7/13/14 10:23pm
I had some time to finally sit in this day and I have a question for The Lord, "why are there so many 'bad' people in the world and why does terror reign so strong?"
I heard, " My child, good questions you do have for Me here in this moment in 'time,' and while yes, I have answered this type of question before, here's what I'd like to do in My dear, special time that I own.
You see, let's start off with the third type of question to boot, since it's been on your mind for a while, and now its time to answer it here for you, for My All to then see.
So then, here is My question to you--IF I were to come to you today, here in this moment right now in a dark suit, a dark sweater, or a dark pair of slacks, what would you sense in a way in your form? What would I smell like, look like or sound like, as a former-sheer Presence of Me?
You see, all of a Created Being can only move in My Flow when it walks and talks such like I.
So, I ask you once more, 'what' would I feel like, smell like and sound like to you as I did approach you in 'my' dark sweater of days?
You see, remember all of a Created Being can ONLY move, breathe and flow such like I, if we've become one and the same, so, IF One were to Be of the Way, the Truth and the Light, then as they did then leave your 'particular presence of woes,' you'd be very happy in what you just saw, of what you just said, and you meant when you handled yourself Properly here in Me--see?
So then, you are probably wondering how and why I did go off on My certain 'tangent of course,' in the questioning of My Life in your ways, but yet the Truth always comes out once My Love does then Properly begin to see the True Fashion of Me.
You see, IF One would then truly see All for the Pure Worth that they are, then All would then be right here in Me, so before we digress or continue, I'd like to make mention to you this one particular point of the fact.
You see, IF One were to Become a True Follower of Mine, then what would happen is this--each would fulfill the particular capabilities I would then set-up for him/for her in the special certain manner of 'you'--see?
So now that we've been here before, let's start off with a certain type questioning in 'you.'
You see, it's not how One does break the bread, nor sip the Pure wine of the Tea that does produce/determine IF One could, and would, and should become a True Follower of Mine--But let Me tell this to you, when I hear of My child eating, drinking and smelling 'My Flesh,' (taking in of communion) while this behavior of actions does make Me happy and proud, it does make My Ears perk-up to you, fore' to see how it will then change your certain actions of Flow.
So then just one more paragraph of thought, and then it will be time for My Wendy to leave--you see, the true beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so IF One were to Be a True Follower of Mine and then a dark suit, a dark sweater, or a dark entity were to come upon them in ways, then what would they do?
Would they turn and run, OR would they then turn the other cheek and offer-up their sweet Presence of Mine to help change the 'dark sweater' back to My WHITE?
You see, how can I change the world IF/when a dark sweater were to come upon you, and you splashed your painted sins upon them--how?
IF you truly wished to change the world, and to turn all the heart-lights back on, then by your Being and remaining in the sheer Presence of Me, then when the dark sweater, the dark suit, the dark entity that used to once be of My Love--yes, when they did come upon you, you would learn more to STOP, pull Me from inward to out, and then fully stand there in your Presence of Me--right?
So then, to further My Point of this argument, and to answer your question of faith, the one where you asked, "Why are there so many 'bad' people in the world, and why does the terror reign so strongly in your world that's disconnected from Myself and My Love?"
You see, IF you/IF One were to STOP, drop their arms of the weapons, and were to pull Me from Inward to Out--then how would this change the world that you see?
And to further My Point of this argument, IF One were to do this over, and over again, touching each and every heart that they see--then how would this change the world that you see?
And IF this dark sweater, this dark suit, and this dark entity were to come upon you today, 'to what' would your presence then Be?
Would you honour My Love, and be the Love that you see, OR would you turn, and then run from My Love?
So today, and tomorrow, and until I send My sweet chariot for you, what would I then wish for you to be doing in the 'now's moment expression' for change?
You see, IF today you do then hear My Knock, then please do open the door then for Me.
And, IF today you then hear the sound of My Voice, then please answer My Call then for you.
And, today IF you do smell the certain Rose of MY Love, then please do take-in the sweet Love of My Bouquet that only offers its special Love as My certain sheer Presence in you.
BUT, when and IF I do come upon you in the sheer Heart of My Flesh, and it is dark, so very dark in its form...please Do Not run, Do Not hide, nor strike back upon My Flesh, fore' I do wish for you to turn My Heart-light back on.
Yes, IF/when 'I' do then come upon you, please do say your special words to My Flesh that brings the tears to My Eyes of your Love...and this My sweet child of Love is how you do change then the world that you see. Yes, yes, yes, here is how you do then change the world that you see when you become the Pure Arms of My Love.
So, this is all for now, time now to go, but please remember, it's not what you say, and you do with the lips expression of 'love,' no, but the truth in your pudding goes like this--IF you are of My Love, then when a dark's expression of ways does come upon you in its disconnected form known as 'rage,' then what will happen is 'this'--you'll be afforded an opportunity to help assist this dark entity to change back into its full Lighted-expression of Me--see?...and this My Friend, My sweet Friend of a great amount of Heart, Compassion and Truth, this IS how you will change the certain world that you see. (He's smiling at us in Great Love and adoration... :-)
I Love you, 'time' now to go. Amen."
Monday, July 14, 2014
Thursday, June 26, 2014
His Oracle song, "My Grace and Love"
6/26/14 4:52am
I had a hard time getting to bed last night as I was so elated that a friend of mine sang the song publicly for the first time that the Lord had given to me in a message a few months ago, titled, The Lord Speaks, "My Grace and Love"
So, I am coming to Him in gratitude and great Joy this morning as I wanted to see His response to this, and I am hoping that we've pleased our Great Father to hear this sung at His place of worship here in Cincinnati, Ohio.
I heard, "My, My, My...yes, your Great Father of the Sky's did so enjoy hearing this blessed song sung by your lovely friend, your Ms. Joann of the Way, whom many appreciate for her True Beauty, her worth, and her Love.
You see, on the day you were borne, it was a beautiful day in the clouds as all did gather together to hear the sweet melodies you did make as you floated towards the pure earth of your land...and, when you 'bounced,' you did then 'bounce' with the Joy of My Love in your flesh...My, My, My...(He's smiling very grandely at me, and I'm smiling with great Joy that I've pleased my Great Father of Love...)
You see, when most do leave this earth/this place you presently do call your 'home,' most will come to know of a beautiful cavern of Love that will simply sing My Great Praises of Love...and, it will Be, and Become a sweet, symphonic Joy of Love that captures the Pure Heart of their Sky.
So, on the day of your return unto Me, what will happen is this, the angels will come to greet you in the Sky on your day of Love/your return unto Me, as I then recapture your Pure Heart that ONLY wants to regain its Pure 'bounce' of the Sky--see? ( I answered, "yes," as He then showed me the Vision of my return unto Him and it is beautiful...)
So, with this being said, let's first address the Pure Song you did hear when I did then raise you in the Pure Womb of your Joy--the song you've then heard from your birthe/ this 'thing' you did hear from your womb.
You see, all will be revealed to you in a Pure blink of the eye as you then do fashion yourself unto Me-- but, this time is not 'now' as I do have a bit more for you to do before you then leave this particular spot of the Plane.
So, while yes, I am glad you are finally stepping forward for My All to then see, you are still maturing in the sweet sound of your voice that still does want to reckon with the chains from its birthe.
Do you remember when you 'went into the Light,' and you did then sing with My Pure Angels of the Sky? You see, 'this' is how I do wish for you to be singing as you do then open your mouth so that My Pure Heavens can be sung through unto you... and then All will hear the Pure Sound of My Voice--that ONLY wants to hear its Pure Sound of My Voice--see?
So, rather than you sing My 'catchy tunes of Love,' I would rather you open the Pure Mouth of your heart, and sing what you've known and you've heard--okay? (I answered, "yes.')
So, are we then clear of what I have to offer unto you? (I answered, yes, but then asked how will I do this?)
You see, I will soon extend My Graces upon you as you do then drift off to sleep to cut, and to clip the chains that do still surround your Pure vocal chords of Me, that wish to hold back My sweet, symphonic sounds of Love, so that when you try to speak, you will ONLY hear the sweet sounds of My Voice as I do reckon forth My Pure Love upon your heart--see?
So, are we then clear as to how, and why, and of what you will be doing in the next few weeks of your Love?
You see, you are the Pure Apple of My eye that ONLY wishes to please her Great Father of Love which is why I do move so quickly in you. You've known Me from before you were borne, and now you will know Me again as I do come upon you like a Pure Steed in the crowd that moves with its Pure swiftness and speed.
So, when one day you try and attempt to sing the 'ole country tune' you've known and you've loved, you'll find yourself suddenly opening up your heart and belting out the Pure tune of your Love that ONLY wants to be let out for My All to then hear...and then, you will be an actual expression of Me--see? (I had a vision of my singing a song on the radio and then suddenly singing His Presence, and that from that point on, every time I tried to sing, His Presence of song would come out of the mouth of my heart...)
So yes, I am so very glad that Ms. Joann of My Way did then play for My All to then hear in the Pure Worship of the sound of My Voice--But and I do repeat BUT, I do have a bit more for you, and for her to then do before you then leave this particular spot of the Plane.
What I do wish for Ms. Joann of the Way to be doing is to help you tune the Pure Sound of My Voice that ONLY does wish to hit the Pure Harmonies of Me in its way, and its shape, and its form.
So yes, I will give you more songs so she can sing them to her audience of Love/ to create the sweet symphonic sounds of My Love, But I do wish for more from you--for you to 'sing' the 'sounds' that you sang long ago, so that I may play My sounds of Love for My All to then hear--okay? (I answered an apprehensive "yes" as my current singing voice is NOT too pleasant to hear, but I welcome Him in, to move in me to produce His changes--for I am His grateful servant/His vessel as I wish to only be about pleasing my Great Father on this Plane we are on...)
So yes, please do continue to hone and to play your skills to the end of what you know of as your 'adult life,' but please do pay more attention to the changes that do come from out of your mouth as you then sing with the Pure Heart of My Love.
I Love you, 'time' now to go. Amen."
I had a hard time getting to bed last night as I was so elated that a friend of mine sang the song publicly for the first time that the Lord had given to me in a message a few months ago, titled, The Lord Speaks, "My Grace and Love"
So, I am coming to Him in gratitude and great Joy this morning as I wanted to see His response to this, and I am hoping that we've pleased our Great Father to hear this sung at His place of worship here in Cincinnati, Ohio.
I heard, "My, My, My...yes, your Great Father of the Sky's did so enjoy hearing this blessed song sung by your lovely friend, your Ms. Joann of the Way, whom many appreciate for her True Beauty, her worth, and her Love.
You see, on the day you were borne, it was a beautiful day in the clouds as all did gather together to hear the sweet melodies you did make as you floated towards the pure earth of your land...and, when you 'bounced,' you did then 'bounce' with the Joy of My Love in your flesh...My, My, My...(He's smiling very grandely at me, and I'm smiling with great Joy that I've pleased my Great Father of Love...)
You see, when most do leave this earth/this place you presently do call your 'home,' most will come to know of a beautiful cavern of Love that will simply sing My Great Praises of Love...and, it will Be, and Become a sweet, symphonic Joy of Love that captures the Pure Heart of their Sky.
So, on the day of your return unto Me, what will happen is this, the angels will come to greet you in the Sky on your day of Love/your return unto Me, as I then recapture your Pure Heart that ONLY wants to regain its Pure 'bounce' of the Sky--see? ( I answered, "yes," as He then showed me the Vision of my return unto Him and it is beautiful...)
So, with this being said, let's first address the Pure Song you did hear when I did then raise you in the Pure Womb of your Joy--the song you've then heard from your birthe/ this 'thing' you did hear from your womb.
You see, all will be revealed to you in a Pure blink of the eye as you then do fashion yourself unto Me-- but, this time is not 'now' as I do have a bit more for you to do before you then leave this particular spot of the Plane.
So, while yes, I am glad you are finally stepping forward for My All to then see, you are still maturing in the sweet sound of your voice that still does want to reckon with the chains from its birthe.
Do you remember when you 'went into the Light,' and you did then sing with My Pure Angels of the Sky? You see, 'this' is how I do wish for you to be singing as you do then open your mouth so that My Pure Heavens can be sung through unto you... and then All will hear the Pure Sound of My Voice--that ONLY wants to hear its Pure Sound of My Voice--see?
So, rather than you sing My 'catchy tunes of Love,' I would rather you open the Pure Mouth of your heart, and sing what you've known and you've heard--okay? (I answered, "yes.')
So, are we then clear of what I have to offer unto you? (I answered, yes, but then asked how will I do this?)
You see, I will soon extend My Graces upon you as you do then drift off to sleep to cut, and to clip the chains that do still surround your Pure vocal chords of Me, that wish to hold back My sweet, symphonic sounds of Love, so that when you try to speak, you will ONLY hear the sweet sounds of My Voice as I do reckon forth My Pure Love upon your heart--see?
So, are we then clear as to how, and why, and of what you will be doing in the next few weeks of your Love?
You see, you are the Pure Apple of My eye that ONLY wishes to please her Great Father of Love which is why I do move so quickly in you. You've known Me from before you were borne, and now you will know Me again as I do come upon you like a Pure Steed in the crowd that moves with its Pure swiftness and speed.
So, when one day you try and attempt to sing the 'ole country tune' you've known and you've loved, you'll find yourself suddenly opening up your heart and belting out the Pure tune of your Love that ONLY wants to be let out for My All to then hear...and then, you will be an actual expression of Me--see? (I had a vision of my singing a song on the radio and then suddenly singing His Presence, and that from that point on, every time I tried to sing, His Presence of song would come out of the mouth of my heart...)
So yes, I am so very glad that Ms. Joann of My Way did then play for My All to then hear in the Pure Worship of the sound of My Voice--But and I do repeat BUT, I do have a bit more for you, and for her to then do before you then leave this particular spot of the Plane.
What I do wish for Ms. Joann of the Way to be doing is to help you tune the Pure Sound of My Voice that ONLY does wish to hit the Pure Harmonies of Me in its way, and its shape, and its form.
So yes, I will give you more songs so she can sing them to her audience of Love/ to create the sweet symphonic sounds of My Love, But I do wish for more from you--for you to 'sing' the 'sounds' that you sang long ago, so that I may play My sounds of Love for My All to then hear--okay? (I answered an apprehensive "yes" as my current singing voice is NOT too pleasant to hear, but I welcome Him in, to move in me to produce His changes--for I am His grateful servant/His vessel as I wish to only be about pleasing my Great Father on this Plane we are on...)
So yes, please do continue to hone and to play your skills to the end of what you know of as your 'adult life,' but please do pay more attention to the changes that do come from out of your mouth as you then sing with the Pure Heart of My Love.
I Love you, 'time' now to go. Amen."
Friday, June 13, 2014
When we 'see' fear, war and unrest...
6/13/2014 5:46pm
Had a break in my day...I've been waking up late and have not spent my normal morning time of prayer with The Lord, so now that I have a moment of time, this is what I wish for to be doing in this particular spance known as 'time.'
So my question for The Lord is this--there's been a lot of terror in our world lately with all the unrest and fighting in Iraq, Ukraine, etc as well as local shootings etc in the U.S. So, I am asking Him, is this the end times were living in, or how else should we be living in what does seem to be a life filled with war, despair and pure hatred in the eyes of our world.
I heard, "So My dear sweet child of Love, you do come to Me with the age olde question known as 'you' in the eyes that you see, and you do know about in what you think of as your 'time,' your 'place,' and your 'space' in the very ordinary world that you see--and to this I do say, Hmmm...(He pauses for a bit and then continues)
So let's say that 'today' in this right here and now moment you see--let's say that I do then come to you in 'beggars clothes,' and you do scoff at what does stand before you known as 'the war of the worlds' that you see.
And along these same lines, let's say that when I do come to you that I am 'broken, scarred and abused'--then please tell this to Me, My great, beautiful, indigenous child of Love, to what would you do in 'the Me' when I do then offer-up My sweet words known to you as pure love, pure kindness, and pure hope in the special prayers I then offer-up to you? (I told Him I don't understand, I'm confused--could He explain what He means?)
Let's try this again, shall we, fore' I do wish for you to then 'get' what I mean...you see, the true beauty lies from within the very structure of the pure beat of your heart--AND IF your heart does then go 'thump' in the night as 'the guns go off' in the range,' then please do tell Me, how can I then heal you when you do choose then to continue to see 'the pardoned folks' as some type of 'strange soldier' that is unlike you in your beauty, and your ways that are known?
Remember, Love begets more Love, fear begets more fear, BUT hearts that choose to be held captive rather than free mean absolutely/positively NOTHING to Me fore they do not float free like that of My Great, Giant Honeybee that flies here and flies there on its own--see?
So rather than sit and fret as the visual stimulation of fear known as your sweet, sweet (sarcasm) 'television screen,' and watch all the great powers of war in your world--what I'd rather you be doing with each waking moment in your great spance of 'time' known as 'you'--yes what I'd rather you be doing in this grande special juncture of Hope, is to be thinking, and praying and 'slaying' that, the great 'Devil of the Darkness' returns back into its former elegance of Beauty known as Love.
You see, this 'time' that you think of and you know of is only here as a reminder to you to ONLY be of a way and a known-experience that simply perceives what it gets in its ways and its means known as its own 'outward-expression' known in time--which stands outside My Ways and My special Inner Knowing of 'you.'
So then, My only question for you in this here and now spance known as 'time,' is for you to ONLY be about the Great Love of your heart.
AND IF you then choose to ONLY see that of My Glorious Honeybee, then guess what, I will come upon you in your heart...that easy, that easy My Great child of Love, to see Me in the clouds of Heaven again.
So then 'what' should you do then, you ask when you see the terror and hear the gunshots go off in your town? (He'd like for us to think about what we will do the next time we see terror or any type of war in our world...)
You see, I never/ever do wish for your 'body' to be shred, torn, or ripped apart by the sheer devilish act of 'the rage,' but yet to each I do give the ability to 'act' in the manner they do wish to represent in their futile attempts at 'control.'
So then please answer again My sheer question of 'you'--what will you do the next time you are 'presented' with the sheer 'rage' of another in their silly attempt at 'control?'
Will you run and cower in fear, or will you stand-out in My Great Mercy and Love?
Remember, Love begets more Love, fear begets more fear, BUT My Great, Glorious Heart that sings its sweet special Joy of My Presence remains pure for My then Great Hearts to see.
AND IF you will stand at attention with the great courage that I've then offered to you, what will happen is 'this'-- My Great Heart in the certain speck that you see, will then blossom into 'the new you,' now known as just Me--see? (He's smiling very radiantly and Joyful at us which is making me smile with Supreme Glee...)
So 'today' in this here and now moment of 'time' do not be fearful, regretful nor mean, but rather I wish this of you--please do grab your son/your daughter/your neighbor, and/or your new friend and hug them with the pure heart that you know till All/everyone does then smile with your 'glee'--so that My Great Heavens will resound more in 'you.'
Remember, 'this game's ' not over till I give the final curtain's calling, so till I come for My Darlings, please do then choose the right pathe you should know to be on, so that I do shine like the Glories in 'you.'
And remember, that in All/in Everything small/big/large/or tiny and of the most farthest apart--please remember that Everything has an ebb and a pure flow to its space. So, I do wish for All to spend this dear sweet 'time' not fretting, nor fearing the unknown, but rather I do wish for you to be spending it ONLY in LOVE--LOVE in 'you,' in 'he,' and in 'she.'
I Love you, I Love All in your ways, but please remember in all things considered that are quite 'big,' and of the so very 'small,' yes please, please remember that in All/in Everything, I've got it all in the control of My Hand.
And...that I Love you now, and forever and always; in all that you see, and in all that you do come to wake upon in Me. Fore you see, 'All is well here in Me.' (He's smiling very Grandley at us :-)
I Love you, 'time' now to go. Amen."
Monday, May 26, 2014
Memorial Day
9/26/14 8:03am
During my morning prayer time with The Lord I heard, "Thank you in your comings and goings in Me, fore' I do Love to sit and to challenge your thoughts and your desires as I do then sit in My time here with you.
So then, to you My dear Wendy and All, yes, I so very much thank you for taking the allotted time out of your 'busy' schedules to sit here in the Pure Presence with Me--fore' this is good, this is pleasant and this is right that you/that One should then wish to sit here in the Pure Presence of Me.
So then, now that I do have your full attention in ways, please let Me make mention to you that I like what you do and I like how you then say things to Me when you do then kneel in the My Great Presence of Love.
You see, supplication is so very much more then just showing gratitude in the Pure Heart that you see--so while saying "thank you" to Me, you in turn do say "thank you" to many as My Heart does then come alive in and as the sheer Presence of 'you.'
You see, 'today' is 'Memorial Day' in this here and now spot of your Plane...and it is a day to remember those who did give up their very lives so you could then live with your pure freedom of choice in your particular part of the world that you 'own.'
So today in your special certain prayers of the past, please do say your "thank you's" to all the brave men and women who stood before you to then take the blows of the woes...and when you say, "thank you" to them, My certain angels do then tip in their wings as they then pour forth in their Pure answers for you.
You see, for many this juncture of the militia was so much more then just a certain paycheck and a certain job to fulfill them in the pure life that they 'owned.' Fore' as they took their first step in the great battlefield of the war, their courage did then shake in their boots as their heart resounded the battle cry of the then options they had.
You see, courage is so much more then just saying, "yes" to the stepping-up to Ones faith of their true challenge in deed, fore' when One says "yes" to My call for the All, they in turn become part of My War.
You see, in this great battlefields war of the heart, when you say your "yes" to Me, what you do is this--you actually have changed your pure heart to that of One in My Heart in all its pure actions and deeds.
So then, yes 'today' in your moment of prayers, please say your "thank you's" to those who have gone before you to prepare the way and the pure path of redemption for redemption's sake...and please know in your heart of your soul that "All is well," yes all is well here in Me.
I Love you My sweet child of the faith. Please do continue to keep your prayers simple and sweet as in that of your heart, fore' I will be coming together in you.
You see, gratitude and supplication do take on a certain form of its presence in Me when the heart does then see all that has been done in and upon the One that it Loves and serves in its Pure kindness and gentleness that it 'owns,' known quite simply as a loving expression of 'them.'
The way of Love was paid and paved at a very dear price, in the pure cost of the lives of the soul, so when you say your "thank you's" to Me, you then say your "thank you's" to the many who have died and have served in your place--see?
So then, please do enjoy this particular day of your Love, remembering to tip the wings of all those who died before you in the North of the South, that stretches to the East of the West of My Love.
I Love you with an undying passion of Joy. Now please go and make fishers of men, touching all the particular hearts that you see, as you are Loved/Always in Me.
I Love you, 'time' now to go. amen."
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Why do bad things happen to good people?
5/19/14 12:10pm
Had a break during my day so came to The Lord with a question--"Why do bad things happen to good people, and why is this world that we live in so very troubling today?"
I heard, "To My dear, sweet child of Way, and to the great many others who do care enough to actually read and to comprehend as I say--yes, to you/to All here is a very brief rendition of just what My dear Wendy asks in 'the you'--in the questions she does then 'ask' for My All...
So now, here are My particular blessings for you that do not have anything at all to do with that of what you've just asked in your heart, and your soul, and your mind.
You see, by your 'asking' these questions of Me, it only tells Me that your heart does not hear of what your particular mind does then ask; otherwise it would already know of the pure question it seeks in the particular answer to your prose--right?
Do I make Myself clear? or should I go round and round the corner with you as we pretend that you do not hear My questions to the words that you seek, in the way you 'spell' and you 'define' all Love.
You see, I am for everyone--every woman, every man, and every child that you see. So, IF, and with that being said, let's say that I came to you in a 'ragged cloth' today...and let's further say that when I did come upon you in this particular 'character of the cloth'--let's say that you did then offer me a bite to eat, a cup to sip, or maybe even the shirt off your back to hide and to heal the particular wounds of My scars that've never/Ever quite scarred enough over...fore' every time they begin to heal, another even deeper wound comes upon 'Me' indeed...(He briefly pauses and then continues)... So please be careful, and be of the so very cautious as I WILL come upon you in need...
You see, how One sees 'the beggar' determines the Love of your heart to fully see 'Me' in the pure life that I 'own' as both a terrified, yet a dignified badge of the courage...and IF you 'think' you know Me by now, better think again for like 'the shell game' you think you know of which 'sheep' the ball is under, and that you know the ending of the game--do you not? (He's sort of chuckling at us, as He's telling us that we think we know how 'this game' works but yet we haven't even the vaguest of clues...also remember he refers to our bodies as shells/vessels, etc in the comparison to it and the 'sheep.')
You see, can you guess as to where 'the ball' is then hiding? Is it under 'shell' number one, number two or is it three?
You see, IF you think you've already won in this game I bade you to reconsider, fore IF you are standing in that/this spot of the Plane--then guess what My sweet, simple child of Way? Yes, guess what, you've got Me and your notions all wrong.
So, IF you're standing there and you perceive Me/'the beggar' who is disguised as a jilted lover, an 'enemy of the cross,' the wayward/prodigal son, daughter, or spouse...the unkind boss, the neighbor who thinks they're better then you, or the One you can't even stand to be around for they make your skin crawl and leave an unpleasant aftertaste in your mouth...I bade you to think long and of the so very hard to reconsider how you do then 'treat' the beggar who stands before you in its/their particular type-awkwardness towards the cross...
You see, My special Love is not only for you, yet it does then shine like the bright morning star as it gazes beneath your pure wings...But yet, IF you keep this special Love, and dig to bury it in the vast desert of your heart, then you will be like the wretched landowner who was given one talent to use and to multiply unto a vast heavenly Garden for two--see?
Do you really see what it is that I mean--do you? Fore IF One did truly see what it is that I mean, they'd stop and smell the roses a bit more and then the world would be 'rosey' again.
So then, back to your original question, oh and by the way, don't you like how I do answer questions according not to an EXACT expression of faith, but what I do is this--IF One is to be more like Me in all that they say and in all that you do, then they will move more, and talk more, and walk more such like My sweet babes in the woods who listen very intently for the sounds of My footsteps as they approach their particular way in the sands.
You see, how One does then approach the particular 'cross' of 'the beggar' determines the true condition of their heart to Love/to Love All in My Way--see?
And, IF you'll be more like My Great Jeshua/My Great Meshua, and the so many others who've worked themselves out to then shine like My Rose, then on the day of My Sons return, you'll float free like that of My Great Honeybee who shines so gently amongst the tiny grains of the sand.
So today, when ' I ' do come upon you, in 'My' gentleness that only I know how to do (He's teasing us since He's referring to those who we deem as enemies and those who we have a hard time tolerating, and they do not spring themselves upon us in a type of gentleness, but yet quite the opposite...)
Yes, when ' I ' do come upon you in 'My' such the charming way that I know--what will you do? Will you continue to say to yourself, "Why is this world so terrible and why does it contain such 'bad' people in it?"
And will you also continue to say, and to ask yourself the silly question of "Why do bad things happen to good people?"...
So, let Me ask this of you--when My child goes off to war and comes back with a wounded knee...and rather than sit and sulk, he then chooses to find Me deep within the life that he 'owns'/pulls Me outward and shows My Glory to the others...now how will 'this' change the world that you know back to Love?
And then again, let's say that a wayward husband does then choose to find safety in the arms of another...and you then learn in your heart to Love him more--such that it brings him to tears of regret that he ever did betray your Love and your trust...now, now, now My dear sweet Sam of My Love--how will that change the life that you know? ( I don't know who Sam is, but many times the Lord uses names of people I don't know...)
And let's say that you bought a business from a husband and wife team of disgust and they do then leave you out in the lurch as they then try and attempt to break your husband and your family with the flavor of their lies--let Me ask this of you...IF you were to turn everything over to The Lord, and you found Him as the Savior of your life--then please do tell Me, would 'this' then be something of the good then for you? (I acknowledged a resounding "yes," as this part was directed at me...)
So then, one more final word to note...let's say that your beautiful child, your amazing husband, or your dear friend of immeasurable means did then come to you to tell you that they were sick and it was then time for them to leave you on this Plane and to come home, back into the Good Graces/the sheer Presence of Me--tell Me, would this be a good thing for them, for you, and for All? (He pauses for a bit and then continues)...and, let's say that in the process of their 'exiting' that they brought even one heart to full conversion with Me--wouldn't that be a good thing? (I answered "yes"!)
Remember in Ecclesiastes where it states, mourn the Day of Huerta, fore their trials have just begun---BUT celebrate the day of 'death' on your Plane, fore they are back in the Good Graces with Me.
You see, I will never abandon you in your 'Journey of the Plane'--But you must ask Me into the heart that you know in order for My Good Graces to be revealed in your heart.
I am the first, the last and the forever, so none can ever be before Me, behind Me, beside Me, nor ever be imposed nor impregnated into My Great Heart--I Love you and All with an undying passion of Joy.
So with this being said, it is now time for My Wendy to leave so she can continue her day in My Love.
I Love you, I Love All My beautiful glorious treasures of the Sea. Please think about Me more in your day and then move, breathe and flow such like I so I become and actual reflection of 'you.'
And remember, when you find yourself gravitating to the negative thoughts of "Why does this happen and that?..." please remember that when you did this to the least of My children, you did it to Me---fore' I am 'the beggar' in the ragged clothes. I am the monkey on the street that hops and hops to the next victim.
I am also the wayward child/the wayward spouse/the wayward friend/neighbor/boss and all in whom you dictate and deem as 'unworthy,'... but let Me ask this of you--IF I am wayward to you, then I am wayward to many, am I not?... And IF this is true, then as I come upon you in your particular hour of the need for the change-- IF you respond back to 'Me' in the manner I expressed to you--then please do think My child 'how' then can we change the world--how?
Remember, please be the change you wish to see, and in doing so you'll float like that of My Great Honeybee through the sands
of time that you know .
I Love you, 'time' now to go. Amen."
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Happy Mothers Day!
5/11/14 11:06am
I asked The Lord for a special gift for all the mothers of the world, I heard, "Yes, My dear sweet children of all, thanks be to all who've then included Me in their lives, to have and to hold the dear sweet sound of My flesh in the world.
So then, 'why' are the Mothers so very important to Me you do ask?--hold on and I will tell you a special story about how I did create the sea with this very most important part of My Plan (mothers) for you and for All to then see.
You see, once upon a time, there was a tiny, baby girl who did play on the sands of time as the ocean did then swirl round her feet...and while she did enjoy hearing the gulls playing their magical flutes, she did then miss the special waves of the sands that did encircle the pure waves of her feet.
So while no one was looking, what this tiny, baby girl did was she started to sing her own song which sounded like and did connote in its harmony, the pure tunes of My Rainbow which did encompass the pure waves of the sand.
So on one special day, a tiny, beautiful boy did then start at one end of the beach, and as he did then begin to play his own flute, what did then happen is she began to hear the pure tunes of his heart that did then radiate and perpetuate all that he owned as a very loving expression of 'him.'
You see, One can never/Ever tell what does then happen when One does begin to open their eyes to the waves of their heart that do reflect the pure life that they own, fore' only time will tell what does then lay on the heart of the love that does then encompass the Sea.
So now back to My Story of 'time'...You see, as the boy approached the little girl what he noticed was the sweet melody of her heart that did spring forth a type of love on its own, and as he approached her, he began to then change his tune into that of her flesh, so they did then match the true waves of her heart-- so each then was a part of the Me.
You see, when the tiny baby girl came together with the tiny baby boy of My Heart, then 'this' did enrage the dark's expression of Me, fore' each was no longer lost and on their own journey, as they did then come together as One--who then became and produced another in Me.
So then, the simple moral to My Story is this--you see, Love begets more Love--right? Fore' when two hearts do come together, they then do produce more than one sperm and one egg, fore' the two hearts together do then shape and do then form the simple expression of Me as a unique, individual expression of Love, of Hope, of life in a way that perpetuates the sheer Presence of Me...and 'this' does then make Me smile with Love as I do come again as pure life in the flesh.
So today, please do celebrate all Mothers, all Fathers and all children alike as they all do come together in Love. and remember that tiny baby girl/that tiny baby boy who did come together to play the harp/the flute and the like until all came together into One harmony/One tone/and One note in its Pure coming together of Me.
I Love you, 'time' now to go. Amen."
I asked The Lord for a special gift for all the mothers of the world, I heard, "Yes, My dear sweet children of all, thanks be to all who've then included Me in their lives, to have and to hold the dear sweet sound of My flesh in the world.
So then, 'why' are the Mothers so very important to Me you do ask?--hold on and I will tell you a special story about how I did create the sea with this very most important part of My Plan (mothers) for you and for All to then see.
You see, once upon a time, there was a tiny, baby girl who did play on the sands of time as the ocean did then swirl round her feet...and while she did enjoy hearing the gulls playing their magical flutes, she did then miss the special waves of the sands that did encircle the pure waves of her feet.
So while no one was looking, what this tiny, baby girl did was she started to sing her own song which sounded like and did connote in its harmony, the pure tunes of My Rainbow which did encompass the pure waves of the sand.
So on one special day, a tiny, beautiful boy did then start at one end of the beach, and as he did then begin to play his own flute, what did then happen is she began to hear the pure tunes of his heart that did then radiate and perpetuate all that he owned as a very loving expression of 'him.'
You see, One can never/Ever tell what does then happen when One does begin to open their eyes to the waves of their heart that do reflect the pure life that they own, fore' only time will tell what does then lay on the heart of the love that does then encompass the Sea.
So now back to My Story of 'time'...You see, as the boy approached the little girl what he noticed was the sweet melody of her heart that did spring forth a type of love on its own, and as he approached her, he began to then change his tune into that of her flesh, so they did then match the true waves of her heart-- so each then was a part of the Me.
You see, when the tiny baby girl came together with the tiny baby boy of My Heart, then 'this' did enrage the dark's expression of Me, fore' each was no longer lost and on their own journey, as they did then come together as One--who then became and produced another in Me.
So then, the simple moral to My Story is this--you see, Love begets more Love--right? Fore' when two hearts do come together, they then do produce more than one sperm and one egg, fore' the two hearts together do then shape and do then form the simple expression of Me as a unique, individual expression of Love, of Hope, of life in a way that perpetuates the sheer Presence of Me...and 'this' does then make Me smile with Love as I do come again as pure life in the flesh.
So today, please do celebrate all Mothers, all Fathers and all children alike as they all do come together in Love. and remember that tiny baby girl/that tiny baby boy who did come together to play the harp/the flute and the like until all came together into One harmony/One tone/and One note in its Pure coming together of Me.
I Love you, 'time' now to go. Amen."
Sunday, May 4, 2014
Pearls of wisdom
5/1/14 8:08pm
Was waiting at my son's soccer practice and asked The Lord for some pearls of wisdom:
I heard, "#1 Be careful when you lay your hands upon another that each does not let the other inside, fore' IF One is a follower of Mine, that's okay/go ahead and proceed, BUT IF the other is composed and comprised of a darker, unintelligible Source-- then IF you were to let them lay their hands upon you, you'd be allowing for the opening-up of your heart to the damage of the dark's intentions of deeds...do I then make Myself clear unto you?
So please be careful/very careful as to the intentions One does then have on their hearts, fore' all 'Sources' One connects to are NOT the same, of My Intentions for you, and IF you let a dark Souce enter your way of the Being, 'IT' will wreak havoc as it does then rage Its War of the Worlds upon you--okay?
So yes, please be careful/so very careful in which spirits you touch, let enter, and let 'see' inside you, fore' not everyone is composed and comprised of My Heart--see?
#2 Just because someone says they are a follower of Mine, be sure to not follow 'them,' but rather I do wish for you to be following The Pure Good that you see.
So, with this being said, please do commune in a church that does recognize My Pure Heart and My Soul, but be sure to never follow someone who tells you, you are wrong/ugly/tortured/battered and abused...and IF you do find yourself in a house of worship that conjugates this type of 'the flow'--then My child, the time is now to then leave or you will soon find your-'self' to be 'of' and 'about' all the things they are then telling to you--right?
Of course this makes sense, but many continue to stay even long after their true heart does then tell them to leave. So, IF you read these words I've just said, and feel a sting of conviction in your heart, or a 'gut-punch' in your stomach to boot, then please, please, please My sweet, sweet child of a great amount of heart, compassion and truth--it's time to leave this house of worship and to find One that Honours and cares about you in the way that I do--okay? No tears or regrets of goodbye, just leave as quickly as you can to a place that cares and honours you in the way of My Love and all things will then blossom in Me. :-)
#3 Just time for one more and then it will be time to leave, but please come back tomorrow morning during our special time together so we may then finish this for My All.
Okay, so then number 3--IF and along the same lines as the number two's version of the place of worship in space, yes, My number 3 does go along with this too--you see, here is where I make the most sense then in you...
You see, IF you find and discover that you are not loved, appreciated, nor cared about in a certain spectacular manner of Me, then what should you do? Do you then hide and run every time you are confronted, or every time things do not go exactly how you'd wished and you'd planned?
You see, remember Love begets Love, War begets more War, but hearts left fully wide-open to Me, brings about My Heart that is open for change.
So, just because you say you want things to go 'this way,' and then it suddenly changes on a dime--do you suddenly toss a good marriage, a good job, and/or a good family that you know, you care about, and you Love?
You see, remember Love begets more Love--right? So, let's say that your husband did then have an affair, or your beautiful child suddenly went wayward on you. Or, your boss suddenly became unreasonable, your mother married someone you didn't especially like, and your brother took a baseball bat to your knees...hmmm--'what' My child do you do?
Do you run and hide every time some kind of altercation comes your way, OR do you cry out for Mercy and Love?--remember Love begets more Love, Hate begets more Hatred towards all that you see--so, IF you were to instead stand there in My Great Mercy and Love, here's now where My Great Beauty would shine, as a new shining example of 'you.'
So, let's say that today I did come to you as a beggar on the street...and as I swarthed you in the ravages of 'My' filthy clothes and 'My' dis-ease--what would you do IF you were a sweet follower of Mine?"
(Soccer practice is over, so will finish later when I have time...)
5/314 12:37pm
I heard, "Yes, My sweet child of a great amount of heart, compassion and truth--what would you do as I then came upon you in 'the rags' of My riches and Glory? Would you be like the many who's first reaction is to back-up, to run, and to hide when they do come upon My sweet child who's then lost the ability to see...?
You see, in this here and now day/in this moment right now, what I do ask of you is when you come upon another who has done you wrong, or has acted improperly towards you--'If' you could first stop, and then pull Me from your inward to your outer expression of Love, then 'this' is how I could, would, and should be able to heal your world's hurts that you know-- Remember your hands, your feet, but Me moving through you does then bring about My heart then for change...and this is how My Heavens come to shine down on your world.
So one more and then we'll wrap this up for the print, to display My Great Knowledge to All.
You see, the sweet, simple reason I do share this type of knowledge with you, is because I'd like for you to change to the sweet, simple Vibration of Love...and how, My sweet child of Love, how will you help change the world that you see when you continually pass along the hurts of your flesh--how?
You see, all of a created being is only composed and comprised of a heart that is open for change--and IF you think you are already here and you're there, then I hate to break the simple news to you but you're not; otherwise you'd not be standing there in the present-day stance of your flesh.
You see, let Me ask this of you, and please do try to see what it is that I mean when I say very clearly and very sincerely, "Would you then like to be here with Me now?" Please do think about this a bit more before you quickly answer your response, fore' IF you really and truly wished to be in the simple presence of Me, then you'd learn more to STOP, blink, and as you pull Me from your inwards expression to the outer expression of you, you'd then be moving to the simple 'Vibration of Love'--see?
So, (directions to me) My Wendy, please finish this off to be printed and then send off to My All to then see...and let's see where the chips do then fall, and who has the Proper ears then to see--fore' IF One were to be a sweet follower of Mine, they'd move more like My Great Jeshua who was the primary example of Me. You do know that I imprinted this type of decision upon your Great Hearts do you not? So let's see who wishes to be of 'the Me,' in the me that they see...
I Love you, 'time' now to go, but Wendy please do meet with me tomorrow morning as the One in whom you wish to speak will be a tough one for you in that she does not wish to hear what you've been wanting to say. I will tell you the exact questions to ask her, so she will Properly search the heart that she knows, as she is so kind and so caring, but 'the devil' has certainly put a great hold on her heart as she has let him march right into her house, and even sipped with him her tea---(He's sighing...) so, tomorrow's meeting with Me will give you all the ammunition you need to put a great dent in the armour of the wall she's placed upon her heart of Great Love/her heart with and in that of the Me. ( I told Him yes...)
I Love you All, 'time' now to go. Amen.
I heard, "#1 Be careful when you lay your hands upon another that each does not let the other inside, fore' IF One is a follower of Mine, that's okay/go ahead and proceed, BUT IF the other is composed and comprised of a darker, unintelligible Source-- then IF you were to let them lay their hands upon you, you'd be allowing for the opening-up of your heart to the damage of the dark's intentions of deeds...do I then make Myself clear unto you?
So please be careful/very careful as to the intentions One does then have on their hearts, fore' all 'Sources' One connects to are NOT the same, of My Intentions for you, and IF you let a dark Souce enter your way of the Being, 'IT' will wreak havoc as it does then rage Its War of the Worlds upon you--okay?
So yes, please be careful/so very careful in which spirits you touch, let enter, and let 'see' inside you, fore' not everyone is composed and comprised of My Heart--see?
#2 Just because someone says they are a follower of Mine, be sure to not follow 'them,' but rather I do wish for you to be following The Pure Good that you see.
So, with this being said, please do commune in a church that does recognize My Pure Heart and My Soul, but be sure to never follow someone who tells you, you are wrong/ugly/tortured/battered and abused...and IF you do find yourself in a house of worship that conjugates this type of 'the flow'--then My child, the time is now to then leave or you will soon find your-'self' to be 'of' and 'about' all the things they are then telling to you--right?
Of course this makes sense, but many continue to stay even long after their true heart does then tell them to leave. So, IF you read these words I've just said, and feel a sting of conviction in your heart, or a 'gut-punch' in your stomach to boot, then please, please, please My sweet, sweet child of a great amount of heart, compassion and truth--it's time to leave this house of worship and to find One that Honours and cares about you in the way that I do--okay? No tears or regrets of goodbye, just leave as quickly as you can to a place that cares and honours you in the way of My Love and all things will then blossom in Me. :-)
#3 Just time for one more and then it will be time to leave, but please come back tomorrow morning during our special time together so we may then finish this for My All.
Okay, so then number 3--IF and along the same lines as the number two's version of the place of worship in space, yes, My number 3 does go along with this too--you see, here is where I make the most sense then in you...
You see, IF you find and discover that you are not loved, appreciated, nor cared about in a certain spectacular manner of Me, then what should you do? Do you then hide and run every time you are confronted, or every time things do not go exactly how you'd wished and you'd planned?
You see, remember Love begets Love, War begets more War, but hearts left fully wide-open to Me, brings about My Heart that is open for change.
So, just because you say you want things to go 'this way,' and then it suddenly changes on a dime--do you suddenly toss a good marriage, a good job, and/or a good family that you know, you care about, and you Love?
You see, remember Love begets more Love--right? So, let's say that your husband did then have an affair, or your beautiful child suddenly went wayward on you. Or, your boss suddenly became unreasonable, your mother married someone you didn't especially like, and your brother took a baseball bat to your knees...hmmm--'what' My child do you do?
Do you run and hide every time some kind of altercation comes your way, OR do you cry out for Mercy and Love?--remember Love begets more Love, Hate begets more Hatred towards all that you see--so, IF you were to instead stand there in My Great Mercy and Love, here's now where My Great Beauty would shine, as a new shining example of 'you.'
So, let's say that today I did come to you as a beggar on the street...and as I swarthed you in the ravages of 'My' filthy clothes and 'My' dis-ease--what would you do IF you were a sweet follower of Mine?"
(Soccer practice is over, so will finish later when I have time...)
5/314 12:37pm
I heard, "Yes, My sweet child of a great amount of heart, compassion and truth--what would you do as I then came upon you in 'the rags' of My riches and Glory? Would you be like the many who's first reaction is to back-up, to run, and to hide when they do come upon My sweet child who's then lost the ability to see...?
You see, in this here and now day/in this moment right now, what I do ask of you is when you come upon another who has done you wrong, or has acted improperly towards you--'If' you could first stop, and then pull Me from your inward to your outer expression of Love, then 'this' is how I could, would, and should be able to heal your world's hurts that you know-- Remember your hands, your feet, but Me moving through you does then bring about My heart then for change...and this is how My Heavens come to shine down on your world.
So one more and then we'll wrap this up for the print, to display My Great Knowledge to All.
You see, the sweet, simple reason I do share this type of knowledge with you, is because I'd like for you to change to the sweet, simple Vibration of Love...and how, My sweet child of Love, how will you help change the world that you see when you continually pass along the hurts of your flesh--how?
You see, all of a created being is only composed and comprised of a heart that is open for change--and IF you think you are already here and you're there, then I hate to break the simple news to you but you're not; otherwise you'd not be standing there in the present-day stance of your flesh.
So, (directions to me) My Wendy, please finish this off to be printed and then send off to My All to then see...and let's see where the chips do then fall, and who has the Proper ears then to see--fore' IF One were to be a sweet follower of Mine, they'd move more like My Great Jeshua who was the primary example of Me. You do know that I imprinted this type of decision upon your Great Hearts do you not? So let's see who wishes to be of 'the Me,' in the me that they see...
I Love you, 'time' now to go, but Wendy please do meet with me tomorrow morning as the One in whom you wish to speak will be a tough one for you in that she does not wish to hear what you've been wanting to say. I will tell you the exact questions to ask her, so she will Properly search the heart that she knows, as she is so kind and so caring, but 'the devil' has certainly put a great hold on her heart as she has let him march right into her house, and even sipped with him her tea---(He's sighing...) so, tomorrow's meeting with Me will give you all the ammunition you need to put a great dent in the armour of the wall she's placed upon her heart of Great Love/her heart with and in that of the Me. ( I told Him yes...)
I Love you All, 'time' now to go. Amen.
Sunday, April 20, 2014
Resurrection Story
I heard, "Today is a special day then in you, in Me, in My All for the gathering together of words in a simple expression of Me--what do I mean by this?
Hold on, and I will tell you a truly remarkable story, so expressive in its detail that it will let the cat out of the bag on what this 'holiday' truly means in its expression to Me, for you, and My All.
So then, once upon a time there was a little, tiny boy who was borne in the woods and he had a very special name-- it was the Son of God.
And in the tiny vernacular of what he was and exactly what he did then mean to My Story is that on one special day, that little, tiny boy became King--King of a world yet unknown in a risen type spectacle to see.
So what did happen during the pure life of his deeds, was his pure action did then flow with his expression into the simple words and the phrases he used till his heart became such the likes of My Sea-- and everywhere he did go, people did know exactly who he was and exactly what he meant as he lay his heart open for change.
So, this is how and why he did go as he went on his way on the sands, until that fateful day when he did come to meet up with the likes of the 'you' that would not let him go, no matter how hard he did try to break the simple grasp of the flesh.
You see, the 'you' of the flesh did then 'kill' that tiny beautiful baby boy of Mine that only wanted to worship the King...and if you do not own-up to just how you did fess-up to your role in how you did come to crucify his pure innocence of ways, then please know in the pure heart of your mind that you will be held accountable for your actions in kind, that only wants to strip and to rip the pure heart straight out of his chest till he bleeds to death there on the cross.
So, if you'd like to stop circling round and round and round again in this type flourishing death on the cross, then please do STOP in your crucifixion of him.
You see, every time you show any type malice to another, you are then hanging My Son on the cross...and when you time and time again try to cover-up your mistakes of the past, what you do is you drive the nails into his skin...
You see, the way to the Resurrection is clear, it is fine and it is just in that once you come upon My Son on the cross, and truly see what you've done with your words, then you come to see and to look upon the rage you've expressed in what you thought was kindness, but in fact 'is' and 'was' the loss of your memory of Me.
You see, remember, Love begets Love, War begets more War, but hearts left open for change, now that's how One does come into the full-expression of Me.
You see, if you do harbor any type rage from the past and you then do bring it up into 'the now,' then you will nail My Son on his great white cross again and again and again--and is this how you wish to enjoy this day here on your land?
You see, I am Love, only Love in your heart, and if One does wish to be here with Me, then please do practice this today on My Great Day of the Resurrection on your land, and truly know the reason for this Great King who came to Love and to serve all of humanity in his wisdom and His Pure Nature of Me...and when you truly learn to forgive and to forget and to just Love All whom stand present before you, then this 'today' will be very special for you as you sit and discover a Love that's been fully present, yet lay so dormant in your Love's sweet expression of ways.
I Love you, and please do remember that the Love in the heart that you see is only the tiny bit of an expression of Me--so if you wish to be 'of' and 'about' in My Love, then only show the Love in your heart. But if you do wish to let everything eat at you and shred you apart, then guess what (?) you'll be crucifying My Son on the cross, again and again and again to the very nature of the woes there in you as it brings about a formalized expression of death, dis-ease, and the nature of the true suicidal tendencies of All as they do wish to leave the sheer presence of you.
So, if you choose to see fear and dis-ease, then you will see as you wish to then see--BUT, IF you do choose to see LOVE in all the special ways I showed them to you, then My beautiful child of Love you will see ONLY the special Joy I have waiting for you.
So, do you wish to take My Son up off the cross and show him the Love that you Know?
Remember, holding someone 'accountable' is not the same as withdrawing your Love from your heart. The kindness of correction should be shown ONLY with the heart of someone who cares and who Loves from with/in, despite how and what it means unto you.
So today, IF you wish to make the most of the day that you know, then please do smile upon All whom you Love with that special Joy from your Heart that ONLY seeks My Perfection in Ways... and please do know in your heart that 'All is well' My great child of Love. Yes, All is Well here in Me.
I Love you, 'time' now to go. Amen."
Friday, October 7, 2011
Man Does Not Live On Bread Alone
I woke up to the Lord saying over and over again in my head, “Man does not live on bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.” (This was confirmation to me of yet another answer to a question I had asked of Him)
So I got up, got my pen and journal and wrote what I heard...
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word became flesh in the person of Jesus. Jesus walked on the earth. He functioned as a human being-- why? So that all would come to recognize The True God in the flesh.
Some would agree that Peter was the representative, the epitome/ the fashion of ‘the church.’ Why? Because he cared-- he cared enough to get it right, Not many (are) like him since… ‘My Son in whom I am well pleased’…has such a sweet resonance to it, doesn’t it?... ‘3’ chords bound together.’… ‘ A dove as white as snow…’ The ‘lilies of the field’ cast no shadows over the Heaven of our Lord...
All may eat at My Table; all are welcome, but few will enter.
The wellsprings of life burst forth a beauty, such is a sight to behold. Where are you now, where are you now?-‘tis up to you.
A lion in a den will sit and wait, sit and wait until its time. Where will you be, where will you be...?
All are invited as My guests, I prepare a great feast in their honour, but they don’t come-- they keep their minds preoccupied on things they can touch with their eyes/the things they wish in their darkness to see.
Where are they now, where are they now???... like ‘lilies of the field’ they vanish, they are no more…Honour, Respect, Love… all must have, who come to eat at My Great Table of Love.
Wonder and awe are the beauty that calm My soul… ‘He was pierced for our transgressions-- He who was blameless, was harmed...’
The Garden of Gethsemane was cold and very dark. Jeshua, My beautiful Son was afraid, but I was there with Him.
All are invited to My Great Feast, but few will attend.
How will you bring them in? Through the washing, the cleansing of the mind, the body and the spirit. (The answer to my question to Him from before I went to sleep of what He wants me to do.)
Sometimes things happen for a reason. Some things are just not meant to Be. It is all a matter of choice which springs forth from the ‘essence’ of their heart--the heart of the choice of how One does choose to connect here with and in Me.
Water is life, and should be enjoyed by all. Such was in the case of Noah, as it cleansed and rebirthed. Water will once again cleanse and rebirth a new life force--one that will last.
A great famine will come upon the earth, so be prepared. Wheat, barley, bread shall be no more, but those who have come to My Table shall have plenty to eat.
All are welcome, but few will enter the Pure Gates of My Walls that lie deep with/in the walls of their Being.
A great fire from the sky will scorch the earth and few will survive. The day is short, the night is long for those who chose to stay.
All are welcome, few will enter.
Great quakes will rip apart what should be no more (the earth.) The ‘tearing up,’ to make a ‘new’ is never pleasant, but yet is necessary for rebirth.
All is Good, All is Good for those who choose to eat at My Great Table of Love--All are welcome, but few will enter the walls of My Love.
Wonders anew await those who come to My Table, a splendid Host am I… Jeremiah, “For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord, plans to prosper and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future so you will call on Me and come to Me, your Lord/your God, and worship Me and I will love you and you will live in My house forever.” (He was reiterating to me what He told the prophet Jeremiah.)…
All are welcome, but few will enter. May you choose to enter…that is what you are to tell them.” Amen. (once again answering my question of what He wants me to tell those who are still undecided and not yet awakened to His Great Love.)
So I got up, got my pen and journal and wrote what I heard...
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word became flesh in the person of Jesus. Jesus walked on the earth. He functioned as a human being-- why? So that all would come to recognize The True God in the flesh.
Some would agree that Peter was the representative, the epitome/ the fashion of ‘the church.’ Why? Because he cared-- he cared enough to get it right, Not many (are) like him since… ‘My Son in whom I am well pleased’…has such a sweet resonance to it, doesn’t it?... ‘3’ chords bound together.’… ‘ A dove as white as snow…’ The ‘lilies of the field’ cast no shadows over the Heaven of our Lord...
All may eat at My Table; all are welcome, but few will enter.
The wellsprings of life burst forth a beauty, such is a sight to behold. Where are you now, where are you now?-‘tis up to you.
A lion in a den will sit and wait, sit and wait until its time. Where will you be, where will you be...?
All are invited as My guests, I prepare a great feast in their honour, but they don’t come-- they keep their minds preoccupied on things they can touch with their eyes/the things they wish in their darkness to see.
Where are they now, where are they now???... like ‘lilies of the field’ they vanish, they are no more…Honour, Respect, Love… all must have, who come to eat at My Great Table of Love.
Wonder and awe are the beauty that calm My soul… ‘He was pierced for our transgressions-- He who was blameless, was harmed...’
The Garden of Gethsemane was cold and very dark. Jeshua, My beautiful Son was afraid, but I was there with Him.
All are invited to My Great Feast, but few will attend.
How will you bring them in? Through the washing, the cleansing of the mind, the body and the spirit. (The answer to my question to Him from before I went to sleep of what He wants me to do.)
Sometimes things happen for a reason. Some things are just not meant to Be. It is all a matter of choice which springs forth from the ‘essence’ of their heart--the heart of the choice of how One does choose to connect here with and in Me.
A great famine will come upon the earth, so be prepared. Wheat, barley, bread shall be no more, but those who have come to My Table shall have plenty to eat.
All are welcome, but few will enter the Pure Gates of My Walls that lie deep with/in the walls of their Being.
A great fire from the sky will scorch the earth and few will survive. The day is short, the night is long for those who chose to stay.
All are welcome, few will enter.
Great quakes will rip apart what should be no more (the earth.) The ‘tearing up,’ to make a ‘new’ is never pleasant, but yet is necessary for rebirth.
All is Good, All is Good for those who choose to eat at My Great Table of Love--All are welcome, but few will enter the walls of My Love.
Wonders anew await those who come to My Table, a splendid Host am I… Jeremiah, “For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord, plans to prosper and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future so you will call on Me and come to Me, your Lord/your God, and worship Me and I will love you and you will live in My house forever.” (He was reiterating to me what He told the prophet Jeremiah.)…
All are welcome, but few will enter. May you choose to enter…that is what you are to tell them.” Amen. (once again answering my question of what He wants me to tell those who are still undecided and not yet awakened to His Great Love.)
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
A Many Colored Vine
I woke up to an inner knowing/an inner dictation that I was hearing from deep within, that someone or something was saying to me: “I am the true vine and you are the branches, no one gets to the Father except through Me.” (I got up and then proceeded to get my journal, closed my eyes and went inward, I felt the Lord speak to me-I did not audibly hear Him with my ears, but rather from deep within the caverns of my soul)
The Lord began… “Look close and you will see I am everywhere and in everything. I AM, now and forever, evermore.
In the years goneby there was Noah who was a good and righteous man. He trusted the Lord and put his faith in things he could not see, for this is the reason he was spared--so that My life would spring forth through his loins.
Adam was a good man but who had a character flaw-- he didn’t speak up, but would rather someone else pay for the mistakes he made—‘twas quite a disappointment...
Daniel, he feared the lions but went anyway…
Why am I telling you this? Because I love you, and want you to know that if you put your faith in Me you will see even greater things. I have so much Joy, so much Love to give to you, but you must learn to accept and receive My Goodness.
Love, Love is such a beautiful thing. It was there in the Garden. It was there to be taken up, usurped by all: however, the serpent was there. He was there too, to destroy the Joy. He is present still today in My Garden, yet I will keep him there to test the hearts of those I Love/those I create to receive My Joy.
Once the rapture is fulfilled a new earth will be birthed and that, then, will be the fulfillment of My Joy and the serpent will be no more…
I have allowed trials to happen to you, some even that were most unpleasant, but you have proven yourself to be worthy of the Crown, the Crown of Lyfe I give to those who Love Me.
Do you know I look at you and My heart beams with Joy at the Love I have for you and to know that you receive it as such treasure. (When He said this, I cried tears of joy as this deeply touched my heart...)
You are a golden child indeed. What I have put forth, no one can alter, no one can destroy. It will reign forever as One.
The cherubim and the seraphim await with baited breath the sound of the trumpet that will signal the appropriate moment in time and space for the Rapture.
My children will be taken up in the clouds. The rest will need to choose—will they continue to deny My Goodness or will they choose to Love The God they cannot see/Yahweh/the One who Was at the beginning and IS Always...
My Son Loved Me. He Loved Me from the start with all of His heart. He knew My Voice when I called to Him, fore He truly was Me/actualized in the flesh of My Love for All to behold and to see.

That is why He is ‘the apple of my eye,’ My beautiful, treasured Son with golden curls, the brightest, bluest eyes, deeper than the ocean blue and a voice as gentle as a summers rain yet stronger than ‘3’ chords bound together.
That is why I chose Him—because He chose Me.
So, now why do I tell you this?
Why is it that I, the Lord your God, seeks you and wakes you? It is because I need you to turn their hearts. I need you to teach My ‘Goodness’ to those who feel nothing and are ‘unawake.’
Fore ‘the day’ is coming; it will come like a thief in the night and I want as many of My children to come to Me, who want to Be with Me. I need you to tell them how I rescued you when you were too weak to stand, and how I performed miracles for you--ones that you would see/ones that had meaning for you that revealed the True Essence of My Love.
I will continue to rescue you until that day comes when All will be taken up. (pause) Psalm 119 (He wanted me to read this passage which I did the following morning) Say,“The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not fear. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He prepares a table for me in the presence of my enemies for your namesake. I shall not fear, I shall not fear.” …
Luke, a fine young man after My heart- could do wonders with a pen, and was faithful, honest and true. That is why I chose him...
Can you see All? Nothing ever changes as history repeats itself over, and over again.
Man has been sinning from the beginning of time. Sin is darkness. Imagine, to choose darkness (???), not to see (???) over the brilliance of My Light??? I tell you, I just don’t ‘get it’why would One choose to see darkness rather than the Pure Light of My Love?
So, this is why I give My children ‘free will.’ It is so that All who want to be with Me—Will! Whatever is Pure, whatever is Just, whatever is Good that is Me. I am for All to see. My Goodness is about to overtake you--My abundance will be overflowing!--trust and you will see…
Blue is a beautiful color, the color of the ocean and sapphire blue, the sky, the sea, the rain—Yes, I said the rain. (I sort of stopped and looked up, as if I was questioning him that what I was hearing was right that the rain is blue (?)
And He answered me, saying “Yes, the rain IS the color blue…What will they do when there is no tomorrow; when they see that all they have toiled for was in vain?
Why did they put all their energy, their time, and their attention on their stomachs?—their God was their stomach…
Red is a beautiful color, yes, crimson red--the color of the life- giving blood. And lastly, yellow, yellow is my favorite for it represents the life of the Sun/the Son, and redemption to all who take this life-giving force into their dark, cold vessels.
My Temple is full of brilliant light warmed by the Sun. Brown, brown, doesn’t radiate Light but I love its denseness as it is good for growing.
Purple, orange, green, all my favorites too. But yellow brightens My heart and brings me much Joy, as it illuminates the Pure Essence of My Flow.
You may go now, we will talk again soon enough. Good night My blessed child, I thank you for putting your faith and your trust in Me. Well done my good and faithful servant, may the rest of your days be blameless.”
The Lord began… “Look close and you will see I am everywhere and in everything. I AM, now and forever, evermore.
In the years goneby there was Noah who was a good and righteous man. He trusted the Lord and put his faith in things he could not see, for this is the reason he was spared--so that My life would spring forth through his loins.
Adam was a good man but who had a character flaw-- he didn’t speak up, but would rather someone else pay for the mistakes he made—‘twas quite a disappointment...
Daniel, he feared the lions but went anyway…
Why am I telling you this? Because I love you, and want you to know that if you put your faith in Me you will see even greater things. I have so much Joy, so much Love to give to you, but you must learn to accept and receive My Goodness.
Love, Love is such a beautiful thing. It was there in the Garden. It was there to be taken up, usurped by all: however, the serpent was there. He was there too, to destroy the Joy. He is present still today in My Garden, yet I will keep him there to test the hearts of those I Love/those I create to receive My Joy.
Once the rapture is fulfilled a new earth will be birthed and that, then, will be the fulfillment of My Joy and the serpent will be no more…
I have allowed trials to happen to you, some even that were most unpleasant, but you have proven yourself to be worthy of the Crown, the Crown of Lyfe I give to those who Love Me.
Do you know I look at you and My heart beams with Joy at the Love I have for you and to know that you receive it as such treasure. (When He said this, I cried tears of joy as this deeply touched my heart...)
You are a golden child indeed. What I have put forth, no one can alter, no one can destroy. It will reign forever as One.
The cherubim and the seraphim await with baited breath the sound of the trumpet that will signal the appropriate moment in time and space for the Rapture.
My children will be taken up in the clouds. The rest will need to choose—will they continue to deny My Goodness or will they choose to Love The God they cannot see/Yahweh/the One who Was at the beginning and IS Always...
My Son Loved Me. He Loved Me from the start with all of His heart. He knew My Voice when I called to Him, fore He truly was Me/actualized in the flesh of My Love for All to behold and to see.
That is why He is ‘the apple of my eye,’ My beautiful, treasured Son with golden curls, the brightest, bluest eyes, deeper than the ocean blue and a voice as gentle as a summers rain yet stronger than ‘3’ chords bound together.
That is why I chose Him—because He chose Me.
So, now why do I tell you this?
Why is it that I, the Lord your God, seeks you and wakes you? It is because I need you to turn their hearts. I need you to teach My ‘Goodness’ to those who feel nothing and are ‘unawake.’
Fore ‘the day’ is coming; it will come like a thief in the night and I want as many of My children to come to Me, who want to Be with Me. I need you to tell them how I rescued you when you were too weak to stand, and how I performed miracles for you--ones that you would see/ones that had meaning for you that revealed the True Essence of My Love.
I will continue to rescue you until that day comes when All will be taken up. (pause) Psalm 119 (He wanted me to read this passage which I did the following morning) Say,“The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not fear. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He prepares a table for me in the presence of my enemies for your namesake. I shall not fear, I shall not fear.” …
Luke, a fine young man after My heart- could do wonders with a pen, and was faithful, honest and true. That is why I chose him...
Can you see All? Nothing ever changes as history repeats itself over, and over again.
Man has been sinning from the beginning of time. Sin is darkness. Imagine, to choose darkness (???), not to see (???) over the brilliance of My Light??? I tell you, I just don’t ‘get it’why would One choose to see darkness rather than the Pure Light of My Love?
So, this is why I give My children ‘free will.’ It is so that All who want to be with Me—Will! Whatever is Pure, whatever is Just, whatever is Good that is Me. I am for All to see. My Goodness is about to overtake you--My abundance will be overflowing!--trust and you will see…
Blue is a beautiful color, the color of the ocean and sapphire blue, the sky, the sea, the rain—Yes, I said the rain. (I sort of stopped and looked up, as if I was questioning him that what I was hearing was right that the rain is blue (?)
Why did they put all their energy, their time, and their attention on their stomachs?—their God was their stomach…
Red is a beautiful color, yes, crimson red--the color of the life- giving blood. And lastly, yellow, yellow is my favorite for it represents the life of the Sun/the Son, and redemption to all who take this life-giving force into their dark, cold vessels.
My Temple is full of brilliant light warmed by the Sun. Brown, brown, doesn’t radiate Light but I love its denseness as it is good for growing.
Purple, orange, green, all my favorites too. But yellow brightens My heart and brings me much Joy, as it illuminates the Pure Essence of My Flow.
You may go now, we will talk again soon enough. Good night My blessed child, I thank you for putting your faith and your trust in Me. Well done my good and faithful servant, may the rest of your days be blameless.”
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
I Am The Bride
this photo was taken outside a church in Northern Kentucky |
I was awoken around 1:30am, and kept hearing this message over and over in my head, “I am the bride.” I felt a sense that this was a ‘prompting’ of sorts and that someone or something wanted me to get up as they had a message for me to write for them. I was very tired, it was dark, and the house was quiet so I ignored the prompting and continued on with my sleep.
When I awoke in the morning I had a deep sense of regret that I had missed out on and ignored something very important. Also, throughout the day, I kept ‘hearing’ the words, “I am the bride,” over and over in my head. I told a friend about this, and she suggested that I write about it so I did. I wrote of this experience in a journal, of what I had heard not out loud with my physical ears, but it was as if it were coming from somewhere deep within my spirit—the sentence, “I am the bride.”
In my prayers later that night, I told the Lord that if this voice I was ‘hearing’ was in fact Him, that I then was sorry for being lazy and not getting up, but promised Him that if He came back again, I would get up and write down whatever He wanted me to write.
So, before I went to bed, I placed a journal and a pen by the nightstand in the living room, said my prayers and drifted off to sleep…the following is an account of the journey I have been on over the past year of writing down the words I have heard as the Lord has revealed Himself to me, answered my questions, and helped give me more insight into the relationship He wants for myself and others to have with Him.
It is my hopes that everyone who reads of these words will find meaning and healing into the vast realm of relationship with our Creator and Great Father of the Skys and beyond into the realm of the infinite-- one that is so great beyond our scope of reality that one simply cannot grasp the entirety/the concept of Unconditional Love, Hope and Joy.
When I awoke in the morning I had a deep sense of regret that I had missed out on and ignored something very important. Also, throughout the day, I kept ‘hearing’ the words, “I am the bride,” over and over in my head. I told a friend about this, and she suggested that I write about it so I did. I wrote of this experience in a journal, of what I had heard not out loud with my physical ears, but it was as if it were coming from somewhere deep within my spirit—the sentence, “I am the bride.”
In my prayers later that night, I told the Lord that if this voice I was ‘hearing’ was in fact Him, that I then was sorry for being lazy and not getting up, but promised Him that if He came back again, I would get up and write down whatever He wanted me to write.
So, before I went to bed, I placed a journal and a pen by the nightstand in the living room, said my prayers and drifted off to sleep…the following is an account of the journey I have been on over the past year of writing down the words I have heard as the Lord has revealed Himself to me, answered my questions, and helped give me more insight into the relationship He wants for myself and others to have with Him.
It is my hopes that everyone who reads of these words will find meaning and healing into the vast realm of relationship with our Creator and Great Father of the Skys and beyond into the realm of the infinite-- one that is so great beyond our scope of reality that one simply cannot grasp the entirety/the concept of Unconditional Love, Hope and Joy.
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