please do not be confused in what I say and I mean, as a rich man does not always mean just an individual that has a lot of wealth in and as his or her earthly establishment of goods, but what I mean is this, it is and refers to someone who has reaped, and sowed, and gathered of a great amount of 'stuff' for themselves who then-wishes to utilize these here 'goods' for ONLY the satisfaction of their gain and their glory, while the rest of the world then-starves in their heart...are you beginning to see what I mean, or should I continue with a greater explanation for you? (I told Him I think I understand and for Him to move on, but if you would like more explanation, please speak to Him yourself and He WILL answer and speak with you too :-)
You see, you have also heard Me say in the past, "To know Me, is to Love Me--is it not?"
So then, keeping this in mind, what if today I came to you and said, "Take up your bed and then walk."--to what would you do and what does this mean in My Words?
Does it mean that you physically pick-up your bed, your quilt, your blankets, and sheets, as you begin to walk to the front door of your house? (He wishes for us to see His Humor in this as He is heartily laughing too, imagining us playing Amelia Bedila and doing this... :-)
Or, do I mean for you to pick-up whatever it is/whatever infirmity is keeping you from the True Joy in the receivance of My Great Love in your heart, so you can begin to walk right and talk right in Me? Please do think about this a while longer in your soul; fore how you presently see of yourself as My Child in your land, IS NOT how I do view of your soul. Fore you are a Great Child come down from your Father above and I so Love EVERYTHING you say and you do--even when things don't go as according to plan--Please let Me explain...
You see, in the beginning, I created you for one purpose and one purpose only--fore you to walk right and talk right in Me. So, with this being said, what if today I did come unto you and then-ask for you to pick up your bed and begin of your walk in your New Journey to and towards Me in your heart--would you then begin to walk right and talk right in Me, and would you think this to be easy or hard?
Please do think about this just a few moments longer, fore how you do give and receive of My Great Love in your heart determines if you've put plugs in your ears...
You see, you are all My Great Children of Love sent down from above to be a Great Representative of My Voice in your land. So with this being said, what if today I did come unto you and then-say, "Please My dear darling of Love, please do pick-up your bed of whatever you think you have failed at before, please pick-up all your insecurities, and all your excuses of how you have sinned and then-failed in/at My Love in the past, and begin NOW, at this very moment to walk right and talk right in Me..."
Yes, please do not think you cannot sing of My Love, just because you were not given a Pure Song in your voice, as All have been given the ability to sing of My Joy, if they will (just) learn to clip the chains of their heart...please do think about this last line a bit longer, for again, I say unto you, "It is easier, so very much easier for a Great Man to enter My Kingdom of Love, if he/she has renounced of the pleasures of earthly goods to then-reap, and to gather, and to sow, and to live a life of Joy in his/her heart where all that was received was then all that was given for My Great Kingdom in My Manner of Love."
Please do chew on this last line a minimum of 10 times, for again I say unto you, "How One chooses to give of their time, their talents, and all the treasures that have been given to them in/as a certain manner of Love in their heart, determines how they will enter My Great Kingdom of Love to receive the Eternal Joy of My Heart!
I Love you with all of My Heart, and all of My Breathe, to the Great Depth of the soul of My Being. Please know that you are Love, and I wishe for you All to share EVERYTHING with what you have been given in life, not as a chore and a task, but because you now have a full understanding that what was given to you was given for one purpose only--for you to use it to share with My others, so that All do fall backwards to Me, in the forward direction of Love. (He's smiling at us with Great Love and Supreme Adoration in His Heart :-)
I Love you, time now to go. Amen."
Mark 10:25
25 It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of God.
Matthew 25:14-30
The Parable of the Talents
14 “For the kingdom of heaven is like a man traveling to a far country, who called his own servants and delivered his goods to them. 15 And to one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one, to each according to his own ability; and immediately he went on a journey. 16 Then he who had received the five talents went and traded with them, and made another five talents. 17 And likewise he who had received two gained two more also. 18 But he who had received one went and dug in the ground, and hid his lord’s money. 19 After a long time the lord of those servants came and settled accounts with them.
20 “So he who had received five talents came and brought five other talents, saying, ‘Lord, you delivered to me five talents; look, I have gained five more talents besides them.’ 21 His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.’ 22 He also who had received two talents came and said, ‘Lord, you delivered to me two talents; look, I have gained two more talents besides them.’ 23 His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.’
24 “Then he who had received the one talent came and said, ‘Lord, I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you have not sown, and gathering where you have not scattered seed. 25 And I was afraid, and went and hid your talent in the ground. Look, there you have what is yours.’
26 “But his lord answered and said to him, ‘You wicked and lazy servant, you knew that I reap where I have not sown, and gather where I have not scattered seed. 27 So you ought to have deposited my money with the bankers, and at my coming I would have received back my own with interest. 28 Therefore take the talent from him, and give it to him who has ten talents.
29 ‘For to everyone who has, more will be given, and he will have abundance; but from him who does not have, even what he has will be taken away. 30 And cast the unprofitable servant into the outer darkness. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’
Monday, June 15, 2015
Eternal Life
6/15/15 5:46am
"And verily I say unto you, 'today' WILL most certainly and most definitely be a Good day for you, If you will just let it Be what I have set aside as a gift in your heart to receive.
Fore the Bounty of My Life is Good to the touch, pleasant to the nostrils, and a special taste in the mouth that can Only match what's been given to you--that is, IF you will receive Me into the Great Heart of your Being in/as a space of My Love in your heart.
Fore all who come to eat from My Garden will be full. All who come to drink from My Well will never thirst for water again...but he who hath spit out what was given to him, will never drink from the well of My Love.
I Love you, 'time' now to go. Amen."
Matthew 18:3
Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the Kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein.
John 4:13-14
Jesus answered and said unto her, “Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again,
but whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.”
"And verily I say unto you, 'today' WILL most certainly and most definitely be a Good day for you, If you will just let it Be what I have set aside as a gift in your heart to receive.
Fore the Bounty of My Life is Good to the touch, pleasant to the nostrils, and a special taste in the mouth that can Only match what's been given to you--that is, IF you will receive Me into the Great Heart of your Being in/as a space of My Love in your heart.
Fore all who come to eat from My Garden will be full. All who come to drink from My Well will never thirst for water again...but he who hath spit out what was given to him, will never drink from the well of My Love.
I Love you, 'time' now to go. Amen."
Matthew 18:3
Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the Kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein.
John 4:13-14
Jesus answered and said unto her, “Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again,
but whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.”
Saturday, June 13, 2015
His answer to yesterdays question
6/13/15 5:45am
(Here was yesterdays blog post...)
I heard, "Today WILL most definitely and assuredly be a 'good' day for you IF you will just do as I say and let it Be what I intended and allowed for it to Be without your judging and labeling of "this is good," and "that was bad"; fore when you make declarative statements such as these, you ruin the Pure Flow of My Love which I intended to hold out to you...
So please, today, do just Love of the Ones you are with to the point in which you become intoxicated with My Love in your heart. And please do also try and remember that All is well in your heart.
I Love you, time now to go. Amen."
(He's smiling at us with Much Love and Supreme Adoration in His Heart:-)
Yesterday a friend who had read this post, later sent me a message to say that it had meaning for her and that she felt this was something she struggled with in the labeling and constant judging of what she felt was good or not so good in her day.
She went on to say that it would be a relief to her if she could learn more to do what He said and not let this exist in her day and she felt strongly she should ask God to help her in this matter as well.
She then asked me what she was supposed to do to avoid this—was she just supposed to just ignore it and try to live blissfully as ignorant, or should she address it head on?
So this morning I asked the Lord for His response to my friend's question since this is a common question that I struggle with too as I'm sure many others do as well…
I heard, “My child, please do not be concerned of what the others do say and then-do in their day, as each is responsible for the actions each does do in their flesh—so, no worries, no strife should be allowed to enter your heart in the judging, and the labeling of what is good and not so good in each moment in time—okay? (I answered Him...)
You see, I have mentioned before many, a great many of times that I like EVERYTHING you do and you say; so, and a huge tremendously large SO—what if today you did snap at a person, and say a curse word in the rage of your haste?
Or, what if you killed, raped and did pillage an entire countryside in the terrifically horrid display of your rage?…(He pauses for a moment and then very softly continues…) Do you still think I would be happy with you?
Please do think for a moment of just how you would then answer this call, fore EXACTLY how and why you do determine your answer lets Me know IF you’ve put plugs in your ears…
You see, to know Me is to Love Me is it not? Fore when I do gaze into the special eyes of your Love, I should see ONLY My Great Reflection in My Time of your space.
So, with this being said, what if I came to you today and did tell you to take up your bed and then walk—to what would you do?
Would you stand there and stammer, relaying all of your thoughts of why you were just so very unworthy of Me; OR, would you very gently and softly make your way to and towards Me in your Love?
Please do think about this last bit of thought a brief moment longer; fore how and why you answer this here question in time, is further proof of whether or not you have placed plugs in your ears.
You see, may I saw it again, twice fold in Me—to know Me IS to Love Me, is it not? Fore when I do gaze into your eyes, I should see ONLY My Reflection of your time in My Space…so now, back to your originating question of heart—you see, you’ve asked a very simple yet tremendously complex question of, "how could I still Love you when you have raped and then-killed of My beautiful children of Love--how?”
And to further My case of the argument you ask, 'how could I still Love you when you have stripped your beautiful child I loaned you in this life/stripped them of their self-worth of My Love--how?'
'How could I still Love you as you knowingly cheated on your taxes, stole of what I set aside for the recompense of others, and then-betrayed of the One in whom you did pledge of your heart--how…?'…hmmm, very good questions you still have, do you not? (He pauses for a moment as He sort of lets this question hang in the air and then He continues...)
You see, may I say again now for the third and/or the fourth time in you---to know Me is to Love Me is it not? Fore when I do gaze into your eyes I should see ONLY My Love in the space and the continuance of your smile…so, with this being said, what if I again came to you and said, “My dear child, it is time for you to take up your bed of the past, the present, and the near future and will you NOW, in this very moment, please take up your bed as you begin to walk right and talk right in Me? are you beginning to then-see what I mean?
You see, many times what is viewed on your earth as ‘bad’ or ‘good’ is ONLY your impression of what your glorified heart wants to see before it can fully see itself with/in Me—so, instead of the constant labeling of ‘good,’ or of the ‘not so good,’ please do view it as it just is…it just is what it is and do not give it any credence of thought as to IF it is a good thing or not since EVERYTHING is Good with/in Me—see?
So then, what if ‘I’ came to you today with a gun in 'My' hand, and did say to you, “put up your hands or ‘I’ will kill you!” To what would you do?
Would you be frightened, scared or afraid--Or, would you still know that somewhere deep with/in the confines of your walls that even though this was not the most pleasant point of the Journey of your life, that whatever did happen to you, everything would be 'okay' fore your hearts’ choice was here with/in Me--see?
…please do really think about My Great Jeshua of flesh and how He did sweat blood and tears to the point that His Great Heart did break as He bled on the cross there for you (wow, this so deeply saddened me to point that I suddenly felt a wave of emotions come over me, of what bothe He and Jesus felt during His time on and prior to the Cross... as I felt His Heart bleed as He wept for us…)
You see, even in the midst of His torment in the abuse of the rage that the others did place upon His skin…He felt Joy, He felt Love, and He was experiencing a ‘good day’ in My Time and My Space, fore He knew soon, very soon that My/Our Goal would be accomplished for All…see? (He pauses again as He would like for us to see what He sees, and then He continued…)
You see, herein lies the Truthe of behind what I say when I mean, “Take up your bed and then walk”—what I mean is this…IF and when you will begin to take up your bed and then walk, you will be living and then setting yourself apart from the others of what I do plan in this day here for you—it is and becomes a new way of living in that you now live in each day to worship your heart in My Presence, rather than the worship of the prince of this worlde/the prince of this worlde who will ONLY lead you into the despair of its darkness and rage…
So, with this being said, let Me leave you with this final word of My Thoughts—what If today you lived as My Great Jeshua lived as you walked the clay roads of your earth?
What IF today you stopped to smell the roses of Love—how great would your day be on earth?
And what if today you did kiss the cheek of the child and help heal the broken hearts in your land…and what if today you did walk and did talk as you encouraged My child with your hands?
But what if today you did lose of your job, and what if today your child did ‘pass’?
And what if today you did lose of your health and your wealth in the love of this land…would this mean that I loved you any less?
Would this mean that I did not care for you--Or, would this mean that I did have a different type-lesson for you in this particular moment in time? Please do really and truly think about this last bit of My statements for just a wee minute longer, fore many times you label and you judge of things/of happenings not of how I wishe for you to see and to know, but you then-view these 'happenings' as some type of insult to you...
You see, many view the glass as half-empty or full depending of their views of and upon Me. So, IF I did then tell you to give up on 'your holdings of nothing,' in this life and to just walk in My Peace and My Joy—no matter what did then-‘happen’ to you, would this be a good or a not so good way then to view of your life? Please do chew on this a bit more, for again, how you both give and receive of My Great Love in your heart determines if you’ve put plugs in your ears…
And so now I will leave you with this other last thought before My Wendy begins in her day…
You see, to know Me is to Love Me is it not? So, If you will view ‘the robber,’ ‘the murderer,’ ‘the stealer of love’ as 'Me,' then here is how I Can and Will change things in you...and please, before we move along on this Plane, please do stop and thank all the martyrs who have died in their Great Love for you…(He would like us to pause and to thank all martyrs who died for our rights to give and receive Love freely.)
You see, while I do not condone nor care for the actual acts of rage that they (the murders, robbers, etc) do upon All, what I do wishe for you to see is that All who are around you are 'Me,' either in or not in My Love...
So, If you will peer closely into the depths of their hearts, you will still see a tiny ember of love/the love that has been suppressed by the dark, but yet (it) still exists and is just waiting to be sparked there by you.
So, IF you will still see them as 'Me'/as My Great Creations of Love, then your kindness, your gentleness, and your warm expressions of Love may then help them reignite the Great Spark of their heart/which is ‘Me’ that’s been suppressed underneath—okay?
So then, when a not so good thing happens to or upon you today, please do ONLY respond with/in My Love, as you now do know of the Truthe of My Ways…as you learn more to walk right and to talk right in Me.
I Love you, ‘time’ now to go. Amen.”
(Here was yesterdays blog post...)
I heard, "Today WILL most definitely and assuredly be a 'good' day for you IF you will just do as I say and let it Be what I intended and allowed for it to Be without your judging and labeling of "this is good," and "that was bad"; fore when you make declarative statements such as these, you ruin the Pure Flow of My Love which I intended to hold out to you...
So please, today, do just Love of the Ones you are with to the point in which you become intoxicated with My Love in your heart. And please do also try and remember that All is well in your heart.
I Love you, time now to go. Amen."
(He's smiling at us with Much Love and Supreme Adoration in His Heart:-)
Yesterday a friend who had read this post, later sent me a message to say that it had meaning for her and that she felt this was something she struggled with in the labeling and constant judging of what she felt was good or not so good in her day.
She went on to say that it would be a relief to her if she could learn more to do what He said and not let this exist in her day and she felt strongly she should ask God to help her in this matter as well.
She then asked me what she was supposed to do to avoid this—was she just supposed to just ignore it and try to live blissfully as ignorant, or should she address it head on?
So this morning I asked the Lord for His response to my friend's question since this is a common question that I struggle with too as I'm sure many others do as well…
I heard, “My child, please do not be concerned of what the others do say and then-do in their day, as each is responsible for the actions each does do in their flesh—so, no worries, no strife should be allowed to enter your heart in the judging, and the labeling of what is good and not so good in each moment in time—okay? (I answered Him...)
You see, I have mentioned before many, a great many of times that I like EVERYTHING you do and you say; so, and a huge tremendously large SO—what if today you did snap at a person, and say a curse word in the rage of your haste?
Or, what if you killed, raped and did pillage an entire countryside in the terrifically horrid display of your rage?…(He pauses for a moment and then very softly continues…) Do you still think I would be happy with you?
Please do think for a moment of just how you would then answer this call, fore EXACTLY how and why you do determine your answer lets Me know IF you’ve put plugs in your ears…
You see, to know Me is to Love Me is it not? Fore when I do gaze into the special eyes of your Love, I should see ONLY My Great Reflection in My Time of your space.
So, with this being said, what if I came to you today and did tell you to take up your bed and then walk—to what would you do?
Would you stand there and stammer, relaying all of your thoughts of why you were just so very unworthy of Me; OR, would you very gently and softly make your way to and towards Me in your Love?
Please do think about this last bit of thought a brief moment longer; fore how and why you answer this here question in time, is further proof of whether or not you have placed plugs in your ears.
You see, may I saw it again, twice fold in Me—to know Me IS to Love Me, is it not? Fore when I do gaze into your eyes, I should see ONLY My Reflection of your time in My Space…so now, back to your originating question of heart—you see, you’ve asked a very simple yet tremendously complex question of, "how could I still Love you when you have raped and then-killed of My beautiful children of Love--how?”
And to further My case of the argument you ask, 'how could I still Love you when you have stripped your beautiful child I loaned you in this life/stripped them of their self-worth of My Love--how?'
'How could I still Love you as you knowingly cheated on your taxes, stole of what I set aside for the recompense of others, and then-betrayed of the One in whom you did pledge of your heart--how…?'…hmmm, very good questions you still have, do you not? (He pauses for a moment as He sort of lets this question hang in the air and then He continues...)
You see, may I say again now for the third and/or the fourth time in you---to know Me is to Love Me is it not? Fore when I do gaze into your eyes I should see ONLY My Love in the space and the continuance of your smile…so, with this being said, what if I again came to you and said, “My dear child, it is time for you to take up your bed of the past, the present, and the near future and will you NOW, in this very moment, please take up your bed as you begin to walk right and talk right in Me? are you beginning to then-see what I mean?
You see, many times what is viewed on your earth as ‘bad’ or ‘good’ is ONLY your impression of what your glorified heart wants to see before it can fully see itself with/in Me—so, instead of the constant labeling of ‘good,’ or of the ‘not so good,’ please do view it as it just is…it just is what it is and do not give it any credence of thought as to IF it is a good thing or not since EVERYTHING is Good with/in Me—see?
So then, what if ‘I’ came to you today with a gun in 'My' hand, and did say to you, “put up your hands or ‘I’ will kill you!” To what would you do?
Would you be frightened, scared or afraid--Or, would you still know that somewhere deep with/in the confines of your walls that even though this was not the most pleasant point of the Journey of your life, that whatever did happen to you, everything would be 'okay' fore your hearts’ choice was here with/in Me--see?
…please do really think about My Great Jeshua of flesh and how He did sweat blood and tears to the point that His Great Heart did break as He bled on the cross there for you (wow, this so deeply saddened me to point that I suddenly felt a wave of emotions come over me, of what bothe He and Jesus felt during His time on and prior to the Cross... as I felt His Heart bleed as He wept for us…)
You see, even in the midst of His torment in the abuse of the rage that the others did place upon His skin…He felt Joy, He felt Love, and He was experiencing a ‘good day’ in My Time and My Space, fore He knew soon, very soon that My/Our Goal would be accomplished for All…see? (He pauses again as He would like for us to see what He sees, and then He continued…)
You see, herein lies the Truthe of behind what I say when I mean, “Take up your bed and then walk”—what I mean is this…IF and when you will begin to take up your bed and then walk, you will be living and then setting yourself apart from the others of what I do plan in this day here for you—it is and becomes a new way of living in that you now live in each day to worship your heart in My Presence, rather than the worship of the prince of this worlde/the prince of this worlde who will ONLY lead you into the despair of its darkness and rage…
So, with this being said, let Me leave you with this final word of My Thoughts—what If today you lived as My Great Jeshua lived as you walked the clay roads of your earth?
What IF today you stopped to smell the roses of Love—how great would your day be on earth?
And what if today you did kiss the cheek of the child and help heal the broken hearts in your land…and what if today you did walk and did talk as you encouraged My child with your hands?
But what if today you did lose of your job, and what if today your child did ‘pass’?
And what if today you did lose of your health and your wealth in the love of this land…would this mean that I loved you any less?
Would this mean that I did not care for you--Or, would this mean that I did have a different type-lesson for you in this particular moment in time? Please do really and truly think about this last bit of My statements for just a wee minute longer, fore many times you label and you judge of things/of happenings not of how I wishe for you to see and to know, but you then-view these 'happenings' as some type of insult to you...
You see, many view the glass as half-empty or full depending of their views of and upon Me. So, IF I did then tell you to give up on 'your holdings of nothing,' in this life and to just walk in My Peace and My Joy—no matter what did then-‘happen’ to you, would this be a good or a not so good way then to view of your life? Please do chew on this a bit more, for again, how you both give and receive of My Great Love in your heart determines if you’ve put plugs in your ears…
And so now I will leave you with this other last thought before My Wendy begins in her day…
You see, to know Me is to Love Me is it not? So, If you will view ‘the robber,’ ‘the murderer,’ ‘the stealer of love’ as 'Me,' then here is how I Can and Will change things in you...and please, before we move along on this Plane, please do stop and thank all the martyrs who have died in their Great Love for you…(He would like us to pause and to thank all martyrs who died for our rights to give and receive Love freely.)
You see, while I do not condone nor care for the actual acts of rage that they (the murders, robbers, etc) do upon All, what I do wishe for you to see is that All who are around you are 'Me,' either in or not in My Love...
So, If you will peer closely into the depths of their hearts, you will still see a tiny ember of love/the love that has been suppressed by the dark, but yet (it) still exists and is just waiting to be sparked there by you.
So, IF you will still see them as 'Me'/as My Great Creations of Love, then your kindness, your gentleness, and your warm expressions of Love may then help them reignite the Great Spark of their heart/which is ‘Me’ that’s been suppressed underneath—okay?
So then, when a not so good thing happens to or upon you today, please do ONLY respond with/in My Love, as you now do know of the Truthe of My Ways…as you learn more to walk right and to talk right in Me.
I Love you, ‘time’ now to go. Amen.”
Friday, June 12, 2015
All is well in your heart
6/12/15. 6:14am
I heard, "Today WILL most definitely and assuredly be a 'good' day for you IF you will just do as I say and let it Be what I intended and allowed for it to Be without your judging and labeling of "this is good," and "that was bad"; fore when you make declarative statements such as these, you ruin the Pure Flow of My Love which I intended to hold out to you...
So please, today, do just Love of the Ones you are with to the point in which you become intoxicated with My Love in your heart. And please do also try and remember that All is well in your heart.
I Love you, time now to go. Amen."
(He's smiling at us with Great Love :-)
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Be like the birds of the air
6/10/15 5:43am
I woke up late today and so I asked of The Lord if He would just give me/us a one-sentence concept to think about today that would bring us closer to the Great Vision He wishes for us to see today?
I heard, "My child, here is the sentence I wishe for you to concentrate on today--Today will Be a Good day for you, IF you will just let it Be as I intended for it to Be :-)
I Love you, time now to go and to walk in the Great Vision of Me, where EVERYTHING that you expect to happen as 'good' will then-happen for you, IF you accept what I have ordained and I have planned; fore when One exerts their freewill experience to have doubt, fear, trepidation, and worry over whether or not I will provide for them, then here is where and when they do drop of My Hand and enter into the darkness of the please do as I ask of you in My first sentence response unto you, and all will Be as I wished for you to receive in this day, okay? (I answered "yes.")
I Love you, time now to go. Amen."
Matthew 6:26
Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
I can do all things with Him who strengthens me
6/9/15 5:22am
I heard, "Today will be a very good day for you IF you will let it unfold beneath your feet as you begin more to see the awakening of My Love in your time and your space--please let Me explain...
You see, in your world you see things in a very unnatural way, as if you are walking in a field full of mines that are just waiting to go off and go 'boom,' but this is just not how it works with/in Me; fore once you have accepted Me into your heart I come alive in your time and your space--please let Me explain...
You see, to know Me is to Love Me--is it not? So if you truly believe in what I am saying to you, then should One not walk in each day as if they are walking in Me in their time and their space of My Love?
Please do chew on this a bit more; fore how One behaves, and moves, and then-breathes in their day determines if they've put plugs in their ears.
So then, what if I were to come unto you and to tell you, "Today will Not be a good day for you, fore someone very close to your heart will then-perish today?"... would you be 'happy' that I told you (this) ahead of its time, or would you then-walk with fear and trepidation since someone will soon pass from your arms?
--Or please do consider this way to respond...what IF you responded in the way that My Wendy and all My others should respond to this call of My certain cry of the heart when a loved One does pass from your world, where they would still walk right and talk right in Me? Again, please do chew on this last verse of the stanza a bit longer, so you will fully get what I am trying to relay unto you...
You see, the reason that I do wishe to make this so very clear and so very dear to each of you that are fully present in the world that you know and you see, is many, a good deal many of you will be experiencing a loss of a dear loved One who it feels is then ripped from your heart, and guess what? It's okay, it's fine, as this is the way it is supposed to be; fore when a loved One does pass, it is fine and then-Good, IF they have chosen to then-spend it with Me--see?
So then, concerning the day that will soon be upon see, for some it will be full of Great Joy as they receive the promotion they have always desired and deserved.
For some, they will receive of a call from their Doctor of bad news...and for others, good news will ring true to their ears--but guess what, no matter what the day will then bring forth unto you, IF you are like that of My Paul who learned to be happy and content whether his belly was full or he had not...IF you will be just like him in the Lord, your day will have gone just as it should have went in My Love. Please do chew on this last stanza of the verse a while longer; fore how One determines whether the day was either Good or shant not, determines their presence of Me.
I Love you, now go and make this day count as a Good one where you did share of My Great News that the King is Good, the King is Fair, and He ALWAYS has your back no matter of what you have done in the past; fore a Good Father Loves His children not for all the deeds they have done that brings out a sense of entitlement for the acceptance of His Great Love, but yet when a soul Loves deep, and strong to the Great Depthe of their heart, ONLY Roses can then-spring from their life. (He's smiling at us with Great Love and much adoration :-)
I Love you, 'time' now to go. Amen."
Philippians 4:12-13
I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.I am able to do all things through Him who strengthens me.
Sunday, June 7, 2015
To fit in His Shoes
6/7/2015 6:46am
I received this in a message today--it is a question from The Lord to us...
"IF you could 'play God' for a day how would this change things for you? Would you just be kinder and gentler to all whom you'd see, or would you spare of the rod just like Me?
You see, the reason that I do aske this of you is I wishe for you to put yourself in My Shoes and see of the day as I see; fore IF you will do what I ask in this day, you'll see it unfold around you.
And then here's where you'll discover the Truthe of My Ways, of how I work and I flow in your day; and as you begin to fit more of yourself in My Shoes you'll become more of My Love in your ways.
Please do chew on this a while longer as you begin to see more of what I see and I know; fore the True Beauty in the worth of your deeds is represented in the way you give and receive of your/My Love." :-)
And then here's where you'll discover the Truthe of My Ways, of how I work and I flow in your day; and as you begin to fit more of yourself in My Shoes you'll become more of My Love in your ways.
Please do chew on this a while longer as you begin to see more of what I see and I know; fore the True Beauty in the worth of your deeds is represented in the way you give and receive of your/My Love." :-)
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
The meaning of 'The Rose'
6/02/15 5:13am
I heard, "Today was a good day for you, was it not? Fore in the Great Eye of the Beholder there was a great much done in My Love--please let Me explain....
You see, in the True Beauty of the Rose (there) is a softness that results in the smells of a most succulent type-pleasure to All so that, even though it appears as though you've walked-up and leaned over to smell of My Rose, what Truly happens is My Love does then pour forth from your heart as it captures My Love in that moment in time for the transference of My Love unto you can then feel what I feel in that moment of Love--please let Me explain...
You see, the Great Beauty of the Rose, is actually a representation of Me, which is why when its presence is transferred to another on your version of 'Plane,' it is and becomes a Great Symbol of Love, of what One says to another as, "I Love you THIS much, and I wanted to share of My Love unto you."
You see, when One gives to another a Great Rose of their Love, what they are doing is they are in essence and form saying, "I Love you THIS much," which is why 'the Rose' is a symbol of Love--are you beginning to see what I mean? (He would like us each to answer...)
You see, in the beginning there was just you, just 'them,' and the others, all wrapped-up tightly together as My Love captured each and every one of your hearts in the Heart of My Smile; and even though each was drastically different in their hearts and their smiles, they all radiated to the sound of My Love as each did continue to shine. And so now I ask, "what is different between you, 'he,' and 'she'; and why would you even care about this here, difference at all IF the ONLY reason you were different was fore each to then learn of My Ways? Please do chew on this last question/statement a bit longer, fore how One does perceive of the difference as self, determines how you'll move along on the 'Plane.'
You see, here lies the reasons for the differences you see on the Plane:
#1 The main reason you see and perceive someone who is just like you as different, is because IF I created each of you as (the) same, then how would each come to identify that they would have a different type-coursework than you?
Please do truly consider this point of the fact, fore in the unique differences and challenges I've presented to each and every one of you, there is a time-stamped lesson to learn that is VERY important for each to get at that moment in time, which is why One sees a happening (as) one way, and yet another sees it entirely different than you--are you beginning to see what I mean?...Fore how One sees and then responds to a situation that is presented to them determines how they'll move along on this 'Plane.'
#2 IF I were to come to you as an angel in disguise would you even recognize the difference and the uniqueness at all?
You see, I come to many of you as angels with a unique set of circumstances and it is up to you to recognize how this fits in the grande scheme of tasks you have chosen to fill of your day; fore IF you see and then recognize My angel as 'Me,' then what happens is you truly get ahead quicker in life, as you quickly master that moment/that lesson in time, in My Space of your Love. (I then asked Him how we may recognize an angel?)
You see, if I gave away all the clues to 'My angels' or EXACTLY how I work on your Plane, then I would be giving you a cheat-sheet of sorts, and that is NOT the purpose nor the reason for your life on this Plane--the only reason you are there is to learn to receive and to give of My Love--so is that good enough for you? (Please answer)
However, I may give you just one special clue as to how One could recognize their presence (the angels) in/as 'Me' when they come near and towards you on the Plane...if you close your right eye, tilt your head slightly to the left of the Sky, and as you cant your left eye you will then see a slight aura of blue atop the beautiful base of their crown which will let you know that they are of and about Me in/as My Love.
So please do not ask for Me to give you any additional 'clues,' fore I present My angels not as some sort of a 'trick,' but rather please do see it as a 'test' to measure where your heart is in that moment in time, in My Space of your Love--okay? (please answer)
#3 You see, this is the MOST IMPORTANT point that I would like to make in this moment because it/this experience called life is not so much about the gathering of great jewels and of coins for you to further your worth on the Plane, but rather it is how you use of My Great Jewels and My Coins to produce a greater wealth and abundance of Love that truly counts in this world that you see.
So then, IF I gave of you one talent, two talents, or ten talents, then I would be looking at how you did use of these here 'talents' to produce a greater abundance of Love as you walked and you roamed in the land...are you beginning to then-see what I mean?
You see, My Kingdom does not come to the wealthy who have gathered, reaped and then-sowed of a life of purity, and piety for the goods of the earth, but rather My Great Wealth comes to those who have gained in this life a full-set of abundance in the heart, so each can then-know of My Name-- please let Me explain...
You see, the reason, the ONLY reason you are there on the Plane is to learn of My Love--(of) how to give and receive of its worth; so, with this being said, what if I did say unto you, "take up your bed and then walk"--what would that feel like in you?
Would you stand there and stammer as you tried to explain as to how much you were 'unworthy' of Me, Or would you look Me straight in the eye and say, "Yes Father I am coming to you, to seek of the Great Love in Your Heart"...this My sweet child is how I wishe for All to then-come unto Me--okay? (Please think about this and answer)
Remember, it's not just to the meek I do come, no--I come to All who know how to speak of My Name as they speak of the Great Love in their hearts, and share with All who come to play in My Game--My Great Game of Love, of healing the hearts, of mending broken dreams, as All begin to move to the Great Presence of a New Lyfe in Christ as each learns to receive of My Name.
So then, I do have just a few simple questions for you, so you can see just how much you Love on this Plane.
#1 What if 'I' came unto you in this day and 'I' said you were unworthy of Me? Would you accept what 'I' said as truth to your ears, or would you still keep your Great Place in My Game--the Great Game of My Heart that truly knows it is Loved with/in Me, no matter what anyone says unto you...
#2 What if 'I' came unto you and told you to "take up your bed and then walk"--to what would you do? Would you be ready to take-up the cross I lay before you, to help you grow into the Great Love of My Heart?--OR would you stand there like John (the name of the rich man in the story, not John the disciple) as you attempt to explain of all the good you have already done...and as you then-walked away, would you silently say, "This Lord just asks too much of my heart...and I just cannot do what He asks..." (Mark 10:17-25) my, my, my (The Lord pauses for a moment in sadness, as He reflects on someone who was given a chance to truly love in their heart, but walked away as they left their gift in His Hands.)
You see, the reason I do wishe to make this so very clear and so very dear is because what lays present in each and every heart of My Love is the Truth of the New Lyfe in Christ that is patiently waiting to come into your Home. And, IF One chooses to disinherit their Lyfe in its worth, then there is NO WAY My Love can come into your home...are you beginning to see what I mean? (Please answer)
So then, when I come unto you and I say, "Please do take up your bed, fore it is time for you to walk forwards in Me," then please do let Me come into your heart so you can sleep gently in your New Lyfe with/in Me--see?
So, I do have just one more final question for you, and then it's time for you to begin in your day--you see, you know that you Love Me with the Truthe of your heart, but then the final and very tricky question that I do have for you is...(The Lord pauses for a brief second and then continues very softly but intensely as He looks at each of us straight in our hearts, as He says,) why, if you/if One knows they are to Love everyone just as your sweet Jesus did and still does as He walked the roads of your clay; then why do you not do as He did and still does as you go about your life in your ways?
Please do chew on this a bit longer, fore how you give and receive of the Great Love in My Heart determines if you've put plugs in you ears.
So, this is all for now, I will reveal a bit more of My Love at a later juncture in time, of its quite simple, yet complex union of/with/as 'the Rose' and how it will relate back to you.
So please do go about your day in your way, but I caution you to remember all that I have then-spoken unto you.
I Love you with an adoring passionate kiss that (just) can't wait to be with you again...but I do want to leave you with just this last bit of thought for you to consider in this day and the days up ahead--when you deny of your cross and say you are 'unworthy' of Me, then I just cannot enter your you disinherit the Pure Lyfe of your dreams.
My Dear child of Love, please do read of this last paragraph 10 times so you will finally get the meaning of this verse; fore how and why each of you determines 'the cross' you are to bear in your life, determines the Truthfulness of your life in My Worth.
I Love you, now go make this day count as something Great unto All as you kiss the brokenhearted, feed of the poor, take care of the widows, and the orphans.. as you fight for My Rights in the world.
I Love you, time now to go, Amen."
James 1:27
Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.
Mark 10:17-25
17 And when he was gone forth into the way, there came one running, and kneeled to him, and asked him, Good Master, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life? 18 And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God.
19 Thou knowest the commandments, Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Defraud not, Honour thy father and mother. 20 And he answered and said unto him, Master, all these have I observed from my youth. 21 Then Jesus beholding him loved him, and said unto him, One thing thou lackest: go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, take up the cross, and follow me.
22 And he was sad at that saying, and went away grieved: for he had great possessions.
23 And Jesus looked round about, and saith unto his disciples, How hardly shall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of God! 24 And the disciples were astonished at his words. But Jesus answereth again, and saith unto them, Children, how hard is it for them that trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God! 25 It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of God.
Monday, May 25, 2015
Memorial Day message
5/25/15 6:23am
(I came to the Lord to ask Him of a special Memorial Day message for those who have lost loved ones in the great service to our country.)
I heard, "So now, you do come to Me with good questions, and I must say (that) I do like how you think, fore while you do have this special gift of 'bending My Ear,' you do use it for My All to then see--so I do thank you from the bottom of My Heart for your continued engagement with/in Me.
So then, here begins My special message for those who were left behind as their brave young men and women did travel to, my, my (He pauses for a bit in sadness and reflection, and then He continues...)
You see, 'war' is terrible thing is it not, fore while the eye must press on to wage and to fight the battle of war, it does tear each one from side to side (He pauses for a moment and then softly says...) and this, quite frankly, this IS NOT how I wished for it to be, my, my, my...
You see, there on your earth, there is much determination and strife as to who should hold a collard-petition of Love; so then, let Me ask this of you--do you like to feel abandoned and afraid in the woods--Or, is it finally time for you to come Home here in Me? Please do chew on this last line a while longer, fore how One deems where they're at on this Plane determines if they have plugs in their ears.
You see, to know Me is to Love Me is it not? fore when I do gaze into your sweet eyes of My Love, I should see ONLY your Love in My now you ask, "what does He mean, and why is the Lord going off on a tangent again?"
You see, there is ALWAYS a rhyme to My Reason, and there is ALWAYS a point to My End--so then, let Me begin to tell you a story/a sweet, simple story of a Great Father who did wishe to reach all of His Dear Children of woes on each and every continent of your land.
You see, in the beginning there was just 'you,' and there was 'you,' and then 'you,' and then Me--so please do hold on a bit longer in Love and you will finally get what I mean when I say, that it's not really and truly over till its finally over and the fat lady's not done singing her song; fore she'll be a whistling her sweet Dixie in the bosom of her chest, as her Love beats to the sound of My Drum.
You see you were bourne to run the race, and to have a good time, but NOT to be sitting on the fence in your Love; so, if you'll take to heart what you see and I Know, then all hell will break off you in and as chains--okay?
So then, here now is where I will begin the Memorial Day message, but first I had to lay the foundational-groundwork for All; fore today there will be some new folks who will be reading this blog, and I wished for them to know a few things of how I do work, and I flow in your day--so now here is the Memorial Day message for you...
You see, once upon a time there was a great soldier who did stand for so much more than just strength--why, they stood up with courage for My children who could not stand-up alone to receive the Givings of My Mercy and Love.
So then, what did they do when a devilish 'martyr' did come to engage them in this battle called 'war'? Did they turn to run and hide in the bush of the brush, Or did they stand-up for the rights of the child who could not defend themselves in the way of their flesh?
You see, 'war' is a terrible thing is it not, but it is very present in the hearts that you see; fore the war of the battle has then already played itself out, as the cross made its way towards the King. Fore you see, what was foretold long ago, finally came to the present that day as all did then weep in the deeds of their ways.
So then, let Me ask this of you--do you like to feel all alone, abandoned, and abused--Or, do you think it's time to come Homeward's to Me?
You see, the reason I do wish for this question to be answered by you, is because how One chooses to answer My Question posed to them in these snippets of 'time,' determines 'how' and 'why' One will move forward in life as they ask, "is this for Him or for me?"...and here now comes the crux of this message...
You see, these brave men and women gave up the ultimate 'gift' of their life for you to live in the absolute freedom of Love. And, I hope you feel proud of what they have done there for you, to let you worship either with/in or without of My Love.
You see, to know Me is to Love Me, is it not? Fore when I do gaze in your eyes of the sweet Love of My Bliss, I should see ONLY My Love in your then, how does this type of Love differ from the Love that your fellow brothers and sisters did give for you in and as of their life--did they lay down their lives for you, so you could have the freedom to choose--Or did they just do it cuz' this was their 'job' in this life? (The way He said this was so intense and inquisitive, as He wants us to really think about these great men and women and how and why they died--it was much more than just their 'job,' they laid down their lives for us so that we may have His freedom to Love or not to love...this made me cry with such deep respect for those special brave men and women...)
You see, may I say it again, to know Me is to Love Me, is it not? So then, with this in mind, what if I came to you today and told you, "Take up your bed and then walk"--to what would you do?
Would you stand there and stammer as you tried to explain all the reasons you were 'unworthy' of Me--Or would you look Me straight in the eye and say, "Yes Father, I am coming to you, to seek of the Great Love in Your Heart!"
You see, and may I say it again, for the third, fourth and the final fifth time in Love--to know Me is to Love Me--so then, keeping this in mind, what if I came to you and told you that it was your day to die on the cross--to what would you do?...and before you do answer My Dear Question to you, please do feel how your fallen brothers and sisters did feel as they laid their hearts bare there for you... (Please think about this for a while and then respond when you are ready--this is a tough one for me too!)
You see, I lay in the small whispers of Love...I lay quietly in the dawn of the day...I lay so very still in the gentle flowing rivers of Love, and I exist in a way that many will never come to see if they continue to live in a life without Me...are you beginning to then-see what I mean?
Fore I am so much more present and alive than just of what a Sunday school preacher tells you of just who it is that I am; fore I am the Truthe in this worlde and I can NEVER be separated as a simple thing of the past that once was, but will never come to Be; fore I exist in and as the True Beauty of Love that you see!
So then, here is what I am offering to you in this here and now moment of Love, on this Memorial type-day in your world--you see, IF you will go back and think of the moment that you felt My Great Heart break for you in this world, and then compare it to 'how' and 'why' of how that Great Soldier did feel when I came and told him, "Take up your bed and then walk?"...fore you see, all the Great One's do hear of My Voice, and do answer the call in their heart...and If you'll listen more in the way as My Child, then you'll hear more My Great Mercy and Love.
So then, please do think in this day of just how you feel safe, and honour those who paid the dear price then for you--fore they took up their bed and walked forward in Me, and they had of your Love in their please do remember this day, in your own special way; fore it was their life that paid for your freedom to Love...and then please remember My Great Jeshua of Love, who was just as they on the cross, as He did shed of His Blood in and as (of) My Love, to pave the way for you to come Homeward to Me.
I Love you, 'time' now to go. Amen."
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
'The Book of Revelation' & the concept of 'time'
5/13/15 11:24am
I came to The Lord with a question a friend had asked me to ask of The Lord, and although I suggested she should ask Him herself, she pleaded her case to me, and so I gave in...she knows how to work me, lol :-)
The question she asked is, "will The Book of Revelation be played out in our lifetime, and is 'the end of the world' soon to come?"
I heard, "Hmmm...good questions you do come to Me with, and might I say, so late tis' the night in the Sky, as you do look towards stars up above-- my, my, my... (I asked Him what He meant by the statement "so late tis the night in the sky...?")
So, before I do answer your sheer question of fact in the fictional type-world that you see, first, let Me explain a bit more of what you would, should, and could see IF you laid your heart bare on the cross (He pauses for a moment and then continues) so All would come to know you as 'king.' (I asked for Him to explain this last sentence as well, as I'm even more confused with regards to this last sentence too...)
Please do hold your thoughts, and please do cease in your asking of questions for Me, as I already know what's on your mind, and I'll answer all of your questions of hope, Love, and of sweet ponder in Truth when it's time to come back in My Fold. (I apologized and told Him "okay, I'll just listen and stop in My interrupting of Him in His message to me...")
(There is) No need to apologize, fore I (will) make all things seen and then-known, but I thank you for your consternation in your thoughts and your deeds as I reveal more Truth in your soul.
And I so thank you, My dear sweet child of the faith, for all you have seen and then-done...and when it's time for you to Journey off this Plane that you know, I wishe to lay a Crowne of Gold atop the sweet head that you own...
So now, this is what I wishe to then tell you today, in this particular here-moment in 'time'--you see, today was a very special day in the Great Eye of the Beholder; fore there was one of My children who did visit your booth at 'The Victory of Light' seminar where you did offer-up your/My Services for free---yes, Ms Angel is the one who did come to you as 'broken' and you helped make Me known in her heart...and today she did let Me in, so a hearty congratulatory praise goes out to yourself and Ms Pam for truly seeing and believing in Me...but mostly for your passing My Love forth onto All. (He's smiling with Great Love and I feel how proud He is, which made me tear-up in His Joy)
You see, while it may seem as though it is the dawn of your day in the particular moment that you see, it is ALWAYS of the night in My Sky--so please Do Not think that just because you see yourself in and as 'the flesh of the skin,' that you are ONLY made of the flesh that you see; fore when it's time for you to leave this particular 'earth' that you know, you will just drop this shell as you walk forward in Me. (He's smiling with Great Love in His Heart, and this warms my heart and makes me smile.)...and yes, please let Me explain of just what I mean when I say, nothing's over till its over, and 'the fat lady's not done singing her song,' fore what is done is what's done in this Great Moment of Love and I so Love what you're doing in 'Me'...please let Me explain...
You see, once upon a time there was a young tree that did reach for the Great Pinnacle of Truth in the Sky, as it reached for the Great Love in My Heart--so what do you think that I did as this particular child did then reach forth to Me?
Do you think I made that jump higher and higher, as I raised the bar higher in jest--Or, do you think I allowed them to come enter My Heart?
Please do think about this a bit more, fore while many do say they Love Me with the sheer lips of their mouth, I find that their heart is far from their ways, fore out of the heart their mouth speaks of My Love, or it speaks of its rage...
You see, to know Me is to Love Me, is it not? fore when I do gaze into your eyes of the Truth I should see Only the Great Love of My Heart, that then-captures the Pure Heart of your smile--are you beginning to see what I mean? (I told Him "yes, but could He continue...")
So now, back to your original question, and the Truth of the boy/the girl who did reach forth to Me in the Great Love of their see, to know Me is to Love Me--right? So, if I were to suddenly tell you that this 'world' as you see (it) and you know (it) were then 'over,' and 'the Book of Revelation' did then suddenly come to make its way near and upon you in/as 'chains'--to what would you do? Would you bury your head in the sand, OR would you gather your flock, and as you looked Me straight in the eye, would you say, "Yes Father, I am coming to you, to seek of the Great Love in your Heart!"
You see, may I say it again, to know Me is to Love Me--is it not? Fore when One does Truly know Me from the Great Depth of their Being, nothing, truly nothing 'scares' them again, fore they know I've 'got their back,' which is why when the dark one comes to and towards you in the Great Way of your heart, he cannot enter My Gates of your walls--fore there are no crevices left/no cracks to sneak-in and upon, as he attempts to scare away your presence of Me...and there is no way he can enter the world that you know, when you are fully-centered with and in Me--see?
So, guess what he (the evil one) says unto Me when he tries, but does fail in his deeds... as he attempts to outsmart Me again? Do you think he just goes away kindly, as a good soldier should do, or do you think he still tries to capture My Heart? Please do think about this a bit more, fore 'The Great Book of My Revelations' will ONLY come to pass and to playout for those who choose to be a part of its scheme...fore those who truly know and who Love Me to the Great Depths of their soul, will know which way they should go...please do really and truly think this thing out, fore IF it (the Book) were to come about and upon you 'today,' it would ONLY scare you if you were not fully-centered here with and in Me...
So then, what do you think will be My reply to this silly little satan, who attempts to get Me to fit in the way of his schemes? Do I cower and bow to the attempts at his love, or do I (still) Love him with all of My Means?
You see, from the time he was little, I've watched him grow into the spawn he's become, and it saddens Me to think that someone who could have been so Great in My Love, has both saddened and deepened My Heart...and may I say it again for the fourth or the fifth time in you--to know Me is quite simply put, to Love Me, and if One were to attempt to circumvent My Great offerings of Love, then how could they know Me in their Heart?...Please do chew on this a bit more, fore how One chooses to give of the Great Love in their Heart determines if they've put plugs in their ears.
And so I simply say to this here devilish-'man'--"How may I help you today?" "May I help you with this, or with that on your course, Or have I offended your ways?"...and, of course, I do have a hint of a smile in My gesture and stance as I disengage from the love of his ways, (his love is not God's Love) as he says, "My great lord from on high, who reigns in the glory, may I sit in your presence again?"...(he says this with a terrible mocking voice that's trying to disgusie itself as 'kind,' but it sounds like a snake's hissing...yuck, it made me feel sick in my stomach to hear it...the Lord listened to him with respect, and then sighed heavily as He sees the heavy sarcasm that lays so thick in his devilish grin as he attempts to trick the Lord again...)
To which I say, "Mr satan, My once Great Lucifer of Hope, do you wishe to let Me hold you again?" and to this the evil one scurries away, fore you see, I did challenge his rights with/in Me.
And as he tucks his tail in, yet holds it as proud, I say, "Why My Great Lucifer of Hope, did I offend you today, as you offered-up your love in your way? And when you came upon My Great Children of Love did they not fall for the schemes of your way?" Fore you see, when he preys upon a True Believer of Mine he cannot grasp hold of what's centered in Me.
So then I now ask of this jet-black, cold heart that I see, as I look him straight in the eyes, as I say, "How do I fit in the schemes of your days, and who's Love forms the beauty of your heart? Fore the Truth of One's heart is then seen in the day, as they live-out their truth in their ways... and may I also ask you to consider this fact of the Truth, of just how you think you created the world that you see, fore when One becomes a True Believer of My Heart in their Love, they live-out their life with/in Me--see?"
"You see, I did not create you to stand-apart on your own, on top of, or beside the One you should Love, and IF you truly had Love in your heart, you'd do more with your ways in My Love. And, do you think it possible that it was I who did create the world you are in, for you to change of the deceit of your ways, fore when One creates of a certainty with the Grace of One's Heart, it could NEVER destroy of its Ways--are you beginning to see what I mean?"
...and to this he just slinks away in the cloak of his dark, as he continues to separate My Heart from his, my, my (The Lord is very sad as He pauses and then continues...)
You see, to know Me is to Love Me, is it not? Fore how could, would, and should someone tell Me in their heart that they Love Me, yet they fear EVERYTHING that comes upon them in ways?...You see, this is what does separate My 'True Believer's' from those who just 'kinda wanna know Me'--as if I somehow need to be constantly tested to see if I stand-up for their truth--and to this I dare say, Hmmm...fore you see, I exist quite well all on My own, and I truly need nothing to balance the scales of My Worth...and if One were to desire a need to constantly test, and test, and test of My Love, then this here person is not with/in Me--see? Fore I will state here again, there is NO NEED to test of My Great Presence of Love, fore I exist quite well on My own!
You see, may I say it again, to know Me is to Love Me, is it not? Fore how could One say they Love Me from the lips of their mouth, but yet question EVERYTHING (that) I say and I do?--"Lord, why did you do that..." " Why did you do that, and that, and that..."and on and on you go in your silly, superfulous statement to Me...
You see, this is what I desire and I wishe--for My Children to really and truly KNOW that I have EVERYTHING under control/in the Palm of My Hand, and I exist quite well on My own.
So then, let Me give you an example of how I wishe for My Great Children to respond to what many would deem as a 'tragedy'--Wendy, may I tell them of your mother and her passing? (I told Him "yes, it's okay with Me if it's okay with my mom as well...")
Sharon (He's speaking to my mother) may we speak of your passing in light of the message I wishe to give to those with ears who wishe to hear? (Although I didn't hear anything I had a sense that she answered "yes")
You see, My Wendy knew well in advance that her sweet mother was going to pass away from the olde life into New Lyfe with Me, fore I had told her prior to this event happening to Be. So then, when it was time for her mother to have her bags packed in the life that you see, she was truly ready to go--so she went happily skipping towards Me in her Love, never looking back except to bid her sweet children farewell. And although, at times it did appear (that) she was suffering in the flesh, she was ALWAYS here with Me in her Love.
So, no worries that she was not 'Catholic,' and did not have a priest help her say her last vows, fore she came happily skipping towards Me in her Love when it was 'time' to begin her New Lyfe with Me--okay? (My sweet mother recently passed, and He's referring to her ending in this olde life, and the new Lyfe that she entered into in Him...)
So now, let's speak then about My sweet Mimi, and how she does come to you to try and attempt to bend My Ear in your words...fore while she can hear Me quite well in her heart, (yet) she chooses you to form of her words--and guess what, that's okay, fore when she is ready she will listen to Me with the ears of her heart in My Land...(Mimi is who asked me this question to ask of the Lord.)
You see, she is worried that the Book of Revelation will play out and she will not be harvested when My sweet Jesus comes down to the earth. So, before I then answer this here-question of fact, please let Me ask of this first?
Do you truly believe what I say, or do you still listen to 'the others' who talk and then-think that they know Me by heart?-- Fore you see, how One reads and interprets My Great Bible of Ways, prepares a course and a Journey for them--please let Me explain...but before I go any further, I first wishe to explain this concept of 'time' so you truly do then get what I mean when I say that 'it's not over till it's over, and the fat lady's not even begun to sing of her song, fore she'll be whistlin' the sweet sounds of My Dixie in the bossom of her breast, as it beats to the sounds of My Drum.' (He's smiling with Great Love.)
So now, for My dear Mimi and to everyone who wishes to hear of a lesson on 'time'...
'Time' is just a figment of One's imagination as it presents itself back upon the world, and while yes, the concept of 'time' may appear to you as 'real,' but yet it is anything but that which you see-- fore it is not measurable in its silly quadrants of 'presence' as it attempts to exist with and in Me--see?
So, please do stay with Me a moment longer and I will break this down a bit more so you can see EXACTLY what I mean when I say, "time does not exist in the realm that I see, fore I stand outside the walls of your flesh." So, if you were to say, "Father please come into my heart," then I would come enter the world that you see--are you beginning to see what I mean? (He wishes for you to think about this and then answer Him.)
So you ask, "Father, how does this relate back to 'me,' in this concept of 'time' in the flesh?"
Good questions you see, since I stand outside the boundaries of 'time' and of 'space' of your earth in this transversinal type-quadrant of 'you,' (then) what happens is when you create your life with/in Me in your space, then our worlds' bound-up together nicely in 'you.'
So please do be careful, so very careful in the fact when you say (that) you wishe to make your world here or there with/in Me, fore the concept of 'time' will then exist with/in its own boundary of space, as it now exists here with and in Me--see? ...and then this here concept of 'time,' no longer becomes a reality for you, for you now exist in My World with/in Me, and are no longer held by the chains of this earth--see? (wow, He's blowing my mind...but I think I'm getting this--are you? pretty cool huh?)
So then, here's how this will tie back into 'reality' for your friend, Mimi, and others who are afraid of 'the Book of Revelations' or any other scenario that might be played out by the evil one to mask itself as a charade of My Love--you see, 'the book' you are referring to was only created as a con-centennial proposition to the equation that was present at hand, fore if the version of that reality existed in your vision of scope that had no faith, then all Hell WOULD break loose in your land.
And to further My consideration of the fact of 'this Book,' what will Be and what One will come to see will be ONLY played out by the version of the Trust (that) you have with/in Me--see? Fore remember, 'the devil' can and will only 'touch' you IF you let him into the cracks of your walls, fore this silly, little satan knows he cannot touch the heart of My Believer who let's Me defend them in the Great Battle of Love...are you beginning to see what I mean? (please answer Him, as He would like you to discuss with Him the vision that you would see if and when 'the Book' came into Being...)
So then, there is no reason to think that it may suddenly happen today, tomorrow, or next week in your eyes, fore IF it does come to happen in the world that you see, then All who chose to lay in the nape of My Breast will be singing their sweet Dixie's to Me... and they would no longer be bound by the chains of this life in that spectrumal type-quadrant of 'time'--see?
So then, here's My big question for you--IF 'the Book of My Revelations were to be played out EXACTLY as My Great Angel did speak to My John, then let Me ask this of you--rather than being terrified that you would be going through it all on your own, would you rather be like My Great Children of Love, who would stand-up as My Love in their flesh?
Yes, would you rather know down deep in your heart of your soul that whatever 'happens,' I, your Father who Loves you more than you could ever imagine, would have of your I have EVERYTHING under control? (Please answer Him...I answered that I know that He Loves me, and whatever happens, I know deep down in My Heart that He will take care of me and ONLY allow for me to go through what I need to, to refine and make of my heart golden...)
So you see, here now is the sweet ending to My Story, My Story of long ago that I wishe to be portrayed now in your heart...
...and in the last of the days of the ending of the earth, what did happen is All who chose to Love of The Father did come to sit and kneel by His side as they basked in the Glow of His Love.
Fore All who had chosen to be of His Love, did now come to worship His Heart...all the toil now gone, all of the strife somehow melted away, and all that was left standing was the last Remanant of His Heart as each laid their hearts bare on the cross.
Fore you see, what was foretold long before the Carpenter walked with sandals as clay, now had come to pass as the cornerstone was now-centered in the rock that lay bare.
And what IS became of what was left long ago, now called as 'present' in the Heart known as Love...
And as the Father lay a gentle leaf inside each heart that was there, He called each of His Children by name...and they came, one by one, in the tens of the thousands to receive of a Great Milenium of Love--the Great Love that was lost long ago that still lay as present in the tiny shells of the past.
Fore now the 'happy ending' was no more just a thing that was unattainable for All, but yet it was now REAL as they came to sit with the Father at last...and as the Good Shepherd closed the Gate on His Flock, He did bring forthe the children of Love to gaze in the gentle passtures of the sweet flowing sands, in the land of milk and honey of what was left of the past...ahhh (The Lord is sighing in Great Joy as He envisons this happy ending to His Great Story of Love.)
So then, a pretty happy ending is this not? (He'd like for us to answer)
You see, please do not be afraid of what may or may never come to Be, fore all I wishe for you to be doing in this moment in 'time' is to Love One another as I have Loved you, so please be kind to All whom you meet, and please do treat All as you wishe to be treated in Love--okay?
You cannot control anyone's actions, but ONLY your response to how they make you feel, and IF you are here with and in Me, then this is a good place is it not?-- Fore IF One does choose to be here with and in Me, then My Great Love does then pour forth from their heart...and this is all that should be seen and then-known as your True Reality in Me-see? (He's smiling at us with Great Love :-)
I Love you, now go and make this Great Day count as one where you were no longer filled with dread and insurmountable worries and strife, but yet, you just Loved of the One's you are with--okay?
I Love you, 'time' now to go. Amen."
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