12/3/15 5:55am
(I recently hosted a booth at a local conference and was asked this particular question a few times from some folks who came to this show regarding the term 'reincarnation' and what the Lord thought about it. Since I have never personally asked this question of Him in the past and didn't have an answer for those who asked me what the Lord thought about it, I decided to ask this particular question of the Lord this morning--so, this message is the answer He gave to me...)
I heard, "Hmmm...very good questions you come to Me with that bothe captivates and capitulates the tiny corners of your mind as it creates much tension and confusion in your soul, but if you would look upon your worlde in the way that I see, then you would see what I see and know...please let Me explain...
You see, the worlde that you presently see and live in is very broken indeed, but when you look upon the worlde with My Eyes, then what you'll see is My Vision of Love in your eyes as it comes to fruition in your you then-Become what I see, and I know in your soul.
So what do I mean you now aske?...Hold on, and I will go into more detail into EXACTLY what it is that I mean, and I will answer what you have asked here in Me, but before we continue I must warn you that this particular message will be very confusing to you, fore this question is not for the light-hearted person such as Sherri and your-'self,' but rather, it is for those who feel they still need to earn their spot in My Land...please let Me explain...
You see, in the beginning I created you whole and so very complete in a way that none of you could even begin to think or imagine My Rationale for My doing such a thing such as this; fore you cannot even begin to imagine that I Love you in your heart--right?
(I told Him, "whatttt?.. I don't get what He's saying, as I know He loves me in my heart...)
Again My dearest Wendy, I am not speaking to you in this message, but rather I am speaking to those who have asked you this particular question of Me.
So, from here forward, until you complete this particular
message of My 'answer' for those who have asked you this question of Me, you will not resonate with most of what you will hear in this particular message for them, fore again, this particular message IS NOT for you--okay?
(I answered, "yes")
So then, let's continue on shall we...and after you are done, I wishe for you to apply this to the blog you've created for Me, so that in the future when you are asked of this particular type-question regarding
'past-lives' and
'reincarnation' per se, you may refer them to this site so they'll have an explanation of an answer to and from Me in their ways--okay?
(I answered, "yes")
So now shall we begin?
You see, again, in the beginning I created for each and every one of you to grow in your heart to Be and Become just the Truest form of My Expression of Love, so that each of you could grow into My Perfection of Love in your ways as you moved and you flowed in your day.
So then, please keep
this and everything I've mentioned to you in the form of a '
tick,' a 'hash mark,' or on a type of
'post-it note' in your mind, so you will engage your-'self' more with what I am saying to you in this message today; fore
what and
where I am about to enter, and to go in your mind, may be a place that you have not been in before...and, IF you do not keep track of EXACTLY where I am going in this, your mind may
explode within it-self if you are not compartmentalizing all that I'm offering to you in this message today--okay?
So then, here it goes...
You see, again, in the beginning, I made you whole, and so very complete to the point that you could never imagine just what I am in your heart--fore I am just a Pure Knowing of a way in the life of One's heart that should recognize it-self for just what it is in My Way.
So, now that you have grown into a
very accomplished person whom you like to look at and to see in your particular '
Mirror of ways' as you look upon your-'
self' in your eyes--please do take just one moment to stop and to truly see of your-'self' in who you are and have become in your considering of just who it is that you think you are-- fore you are soooo much more than you presently think that you see as you gaze upon My Great Mirror of Love...
Fore until you can truly begin to see of your-'self' as just 'you' in the flesh, then you will continue to cycle around the drain of this 'life' as you look upon the worlde of unlove...and the more that you continue t
o Become more of your-'self,' you'll continue to take your-'self' into the form of another
in and
as your known-'self' in this 'life'...are you beginning to see what I mean, of how this 'reincarnation' in 'life' is NOT Good and NOT Proper for you?
You see, many of you today presently enjoy looking in-to this type of
mirror of 'life,' and they see a once famous King, or a Queen, or a Great Warrior of change who once fought a valiant brigade in his love...and as you continue to cycle on into this pathe you choose to see, to pick another known-course in your 'you' begin to confuse your-'self' into your trying to grab holde of your way in this 'life' that you see as you look upon your Great Mirror of love.
And so rather than your discovering the Truthe Pathe of My Journey in 'you,' you Become enthralled with your continued cycle of your pain... as you continue to unravel all pathes of dis-'ease' you have known as you continue on your
cycle of pain...(The Lord pauses for a second and then says quietly but inquisitively...)... are you beginning to see what I mean?
So then, here is what I'd like to see more of in you... that is, if you'd like to help release your-'self' from this particular bondage of a cycle, of a type of known-pathe in its thinking of 'you'; fore If you will just learn now to change your trajectory of this course you are on, you will learn to cycle back to a new way of 'life' there in 'you'...and If you would like to change this scene you're now in, in your 'life,' you will cycle forth to this New Way of 'life', to a land of no more tears, no more pain, and no more strife in this life, so you're truly seeing the Pure Truthe of My Deeds...fore until All can truly learn to just Love as I do, then you'll continue to cycle on this known-pathe of your ways.
Fore please know that I am ONLY Pure Love in One's heart as it comes full circle into the 'life' that you know, and until you can fully see of just My Love in your heart, you'll keep 're-incarnating' into the 'life' that you choose to then-see...are you beginning to see that this type of thinking in your life is not serving any type of known-purpose to the Proper Growth of your heart, fore until All can just learn to Love like I do, then your heart will not grow into it choose to just wither on the vine that it knows...which IS NOT a pathe that is felt here in Me--I do believe you are now beginning to see what I mean--right?

So then, I do have just one question for you---what do you hope to accomplish by your continued going over, and over again in your mind of all the wrongs you have done in this 'life'? Do you hope to finally change this 'course' you have chosen in you, or do you think it's time you should grasp holde of its that this cycle finally stops of its presence in you?
Please do think about this over and over again in your mind till it comes and makes its way full-circle in you, fore the Truthe of your beginning of the change for your Good, will begin when you can fully see your needed-change for True Love--okay?
So then, please do also consider the entirety of this next particular question in you...
Why would One/you actually choose to live out an imaginary past in and of your 'life,' rather than to spend their days focusing on the future ahead? Fore you see, this type of continued
'past life' thinking of your regression of ways will ONLY lead to a further abandonment of its struggles in you...
You see, again, in the beginning/the True and so Very Great Beginning of
'life,' I created for each and every one of you to grow in-to My True Perfection of Love and Pure Joy in your heart, as you moved and you flowed in your ways, and if you will just learn to sing My sweet songs in your heart, then you'll move and you'll flow in My Ways.
You see, may I say it the Beginning/the True and so Very Great Beginning, I made each and every One of you complete and so very special in the Great Heart of My Eyes as I touched you all in-to My Heart...
(The Lord pauses for a brief moment and then looks directly and intensely at us as He says...) So, now that I have spoken these words straight to your heart, please tell Me what you think of Me now?
Do you see Me as just an Ogre who takes delight in your pain, or do you just Love Me with all of your heart? Fore, IF you will let My Love enter-in/ to encircle your heart, then you will see and feel the Great Kingdom of God.
So now, many of you may be saying to yourselves and asking Me:
"What does all this mean to me?" and, "You still have not answered my question about whether or not 'reincarnation' and 'past lives' is a real thing that exists or does not, and how does all this relate back to me?"
You see My Dear child, nothing that I can say will ever be able to change what your mind thinks that it sees and it knows as its 'Truthe', fore when it comes to your seeing your reality as your 'Truthe,' then it is very hard to change and refocus your new perspective of Me...but If you will begin now to take off the
post-it notes from the corners of your mind, and then read them aloud--you will begin to unravel and see EXACTLY what I am attempting to saying unto you...
You see, you presently think and see many, a great many things that are not real in your life, but yet you think of them as soooo very real in your heart. So, until you can begin to grasp more of what I am truly saying to you, you'll not gain your new perspective of God...that is, in a way you can see, and can feel My Love and My Truthe in your are you beginning to see what I mean regarding how you presently see Me and know Me in your heart, and just why it is that you need to begin to change your vision of the ways you see Me and know 'God' in your 'life'?
You see, to know Me is to Love Me, so now I aske,
How well do you know Me today? Do you know Me as just a kind, gentle Master of Love, or do you know Me as the heart of your rage?
Please do think about this for just a few more minutes before you move along in your day...fore until you begin to fully change in your heart, in the way that you see and know the Creative Force that breathed you into the existence of 'life,' then My Words and My Love will remain as 'abandoned' in you, as you continue to cycle along the Karmic Wheel of your 'life' you fall headlong into the disaster of your woes you've created to try to circumvent the Great Love of My Heart.
So then, here is My Challenge to see, this continued cycling back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, truly does you no good in this 'life.' So I now aske--do you think it's time to truly drop all 'past lives' you have known, so you can walk into My Pathe of Pure Life?
You see, I created for each and every one of you to grow to Become just the True Perfection of Love as you moved and you flowed in My Ways, so If you will begin to drop of your chains and walk forward in Love, then you'll begin your walk Homeward in Me--okay?
You see, this continued going back and forth in the past truly does not propel you into your New Future of Me, so if you will stop in your continued reflecting of the past, then you will learn to see My Forest within the walls of your trees, so you'll learn to perfect your New Image of Me...does this seem like something that would be of interest to you?
(I then asked the Lord if He could explain the word 'reincarnation'?)
You see, this
terminology and
thought process of a continued
living in the past, and why you/One would need to heal all the hurts from the past, is truly not of My doing when it comes to your Perfection of a clean heart in Me.
So, If you could just give-up the notion in your thinking that this 'past life regression' must be healed and then sealed before One can move forward in 'life,' then you'll walk forward in Love here in Me--okay?
Fore again, the way of My Truthe and My Light in your heart ALWAYS begins and ends with you recognition of your-'self' here
with and
in Me.
So then, here is the REAL reason that you are here on this Plane--
to grow to Become your True Perfection of Me as you move and you flow in your ways...and If you will concentrate on this particular pathe of your dreams, then you'll grow in-to the Pure Heart of 'My Change.'
So then, this particular notion of a
'reincarnation' of birthe is truly just a folly in its perspective of One's attaining their new 'life' with Me; fore remember, the way of My Truthe and My Light in One's heart ALWAYS begins and ends with your recognition of your-'self' here in Me--okay?
So then, please be thinking about this, each and every day, fore
how and
why each of you continues on in My Pathe of True Love will determine if One will move forward in 'life,' as they STOP the Karmic cycle of a life yet undone and walk forward in-to the pathe of Pure Life...
And please know that the way you presently see and know
'time' in your life is just your particular way that you relate to your-'self' here in Me-- so there truly is NO NEED for a continued cycle of rebirthe there in 'time' that exists in a parallel universe outside the boundaries of Me...fore remember, all points begin and end here
with and
in Me--see?
So then, the more that you can begin to see just
who and
in whom you truly are in My Land, then you'll have no need for a
regression of life, fore
One's past should remain as just a
'past' with/in you, as it forms and cycles you into My Pathe of Pure Life...are you beginning to see what I mean, and why this continued re-hashing and re-cycling of your past in your life will not propel you into your future
with and
in Me?
You see, if you will STOP in your continued
'walks of the past' and instead learn more to just 'walk into My Future of Love,' then you will learn to see and to know EXACTLY how I work in your land, as you see how EVERYTHING works together in the Great Heart of My Flow...fore remember,
all points begin and end here with and in Me.
So now, My dear Wendy, this particular message and answer is done, please post this today so that all may begin to read, and discover what it is that speaks to them between the lines of these words, and if any of these readers or viewers wishes to aske further questions of you in this idea of
'reincarnation' in the 'past-lives regression of self,' please direct them to come to Me and to aske their personal question directly to Me so that I may answer what they still need to hear--okay?
I Love you all with a trememdous amount of Joy that cannot be expressed to you beneath the walls of these words, but please do know in your heart and your soul, that I just stand here in Love, as I wait patiently for you to open your door.
So I have one fianl question for you--will you open the Great Door to your heart, so you can welcome Me back into your soul?
Wendy, please let them know how they may attain the beautiful prayer I have given to you, to welcome Me back into your heart--okay?
I Love you, 'time' now to go. Amen."
(The prayere that the Lord is referring to is called 'The Welcoming in of The Divine Light,' and can be found in the bookstore on this blog or any of the cds'--send me a message and I can tell you how to attain one :-)